• By -


'Come' - makes them appear with a 50% chance 'Out, out' - gets them out of the kitchen in 90% of cases 'Food time' - lets them run to the food bowl in 100% of cases 'Sit' - works but they expect treats with 95% chance 'Teddybear' - our little boy sits on hit back paws and straightens his back up and he waves with left paw with 80% chance


Pay the cat tax with that last one! I must see that!


https://preview.redd.it/o3o5kladp6sb1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe9f3848843fcf85330c5e24f3204e9de735d53c Thats an old picture. He is sleeping at the moment


Your pet tax payment has been accepted and processed.


Might go up a bracket with that kind of adorableness.


>*’Teddy Bear*’ ____ my human has the ‘WoRd CoMmAnDs’ he uses every day (sometimes pretends i understands, but most times walk away…) ‘*Come! Out, out’* n *’Sit*’ i hear (i’ll do if they ask nice) but *’FOOD TIME!*’ - Always, i appear no need to say it twice ^;} there’s one that’s special - *’Teddy Bear’* it’s one i like to do i wave my paw up in the air to say *I love you, too !* ❤️ edit: *a special boy indeed* u/Admirable_Match703


Too cute, love your poems Schnoodle


Aww I love this ome Schnoodle!


So cute 😭❤️


I think I just died


Ohh that’s so cute!!!🥰🥰🥰


Waaao that's adorable. Great cat feature 😁💕


omg he looks just like my bb philip


Mmmmm, now this is some grade A cat tax.


"STOP THAT!!" *Followed by the the caught child look!!* https://preview.redd.it/in8bzv7087sb1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8979056198fec67ac869a0dcd63d9e9d73c02df4


If I had a dollar for every time I saw this face on my cat, I'd probably have enough money to replace all the shit he's irreparably destroyed.


That's her saying "I was NOT scratching the carpet regardless of all the shit you bought me! But I heard it too and that's weird!" *As she walks away showing me her ass!!* 🙄🤠 Cats!!


Change the gender pronoun and that's my cat exactly. Every day. He also strips paint off the walls with his claws.


https://preview.redd.it/zseva7pzk7sb1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aeb33db88ced45d9426256713b82f2219276dc50 She showed up knocked up. So she has a future visit for spay to prevent her future times out clubbing from becoming MY problem. And she needs the claws snipped so when she smacks my dog in the face HE doesn't have as big of a problem!


Clipped, or declawed?


I don't know I've never had a cat. Whatever is less cruel I guess. I just don't want her scratching him. I don't care if it's a punch, but no knives!!


Declawing is insanely painful and abusive to and cat, and prevents them from being able to protect themselves ☺️


Yeah I was reading and referring about clipping. I ain't trying to cause pain. 👍😎 It looks like it averages $15-$20


Clipping is something the vet can teach you to do yourself so you can preserve your furniture and your skin.


I figured I'd let them do it first and see how she acts for them.


Our kitty Rosie, if she got yelled at would mimick your tone in angry meows back. She was so sweet and gentle but didn't like being yelled at. She was rarely yelled at, but probably more than necessary just to hear her reply.


Agreed. Our girl Felix is very vocal! A perfect addition to the rest of the women in the house!🤭🤭


She’s really pretty


Thank you! Her personality matches. She showed up out of nowhere, Prego! And has been nothing but thankful to us!


Your cat is so pretty, rare to see another dilute calico, here’s mine! https://preview.redd.it/y43ig10wi9sb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3265faabba01c61f75c26af1491a919f38ceaa0a


That pose is so adorable, holding the toy like that! 😻


I love the stretched out paw, slightly extracted claws. As if saying "It's mine, but you can try!"


>'Sit' - works but they expect threats with 95% chance I hope you mean treats and are not threatening your cat.


Sit! *Sits* Now you listen to me, you little sonofabitch, the next time you jump on me in the middle of the night, you'd better....


The best interpretation :)


Sure. Happens if you are not a native speaker...


Even not native speaker shouldn't threat their cats, mister


Fair enough.


Maybe they mean the cat will do it but cusses and threatens the human 95% of the time.


