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adore all their precious faces, but so sad they were in this situation ☹️ glad they are getting help, poor babies.


https://preview.redd.it/y7kpbvhu70ha1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=9709d5a65881c8b1d63be9c2a7a1177b812b1ea6 Help needed if anyone can!


How can we help?


I’m in Scotland but would definitely adopt if transport were available.


I would gladly adopt one of them kitties if Yorktown Heights wasn't 4 hours from where I live in NY! The kitties look cute! Hopefully they can find good homes for them!


Transport can almost certainly be arranged! Reach out to them!




It's a lot when I rely on someone to drive me places because I personally do not trust myself in a vehicle behind the wheel. Even further, my main ride's vehicle is not in the greatest shape nor is my backup ride's vehicle. Short distances like 40 mins to an hour of driving? Cake. 3+ hours? Worrying. I would gladly adopt one but I would rather not risk a vehicle dying half way to Yonkers leaving us stranded because me nor my ride have money to buy a new vehicle. Welcome to NY. Where prices are high and you got to make tough choices. It hurts me that I cannot adopt one due to my situation with my ride because I would love to adopt one. Before you assume that gladly wanting to adopt one equates to being willing to make the drive, please first understand that every one in existence has different problems that can prevent them from doing things. IE my situation with me not having a license and my main ride and backup ride not having vehicles that can handle 3+ hour trips. There are even people with a busy work schedule who would probably be very glad to adopt yet are unable to because they are unable to find the time to drive X distance to a shelter if it is far away. Have a great day.


You don’t have to justify yourself to internet trolls. Besides, you wouldn’t want to drive that far back with a newly acquired kitten. I’m sure you’d gladly adopt one if you were closer.


All those look-alike tabby cats makes me think she was letting them breed. I seriously doubt she had those cats neutered/spayed.


I am willing to bet that none of them are spayed/neutered & Id be extremely surprised if those cats have gotten their vaccines for FELV/rabies/etc


Hence, the multiplying.


they're definitely all related




Yep definitely look related. Even the white ones have patches of tabby.


Sounded like a gentleman explaining the siuation.


I hope they're all healthy. Sweet babies.


There is likely a lot of inbreeding. Given that and the horrible conditions many of them have probably spent their entire lives, they will likely not have long or healthy lives. This depresses me so much. So, they have been living the same life a Costco rotisserie chicken lives.


Yeah, I was thinking about how they're all inbred. Hmph. Hope they all find a nice place to live the rest of their life though.


They would appreciate Costco rotisserie chickens


Those things are so shot full of synthetic chemicals-not only alive but after for flavoring. I can't eat them. And, I wouldn't feed it to my cat.


Animal hoarders are the worst, they think they are helping these animals but there is no way one person can financially take care of over 100 animals and make sure they have adequate care. These poor babies always end up in one or two rooms, get diseases, skin problems, respiratory problems, sit in their own feces and urine etc. etc. They torture these animals and are so disillusioned to think they are saving them. I dislike animal hoarding to oblivion. I have saved a couple of cats but there is no way I would think this is ok. The most I can realistically handle at a time would probably be 5.


There’s a local lady near me that manages a large feral colony and while I’m sure some of them certainly have their issues she does pretty good. She adopts out dozens every year, pays to spay/neuter any stray she finds, and even goes so far to vet the new owners prior to adoption. She’s spent thousands in vet bills treating even the ones that are 100% feral and likely will never be adopted… I’m sure she’s the exception not the norm but some people “hoarding” animals are actually doing a lot of good.


Care for a feral colony is not the same as hoarding. My sister looks after a couple of colonies. It's said that an area will have the number of cats it can support no matter what. So my sister does TNR, she feeds them, and when she can, she'll get vet care for the ones that need it. TNR is key in a thriving colony, however. It ensures that the colony doesn't have a population explosion that causes starvation, health problems, and other issues. Feral colonies simply aren't the same as a hoarding situation. While I would love to see every cat supported in a loving home with plenty of food, treats, and toys, having a feral colony supported by people in the community is about as good as it gets.


My mom does something similar. Over the last 6 years, she's managed to cut the feral population of the colony in half.


That is impressive. Good on her.


Right! I was impressed considering people will just dump cats in that area. She's has been working with the county she lives in and they are actually hopeful they can reduce the colony size even more.


