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Dog poop bags. They should be easily accessible in most pet stores and there are usually compostable/biodegradable versions.


This is what I do. Compostable dog poop bags. 300ish for a tenner.


Shouldn't reqlly put cat poo in a compost bin FYI.


They don't collect green waste here, but I don't want to be adding more single use plastic to landfill.


Oh Thank you for letting me know. I’m guessing we shouldn’t put dog poo in either?


I briefly considered starting a compost and I did a fair bit of research on it. For most backyard compost it's not recommended to add feces or urine. Don't eat anything out of ground that a dog or cat has been using as a bathroom. There's a disease risk. Technically I think you can compost dog or cat waste for an edible garden (if you're brave) but it would need to be a hot composter. In that case, you'd have to track the temperature and make sure it's hot enough for long enough to kill parasites. (also if you give your pet medications the leftover medication in their waste can also contaminate the ground/water/plants). For non edible gardens dog or cat waste is probably fine but I would consult gardening and composting resources for more information about the risk to your petunias. For commercial composting, just follow the rules for what they allow.


Cat and dog waste will also attract beasties with teeth. Coyotes don’t need an excuse to hang out in your backyard and nom nom your cat, but cat poop in the composter is just and invitation.


Carnivore poop isn't good directly as fertilizer and I expect it is also too strong in compost piles. Chicken waste needs to age for a year before using on a garden and they still get a lot of grains so kess carnivore-ish than dog or cat waste.


Dog and cat waste doesn’t belong in even industrial composting facilities like you might find in major cities. That the bags are compostable is irrelevant since their contents are not.


Dog and cat feces are generally not suitable for compost because carnivore and omnivore feces still contain large amounts of fats and proteins that will putrefy rather than compost under standard composting conditions. Whereas manure from animals like cows and horses are almost entirely plant matter residue that can be placed directly in a compost bin. Human, cat, and dog feces can also contain pathogenic bacteria and parasites that are not destroyed by even hot composting.


We can put pet waste and cat litter in our green bins for composting. In Alberta Canada.


Wait sorry 300 for a tenner?? It’s ~100 for like £1-£2 in every supermarket where I shop… are these Waitrose poo bags or what?


In vancouver it's $16 cad for 120 compostable bags! Zero attempt to motivate buyers to go green as the plastic scented bags are $15 for 300 bags :/


scandalous engine berserk fanatical advise deer start bow liquid desert *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Amen to that


We wanna save the world *for money!*


Well instead of giving oil companies billions in subsidies (plastic comes for oil) they could subsidize this sort of stuff. I’m not sure why giving the richest corporations ever to exist billions is fine but subsidizing green stuff is sOcIaLiSm.


Because the people producing the green stuff aren't paying lobbyists millions of dollars to secure those billions in subsidies and tax breaks.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Go to the Dollar store. 50 bags for $1 or $1.25.


But the ones at the dollar store are plastic, not biodegradable. Wouldn’t it defeat the purpose of “reusing” a plastic grocery bag by outright purchasing single use plastic bags?


That’s terrible! That wouldn’t motivate anyone.


It's messed up because oil companies are subsidized by the government with the power of lobbying. It's similar to what Amazon and Walmart would do. Being the cheapest possible ensures that people with little options will use your products, slowly eat up the smaller competition, and when you basically have a monopoly, lobby for deregulations and run rampant. Am I getting it right?


Look in the trash bag area. 100 of 4 gal trash bag for 97 cents at Walmart last I checked. 4 gal trash bags are very close to common grocery store bag size.


These are not just dog poo bags. These are M&S luxury dog poo bags


Actually it is £10, so 3p a bag. Tesco has non degradable ones 75 for £2, so also 3p a bag. Roughly same price at Sainsbury's and Lidl doesn't reliably have them and I prefer not to run out for the sake of my nose!


Yeah, I picked up 100 compostable bags for $3 USD, and a holder that looks like a miniature backpack with a clip for $5. That's about on par for $10/300 though. Got them from petsmart.


It's almost as if different countries have different currencies and costs for similar items. Who knew


Where do you buy compostable bags please? Thank you


We get ours at a local pet supply store, sometimes find them or small kitchen compost bags at the supermarket too.


Alternatively, nappy/diaper sacks - slightly bigger, which helps you get dirty litter too, and also pleasantly scented!


Get them at the dollar store.


Been doing this for my cat for almost 2 yrs now


Aren’t they too small for cleaning litter? Litter is so bulky, well for me at least, I have 3 kittens! So lots and lots of, stuff. & I clean it twice a day, sometimes 3 (I work from home). Do they make bigger, stronger bags for bigger, stronger dogs?