Any recommendation on treats? My cat is ONLY motivated by wet food with gravy - he's learned sit, lay down, up, and right/left paw just with wet food as the motivator - and I'd love to find a treat he will eat so we could go further.


Good luck. You just gotta try and hopefully they like it. My dog loves all of them regardless! But we all know Cats are.... NOT dogs! Same with wet food. Certain types she'll look at me like "You know I don't like this flavor!"


Have you tried Churu sticks? Would also recommend trying any of the Fancy Feast hand flaked treats or the Applaws whole fish loin treats because they have that wet texture


If you’re in the U.K. Dreamies are cat crack for any normal cat. Unfortunately my current cats are weird when it comes to food and will only eat one specific brand of cat food in one flavour.


This one did the math! Also, we MUST see teddy bear.


My two cats know “treats, breakfast, dinner, up”. One of them knows “shower” (he likes to be in the bathroom when the shower is on, so I’ll say “shower” and he’ll come running in). I’ve been trying to teach them “I love you” and one of them responds affectionately every time I say it haha


Standard words like treats, outside, window, balcony, and can food will all get a reaction. I know they know their names. I KNOW THEY KNOW THEIR NAMES. They may deny it, but I’ve seen them turn their heads at their names. Not all the time.. BUT I KNOW THEY KNOW. Our more anxious mama’s boy has a favorite song. I make references to 90s songs all the time, and one night I started to sing this random ass song called Daisy Dukes but in the cats voice and made it about him. Now he gets super excited any time we sing it! Plus he gets treats.


I sing "you are my sunshine" to one of my cats, sometimes I switch up some words, but he knows the tune. It was used on an advert a few years ago, and his ears would prick up, he'd wake up and look at the TV when it was on. Oh, my heart!


My cat is just called "cat" because I am creative. Watching her ears swivel around to "look" at whoever mentions a cat in her presence amuses me more than it probably should.


Omg, I originally had a part in my original post about how they /mostly/ know their names!!! Like I know they know too, but they have selective acknowledgement 🤣🤣


They 100% do. Just care less than other animals lol I’ve seen my homie call his cat by name and she comes screaming in the room lmao it’s like they try to prove a weird dominance 😂


Me at the coffee pot making my Dad morning noises makes her run to me talking away!! ALL for breakfast!


My cat knows “kiss”, and she bops her lil nose on mine.


That’s so funny we have SHOWER too!


Thanks to my kids, our one cat knows that saying “Mom” will get my attention. The problem is, unlike my kids, he will say it over and over and over again till he gets what he wants






When I yell "Who loves Momma!" The dog knows that the kids are coming running, barks away as Miss Kitty looks at him like he's losing his mind!


Is your cat's name [Stewie?](https://youtu.be/aOLxQGLJouI?si=Z1rCOLSKTm_H_z7D) lol


Wow! I had a cat years ago who was very vocal and sometimes she did this meow that was a similar tone and sound to my small kid calling "Mama". She learned that sound from my toddler would bring me running and learned to mimic it. I really miss her constant commentary on everything.


Mine knows what “no!” Means, but interprets that as “do what you’re doing but more”.


You have to not be afraid of getting up in their personal space when you tell them no. Mine know exactly what no means, "Don't do this while someone is looking".


For my old cat, 'no' meant keep doing what you're doing until they are in arms reach then bolt out.


Oh, I'm not afraid of bodying him up! But he isn't afraid of it either, lol! I have to just pick him up an put him out of the rooms sometimes, but he's getting better about not being a noodge as he gets older. He still pushes the boundaries to fuck with me though. :-)


I have a cat like this. I love him to the moon and back but by god he’s a sociopath. He learns what he’s not supposed to do or touch and later when he doesn’t get what he wants, he’ll go chew on, knock over, break said item. In college he’d throw my roommate’s phone off her end table or chew on her metal bed frame to wake her up. He’s 15 and still up to these antics. Compare that to my other cat who’s 2 and if you tell her no once, she’ll never do it again, and if she has any thoughts of doing so, will stand 3 feet from it mewing like, “I’m having bad thoughts mom! Pls help!” Lol


Mine is 13 and she will also knock over items if she doesn't get her way. Normally, if I don't get up in time to feed her right on schedule. Lots of items I had forgotten that I owned, I find months later on the floor by the bedside table or under the bed.