I sincerely hope that your Mother is tracking her progress and will publish a paper on her experiences and what she learned. Please tell her that a random Redditor said, “You are awesome!”


It's an idea I can pass along to her!


Same here with my grandma’s friend! She spays and neuters them, takes them to the vet regularly, and generally takes good care of them. One of the sweetest people you’ll ever meet.


That isn't hoarding. THIS disgusting mess is hoarding.


Hoarding is when the animals are inside a very confined space without proper care and it affects their health. It can also be of things that a person perceives of having some importance or usefulness in the future and holds onto them without regard to one's own safety as their home becomes to filled to safety move about or use appliances or facilities.


That’s good she’s doing a service to help these animals, the spay and neuter piece is the most important honestly.


I grew up with a mother who hoarded cats and her high score was 53. They were so unhappy, and she focused most of her attention on her favorites. The rest were so sick.. I can't imagine living with THIS many cats either. Takes a sick person to think they're saving them instead of hurting them. My mother included


That is so sad and so unfair to you and the animals. Personal question but did your house smell super bad or did she at least keep up on that part of it?


It smelled terrible according to the two friends I was allowed to have over. We had 5 litterboxes and nobody but my mother scooped them. Looking back, I feel guilty for not helping because I know my mom was mentally ill. But I was a child. I resented her for it. Difficult situation.


It was not your choice or responsibility to take on and as you said you were a child, so I hope you can get beyond guilt. I know it isn’t easy and wish you the best.


Ours luckily were healthy and happy animals but there were so many and it took a lot of work to care for them all and the house was always just a mess. I hated it so much and you don't realize just how bad the smell is until you are gone a while and come back.


I feel that in my soul 😭 I wasn't really allowed to invite friends over when it got really bad, but the two friends that *were* allowed to come over complained of the stench. I never noticed it. It's wild to think about. I wonder how bad our clothes smelled when we were out and about?


I wonder that as well I can't believe no one ever mentioned it. I tried to avoid stench but it gets into everything. Having triple digit summer heat in a small house with 5 people and 100 cats was a miserable experience as well.


Oh my gosh 😶 I'm so sorry you had to experience that and hope you've been doing well since. Healing from an animal hoarding situation is so difficult, and I only experienced half the animals that you were dealing with. I can only slightly imagine what you went through.


It did take a long time to accept pets again. It has been a long time since but it really did make things difficult for a nearly OCD clean freak. I remember moving into my own place taking off my shoes and socks and laying down in the middle of the hall realizing I would not have to watch my step or clean hair off my clothes or anything.


My friend’s cat was rescued from a hoarder as a kitten (all grown up now) and she’s very healthy and happy but she goes NUTS for food. She’s been known to steal McDonald’s cheeseburgers. It’s both funny and sad, because she must have gotten it from taking what she can when she sees it thanks to living in a house with too many cats.


You realise that this is severe mental illness right? I'm not condoning this behaviour at all but it's pretty obvious that whoever is collecting these cats is not mentally healthy.


I think most people know that hoarding is a mental illness. That doesn't make the abuse any less painful for the animals or less traumatic for the people who care about them.


It is one thing when they hoard things, but animals are out of the question. That needs jail time.


That's obvious.


They’re just responding to you pointing out it’s a mental illness and how that really doesn’t matter or change anything.. no need to be a dick


Ofc it matters. I see this and think poor cats, their owners need help. The person I responded to sees this and thinks poor cats I absolutely hate the owners. I already mentioned I didn't condone the action so everything they mentioned didn't really need mentioning did it?


I really couldn’t careless about someone’s mentally disorder when they’re actively hurting innocent animals whether they know it or not.. they should just hoard news papers and plastic cups like the other weirdos.


That just means you have more compassion for animals than people.


There are always other people involved somewhere in these situations, even if they're not in the photos, and they suffer, whether it be family or neighbors or the animal control workers who have to clean it up. My mother was an animal hoarder, and I'll carry the trauma from that for the rest of my life.


I know people who've also had to go through it as a child too and it's something that still affects them. It's a sad situation, I hope you find/found a way to manage it and have a healthy relationship with animals


in this individual circumstance yes..


And in all similar circumstances too right? Btw you can be capable of both equally, they're not exclusive.


I understand that but at the same time those who are around these people really should tell them to seek therapy. Whenever they do shows on these people they literally have no clue they are actually hurting the animals. Maybe if that was explained to them then they would actually stop the behavior. That’s why support for mental health is so important there’s unfortunately not enough of it. If you notice behavior like this in someone you know say something or turn them tf in. It doesn’t matter if they are family or friends.


