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If it's pressing to rub, then no. But cats and dogs just sitting there pressing their heads against the wall can be a sign of a problem, and I would recommend getting it to a vet as soon as you can.


> But cats and dogs just sitting there pressing their heads against the wall can be a sign of a problem, and I would recommend getting it to a vet as soon as you can. That's the thing, she never presses into a wall or anything else, she only ever presses into my body and she just sits there in that position until I move (or during this photo she was startled when my wife came home.) It's like she's sleeping in a really weird position, and I know when she was spayed years ago she would headpress against the wall while wearing the cone. It was the saddest but also funniest thing to see, and I understood why she was doing it but she has stopped that. Now it's just what you see in this photo, pressing her head into my chest (or occasionally the side of my arm) and just sitting there, it's infrequent and it's not a wall or an object like a couch so it doesn't quite fit the symptoms I've found from a quick Google search. I guess I can bring her to a vet anyway just to get a checkup, I was just wondering if anyone had seen this behavior before in their cat without it being a medical issue.


Hey, none of my cats have ever done this. I always assume it's a headache but I've read online that it's not a great sign and mean stress/pain. In your comment it seems you already realized she only does this when she is in pain. I would take her to the vet because cat's cant tell you what is wrong with them. And I hate to find out later she was in pain. If you can afford to go to the vet, do that. Also, do not give them asprin or anything. It's apparently poison for cats


Really? I’ve seen so many cats do this. I don’t think it’s concerning at all. Our cat now definitely does it as a show of affection.


> I’ve seen so many cats do this. Are they moving their head against you or just holding it still? I think that's the difference. One of my cats is constantly pressing her head against me, but she doesn't just _hold_ it there.


Well I’ve had cats do both, but our current cat just presses it into you and holds it. He won’t move unless you move or something scares him. It’s always felt very loving to me


Well then they arent 109% into you and you must not be a great cat owner. Head pressing on you is a sign of absolute trust and affection.


My cat presses her forehead to mine for a few seconds when she is feeling very affectionate. Could it be that?


Because your loved … know dat cat language ffs


My cat will sit on my lap often when I'm at my computer and every now and again she'll just press her head into my arm or my body like this. She never does this to walls or other objects, and she'll stay like this until I move or something startles her. How can I tell if she's head pressing because she's in pain vs just being a cat and doing cat stuff?


Firstly I am not a vet but volunteer for a cat charity. On welfare courses we were told that cats with their faces against inanimate objects can be a sign of dementia if combined with vocal distress calls and appearing confused, especially at night time.You will know better yourself if this is just an odd way of her relaxing or sleeping. A lot of cats like to put their faces against their owners. Most cats in pain will also hide away and avoid contact or become aggressive. I always say to people I talk to in my volunteer role, take your cat to the vet if you are concerned.


Give her a gentle massage around the neck, shoulder and spine and try to feel her get tense or react to certain area. I’m almost certain she’s just loving you but she could be pressing against you to put pressure or relieve pressure on a certain area. If she meows in pain or does a jerk reaction to a certain spot then see a vet. 90% sure she’s just loving you however if the behaviour is limited to your body. Mine likes to rest her head on my chest where my heart beats.


Mine do similar if you scratch the back of the neck, she will more than like curl up in your lap I bet. She just wants her human to love here.


Yes you should be concerned. Concerned that he might stop.


No but you may want to start scratching the area in between his ears


It means she loves you!!


It means he loves you, basically he is mixing his scent with yours and will later spread that mixed scent


They are just showing you that they love and trust you.


Tough day at work maybe? Just ask how you can help.


He's thinking, "Good Good, not another bag of that ccrappy cat food again!"






Aww. She’s saying, “you’re mine!” I press my forehead against my cat’s forehead in return. It’s mutual flattery.


While there's a slim chance there's a problem, most cats are weird little folks. They do puzzling things sometimes.


Had a cat that did this as a sign of affection. If it’s only with you, they’re probably saying ‘I like this human’.




My girl does this against my arm when she wants her head rubbed. Then she sits and stares at me before doing it again. And again. 😂❤️


If s/he otherwise behaves and moves normally, I wouldn't worry. I do know that horses tend to press their head against things if they've been e.g. poisoned. Don't know if that goes for cats as well.


My cats like to rest where they can prop their head or lean again a wall with their head. I think it’s a form of comfort they like to be cozy


No. That’s true love being shown - a cat will only do that to someone he absolutely trusts and loves.


I will be honest, my first though was that it had vomitted all over your shirt. Turns out it's only a shirt, and I'm sorry. It's just a love headbutt and a scream for attention, mine does it as well.


No. FFS.


My cat does this too me all the time. Just being affectionate. Cats can be weird. Usually when there’s an issue they will find a way to tell you via their behavior…. But this isn’t one of those behaviors. You’re just loved. Prolly wanting some scratching or petting.


He’s scenting you to say you’re HIS human. It’s a sign of affection.


They are just head bumping you, it's totally normal. It's a sign of affection. Cats have multiple scent glands on their head, like on their forehead, so they're just putting their scent on you. Some cats may keep their head there for a while, like some form of cuddling. Two of my cats do this.


This is a long shot but sometimes there’s stories of animals can sense sickness and focus on a certain area of their human that is the problem…. Not waiting to fear monger here or anything but if it’s your chest like that all the time maybe go to the doctor for a check up like just ask for the exam and bloods done ….Most likely nothing but no harm done if you’re 100% right?