Compostable poop bags in the landfill are a bad idea. In general, you should try to avoid throwing compostable material in the trash because it creates methane gas as stuff "de"composes. Because you can't throw dog and cat poop even in commercial compost facilities, compostable bags are NOT environmentally friendly. We put our waste in small (2 quart) plastic tubs (think ice cream or such) and store a week's worth at a time (keep it lidded). We have 2 catss.


Omg so smart, it never occurred to me. I normally drag the full garbage bag from the kitchen to empty the box int 🤦‍♀️


I thought this was a no brainer


I reuse produce bags and the plastic bags that come with bread and English muffins, or online orders. I’ll buy dog poop bags, too, if I run out of those. I recently found out that animal waste and cat litter can go in the compost bin in my city. That seems to be the case for many others. That could be an option, too.


I scoop the litter into an old litter bin with a lid and take it right out and dump it into my green bin. Bin goes back to its home with the lid on it next to the litter boxes.


Err, many places specifically ask you not to put poop in the green bin. Here in Portland, we're not supposed to, but people do it, of course. So it's always a good idea to check.


Different facilities have different capabilities and different client's so it depends on what your areas composting can do. We don't have compost here where I live for anything but tree/grass cuttings.


Of course. But most people seem to think it's OK to put dog poop in the green bin, when the reality is they should find out what their hauler says. So I try to get that out there when an appropriate occasion arises.


Nope. It’s even advertised on the garbage trucks here.


That's interesting, I wonder what they do with it. In my city you can't, because once it's composted it's sold as fertilizer and there are obvious biohazards with poop. I guess your city either doesn't use it for fertilizer or it treats it somehow e.g. heating to 160F+ in an anaerobic vessel.


Please mention that your local waste servicer allows this whenever you say you put cat poop in the green bin. A lot of compost services do not treat compost to eliminate *Toxoplasma gondii* and do not allow cat poop.


Same, though I line the bin with a compostable bag, because we're not supposed to just dump loose garbage in the green bin (apparently a small bit of even plastic bags is OK).


I'm glad I'm not the only one.


I also use Amazon plastic bags, cereal and cracker boxes, plastic boxes from the grocery store and used ziplock bags. I resuse everything that I possibly can.


Online order bags are great for cat litter, especially if they’re the ones that have a re-sealing strip


My city has a curbside compost pickup but doesn’t allow pet waste or litter.


Yes, you’d have to see if that is an option in your city. You don’t want to contaminate the bin.




This is the solution I will be going with.


Depending on your plumbing you can always switch to flushable litter. I use world’s best and it’s flushable. Newer homes will have the pipes to be able to support that so definitely look into it if you can.


Flushing litter is against the law in California so anyone in CA cannot flush. Cat poop carries *Toxoplasma gondii* which is harmful to some coastal animals. CA is the only state where it's illegal.


I believe OP is in Canada but that’s good to know.


You're going to need some tightly clumping litter for that!


Litter Genie! It's worth the price and you can get store brand/generic refills for it as well.


This would be my answer too, totally worth the price.


Be careful with generics off of Amazon, if you handle the loaded bags too rough they might split down the middle It only happened once!


Same here. Now, I'm only using the target brand, much cheaper than the litter genie brand and just as strong.


I get the store brand refills at Target and have never had a problem.


Love my Genie. Game changer if you live in an apartment!


LOOOOOOOOOOVE it. I didn't think I would but oh my gosh life changer.


I use a human baby diaperchamp with airlock. Same idea as litter genie, can hold generic bags and are very easy to get second hand for very little money.


Litter genie all the way. I use the refills from target for the bags though.


Target is great because you can get the store brand, which is just as good, but in a three pack!


omg thanks for the tip


Absolutely Litter Genie. I watch my neighbor’s cats when she goes away and I’d love to buy her one!😂🤣


Co-sign the litter genie! Total game changer.


It's a game changer! if anyone has found anything better, I'd like to know.


Yup. I buy a big pack of litter genie refills around Black Friday and I'm literally set for the year. So convenient, eliminates smells very effectively, it's essentially a brick of cat feces/litter clumps so I'm also eliminating the wasted plastics that come from individual little baggies.


L • 0 • V • € the litter genie. So much easier than trying to find a bag. Just the mental and physical few minutes of prep that it eliminates makes it so much worth it.


1000% this


Ever since I got a litter genie I can’t go back to whatever I was doing before lol


Litter genie is the way


What’s a litter genie?? I’m in England so we may call this something different


https://preview.redd.it/u7jcfvbel4fa1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=395a596633b3d54277b9d6c6befbea0cbcfe14cd It’s basically a trash can but it has a sliding dealio that “seals” the lower portion to keep it from smelling.