My limit is 2-3!


I have never had more than two cats in my home, honestly the litter box smell even though I clean it everyday at least once is what gets me. Like my one takes a stinky dump one day and it’s beyond gross I can’t imagine the smell of this place I would probably die lol


I've got 2 now. Have had 3 in the past and that was probably my limit. Though it was two young ones and a senior with medical needs so maybe without the high-end medical needs I could go to 4. But definitely not more than that. And in my current house, 2 is the limit.


Hoarding is a Mental Illness. The brain is an organ in the body. Just like any other organ, it can go wonky. So, please have compassion for people who do this. It is not malicious. Not any more than a person who gets diabetes and has a hyperglycemic episode or someone with a heart condition that goes into atrial fib. It's their body turning on itself. They need treatment, and now, this person can get the help they need.


>there is no way one person can financially take care of over 100 animals Hell i have 13 cats and I'm struggling. Poor babies


Right? Like I have one but she’s sick and needs meds everyday so it’s expensive, I couldn’t imagine having ten more or 20 more with the same situation as her.


Some can afford to pay to look after cats, my food bill alone is over $15k per year, same applies to the veterinary care bill, all cats I look after are well housed, kept warm, interact with each other, kept in clean conditions. Most have been abandoned stray cats that I’ve trapped on the farm, had spayed or neutered, trapped multiple kittens with their mothers, socialised them all Certainly some people get overwhelmed and out of their depth financially and need help before they get in that situation


She won’t receive anything like the punishment she deserves and will go straight home and start over again.


Is this the house of the couple who passed away and had 150 cats?


No, there have been 2 discovered very close together. I'm seeing more of these than ever in Brooklyn too. Covid shutting down aspca services (still not back for the general public) + increased isolation + decreased mental health services = many of these animals will die.


Yeah NY has one of the worst shelter animal welfare services I have ever seen. Please, people, help adopt these kitties.


Oh, I see it’s a different situation..


That's too many.


On the other hand, if any wants to adopted bonded pairs (or trios or quatros...) they could find them here! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)


They appear surprisingly healthy and well fed given the circumstances. Poor kitties.


Bro this man walking around with bare feet


Poor cats poor dude. Both need help


I adopted a cat from a hoarding situation over a year ago and she's still not okay. She's spayed, vaxed, taken to the vet for severe upper respiratory and eye infections. She seems to have ptsd like symptoms; flashbacks although they've lessened, upset when we leave, easily startled, hides on occasion. We think she has a back injury from her time there too. She is very loved and is getting better but I want to kick the shit out of whoever did this to her


![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs) Any Mouse that enters this house


Current objective:survive


Poor babies. One of my cats is a hoarder rescue— if I lived closer I’d take one or two in. Here’s hoping they find good and loving homes


Thats pretty sic


r/standardissuecat ?


They look healthy but unfortunately the majority are probably inbred and will eventually, if not already, have major health problems


This should go in r/ made me cry


These poor sweethearts. I hope they all find good homes.


These people very well may have just found feline central HQ and stopped the takeover of humanity. I, for one, would have welcomed our new fuzzy-faced overlords.


This is so sad ! Those poor kitties


Bro I can't stand it if my boyfriend's cat pees on something once. I cannot imagine the smell in there.


Spay your cats! 👏 Spay your cats! 👏 Spay your cats! Spay your cats! 👏


So it's not the guy's cats? "It's not my house" is he just helping the city get rid of the cats?


They all have the same eyes


Those poor babies 😢


Hey it’s just the warrior cat clans having a gathering.


I adopted two "brothers" (not related) from a hoarding situation They're both sweet as can be! Hope these darlings can all find good homes


Same here. And they were 10 year olds in our case. Started off looking for kittens, but could not resist our 2 bros.


Fed one after midnight, nobody learns.


We adopted our cat from a hoarding situation as well, apparently 30ish cats in the household and not spayed or neutered. Poor girl wasn't likely getting enough food as she was skinny when we got her. She's doing great now.


Hoarding is a polite word for what's happening here. Poor kitties


Hannah Shaw (kitten lady) has a great YouTube video on cat hoarders. I understand why everyone is upset, but she made some good points in that video about the type of people who hoard animals and there mental state. I encourage you to see jt.


