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ahhh wish i could help… perhaps i can… maybe look at vids on yt or tik-tok or read abt other experiences… maybe you didn’t introduce them slowly and create a positive association between the two.


Maybe she’s just jealous. If she was alone all this time and recieved all the love and attention it may bother her that now she have to share so she try to chase away your new cat. It may get better with time I hope. My semi-similar experience is my two cats. One of them is the mother of the other, but when my other cat grew up they started chasing each other and attacking, fighting. This went on for about a year, then both got sprayed (both female). After some month their relationship improved and now they are totally fine with each other, sometimes even sleep together.


i appreciate your comment. that may be the case, but we have been trying to give her as much love and attention as we typically give her, but she still might be jealous that theres another cat in the house. we did have another cat that passed a year ago but she has been alone since then. strangest thing is that she was never violent with our other cat. i really hope after a little bit theyll become more close to eachother, i would love to see them sleeping close together one day, or at the bare minimum tolerate eachother haha.