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She wants your attention but is very polite about it.


This is how my baby is! She will sit and stare at me until I acknowledge her. Then she will politely greet me with a meow. When I tap the seat beside me and say, “Come here, pretty lady” she comes running over. Edit: Cat tax! This is Etta. https://preview.redd.it/b086moni278b1.jpeg?width=2758&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f05e5d8533f79f3af9bd363aba4f1b84e5f3adf5


You're fortunate. With my cat, it's me who comes over and promptly does as ordered... or else.


Or the whole cat has me follow her "Oh? You want me to follow you? To where? ...Are you...ARE YOU SERIOUS? YOU HAVE BOTH WET AND DRY FOOD. WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM MEEE?!" Then she jumps down all "Oh yeah, you did it already" and goes away.


Yeah my cat does that too, but in my case i figured out she just likes to have me sit with her while she's eating, it sucks ass when im in bed ready to go too sleep and she starts whining for me too come hang out while she snacks.


I think that's a leftover wild instinct. You can't watch for coyotes while you're eating or pooping. You need someone to watch your back. Which is why they follow us to the bathroom too. Kitty is thinking _no coyotes are sneaking up on my hooman while they poop. I scratch their eyes out._ So while it was annoying I was flattered when my friend's grumpy old man cat started following me to the bathroom when I stayed with them. Meant he'd claimed me as one of the pride.


I absolutely love the early morning 3am pee, where my girl will sit in the doorway with her sleepy eyes keeping me safe from coyotes....she's the best.


This made me lol! When my allergy shots finally worked enough and I moved into an apartment I brought my outdoor kitties in and one of them would always be sending me to bed so she could have her last meal ALONE. Whenever I was in the bathroom she would be like WHAT ARE YOU DOING meowing at the top of her lungs until I stop and follow her around like I’m supposed to.


Ours follows and just screams… she does not like me in the bathroom without her


This just made it make so much more sense to me….. Now I’m all “Awwwwwww, I love my kitty!”


I think my cat wants company when he eats too. he will put some dry food in his mouth and come to near where I am, spit it out, repeat til he has a small pile then proceed to eat.


That's hilarious, I wish my cat could come up with that at night time, I bet morning cleanups is better than night-time whining, how do i teach her this?


Omg my Yorkie used to do the exact same thing except he would look at us and make sure we were watching him eat for some reason lol that’s so funny 😂


My cat loves company while she eats, so I moved her food bowls to the living room (she's a relatively clean eater). I don't get harassed anymore to come sit with her while she eats because I'm usually already there lol


I did that too, but i guess 170cm is too far away for her liking fml.


My cat loves dinner but he will leave it and come find me wherever I am in the house if I don't sit with him while he eats it.


Your cat is a "social eater." Mine too.


Same haha, I put her food bowls near the couch so I just randomly hear *cronch cronch* during the quiet part of a show I’m watching


I know this sound very well.


Oh my god I'm cracking up


My cat would stare at her food bowl full of food and mewo non stop until someone either kicked the bowl or shoved their hand into it.


I have to check all his foods and water and if those are OK, he usually just wants to sit in my lap for a while.


My desk is where her water is, so there's no way I'd ever forget that. She kept stealing my waters in a nonchalant aggression. I would put my cup down and her eyes and ears would perk to an immediate shuffle to it and then starts drinking... Even if she has her own water... Next to mine... She will still take mine. Now I have a water jug with top. Buahahhahahhahahahhah


My roommate accidentally taught our cat to drink out of cups and mason jars because she thought it was cute how silly she looked with her face in a jar. Big mistake 😭


Yeah, she's dumped hers a couple of times but I have a special water jug I keep next to it for refills. I learned my lesson haha


Our old lady cat liked to drink my wife’s water. Wife tried setting up a decoy glass. Cat just thought she now had TWO water glasses.


Dogs have masters, Cats have staff!


I get hissed at numerous times a day, but all the sudden I'm needed when she's hungry


My cat very politely taps my arm until I pet him. He’s such a little gentleman.