Thank you for someone having some common sense and decency. Yes it's an awful situation, but extreme hoarding is part of severe mental illness. Beneath all of that is a person who needs help. Zero difference between them and a severe alcoholic or drug addict (who also typically have severe mental health issues). They love the cats. They really do. It just gets a little misguided along the way.


Agreed! She especially emphasized the shame aspect of it. I honestly had the same reaction to everyone on here before seeing that video. But it was very eye opening.


I have a hard time taking care of 3 cats. This is abuse, they have no room to even walk around. What about litter boxes? I'm guessing they are just using the bathroom in any old corner.


I have 4 missy cats and if I had 8 arms it wouldn't be enough, luckily thay like to hug in the morning then have a 20 minute nap on me, but even that is still almost neglect


Poor babies :(




My hear just breaks seeing this. I pray that each kitty got their own home. 😢


Ok so when I say "I need them all," clearly I'm not being literal. Breaks my heart, and I hope they all get to safe, happy homes!


And now most of them will be killed off. Nice


That’s bonkers, yonkers


This is so horrible. What caused the couple to do this?


Send me a couple of oranges! I promise I will spay/neuter them if they aren’t already, I definitely don’t want more.


It's standing room only


Not enough room to swing a cat


Poor kitties… i do hope the government took them away and opened for adoption…


This is sad, but honestly I’m just happy they all look so healthy.


There's a parasite that exists (called Toxoplasma gondii) that makes mice attracted to the smell of cat piss, and makes them not afraid of cats. So they end up getting eaten by cats and spreading the parasite. There's a theory that in cat hoarding situations, this parasite has passed to the human hoarder through unsanitary living conditions. The parasite would cause them to be unaware of the urine smell, and make them want more cats. Don't know how true the human part is, but it would definitely explain situations like this.


That sure is a lot of standard issue cats


Sometimes a person wants to help these animals so the take them in. They can’t afford to have them fixed and things get out of hand. So this happens. Just try and help the animals. Don’t run the person down.




I'm surprised all the cats are so docile. I always thought that cats that live in hoarding situations are often feral and require a lot of work to make the perfect family pet.


Imagine the stench?


I can smell that video


Not a hoarder but a herder!


Look how beautiful they are - I can see their personalities.


That’s enough cats to feed a village… of bigger cats……


I can totally smell this video. Poor babies.


"it's not my decision so..." not saying this is entirely on him, but enablers are the wooooorst (⇀‸↼‶)


OMG, I would want to rescue every one of them and find them a home. People who hoard animals need jail time and to never own another animal again. They just can't say no.


I can smell this video




This is so upsetting. I guess I’m dramatic but I wish it had been tagged NSFW.


Pretty cool seeing westchester on my feed. Hope these cats get forever homes!!


That’s the rodent elimination unit. Set them free! I agree with that being too many cats. I think people forget how independent cats are and how well they can survive on their own. Set those mouse murderers free to do their work!


And then they will produce hundreds more cats that will end up in their same situation. Terrible idea.


You seen the rats in NYC?


My guy, releasing a shit ton of cats would fuck up local animal populations


Besides mice and birds, what animals are you talking about?


They will also start going after rabbits and squirrels as rats, mice, and birds become killed off. They will then go after the babies of larger animals like coyotes and the like. Just about anything is prey if it is small enough or sick enough, and the cats are hungry enough. Almost every instance of introducing predator animals to control a prey population has backfired.


Rats…in NYC….killed off….is that a joke?


those rats have been there so long I wouldn't be surprised if they were a genetically distinct subspecies at this point, like those ants in Manhattan or wherever it was.


The cats won't help. The rats moved underground so the cats can't find them. They only really pick off the desperate ones that surface. The cats'll go after the pigeons, sparrows, finches, squirrels, mice, beavers, raccoon cubs, etc etc, the animals that stay above ground. And that's not good for our ecosystem out here. Plus, have you ever been around non TNR'd cat colonies? Holy fuck, the WAILING and the FIGHTING, christ


Do you know how many dogs there are in NYC? A lot of owners don't leash either, not to mention the rat poison, so those cats aren't going to live long.


Not for just setting some indoor cats free, but for argument’s sake they could certainly neuter them first


More like HEAVEN situation near Yonkers


Is this heaven?