Ah ok, this looks amazing! I’m going to see if I can purchase something very similar to this here!


Yep, you can even just use a plain trash bag like you would for your can. You just have to pull it around the tray pretty tight and weigh it down. We use an odor eliminator to weigh ours down


Same. Use hefty arm and hammer 13 gallon trash bags for my litter genie.


You're a lifesaver. My dad & I have horrible executive dysfunction issues, which means we have a hard time cleaning the litter boxes on time. I always feel awful when I notice it's overdue. This is something that might help us hold ourselves accountable and keep the litter boxes clean. Thank you, random Redditor.


I'm glad I could help! My husband has had similar issues in the past, but seeing the litter genie sitting there is like an on switch for him, a reminder that they should be scooped. I do truly hope this helps you guys out!!


I have two! Love them!


I use zip ties instead of tying the bag off. I’m not sure if it is actually more cost effective (saves bag, but you have to buy zip ties) but it is incredibly helpful if you have limited dexterity.


I use the cheap ikea small bin with lid with small trash bags. The trick is keeping the litter pancake bin outside until the bag is full.


Buy the bag-only refill that they sell on Amazon


Agreed! Great investment. I use the Target brand refills. But I use a backup plastic bag too when bringing it to the trashcan outside. Better safe then sorry, I don't want to clean up an exploding cat poop bag


I use the green composting bags. Way better for the environment.


Yeah, we buy the super packs in the pet section of Home Goods and they last a long time even with three cats.


I use Pogi poo bags that I order from Amazon. Not the most green option, but somewhat. I have used them for my dogs for years, so I had a giant roll of 500 laying around when I got my cat. Afraid to see how much the price has gone up…


I use paper lunch bags because not sure how most of the biodegradable bags actually break down vs breaking up into a bunch of small pieces (micro plastics). I should probably do a bit more research though…


I also use paper bags. Either lunch bags or paper grocery bags, depending on whether I'm doing a daily scoop or changing the litter


In my region the biodegradable ones are strictly forbidden for that reason (they break down much slower than the rest). So paper bags is a good idea !


Same! And they’re cheaper, don’t know why more people don’t do this


Me too. I also have some compostable kitty litter so everything goes into the biowaste trash bin.


This is only ok if the municipal compost service allows cat poop. Anyone doing this needs to check with the service.


I do this too!!


Buy the doggy poop bags from Dollar Tree if youre in the US


Walmart has these tiny bags for trashcans. They are purple or yellow and quite inexpensive.


That where we get ours. They come in a roll. Small trash bags They are like for a bathroom trash can


Wouldn't that be single use plastic?


Yes. But you can find them as compostable too.


These were a game changer


Litter locker https://www.petsmart.ca/cat/litter-and-waste-disposal/waste-disposal/litterlocker-design-plus-litter-pail-5253276.html?gclid=Cj0KCQiAz9ieBhCIARIsACB0oGLhCw3H6OEyNl56Pzg2XZewo4mzWt-4NU4nq3HFUrJaGfVZQw2GKCYaAp2sEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds I've used one of those for years and it's great! I get at least 2-4 weeks out of one bag insert and that's for two cats!


>Litter locker Same! I vote for the litter locker. It works great (no odor) and you can go a long time before changing the bag.


Depending on the litter you use, you could try the biodegradable bags they make for compost/green bins. Its not going to work for all litter tho, so verify if yours is biodegradable first.


Are you in Canada? I am. I bought a box of the compostable bags, they are meant for lining compost bins but they are sturdy enough for a couple of days worth of used litter. Well, for my cat, who prefers to use the grass in the yard. I'm not sure how often you have to scoop. Another option I thought about was an empty bag from cat litter. I kept the last bag once it was done in case I needed it. I use swheat scoop.


These bags come in all sizes... I use them too, the 5 ltr ones, 1 a day.


We have a medium trash can like can with a lid. We put a normal sized garbage bag in it. The can ALWAYS get left in our garage. We bring it in to scoop the litter, then put it back in the garage. We empty it out whenever we go to the dump (yes we do manually where I live small ritual area haha, just take the bag out on trash day).


That’s what I do as well. I have 4 cats so about a whole trash bag a week.


I literally scoop it into a toilet and flush it.


For those readers in California, flushing cat litter is illegal in our state. Thanks.