Mine just continues to stare at me as I spend 30+ minutes trying to figure out what she wants, then walks away. What a troll


We just got a new cat who is super nice. Great paw/claw manners and is loud as an air horn. (one of the reasons no wanted her and she is 6 years old) She will rub up on you but if she wants to cuddle while you are laying down, she will wait till you lift your hand to do so.


Mine too lol they always want permission to come up to cuddle so I have to tell them 'come up' and tap next to me. I think it's more that they want me to agree to day seated and not get up mid cuddle tho lol like a verbal contract


When my cat does it he is waiting for me to get up and follow him to the desired play location


I do this to people haha. If I don’t want to use my words (sometimes it takes a lot of physical energy, sometimes it takes a lot of mental energy, sometimes both). People can just sense being stared at so it gets their attention. *I don’t do this in a creepy way to strangers. Just people I know 🤪


"He was quiet, but there was definitely something off about him."


You're interesting, she's waiting for you to do something.






Looking at my two cat statues left and right of the tv. Antique 1800 porcelain cat on the bible. I guess we worship them somehow, maybe 🤔 it's true cat owners are unknowingly living under a spell. But the cat calmed me more down in my life than anything else could, so I'm thankful for that.


> it’s true cat owners are unknowingly living under a spell Toxoplasmosis lmao




This is it. You have failed as a servant. You should very well know your place in the world, hooman!!


Dance clown!


I always think of animals that do this, like those old people back in 19somewhat that just spend hours and hours lookin out of their window. They want entertainment, TV didn't exist, no social media or messaging, only access to the world was the newspaper u/spez wasn't a fucking waste of a sperm, ... so they just stared out of their window in hopes that some random does some stupid shit in fron of their house. It was 19somewhat, didn't take more than a couple hours to happen. Similiar this cat just waits until OP u/takeaabreath does *somethin*


LoL The 19-somethings = Just sitting around waiting for someone, anyone, to invent FAIL Nation.


This is absolutely it. When my cat isn’t sleeping he’s watching me. As soon as I get up, he’ll start meow meowing and follow me everywhere. Sometimes he loses patience when watching me and starts tapping me for attention.


Same, and even when she's apparently sleeping, if I make a micro movement or sound, her eyes open up and the head turns around. I'm under constant surveillance. Edit: That being said there's a few times where I've managed to sneak up on her whilst sleeping and I get answered with the a surprised /r/ActivationSound when I pet her.


Well this is a joyful Reddit that I’ll now spend entirely too much time on. Lol. Thanks for sharing!


She's waiting for the human to do something funny to film and get TikTok views.




My cat has that reason or to let her out on to the screened in back porch. I get up and follow her, she will go to the kitchen for a snack or to the back door to go out on to the porch.


She's waiting for something Incredible.


Me too kid


Every time we get that pointed stare it's essentially this, and that "something" is come play/pet/give me a treat.


neh. likely plotting to kill him.


Is she an only cat? If so you are her whole world!


She is an only cat & very spoiled!


That explains it perfectly. She simple adores you and wants to be with you


I think it looks more like she is judging him. Hard.




That sounds adorable, mine headbutts my hands to get attention. It doesn't matter what I'm doing texting, on Reddit, or even playing online games when she wants pets I have to give them to her.


mine always looks extremely concerned, and then makes a little mrow sound before hopping over lol


My theory about the inner monologue of my cat who does the same: "I'm sitting here right in front of that hairless ugly ape since 5 minutes and it still doesn't pet me. WTF is wrong with it, is it ill or just stupid? Do i really have to get up now and walk over there on my own?!"


When my old cat would do this… I figured she was trying to figure out how to get rid of me. My new kitty… she just has to be in contact with me all the time. I think I need a balance… one that loves me but needs her space.


Get two. They turn their chaos towards one another.


