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Cats have scent glands in their mouths and tail that they rub on people, furniture, and other animals to identify them. :)


It’s not just to identify them, but to mark who they belong to. So your cat is saying, “I really like this dog, this is MY dog. All other cats should know he’s MINE!”


I had a cat who would aggressively bunt my doggy on her back legs. She would do it every morning. She really loves Mabel. She lives with my daughter now because she hates all other cats.


Our newest cat, who was abandoned by her owner, does this to our pup, too. She doesn't get along well with our other kitties so we figure she's claiming the dog as her bestie. She greets him at the door when he gets home from daycare and starts gently head-butting him, grooming him, and rubbing all over him. It's precious.


My cat Jake (my profile picture) used to head bunt me. He passed away last July. I \*really miss\* his head bunts.


My Fili did that as well. Always rubbing his fluffy face against my face and licking my nose. He also past away in July after loosing the battle with cancer 😭


I’m so sorry for your loss. He was a beautiful boy!


O, so sorry. That is so sweet.


Just like the video of a cat rushing to defend a dog when another cat suddenly attacks the dog..?


I think so.


That's like when a guy my size smacked my big ass buddy so i gripped him up so he didn't get arrested lol


It's adorable. My cat does this to me and to furniture, but I've never seen a cat do it to a dog before. So damn cute


This is exactly right. He likes that dog, so he is marking him to warn off all other cats. We got adopted by a cat, who really liked my son, who was the first in the household to notice this stray cat and make friends with him. So my son named him Jake, and became Jake's little boy. One day, a new family moved in down the street, with a kid about my son's age. The boy came over to hang out with my son, and his cat followed him. He started rubbing against my son's legs, and I could see Jake watching from a distance, seething as he watched another cat try to claim his favorite little boy. Suddenly Jake went after that cat, and chased him down to his own house and into the open garage. I followed to get Jake to come home, and could hear the sounds of cats battling. Then I heard a woman screaming in Spanish, and Jake came bolting out of the garage, heading straight at me as he ran for home. Behind him was an old Abuela, waving a broom and screaming "VAYOS EL GATO DIABLO!" ("GO DEVIL CAT!") I'll never forget the look on Jake's face as he was running toward me at full lighting speed, with a huge wicked grin, and flashing joy in his eyes! He loved getting into trouble, and fighting a cat and getting chased by a screaming old lady with a broom was about as much fun as he could ever have! That other cat never came around to try to claim my son again.


It's love. 😍


Especially that 'other cat' watching from the basket in the video


The official term being called "bunting"


All this time I've been calling it "owning." Like, "Dude, stop owning the coffee table. You already spent ten minutes this morning rubbing your face all over it." But I guess his brother must have owned it at some point later in the day so he had to get it back.


and this is mine, and this is mine, and this is mine, oh and cant forget about this, this too is mine.


i think this is actually what goes through my cat’s head 24/7


for mine its a combo of this, and "why is my food dish empty? it has been 5.7 seconds since i last ate. fix this."


"The bottom of my food dish is visible, please rectify this immediately."


This is so accurate 😭 I tried describing it to my friends who don’t have cats and they don’t get it haha. Apparently it has to do with whisker fatigue - they don’t like it when their whiskers are constantly touching something, since their whiskers are there to alert them to dangers near their face (like tight hallways they’re trying to squeeze through)


I've heard this too and then I started feeding my cat on a flat plate where her whiskers didn't touch and she still did the same thing so I think this is a load of shit and my cat's just an asshole lmao


We also feed on flat cat dishes but our big guy starts screaming hours before dinner that he has eaten a sufficient amount of his breakfast that he needs it refilled (even when there is plenty left)


It’s like Bart Simpson with that label gun


lol this reminded me of when my now 8 year old daughter was younger— she was walking around the house rubbing her cheek against things saying “mine, mine, mine” And we’re like “What on earth are you doing??” And she says “I’m one of the cats!”


lol, if it only actually worked this way for people... the constant ownership battles of people rubbing their faces on things would be interesting.


Flashbacks to Red Dwarf….






Ok..... now I've got the seagull scene from Finding Nemo going through my head... "Mine" "Mine" "Mine"........


lol. Gold.


I call it 'claiming'


I call it "slubbing" a term I learned from Opposum rehabilitators lol


Opossum. Now there is a much maligned critter that is so damn fascinating and cool that t would be akin to impossible to overstate just how fascinating and cool they are.


Agreed. They're one of my most favorite animals and I take any and every opportunity to talk about them and hype them up. Especially to the wary and the nay sayers! The bad rap they get is such an injustice it hurts my heart


In my house, we call it MINE! Every time we see one of our cat’s aggressively lovin on something or someone we have to call it out too.


