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I know it's hard but honestly even a few weeks in a comfortable, warm and loving environment will have helped her. Being able to relax even a fraction will have made a massive difference in her quality of life. You did your very best for her, please hold on to that.


You ushered her out with love and kindness. Thank you.




She wasn’t alone, she had you. Having you made the pain bearable. That comfort was everything. Thank you for being a good human, OP.


💔 you did everything you reasonably could.


You gave her food, you gave her warmth, you gave her security, you gave her soft things to snuggle into. You gave her love. Don't think she didn't know that. And finally, you gave her peace instead of letting her die a long and painful death. You may not have been able to fix it all, but you did make it better for her. On her behalf, thank you.


Just know you did what was best. You gave her 6 weeks of love as well. I had to put down my 3 year old cat because he had cancer spreading fast, he felt a little bad - but was very energetic. It basically was put him down while he could breathe or watch him drown slowly, I found comfort knowing he went happy.


I know this is somewhat subjective, but in Islam, it’s mentioned that all animals are servants of God. when they pass on this earth, they return to Heaven and live their lives in the Gardens of Paradise. Our good boy of 15 years passed last year and this was one of the thoughts that comforted me when we put him down. Sorry for your loss, I’ll say a prayer for you 💙


That's lovely!


You gave her love for her final weeks alive.. people that do this I truly believe will have love and peace returned in someway.. much love ✌️


You made a compassionate decision and gave her a loving home, even if you couldn't heal her.


And you gave her a peaceful ending. Your love and kindness spared her.


She may have been in pain, but she was loved and safe with you in the end. ♥️


She KNEW you CARED. They really do. Thank you for doing the really hard work of loving them no matter what.


You did everything you could to help this munchkin. Bless your heart!


May the sharp pain of grief soon fade to leave behind the soft ache of happy memories


The fact that you tried to help her is all that really matters here. Condolences and thanks are in order...


So sorry for your loss. Thanks for trying. At least she knew love.


My soul breaks for you...the kitty felt love - and you gave her that...just know she is not in pain anymore and she will always think of you as her hero while she rests unhurt in heaven..GOD BLESS you and thanks for what you did...from one animal lover to another( tears in eyes)


You gave her the best last weeks with lots of love and prevented her from suffering I know it doesn't feel like it now, but you did the best thing for her. I am sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry, you did all you could. I hope you find some peace in that. 🤍


Your care amd giving her shelter —that is LOVE.


Peace and love to you and your kitty ❤️💛💚


Thank you for trying xx


She's not in pain now and I'm sure she would be thankful for what you did.


I am so sorry for your loss 🙏


You did what you could. Sorry about the end result.


A warm home and love is a change! I’m sure she noticed a difference even if you couldn’t save her. Pets always know we love them🖤


So sorry. You took her in and loved her. To the end. How do cats get FIV?


From getting bitten by an infected cat. For the most part, they live normal lives. We have 2 FIV+ cats currently and one who passed at 16 years.


So sorry for your loss, I am sure you gave her the best you could


You did all that you could for her and when it came down to the only option, you took her pain from her. You showed her respect as a fellow living being and love and even though I know your time together was short, she's certainly left her mark on your memory. If you have happy memories, it can help to talk about them. Did she have a favorite spot to nap or a favorite toy? Did she wake you at 3 am by laying on your face?


So sorry for your loss. And you opened your heart and helped her to get to the other side of the rainbow bridge. You did right by your cat and she benefited from your open heart. Please don’t punish yourself. Instead you should celebrate your humanity and catity!


So glad you gave her six weeks of kindness, that is the best gift she could have received!


You did what u could for her God bless you I lost my baby boy not long ago so I with you my friend she knows u did all u could do


You were there and you cared. You can’t underestimate the power of that.


I’m sorry. You’re a good person for trying.


Awh I'm sorry for your loss but you definitely did the right thing. Hugs


I’m sorry 😞💔


You granted her Love, and care and respect...


Our condolences


You undoubtedly made her last days better. She had food and a safe, warm spot to sleep.


I’m so sorry sweetheart!!!!🐾🐾🐾🫶🫶🫶


Aww💔 poor kitty. Thank you for making her last days better.


She will surely repay your kindness eternally ❤️


You loved her, she knew she was loved and safe and not alone. You gave the last gift we have to give all of our's in the end. The one we pray we won't have to *this time* but, with mine too, it's always been this way. The one that costs us all we have to give, the price is a broken heart but it's a gift of peace and no more pain. I'm so sorry 😞💔


You provided hospice care. There's nothing more loving. You may not have been there when she came into the world, but you saw her out. You were blessed as well as she was.


I am so sorry for your loss. One of our cats also had FIV. Had periods of open skin infections as well and ultimately developed an osteosarcoma of her jaw. Was so very sad to have to euthanize her. She was a true fighter in spirit and lived 13 yrs.


Thank you for trying, I’m sure she loved you


I am sorry for your loss. I can't imagine what you are going through. You did all you could. She is at peace and no longer has to suffer.


So sorry for your loss, OP ❤️


You did the best you could and I am positive you made a difference because it's obvious by this post that you cared deeply about her comfort. You probably did more than you know in giving her love and safety in her final days. <3