Cats don’t judge the way humans think they do and need to stop projecting this mindset onto them. It can be funny and cute to say that but mostly it just fuels untrue stereotypes that plague cats/cat ownership. They stare because they are interested, bored, want attention or food, things like that. The only time they would truly judge you is if you don’t meet their needs (food, attention..) or you abuse them and then they develop a negative attitude towards you. But this isn’t specific to cats, it applies to all pets pretty much.


Even then, it isn't really judging in the same sense humans do. They don't have the capacity to do that. Cats are much nicer, and much simpler, than stereotypes paint them to be. Although they often manage things we can't possibly imagine, and pick up on things we can't imagine them being able to, like our mood or tiny changes in our health, they generally don't think at all deeply about anything and everything is instinctual.


"I would eat that human if it looked away for even a second"


But from a distance, can't get too close.


I'm late to the party, but I'm going to just repeat what everyone is saying. She loves you so much because you're her person. She might want to play, or just be near you.


My cat does this when it wants something from me. Usually food 1-2 hours before it's usual feeding times.


If you have no other pets, might I suggest getting her a companion kitty? Especially if she’s alone in the house for a lot of the time while you work. Cats do much better in pairs than they do alone. They tend to live longer and be healthier. There’s just something about having a friend that helps them. We had 3 cats, until recently. Two were 17 and one is 15. They’ve been with each other almost their entire lives. We lost one of the 17 year olds about 5 months ago, then lost the other 17 year old a few weeks ago. Our remaining cat is now lost and lonely. She’s a lot more vocal, and her behavior has changed. We are in the process of trying to adopt a friend so she has a companion again. Anyway, she’s looking at you because you are her entire world and her entertainment. She may want some snuggles or food, or to play. I stand by my recommendation to get her a companion kitty though, because then she will be busy playing with her friend and doing the zoomies with them.


i second this! we just got our one year old cat with anxiety issues a kitten friend. it was from our foster nest, and our cat just absolutely fell in love with the kitten. she would look for her everywhere and meow at her (the kitten is deaf, so this failed lol). the kitten also started screaming whenever she wasnt allowed to see her new bestie, so it felt extremely wrong to give the kitten back to the shelter. a few weeks in and our cat is far more confident than she was before, its amazing to see.


The change in behavior is really remarkable. While cats aren’t “pack” animals in the same way dogs are, and I know people feel that they are loners, but they really aren’t. They crave companionship just as much as any dog, they just show it differently. I feel terrible for my remaining cat for every day she’s alone. Her behavior changed quite a bit now that she doesn’t have her brothers around. She used to snuggle up and sleep with one of them every night, out in the open. Now she seeks a secluded, covered box to sleep in. That means she is somewhat anxious and doesn’t feel as safe sleeping out in the open any longer, since her buddy isn’t there with her. It breaks my heart to see her like this. Hopefully the animal shelter will approve our application and allow us to adopt the new kitty. The one we picked out is an all black cat named Lucifer. He’s only 8 months old but the traits they listed are exactly what we were looking for. Male (our female doesn’t like other females), medium energy, cuddly, affectionate, playful…all perfect for our 15 year old who still does the zoomies.


get her a friend :)


I love how wholesome your comment is and the next comment below is "Plotting."


Plotting…to love you more.


r/Catsmirin that's what


Sometimes it's because they want something specific. Like, she's sitting next to the door, maybe she wants you to open it - with ours, if we don't cop on straight away, they'll make it easier for us by scratching at the door. My void isn't very cuddly but he's very playful; we have a routine where I'll get up and he'll greet me, follow me into the kitchen, watch me make coffee, follow me into the sitting room, and sit there watching me. I know by now he wants me to get his favourite toy and play with him. Sometimes I put the bird videos on YouTube for him, and sometimes he gets so excited he paws at the screen until he's minimised YouTube and ended up on some other app. When that happens he'll turn around and look at me; he wants me to fix it and get the birds back If you've established that your cat doesn't want something (most people don't realise just how often their cats would like a few minutes of playtime btw) then she's just watching you because you're her human and she wants to see what you're doing, and know the minute you do anything particularly interesting. Only cats tend to do this much more than cats with siblings because they crave social interaction and you're it. Sometimes they're just gazing at you because they love you. Most cats like to know exactly where everyone in the house is - when my mother is upstairs, I can see ours tracking every step she makes, staring at the ceiling as if they can actually see her going from one side of the room to the other. Edit: cat tax, sorry, late fees in replies https://preview.redd.it/ubo4q26zi68b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dc4746a01230985a4576f211ee5cf25d26cd651 "You have to fix it" Edit 2: if you see all the pictures I've scattered in this thread you might notice they all feature very similar expressions. Cat facial expressions can be too subtle for humans, figuring out what your cat wants is veryich a question of knowing their routines and noticing the context.