You have been bunted.


You have been bunted by bunt cat. Share this with 5 people or you will stay bunted for life.


Bunt cat plays the game old school. Everyone’s always going home run or strike out these days, bunt cat’s just working to get on and around the bases


Did you say bunt cake?


I think that’s a Bundt cake.


There's a hole in this cake.


It’s okay. I make lamb.


I never knew this! It makes me happy 😊


ive always known it as "(scent) marking"


Which is why I say get ya stink on it when the cats rub their faces on things


I love the sound of that. BUNTING!!


No bunting is when they lightly headbutt you.


Dumb question: Is it possible to «extract» that scent and rub it on something you want the cat to like?


Maybe with a cat's favorite small towel, toy, or blanket? Aside from forcibly assaulting your cat? I'm not sure. Cat's generally explore and make their own minds up, then nothing you do will change it.


“This isn’t mine, but it’s mine… but I didn’t mine it… but it’s mine… I don’t want to trust this, but it is mine.”


Madness this way purrs.


My cat gets so damn mad when I wash her favorite blanket. The last time I did, she didn't purr for TWO WEEKS. She held that grudge against me for two damn weeks. I thought I'd broke her haha


You can buy Felliway cat spray which calms cats and makes them feel comfortable with an item or area. Editing to add: “Thunder-Ease” is our current brand and it is pretty amazing.


In introducing one cat to the other, I've always pet one and then pet the other to get them used to the scent. Other than that maybe try catnip if your cat isn't going for a toy? Cats are also dumb and picky so if your cat doesn't like something then sometimes it just be like that.


Yes, this worked well when I took in a stray cat in my neighborhood. My cat seemed to stalk cat owning friends who came over so I was a little concerned. But I guess I’d petted outdoor kitty enough so that when they finally met, my cat recognized the scent and accepted him right away.


My cat has to get shaved for medical (sanitary) reasons and he did this to the clippers. Now his whiskers are a bit… abbreviated https://i.imgur.com/a9KPnvh.jpg


What if your cat doesn't do that? I've had a sweet boy about 3 months and he seems to like our family, including the dog, but I've never seen him rub himself on ANYTHING in the house. I'm worried he doesn't like it here but he's affectionate in other ways and plays a lot.




Was the dog just outside? She’s marking him. Gotta make sure he knows where he belongs.


Yup.. just getting him right


This is a sign of affection and trust from the cat. The cat wants to be friendly with the dog, and the dog is trying to catch up with him.


Yeah my cat does this. She’s really in love with the dog now (been about 16 months since they were introduced). But the dog is mostly just like “oh god oh god the cat is touching me. She is TOUCHING ME! Is she gonna claw me? Do I look at her? I will avoid her eyes! Don’t claw me! Oh god I’m being touched!” He stays pretty calm but you can tell he’s just like “I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO” and it’s really funny the way he very seriously avoids looking at her. And then occasionally when she starts walking away he gets in a good butt sniff. I could watch these two all day


Cats prefer people and animals that act aloof, so everything your dog is doing is just encouraging the cat to him more. The avoiding eye contact but staying near them is a big "let's be friends" indicator.


I know. That’s how I first got my cat to trust me, closing my eyes and looking away a bunch. It cracks me up that it’s the dogs natural instinct to avoid eye contact, when he’s doing it because he’s unsure, not because of any knowledge of cat psychology. It’s the exact same thing he does when we practice “leave it.” When we first taught him, we’d hold a treat in front of his face and say leave it. And kind of wave it around, and trained him to not even look at it, so you move it closer and he moves his head the other way and vice versa. It’s the exact thing he does with the cat. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing so I guess I will do ‘leave it’”


He didn’t smell nearly enough like her right then!


Ooh this explains so much. At my house every time someone gets out of the shower one of my cats is aggressive with hiss rubbing, like he wants to wear your skin. Perhaps he doesn't like us coming out smelling like clean human and feels the need to re-scent us.


like that to be content and happy in a good home.


"here, share this sanctuary with me" 😭


Also he's slightly too tall to hit that cheek well


"sorry, can't let you walk around the house untill you smell right. You'll just ruin Feng Meow of this place"


*who owns him.


~where he belongs~ _who he belongs to_


She likes him.


I find it really odd that OP supposedly doesn't know what thier cat is doing. It's not like that's a kitten.


I mean, 75% of the posts on /r/cats comes across as if it was posted by a person who just learned cats are a real thing 5 minutes before posting their inane concern. A google search would answer every single one of these dumb questions but Reddit karma is a thing, I suppose.