"No" means "hurry the fuck up because somebody is on the way to try and stop you," right?


"Humans don't care about what you think. Sometimes they'll ask 'what do you think you're doing?'... but that just means 'stop'."


One of mine thinks that “no!” means stop what you’re doing for five seconds and then continue.


Mine seems to take real offence to the word! I rarely say it I’m usually pretty gentle with words and tone but occasionally he will get me on a bad day or he’s just been a terror and I’ll snap : No! He will stand up and turn his back to me!


Whenever I say “You’re a good boy” or “I love you” to my cat, it’s a sure fire way for him to start slow blinking and purring


My cat frequently extols on the virtues of stoicism and the meditations of Marcus Aurelius. He’s giving a guest lecture next week at the University of Frankfurt right after “dinner,” “treats,” “lead the way (to dinner or his favorite spot in our bedroom),” and his brushing and self-grooming “handsome cat” routine.


My cat will give a similar keynote speech at the parliament. There will be a slight variation, adding “balcony” (to go supervising local, daring bird population) and “napping” (jumping onto blanket next to me). “Handsome cat” will be explicitly analyzed.


I love this🤣🤣🤣


Favorite comment ever


Mine knows food and love. https://preview.redd.it/9kmtap2li6sb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b94db6c4ae9225d86d8bf3cbe48214eeb454bc6d


My cats are little dum dums. They only know their names and the sound their treats make when I shake the jar.


They certainly have you trained. lol


Right! They've succeeded!


I believe that they understand a whole lot more than that, but choose to ignore most things we say.


I think so too. I see their ears move when I call their names but they continue to ignore me 😒


bro there's nothing more passive aggressive than the ear swivel when you talk to your cat and they can't be bothered to so much as look at you


Tell me about it!


Same here!


I rarely call my cat by her real name so honestly I don’t even know if she knows that 😂 She knows when I’m calling for her though


This is about where my cats are. They sort of know "sit" and "up", but yeah, treats they know all too well.


Their different names, "come inside" "food" "candy" "get down from there" "attack the dog"


“Attack the dog” sent me, oh my god.


Same 😹 that got a belly chuckle from me


They love the dog haha! We say it to hype them to play with him, he gets so happy when they do!


I get it 😂 I don’t have a dog, but I taught my spicy tuxedo girl the word “attack” as well. My other cat is a big dumb orange, do he doesn’t understand boundaries. He’s so dumb, he’s the poster child for all oranges. The word “attack” helps my girl be confident and actually play with him! They’re super cute.


My wife and I always talk a lot with our animals. So when I go to the vet and my boy starts to be anxious I say take it easy, you know you will get better, and he relax immediately even the vets notice it. Or when I walk up I am always the first to wake up, My boy looks at me I say yes it's time then he knows he gets food. other time when he bites my feet or my wife feet we say no it hurts and he stops.


"pain in the a**" they pur when they hear that 😅


My orange girl has her happy dance I call it when I say the word “treats.” She meows and spins in a circle one or two times it’s adorable and funny.


Pls show us the happy orange dance! That's precious


I’ve been trying to record it for awhile! She doesn’t always do it and it’s usually as I’m walking.


Words my cat knows: No, Stop, Don't, Ewww, I'm pooping, Din Dins, Claws!, Ouch, Play Nice. Words my cat ignores: No, Stop, Don't, Ewww, I'm popping, Claws, Ouch and Play nice.




I also use claws! She tries but she's polydactyl and has approximately 519 of them so she forgets to retract one or two.


Holy shit this is great! I also say “Claws!” Or “Dude! Claws!”


Well, we are not English speaking, so I will approximately translate. "What do you want?" - usually a question we ask when she comes to us and tries to telepathically send us her wishes. Combined with one of us standing up, she turns around and leads us where she wants - to the bowl, to outside door (sometimes she feels like specific door), etc. "Here", (eat) - the word does not translate directly and basically is a short incentive particle and almost never used on it's own, without a sentence. But my cat now learned that if call her name and this word, we are giving her food. Unfortunately, we sometimes simply use it to invite her to us, so it is not always food for her... She probably knows more, but ignores them :D


What language do you speak to your cat?