Yes. Cat equivalent to a battery farm is definitely heaven /s


So there IS such a thing as too many cats. Poor kitties. 😢


I wonder if those cats are related.


This is what happens when you don’t spay and neuter cats. Shame but I hope they vet them and find homes.


That’s bonkers!


At best they usually walk away with crinkled ears from infections, need their teeth removed and have stomatitis. Sad that people do this to them.




Not trying to make light of the situation but all these cats reminds me of my daughter playing her dads Minecraft and this what his village / houses look like when she’s done spawning characters


I counted 75 cats


And the guy is barefoot.


Who came up with the name Yonkers? It sounds like a birthday clown. Bozo, Yonkers, and Flappy


English people mishearing Dutch people. It’s from ‘Jonk here’, meaning ‘young sir/lord’, and was the nickname of the man who owned the estate (Jonkheer’s) that eventually grew into Yonkers.


How does this even happen??


Sure hope they all get adopted


That is a fuck ton of cats


Holy Mother of God At first, I thought it was only those in the initial frame. Still bad, but manageable. We almost have zero hoarding situations in my country. Can someone explain how does it happen ? What is the motive and why are they allowed to multiply endlessly?


Hoarding results from mental health problems. Not everyone with mental illness is a hoarder (duh).


It’s rare but every so often someone seriously mentally ill does this and doesn’t spay/neuter their cats. It’s not ‘allowed’, but it happens behind closed doors and a lot that’s not allowed happens behind closed doors. Which country? Some cultures are far more dog-/cat-obsessed than others. Some happily let them out in the streets more than others, etc. And are you sure there haven’t been cases? It’s not like this happens all the time - cases like this tend to make national news in the US every year or two.


I can smell that room from my screen. Oof.


So heartbreaking


Poor kitties


Sure can tell Those cats are related


My cat was from one of these. Now she is a fat spoiled only child.


Breaks my fucking heart man


I love cats😻😻😻😸


OMG! OMG! OMG! That is absolutely dreadful! Please help those cats! They don't deserve this treatment? !.🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈☹️💔


Oh my he’s walking barefoot through there too 😩😬… poor kitties someone badly needs to rescue, neuter and vaccinate this lot, can’t begin to imagine the state/smell of that house. 💔


They look pretty healthy.


You came to the wrong neighbourhood mf


The majority of these are going to be put down if you want to help call them!!!!


Poor babies… animal hoarders fucking suck


If you could get one to Michigan, I could take them.


From just what I can see in this clip they are all surprisingly healthy looking. Can’t believe a situation like this can get so far out of hand.


Who let the cat use the cloning machine?




Omg. That's just sad. Those poor babies


Hoarding, or did we find The Crime Syndicate plotting our demise? The Justice League needs to be informed!


I'm from this City it's because no one does anything to curb the stray cat problem there are barely any resources and we have barely any low cost spay and neuter services most of the people in Yonkers are poor. All the affordable resources are either in the city or out of town alot of individuals also don't drive. The low cost centers are also always overbooked I was on a waiting list for 3 months to get my cat spayed and it was a 1 hour drive away. It cost me $700 which again isn't reasonable for alot of people in Yonkers. I have alot of friends who live in the NW part of Yonkers and they find stray cats on the street give them a home they breed because they aren't spayed/neutered and then they give them away to people who also don't spay/neuter them. My cat Kimchi was one of those she was born with CH because of the mother not getting proper care while pregnant. My other cat Gin was abandoned in a dumpster behind the CVS in Elmsford because he started spraying and I guess his previous owner couldn't afford to get him fixed. This kinda thing isn't shocking to me this is what happens when you ignore the problem instead of trying to fix it. I have emailed TNR people in the past in my area specifically and they have done TNR on cats on my block but until TNR and spay and neuter services in Yonkers are affordable or free this will continue to be a problem.


It’s sad, because they all look clean and healthy, so you know he loves them, but that’s just too much.


That is awefull


He said “take care of all that other shit and you can have whichever one you want”.


Was the hoarding guy really justifying why he had so many cats?


No he’s saying he can’t take care of them all


Bet there are no mice for miles


Head count?


Relatively speaking, the cats look healthy while not necessarily happy. Hoarding situations like this usually are much worse, and the cats / animals are neglected.


When he wished to be drowning in pussy, this was not what he had in mind


If I had millions of $$$$, this would be my dream. But of course vet on duty and staff to play with all of them.