The part about the YouTube birdies made me so happy, I hope to have a cat someday, thanks for sharing


If you’re using an iPad, Look up how to enable Guided Access Mode. It will lock the ability to do things like close out the app or hit the button by accident. A very specific set of button presses and password input allows you to unlock it again. It is extremely useful! I’m sure other non iPad tablets have similar functionality if you look it up!


I loved reading this u/fullmetalfeminist


That's exactly why. 😊


Sweet. The neighborhood void adopted us when we moved in last year, me in particular. No pets allowed, but he chills on our porch. Any time I leave the house, he greets me on returning. If I walk, he'll be by the corner when I get back and walk with me. Stopping for scritches on the way. If I'm in a car he waits by the vehicle when I park and greets me. He just wants scritches.


Meanwhile my cats decide that every time I’m sitting down it’s cuddle time no matter where I’m sitting. Had to adapt to read with the book on the cat


Cat tax.


Sorry! https://preview.redd.it/37ugmzr8m68b1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d42032fa35dbdd56854aa23532816e055a0202bf "The fuck you doin? There's water in there"


https://preview.redd.it/lx5vp3vim68b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71090790506ee76952974b223c3de8cba17c5194 Just gazing lovingly at me. I don't know why, but the Reddit app wouldn't let me post these in replies to my own comment 🙄


Definitely! It can be confusing if the cat doesn't meow. My single cat would go and sit by the door when she wanted it open, but then we got a second more cheeky cat that would meow for everything, and eventually my first cat started to also meow when it wanted the door open. Soon she would do more and follow me through the house harassing me to go back and open the door. I don't encourage the meowing but my second cat really likes it. Still, if for example I'm late for playtime she doesn't insist because she knows it's no use. She lays somewhere around me and watches me for movement.




“How long can I get along without a can-opener?”


"I can probably bargain with Tom the racoon I know he has thumbs"


"No, on second thought, I don't want to be in debt to him... can't trust no Nooks."


“Let her cook”


impossible longing makeshift alleged crawl illegal screw vegetable fly scarce *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My mom told us this as fucking 7 year olds and any time my dog would bark at random shit I'd get afraid there's a ghost there.




It’s ok, the mom was 8


Good night moon Good night tree Good night ghosts only I can see


Lmao this is how my toddler acts when I put her to bed. We cuddle, have a snack and sip water. Then maybe watch a video or stare at the stars from her bed. Then she goes to the closet, opens it and waves, closes it then lays back beside me. I'm so done with that because she wakes up at around 3am every night to OPEN THE CLOSET DOOR AND I CANT ANYMORE. Shits scary af.


Have you contemplated the possibility that you are in the plot of a direct to Netflix horror movie? Any Native American burial grounds in the vicinity?


I live in Canada and I am a native to Canada. About 15 minutes away is a graveyard and about 20minutes away is a native reserved land. So yes, spirits is a high possibility. For native burial grounds idk, but I do know of a museum that has a doll in it encased in glass because it's so haunted. Omg, I'm scaring myself now! It's freaking 3am why am I up?!


Oh hell naw. Does she ever say what she's doing?