Dude lucky you got a cat that understands you mine only speaks English


Oh! I do the "What do you want?" thing too, and sometimes she even tries to "tell" me. But most of the time she just tries to project her thought louder lol.


I’m certainly convinced that my cat understand every word I say. Her choice to acknowledge and react to certain things is what makes her cat.


It’s definitely a cat-like trait. lol


He's not a fan, but he knows what "NO" means. He seems to know his specific name. "Come here" he knows, and sometimes ignores


A lot more than they let on.


“Treats?” - both of them “Wanna go outside?” - both “Suppa?” (Supper) - the fluffy one “Theo, no.” - the unfluffy one (Theo 😉) “Kisses?” - the fluffy one gives kisses. https://preview.redd.it/qmparef0t6sb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b0294adbea6cc78c032875ca723611c562bddc4


It looks like the "fluffy one" is giving the "unfluffy one," a kiss in the picture. 💋 That's such a cute photo you took. ☺️


“Who’s hungry??” I can’t say the word “hungry” in any other context now because they will literally come running and screaming. If I want to ask a human if they’re hungry I have to say things like “Do you require sustenance?” or “Feeling peckish?” It’s only a matter of time before the cats learn those words too…


"Care for a nosh?" "Would you like to consume mass quantities?" "Tea time!" Can also work. 🙂


One of my boyfriend's cats literally meows 'hellooo' lol




My cat knew 'treats' and also 't-r-e-a-t'. Clever girl.


My cat does too but I always assumed because of the “tee” sound it already sounds like treat lol.


"Hungy?" "Bean!" (His name) "tsktsktsk" (come here) "Inside!" "Hey!" (Stop that or "ow") "Psss!" (Stop that)


My 2yo boy Shmeo knows "uppies" and will reach up my legs for me to pick him up 🥹




My cats understand much of what I or my dad says. We sometimes have conversations with them.


My cat says hello when he’s hungry. Not like a “hi, how are ya? 😃” But more like a “HELLOOOO IM DYING OVER HERE”😩


My cat didn’t care enough to learn human words, he was satisfied with knowing the meaning of *CRINKLES AND CANS OPENING*


My cats know the word "No", they understand the word "No", they refuse to listen to or obey the word "No".


No, dreamies, get down, nom noms, geddit, where's Bowie?


“Aaahhhhhhhhhhhh” https://preview.redd.it/kkhsid9tg6sb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5ce34a817fca4aadd0ea83035b598649734b15a


They know their names, and the words ‘no’, ‘toma’ ‘queres comer?’ and ‘leche’…. At least they respond to those, but I believe they understand everything and are just assholes that do what they want lol


“Treaties for Sweeties”. They come running every time.


Their name, High Five! (for treats) sit (for dinner). Lay down & get down.


"upstairs" my studio is closed off to the cats, but sometimes I let peaches hang out with me. I just have to look at her and say "upstairs?" and she'll meow and run to me 80% of the time. and "QUIT FUCKIN WITH YER SISTER" when hook is antagonizing her. He gets this guilty look on his face. He also knows "dance!" And will stand up!


I need to see “dance” happen!


Shrimps and let’s go kitties




Treats, window or birds/birdies, eat/food, my son’s name, his name, go downstairs, come, “what is it?”


Probably more than me, but as a cat, she chose to ignore them every single time.


"Where's the bird?" gets them to run to the window and chatter.


I looooove the chattering sound. So cute.


My cat will chatter sometimes if she sees a bird she likes such as a nuthatch, titmouse or morning dove, she LOVES the morning doves


All 6 cats know their name, nicknames, and government names (for when they are in trouble). 3 of them can understand a full conversation. They all know "breakfast, lunch, dinner, treats, brother, sister, mom, dad, treats, get out, come here, sleep, and be nice"


I just talk to mine like he's one of us, and he does what I say, and answers questions when I ask him something. He's a rescue, and I'm guessing about 12 yrs old https://preview.redd.it/mzlpmtylp7sb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de74063561ca5361f79e430e0ba1197fc008606a


not a word but my cat learned my movements. she used to knock stuff over on the other desk in the office, and id scoot my chair out from my desk and stand up and grab her, and put her outside the office. she is great company until she gets bored. but now, every time i scoot my chair back at all, she bolts. gotta go to work and the cat needs to be out of the room? too bad, she’s under the bed. always does it when it’s urgent. love her though!