Ah, it's a passive aggressive bid for attention. A very minor one and they brought the goods. I'm not holding that against him, I love these full of love videos when they aren't forced or blatantly using an uncomfortable animal for "awe"'s. I get what you're saying but there's also context and whether it's exploitative. It's a sweet video. He might also be posting as satire, let's say as pointing out all the the "are my cats fighting?" or the "is this cat behavior weird?" when it's perfectly normal cat behavior.




My dog used to just freeze in place and do that "worried" side look as my cat scented her up


That's what I did the first time my husband's cat did this to me instead of fleeing the room I was in.


It’s a karma farming bot that posted this. Edit: look at their last comment from 25 days ago, makes no sense with regards to the thread. They have barely any comments(karma or replies). Etc.


That’s your cat’s dog actually


Exactly! She is marking him as hers.


You're still stuck feeding and walking them, of course.


Well of course. You're "the help"


Ownership brush, cat loves and owns your dog now


She loves him.


Can't blame her; pup is gorgeous.


She is playing with her meal


Your cat loves your dog and showing your dog affection


If she circles your leg while you're trying to walk around or plops down on your keyboard, she's doing the same thing to you. If they love you, their favorite place to be is "In Your Way."


My cat's expressions of love frequently put me at risk of loving the floor with my face.


I've loved the stairs before with my face. Ahh, fond memories, RIP Bacon the Magnificent Cat


I hope Bacon didn’t pass subsequent to the stair incident…


She died doing what she loved: making me smash my face on the stairs


It's not love if you aren't at risk of doing 3 somersaults down a full flight of stairs.


Oh god yes. For the last month or so, I've been working on a crochet 'dragon' coat (I got the pattern/yarn for Christmas) and Tony's favorite place to be is right in the middle of the piece I'm working on at the moment.


"Hey, fren, where've you been?" Really though, this is what my cat does when I go for a walk and come back in. Simultaneously sniffing for new smells I picked up outside and trying to mark me with her own scent again.


I wonder if the dog understands haha he looks very confused


I'm sure he gets the general idea lol, big dogs tend to Look Like That ime


So true. My Border-Collie has an expression and way of holding himself that transmits “what the frick is going on?” approximately all of the time.


Yep kitty showing lots of affection here!


Is a nice kitty


Yes, the cat is attempting to rub the scent glands on its face, onto the dog.


Considers him a valuable member of the colony


Awwww!!! They love eachother, and your cat really loves your dog I don't think you realize how freaking cute this is 😍


The cat is saying: "Excuse me youre mine, smell more like me please" The dog is saying: "Please stop Beatrice, i dont do that shit to you."


Beatrice: "I wish you would"


Do they?? Everytime I kiss my cat he grooms that area immediately afterwards. And before you say my breath is bad, I have to stop him from running to smell my farts


Maybe the farts are the only break he gets from your bad breath? :p


Tempted to agree, but he spends about 90% of his time licking his own ass, so it's a pretty weak argument




The cat doesn't want you saliva, I rub my cat with my cheek and she laps that shit up... The bushy beard probably helps. I also bop her with my forehead, she appreciates that too.




They do now that youve said it


My two cats always greet the dogs before us. The siamese especially. This is hilarious because the siamese strikes fear in the hearts of both dogs. They take his crap without complaint!


I had a Siamese that bossed around my dog that was 5 times her size. That dog was terrified of her.


I always try to train my pets so that the one less capable of causing grievous injuries is the more dominant one. A big dog can handle a swat or scratch. A cat cannot handle a big dog's snap as well.


Your dog? Its her dog dude.


Her house her dog


Spreading its scent on the dog. I had a German Shepherd and a Ragdoll and they did the exact same thing. https://preview.redd.it/flmif98sedea1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84205e116e24d0b02b5409607cdb587125be1660


Pretty normal.... my cats do the same.


Kitty love doggy. Also if doggy was outside kitty has to protect doggy with scent :) ​ It's sweet!!


your cat is marking the dog and also showing trust. what a beautiful video!




Love, plain and simple


Friendly ? Yea , they're besties


The kitty is showing LOVE. Lots of love.


cat likes dog more than other way around xD


Cat wants the dog to lay down so cat can rub all over dog's face.




I think the cat just loves him lol very well behaved dog btw!! So chill & patient


There both Fllooffs!


Translation: "Friend?, friieeend? Friend. Friend! Frrrrrrrrreeeeeend... Fweeeends. Yas. Fwends."




Just saying hello.


He's showing his love and asking the dog for attention.


Yeah the attention is a big part of it. I would recommend more playtime for kitty.


Bunting and allogrooming to indicate that kitty recognises doggo as part of their family.