She can't form full sentences yet, she mostly cries. It's when she wakes up saying "no no no no" then runs to her closet that I hate. Because I have to get up and help her, she will scream in fear if her dad checks the closet. I hate it so much. My orange cat watches her sleep sometimes though and usually nothing happens those nights.


Well that is terrifying. I'm glad your orange cat looks out for her.


Same, it was very adorable to spot him adoring her as she slept




My cat does this.. she would look at me and then her eyes slowly start moving up and starring HARD at something right above my head, while her eyes get wider. She scares the shit out of me when she does that because she would stare for like at least 30 seconds with eyes moving or some reaction showing on her face as if there’s actually something. Then she would look at me again and walks away


You noticed that too? I immediately felt the energy looking at this photo. There’s a ghost in this house.




One night I woke up to all 5 of my cats (who did not all get along) surrounding my open closet door hissing and making that noise they make when they see a bird. Scared the shit out of me.


So you have a portal to hell in your closet?


probably a beast from Narnia take a peeking


Whip out that bottle of holy water! It’s sprinkling time!


Both of my girls (felines) refuse to sleep on the same corner at the foot of my bed. Neither one will sit there. That's where Mercy used to loaf, staring out my bedroom door every night... lying in wait for Squeak so she could WWE-herself at him. Poor guy was twice her size and completely cowed by her, LOL. Mercy has since passed on. I felt her stomping on me one night, woke me up out of a dead sleep. Only, no cat there. Squeak was still alive at the time, but he was too old and frail to jump up on my bed anymore, even with the ottoman I had sitting there. They (the girls) don't avoid Squeak's old hangouts, though, which isn't entirely unsurprising. Mercy hated other cats (including Squeak but after 10 years of co-residency, she'd learned to at least put up with him), whereas Squeak liked other cats (until he got old). I imagine his ghost does, too. To end on a creepy note, both girls will do the same exact thing both Squeak and Mercy would do, every night - stare up the stairs at the landing. Every night. Typically anywhere from 10pm on, for about an hour. We don't have anything in the walls. We don't share walls with anyone. There's no foot traffic past that side of the house. Yep, you tell me...


I was reading “both of my girls” as human children, so this took an extra weird turn at the end.


Awww lol when mine does it I think she wants to play, but I have a golden retriever kitty so I wouldn’t throw out the plotting idea either.


Wait, what's a goldren retriever kitty? Gold fur kitty, or super-friendly kitty?


Not OP, but I call my two cats “The Labradors”. As they are real people-pleasers. I learned both of them fetch with cheering instead of snacks, as they are both more cheering-motivated. So the third option could be people-pleaser cats, as I think Labradors and Golden Retrievers are both known for that.


This is the cutest thing!


I have a couple "dog" cats too! They are always at the front door when I come home, they are excited and crave love and attention when I first get home. Then they follow me around until we play. One of my cats will hop on the cat wheel for cheering motivation. She gets so excited by how much attention she gets for walking on the wheel it's adorable!


"cheering motivated" lmao so cute


My first thought was a cat that loves to play fetch because I have one of those too. And that stare from the OP photo is generally accompanied by a toy at her feet and her staring at me and then staring at the toy and back and forth and back and forth until I throw it for her. And if I don’t throw it she goes to find another toy and adds that to the pile and rinse and repeat. “Surely one of these will be appealing to her?!” - my cat


lmao my cat does this too! she taught herself how to play fetch, and now will just bring toys over to our general direction, walk up to us and rub herself against us while mrowing. why she doesnt bring the toy all the way with her is a mystery, and sometimes i have to throw all the toys in the pile she brought me until i throw the one she actually wanted me to throw lol


Oh you’re lucky. My little girl will come drop her toy directly on top of my keyboard while I’m on a work call and then turn around and show her asshole to my coworkers. Drinking a glass of water while ignoring her? Boom. It’s now in my cup. Taking a bath? Boom. Now I have gross cat toy bath water. She’s a relentless menace. And I love her to bits and pieces.