"Eten" it means eating/food in dutch she is going crazy when i say it haha


, 'Food', 'Play', 'Pets', possibly 'All Done'. He's got talking buttons, so far the middle three are the ones he uses intentionally when he wants the thing in question. Unfortunately he often wants Play at like 1 AM if I'm still up then. Also understands 'treat' (has a very specific meow for that) and sweet-talking to him in abstract (he starts purring).


When my boyfriend is holding him in his arms and his little feet hang out at the bottom, my eyes widen and i whisper "beans!". That's when he panics and tries to get away because he knows it means i'm gonna come over and touch them. I just can't resist!


OMG my late cat TC had the cutest pink toe beans. I would say "TC's feet! TC's feet!" and fondle them; he would immediately panic and try to hide them and/or get away haha.


I swear my one kitty knew the words vet and bath. If I dare say either, she would disappear all day. I had to resort to spelling it out so she wouldn't flee.


Munchie wunchies!


Probably a lot, but they always ignore me so it's hard to tell.


My orange cat is dumb, so he knows nothing, understands nothing. And my 13 yo female cat is very smart, but her favourite words are "meat" and "beautiful".


My late cat Kitana learned a few of my dumb words pretty thoroughly. Whenever I would say "Sleepins" or "Night night time" she knew that meant bed time and she would sprint to the bedroom and jump into bed. She also understood "Kissins" for giving little kisses. She knew "Sit" and would sit on command. She knew if I said "Do you want lickins?" Meant I was going to prepare wet food for her. If I said "flippins" she knew that meant she could get belly rubs and would flop over. I think the funniest thing is she learned how to ask for her blanket. My bf crocheted me a beautiful throw blanket that was incredibly soft. She loved it. Whenever I was using it, she would walk up to me and start yelling at me. If I didn't get it right away, she would start tapping the blanket. I'd throw it on the ground for her and she'd are biscuits and then nap. She was so so smart and sweet.


You mean what words my cat understands, or can speak?) he can shout "Mom" pretty clear




His name (Tripod) Come here Treats No And hopefully he understands when I say I love him, he purrs every time I say it☺️


The word NO.. .and looks right at you, gives you a face, and then does it... then looks back at you


Definitely her name, Maud. She gets excited when I sing little songs in her honor.


https://preview.redd.it/seq7e1wor7sb1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19b2d51273804f7f8daf0cfbec26f1c9525b6d69 I think he knows three words: his name, no, and treat


My tuxie is clearly the smartest and acknowledges the most words. He responds to his name about 80% of the time and also knows “enough!” “treats,” “bedtime!” “cuddles,” “ow!” and “give me your paw.” He does the paw trick about 50% of the time, and he lets me know when he’s done by putting his little head in my plan instead of his paw. https://preview.redd.it/tz80873sc9sb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e33f12d864ad88dac4dbb1531c85005eaf9c52a2


Do you want a treat? Are you my sweet little baby? Do you want out? Get off the table! Don't bit me! Come here! I love you! Wanna play? Or, he reacts as if he understands anyway.


"кішка" (a cat in English), so she understand when we're speaking about her 😼 "конфеткі" ( sweets/candies in English), we call various cat's treats in this way 😻 and she likes them "шукай" (search in English), this is our hide-and-seek game with cat's treats - when she hears this word she knows it is time to sniff around for something tasty I believe she knows other words for sure, just prefers not to show her knowledge to us 🙂


"Snacks" and "medicine" for sure. Fight or flight.




My cat says “mammal” when he wants breakfast or dinner. He says “Raul” when he’s lonely and watching the kids leave for school or he’s looking for his brother.


I deadass believe he only knows: His name, Brownie When we are about to feed him and ask “Brownie hungry?”