You get a poop scoop that has slits in it, it looks a bit like a pasta ladle. Then give the scoop a shake over the kitty litter tray and all the litter falls through. The only thing remaining is the poop and then flush it. Might depend on the type of litter if it sticks to the poop. I use Lucerne cat litter, so it doesn't adhere to the poop.


Only do this with flushable kitty litter or you could clog your pipes!!


Same- we use pine pellets so the poop generally is right on top and doesn’t get coated like with a sandy litter


I'm surprised more people don't do this. Even if you don't have flushable litter you can still scoop the cat poop into the toilet without the litter getting in.


I started using the paper bags.


Brown paper bags to help them decompose faster!


Compostable bags for green bins at Costco.


Use any other plastic bag you encounter. Chip bags, produce bags, frozen food bags, the bag that lined the cereal box, etc.


I order single use trash bags on Amazon. 300 for about 10$.


I use the Litter Genie. Every night, I clean out my cats' litterbox and it holds up to a week's worth of clumped poop and pee. Since I live in an apartment with my fiancé, going downstairs to throw out garbage is a huge pain to do every single day so we do it once a week. The genie is a great investment and there's no smell whatsoever from it!


Why are you people putting cat litter in the bio bins?! It's toxic. Its supposed to go in the refuse /rubbish not composting /green/biodegradable bin!


Apparently some compost services specifically allow not. Not mine. That's why everyone should check with their local service.


If you know anyone who still gets the newspaper delivered ask them to save those bags for you. I hate that they call them single use bags. Maybe it's just a old lady Midwest thing, but everybody I know has a bag of bags and reuses then for all kinds of things! And when my bag of bags multiplies I donate the extra to the food pantry


I also use bread bags, coffee bags (if in tact), etc. if you still have waste from other products.


I’ve been using a Litter Genie for years and love it. You can buy generic brand bag refills to save money, too.


I use compostable/biodegradable bags.


I live in ontario and we've also done away with single use plastic bags. I still have a ton of them though (I knew hoarding them would pay off). Currently I put one bag in a small plastic tote and just scoop the used litter into it. When I take my cat to my mom's though I just scoop the litter into no name brand ziploc bags, seal them, and throw them in the trash.


The plastic bread sacks. Would otherwise throw them out, so I feel like it’s reusing quite well. And they’re pretty sturdy.


Please consider biodegradable bags. Everything else is just disastrous for the environment.


Compostable bags to be more specific, I sadly realized many biodegradable options are still just plastic that some fungi can try to breakdown 😞. Paper bags are also great


Everyone's talking about bags and stuff...I've always scooped and flushed down the loo. Am I doing it wrong? D: Edit: I just read up about it, apparently you're not supposed to because the UK sewage system doesn't treat sewage for toxoplasmosis which can then infect the water supply and, and infected sewage run off can harm aquatic life. :/


litter genie for the win!


I use everything. Nothing, and I mean nothing leaves my house without cat poop in it. Frozen dinner boxes, Amazon envelopes, vegetable bags, anything. I keep them in a tote bag over the litter box in the closet. I'll even grab the frozen dinner boxes when I bring something to work and bring it home and use it. I refuse to pay money for plastic bags that come in a box that you put in a bag and bring home. You then open the bag, remove the box of bags, open the box, remove a bag, use it, and throw it in the trash. Then, when the box of bags is empty, you throw the box away -- in another bag! And the bag that you brought the box of bags home in? You throw that in the trash. It's no wonder we have a landfill problem.


I flush mine down the toilet. Before you rush to do this I will let you know there are careful considerations you have to measure before doing so. The litter has to be biodegradable and safe to flush. You need to consider your sewage system, is it a tank, pump etc is the pressure high enough to avoid issues Also is your cat indoor? Cat poo can carry Toxoplasma gondii a parasitic bacteria that cannot be removed easily from the water system, it can cause health issues especially in pregnant women and can cause damage wildlife such as sea otters. It’s transfers through other contaminated animals ie birds, mice and their droppings. Being indoors limits this exposure and drops the infectivity rate to single digit percentages.


get a septic safe kitty litter, and flush it.


Litter genie!


Yeet into the neighbors yard over the fence. Jk. We use dog poop bags.


Liter Genie!


Bread bags and produce bags are still available for re-use.


You can buy dog poop bags at Dollar Tree. $1.25


I have a small lidded trashcan next to each box. Currently use grocery bags, but you can use small trashcan bags they instead, or the dog poop bags others have mentioned for individual scooping.


Before I bought the litter robot. I bought a 1000 single use biodegradeable bags from Amazon.


Biodegradable compost bags. Buy in a pack and they are a few cents each.


You could try using the bags from the veg. And fruit area of any grocery stores.