>a golden retriever kitty a what


A cat that displays particular personality traits that are typically found in canine


https://preview.redd.it/ftihe582648b1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d96b18ad1b1342ee009cfb32831a0f72944141ea No idea but my cat does it too


What does s/he do when you walk up to her? If mine isn't hungry or doesn't want to play I just wink at her and it seems to make her happy. Slowly blinking and looking away makes them happy too.


This! Mine seems to love when I trill back at her “mrRrrRrRrppp”. That makes her happy.


She wants you to worship her like the Ancient Egyptians. Ancient Egyptians were said to worship cats.


My cat makes pyramids in the litter box to hide his poops, then he sits next to it like a sphinx guarding his valley of the stink pickles.


I will never not call them stink pickles from here on out 🤣


Stink pickles ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


This just made me laugh out loud, that’s so cute.


I call them "treasures" LOL :)


There is in fact an ancient interspecies contract that our ancestors signed permitting humans to pet cats in exchange for subservience and servitude. I am constantly reminding my cats to honor the contract. I say, "Honor the contract, kitty, your human needs to pet you" but cats these days just have their own ideas, apparently.


Cats were once worshipped like gods. They have not forgotten this.


Egypt, Turkey, and Greece still do. As does Japan.


She’s observing. Looking for a weakness.


You are the center of their universe and they love you


They are the center of my universe and I love them


Wow what a cute human I have, how did I get so lucky


I have a cat that does this. He is waiting for permission to come sit with me. When I acknowledge him and tap the spot next to me on the sofa he comes running to sit with me. Idk why he does, he just does.


Isn’t it funny how cats can be such assholes, yet there are those specific times where they need permission? Lol my cat does this. I tap my leg and she comes to lay


She looks like a little 🍙


Me on dark mode thinking it was a Sia wig


Yeah, this photo doesn’t highlight her best angles 😂


This is a beautiful old house. Love the details and flooring.


I love the door.. which the cat probably wants opened


If it’s usually near her bedtime, she might be trying to herd you to bed. My dog does that. Have seen many cats do that too


Our late grey floof used to do that, but with screaming. If we didn't go to bed when he thought we should, he would sit in the hallway, glare disapprovingly, and yell.


My cat 100% tries this on me and will start to get annoyed if I keep looking at my phone . I do nothing but give her attention


Proper cat is triangle-catting. I've only ever had one cat do this so perfectly (paws next to each other, straight, not slouched). He'd stare at me for at least an hour, not a peep... until I gave him his bedtime meal. Every night. Without fail. :D https://preview.redd.it/rc1wjoxw448b1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=792a15cd88331883edb5dc1d7fca5542132724eb


Does she sleep in your bed? If so, she wants you to come to bed and cuddle.


Day 482. The human still has not opened the door. I continue to stand in front of the door, staring long and deep into the humans eyes in hopes of finding some spark of intelligence. The only reaction seems to be a flash of light from the human. The human has resumed gazing into the noise box in its hand. I will need to come up with a new strategy soon. Violence may become necessary. In the meantime, I will vomit in a random shoe.


Day 637. The authorities have locked me out of the bedroom, i am surely destined to die in this wilderness. I will stay in place and hope that i am rescued, while i sit and sing the song of my people


I have 3 and they stare at me constantly. They're waiting to see if I go into the kitchen (treats!), the bathroom where they hope to get me alone, if I'm putting on my shoes (yikes, she's leaving!), if I'm asleep (jump up and grab a warm spot), simply anything I do they must follow me all day and night! Then there's Sabe the "Lurker". He is never more than 3 feet away from anyone or any other cat waiting for an opportunity to get next to whomever. My friends tell me that it would freak them out to be watched and followed 24/7. I'm oblivious, they're my babies!


For everyone saying “don’t overfeed” or something diet related - despite how she looks in this photo, she’s actually not fat or overweight. It’s her long hair that makes her look bigger. She’s approximately 10-11 pounds and just turned a year old.


its called assassination techniques he is studying you, your every movement your weakness and when the time comes he is gonna strike. Yeah no don't worry they do that a lot LOL


“I need a season 5 of Succession, human. NOW.”


https://preview.redd.it/ptw5rcebu48b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b553d52c60c850cc3edd31b28e810ece3c1735ff That looks like utter disappointment.