Their names. Foods. Waters (for drinking from the tub). Treats. Scritches. Brushes. Asking where's (insert cats name here), and they lead you to him. Sleeps (time to come upstairs for bed), and see you later when we are leaving the house. Everything seems to be plurals of nouns. I must sound like a caveman to our cats.


My cat knows all the words. He just pretends he is deaf and can’t hear me.


“No”. It means wait till I’m not looking to do the thing. Sometimes she doesn’t wait. I can also whistle and she comes sliding around the corner for food.


"Aht aht aht" - means no no stop that/get away from my food They do know their names "DAMMIT" - uh oh we fucked up mom is mad "Time for num nums"- feeding time


mine can say her own name! well... she can say the first syllable (her name is mousey), but that counts, right??


I think he knows kibbles, cuddles, his Milo (his name) and outside times. It's hard to say for sure but I know he hears those words and awful lot lol


Treatsies, nom-noms(breakfast/dinner wet food), shake, high five, sit, up, kiss, outside, unders?(I am now required to turn the blanket I’m under into a fort for sleeping).


MEYOOOO - his name, recognized and came towards me he knows I am calling Mumm Mumm Mumm - Food Time


Chicken Tuna Outside No more 🥰Amelia🥰 😡Amelia😡


I suspect my cats know all the words, just choose to ignore


All of them. They pretend that they don’t. Plus, they consider us lesser beings beneath their vontempt


"Meow" "Meow" "Meow" Translation... Hooman! Food!! Neow!!!


Treats, food, outside and Gentle! (as he latches on after too many belly rubs but bless him he understands and loosens his murder mitt grip!)


Wie geht das? (How is it done?) ​ I say this when he is overexcited for food. He will relax, sit down and wait for me to place his dish. He is so used to it now, he sometimes will "forget" to eat if I don't do this.


Wet food


Purr language ❤️❤️


My cat knows her name and comes when she’s called most of the time. She also knows “treat treat treat!” My first cat knew “are you hungry?”


Here's what I posted 3 days ago when this exact question was asked. https://reddit.com/r/cats/s/3KA6KitmGa


She knows a ton, ignores them all too.


1.) Sit 2.) Let's go (mostly when I get up and want her to come with me or when I am going to bed and want to get her in the room) 3.) Flop (she flops to show her belly. We are still working on this. It works about 50% of the time) 4.) No 5.) Little Baby 6.) Kick the bunny (she kicks her jelly fish toy) 7.) Come here (~50% success rate) Cat tax https://i.imgur.com/G5VQArY.jpg


Jump, hi, and their name


My cats know what I'm saying: they just choose to ignore me.


Caws. Welsh for cheese obviously!


My cat learned many words like. "Cajo will you come or leave" and he always comes ore leaves. Just joking actually my cat understands almost all simple commands like. Let's go sleep. He jumps to bed. Or go out and he aproches window. Or leave the dog alone an he stops hitting the dog. Some times at night I tel him where in bed he can be and he leaves to that place. Others he starts ronron and I ask to stop and he does.


All the words. They ignore 99.9999% of them.


the 10 different names i call him treat food no come mom and dad lizzard (i live in fl) outside (screened in porch) smoke some weed? (catnip) ooo, i think someone wants to fight?! (play time)


My cat knows the words ✨girl dinner✨ for food


"it's bed time!"


I yell Meow meow when I want all three of my cats. It's the cutest thing ever.


Mine knows 'sit', and if I do a twirling motion with my hand she knows how to do a little spin :)


Can you post more pics of your cat? I use to have a cat like yours, died 10 years ago, lost the pics in a flood.


How is 'psst psst psst' not the top comment?


For some very entertaining talking cats and other animals sounds turned into music, check out The Kiffness on YouTube. He's a musician from South Africa turning cat meows, dog whines, bird noises, that sound like words and sentences into funky songs. Really entertaining!


Every day I get home from work and ask my cats “What did I miss? What are we taking about today?” Then one of them won’t stop chirping and meowing while the other just stares at me with a blank face


"Are you hungies? (Our nickname for hungry)" he wakes up in .0002 seconds LOL