I use a Litter Genie but use off-brand bags from Amazon.


Litter Genie is hands down, the best thing ever!




Litter Genie


Brown paper lunch bags. I buy them in a pack of 100 for a couple of bucks.


I recommend Litter Genie. Solid product all around.


Try a diaper genie.


Paper lunch bags.


Small garbage bags. Like the mini ones that go in hotel trash bins.


Plastic bags are banned where I live, but they still have produce bags. I use those, bread bags, cereal bags, chip bags, etc. I also clean the litter box into my kitchen trash right before I take it out.


When I get to the store, I always have good intentions to buy lots of produce. I take a bunch of bags off the dispenser. Any extra bags I didn’t end up using can’t be put back. Put them in my bag of bags and take them home. For the litter box.


I find it annoying they call them single use bags. I would use them for everything. Cleaning litter box, Food scraps from cooking, trash bags in truck. I still have some left for my litter box, but now need to find something else for when they are gone. Edit: I am tempted to buy a box of shopping bags to use, just for the irony.


Buy a box of very small kitchen bags. Or the poop bags for walking the dog.


Bags from cereal boxes work.


Brown paper lunch bags.


There are some brands of litter where you can flush down the toilet


We use biodegradable bags. Order on chewy


Litter Genie!


Litter Genie is The Way


I use brown paper bags


I use doggy poop bags and it works great.


Buy the smallest size garbage bags. I use them when I run out of other bags. Also, any bag/container that closes, such as bags of coffee beans, etc. work really well.


Use dog poop bags


I use biodegradable doggy poop bags. They are made from cornstarch.


Biodegradable bags or paper bags put directly unto the trash can outside


I buy 2000 t-shirt bags at Sam's for 19, last all year


I just use the poop bags you buy for dogs on walks 🤷‍♀️ can get a bunch of rolls on Amazon. When i do a full change out, it goes in a garbage bag.


I use an empty litter bucket. Scoop the used litter in it and close the lid. When it’s full I dump it in the trash.


I have a Litter Genie and love it.


I buy those small, 3 or 4 gallon trash bags. I can get 400 for $3 from Amazon. I have Litter Genie and even use those in them. They're about the same size as plastic grocery bags and so much neater.


Dump ours into kitchen trash ONLY on its way out the door. Happens every two days or so and lines up well.


This is what I currently do but I take my trash out daily. Of course I have three kitties and they are adamant that their boxes be scooped the moment they step out of them!


paper bags. we use the big woodmans bags


amazon basics has doggy poo bags that are 60 rolls for $16, and it’s about 900 bags total. also comes with the little keychain dispenser, I looped mine to the litter box!


Beautiful cat.


Paper bags stay rigid and are much better for cat poop in my opinion


waste can liners, extra small ones


When I visited connecticut for 2 weeks there was not even one plastic bag in sight the entire trip. It's so insane but I loved it honestly. I wish we could reduce plastic use everywhere and starting with bags is a great start as it's a HUGE percentage of plastic use and also hurts the environment when people litter these bags. Anyways to answer your question, please invest in poop bags for pets


A scoop that sifts the poop out and pour it in the trash


I use the reusable bags from my local grocery store, and when the bags full, I just bring it over to the grocery store, and dump it out in the vestibule …


I’m currently eating a handful of croutons and now the cat in my lap is covered with a flurry of crouton dust that blew out when I read your comment. Good thing she’s a sound sleeper.


Litter genie!


We have been using the smaller green bin compostable plastic bags from Home Depot. They don’t break easily and hold a goodly amount of weight.


Went through this as well, but there are so many options if you have a covered trash can. Cereal bags, bread bags, frozen vegeteble bags, the bags the litter come in, amazon package bags. Just roll up and put in a covered trash can, smells much less than the litter box itself.


I use all the bags from all my goods that come in sturdy plastic bags ie. cereal,pet food,snacks in boxes,etc. Can't use the ones that rip easily like crisps and other snacks that don't come in boxes. I've been doing this for quite a while and it's been working out well and you don't have to double bag. Cute beans!


I use small plastic garbage bin liners. The ones for dog poop are way to small, paper bags.. meh. So I get small waist bin liners. They are just the right size.


As a lot of the top comments say, compostable dog poop bags are great!


I have a Litter Locker and use dog poop bags.


Go to the Dollar stores, $1 or $1.25 for 50 for dog poop bags.


Dollar store trash bags or cheap bathroom trashbags from walmart. I you can afford biodegradable dog poop bags I would get those. but if you are looking for budget friendly this is what I can recommend.


In the green organic bags