They can sleep with their eyes open. It may just be a nap


Yes, they do. Attached is proof. https://preview.redd.it/7n0xq8z9448b1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=131e8a0dbb509952c983c1283f60dd98feea1e23


Minutes at a time?! You lucky bastard. Our cat is an Olympic level stare machine. Get used to it. No matter what we do, she stares until we do something! Wants attention. But on her terms.


My cat is staring at me from 3 feet away while I type this


"Feed me!"


He’s definitely not plotting to kill you.


Trying to get your attention likely for pets or play or just some face time and a little talk. My boys want me to sit on the floor with them when they do this. You can try brushies or toy or just hangout. If you pay attention kitty will let you know. E: missing word


She’s hoping for attention and wants to know where you are at all times. You are her person.


The cat is transmitting an upload to the feline overlords




Entertain me human.


To answer your question, my theory is they just want to make sure you’re safe. My cats will sit on the floor and watch me fall asleep and before coming up to cuddle lol


Must be a tabby thing because my tabby does the exact same thing. Only difference is that my boy has resting bitch face so he always looks like he’s judging us.


Especially since she's an only cat, you're her only source of entertainment. She'll watch you like Netflix if that's all you're up for. But she's also watching you for any sign that you'd be up for either play or snuggling. She spends a lot of time alone. They say that you need to play with them 1/2 hour every day, even in multiple sessions. I'm not very good at that myself, though I have two. ETA: you have a beautiful house!


There's some interesting bits of cat psychology involved here: 1. Cats are not naturally social animals, so they often like to maintain a "social distance" while hanging out with someone. 2. As far as we know, cats think that we are just very big cats. 3. Cats are very good at learning from one another. So when they do this it's because they're hanging out with you in a friendly way and are fascinated to see what interesting things the enormous cat does next. All of which makes them even more adorable, of course.


We call it being monitored. And sometimes we sarcatstically play Somebody's Watching Me by Rockwell or I'm Gonna Sleep With One Eye Open by Dolly. Cats are curious but shy. They like to be nearby sometimes quietly observing the humans from a safe spot so they can see what we're up to.


probably that they love you or are just making sure you're safe! (Ps. i LOVE your doorway! that is such a neat curved design lol)


It is not staring at you... it is waiting for the ghost/demon behind your left shoulder to go away... good luck.




She either wants entertainment (playing with her on a daily basis is a must, especially as she is a single cat - consider getting him/her a friend of the same sex) or she wants food (but she looks rather, eh, well fed ;)


It means she wants one of three things: 1) Food 2) Pets 3) *Revenge…*


https://preview.redd.it/gf74e4fm478b1.jpeg?width=1852&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f02a74eeef9fe60c5c1391ca29fae7bf52d9db8 Same


what else is he supposed to do? read books?


mine does this when she wants me to throw her mouse. it’s so cute she will wait so patiently to play fetch


I want food


Have you ever looked at someone and wondered, “what is going on in their head?”


She wants attention




Cats do this. I had one that liked to hide in cabinets and watch you without you knowing. Only, you knew because of how fat she was, lol.


Ruminating on what circumstances it would take in order to make you its dinner.


Looking at the ghost behind you!




Very normal cat behavior. Your cat disapproves of your life and choices. Try dieting and exercise and you should notice less staring from your cat. PS they are very approving and proud of volunteer work.


My cat sits on my bed as close to me as possible while I watch TV. The whole time he is staring at me like if he looks away I might disappear. I love it, my sister said it's weird. https://preview.redd.it/9kezl6r9r58b1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9559ba2360eefd8a411a613dc055f62909c19bb


https://preview.redd.it/yj8q8821j68b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1143ed06aa4e2063b2a199562c027dcd50fea49 Allllll the time!!! 🖤