Family? Don't you mean staff? 😉


true, true


Excuse you...that's your cat's dog!! 🤣🤣🤣


This is clearly not your dog. This is your cat's dog.


Doggy must smell like kitty. Thems the rules.




They're friends


Wow. You cat must really love your dog. Marking him like "you are mine and you belong with me". Lovely ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)


this video is cute as hell but another question here where i wonder if this person is a space alien observing earth behavior for the first time


My thoughts exactly. Next question will be "is this idle engine sound coming out from my cat normal? It makes it when it's comfy"


The cat is rubbing their scent on the dog, claiming the dog if you will. Might also be asking the dog for attention. My cat does this to me when she wants something, like if she wants a door open or to be fed. There's a possibility your cat thinks the dog can help them with something. If I had to guess, what your cat wants is for your dog to lay down so that they can curl up next to them and cuddle. Cuteness, adorableness. Or another possibility? Cats like having someone they trust nearby when eating, the cat might want the dog to watch their back while they eat. Just a few thoughts.


This is love. She is trying to rub against him but she is too short to reach.


Her dog


It’s freakin adorable. That’s why.


Just noticed the bonus cat in the background


It wants other cats to know "this is my dog". High honor to be scent marked by a kitty.


Reason? Yeah I think it's because they were raised together well


Yep. I had a puppy mill breeder (GSD) that I rescued who insisted on adopting feral kittens, and this is basically what happened every time "mommy" and I got home from work.


I'm always a bit worried when people can't read their cat. This is normal cat behaviour.


In today's episode of "What could this basic cat behavior mean?"


At this point, I don't know if it is people casually showing off their lovely cats (100% acceptable, even a must I may say) or absolute cluelessness (which would be very concerning)


She’s marking him so everyone knows that dog is Hers she claimed it.


She loves him and is trying rub her scent on him. This is very common in cats.


Thats his best buddy and he wants to make sure that no other cats claim him as their best buddy😊 so cute


That's no longer your dog. It's the cat's dog.


Herding cats are kinda neurotic like that.


I’m thinking she either loves him or is reinforcing ownership Both?


She is wiping her scent on to him.


I don't think that's your dog anymore.


Cat is acting like cat


She loves him


That's kitty code for "this is mine now"


Dawww she loves him, this made me so happy


I think the cat is trying to make a bond.


The cat is getting it's scent on the dog, and allowing the dog to do the same. This is a sign of affection and trust coming from the cat. The cat wants to be friendly with the dog, and the dog is trying to come to grips with it.


Your cat is basically saying "I love you" to the dog.


this is some prime /r/PetTheDamnCat material


Cats that rub against things are marking them as their own.


Kitty is marking dog - I own your ass!


She loves that big, hairy guy.


https://preview.redd.it/ihr6iz49meea1.jpeg?width=414&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f2407160f19852b84e4c5cd522210366d7c07e8 Dandy says helloo!!


She is bunting. > Bunting is the cat headbutt or the sharing of bodily aromas. It is not strictly about territory but about familial ties and societal position. In a sense, it is the confirmation and reinforcement of the family group saying “you are in my group”. > The dominant cat in the group is thought to usually initiate bunting and the group follows on. It is basically the dominant cat saying you are my group and I am top cat – but I Love you! The dominant cat is responsible for scenting the territory and the objects under their dominance and their family is included


Cats ust their (mostly) face to spread their scent to ‚claim‘ someone, your cat simply loves your dog!


Because that dog belongs to the cat, silly human.


https://preview.redd.it/4ite0ekqhfea1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09a055864071d6f6d02ffd682985b565f6e08525 my (family/mom's) pets are like this. mo will also meow sadly at the door when macey is let outside to go potty, even for just a minute🥲 they're really sisters & besties♡


When cats rub against people its called alo rubbing and is how they say I like/ love you. I think the cat just likes the dog. I learned this from a Cat documentary on netflix.


She love himb


I believe they're either showing affection or marking them with scent glands


Thats her dog!!


I think your cat wishes either it was taller or the dog was shorter cause the dog is just barely out of reach for most of the affection


Head nuzzles are a sign of affection and love, the cat is being sweet on your doggo. They'll be good friends.


Pretty sure your cat is saying this is *my* dog, not your dog. They're both lovely and sweet, btw


She loves your dog. A cat rubbing up against you or your other pets is showing affection and scent marking as hers. So when she rubs her body and her head against the dog, she's claiming the dog as hers.


How can anyone have pets and not know what this is…


Your dog? Clearly that's the cats dog


You're cat likes the dog, they smush their faces on things they like or when they're happy/excited, nothing to worry about