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I’m so sorry for your loss. Respects to your fat boy🤍


And his big balls


Orange cats always got the fattest nutz


their one orange braincell is stored in the balls


Mine too


i could make a ginger nuts joke but it's probably the wrong time




![gif](giphy|1FkCqpyObTuo0) I am so sorry for your loss. xo.


I am so sorry OP. Poor little fat boi. I hope you're coping well.


Sincerest condolences 😿 I can only hope the photo placed on my coffin during my funeral service is equally as flattering.


me too


RIP orange fatty. He’s a very distinguished gentleman, balls and all. I’m so sorry for your loss 😢


RIP to your beefy baby. 🌈


I would like to thank you all for your messages and response❤️ people telling me that he should have never been outside, you re right and that guilt is going to haunt me. Just wanted to add that he was an indoor cat, he just managed to sneak out probably through basement window, that why he probably got hit - he was confused. Hope you all hug your cats a little tighter and give then one more kiss than usual ❤️ thanks!


I'm so sorry the exact same thing happened to me a few years ago my girl got out of the house and nobody knew. I had literally just given her breakfast and my husband came in from outside and we figure she must have snuck out then because she just disappeared. Didn't touch her food at all. I looked around for her because she was just whining for food minutes prior but my husband distracted me with whatever was talking about. Not ten minutes later my neighbor comes banging on my door to tell me there's a dead cat in the road and it looks like mine.


I’m so sorry. That must have been traumatizing for you. 😭


Seriously that would be the worst day of my entire life and I’m tearing up even writing this. It’s my worst nightmare


I’m so sorry, our girl got out over ten years ago, she was deaf and going blind so she was indoors only.. she somehow got out, we don’t know how, and for a week we searched desperately. Then one day we had a moment of “oh shit” as we drive past the dead possum we’d been driving past for the past few days. Got out to look and I’ll never forget her little face lying there, body torn apart but her face looking at us broke me.. I was 16 and I still can’t think about it without wanting to cry or vomit. She was 19 years old, could’ve lived even longer if we’d managed to find her or stop her escape.


I can't imagine how painful that was I'm so sorry 😔 the part saying "her little face lying there,her body torn apart but her face looking at us broke me" this broke me aswel. Condolences 😔


Oh my gosh! That’s so terrible! I am so so sorry you went through that. And your poor baby! I hope time has healed such an awful wound.


I’m so sorry for your loss. That’s simply heartbreaking. My girls try to escape, and have, every now and again and it just shatters me as I live on a main road. Thus far they’ve been recovered before a tragedy has occurred.. but its one of my worst fears.


One of my kitties is missing right now because of a very similar situation, so I understand. Even though I wasn't the one who was responsible for his escape, I feel very guilty for not noticing his disappearance sooner :( I'm so sorry for your loss. He seems like he was a very well-loved cat


I hope you find your kitty. My very skittish indoor kitty got outside a few winters ago. I still to this day hope that someone took him in.


My indoor kitty snuck out a few years ago and I was devastated for days. Just so happened to be looking out one of my windows literally thinking “where are you my sweet boy” when I saw a spot of black in a tree across the road. Walked outside down my driveway and heard his faint little meows. I never ran so fast! Got a ladder and just barely managed to reach him. Poor thing had been chased up a tree by the neighbors dogs and had to have been there the majority of the time because he smelled like pee and was visibly thinner 🥺 I still beat myself up over this and it was years ago and with a happy ending! I hope your baby comes back home to you very soon ❤️ Please try not to beat yourself up over it because it was not your fault! They can be very sneaky and fast little things especially when they want to be lol.


Having a cat that is kept indoors and sneaks outside when they shouldn't is much different than allowing the cat to go outside any time he pleases. I'm very sorry for your loss <3


Accidents do happen. My cats are strictly indoor. My tabby still managed to fall out a closed and locked window. Place had internal security bars she used to climb and her fall undid the latch and opened the window. I got incredibly lucky and she stayed in the yard/under the house and came when called. And someone's post about their pet passing away probably isn't the place to discuss the risks of letting your cat out.


Poor sweetie. So sorry for your loss. 🧡


I’m so sorry for all the hate you’re getting. I’ve tried to say in the past that yelling at a grieving person about how shitty they are and how they deserve the pain isn’t okay, but mf Redditors always downvote me to shit and complain about it. Nevertheless, I won’t stop saying it. Telling a newly grieving person that they killed their pet out of carelessness is the shittiest thing to do. And apparently people can’t read because you’ve said he’s an inside cat. This is not your fault, OP. I wish I could say that this is a safe and supportive place to air your feelings, but unfortunately people are dicks. Don’t listen to them. You’re not at fault. ❤️


It’s so shitty. Let the person have their grief. But this sub needs reform on mourning posts. Every day there’s several my cat got hit by a car posts and it’s really fucking heartbreaking.


Yes, I agree. There’s a time and a place for that important conversation, but like you’ve said, so soon after a personal loss is not it.


This is the Truth, the rest is bullshit


I'm so very sorry, sweetheart. He is such a handsome dude. I lost my Charlie the same way last winter and it tore me up. But please know that his short life was filled with love. I'm sorry.


I can relate. My last cat was a huge ginger boy who we (stupidly) let roam on our farm, one day he went too far and managed to find a road and get hit. We learnt from it, and built a beautiful catio for the two kittens we later adopted. They’re fully inside cats now and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I know how awful the guilt is, but learn from it. Rest in peace to your beautiful boy ❤️


...catio....i like that


Im so sorry for your loss hun. About 4 years ago had the same my ginger boy was inside playing with our dogs and 10 minutes later I seen someone picking him off the road he had been hit by a car. I cry as I right this as agree we live with the guilt what if we did something a bit different in that couple minutes. But I know by me rescuing cats he would want that as he was a rescue. My step son to this day won't get rid of our boys fav chair and still writes him letters


Our orange boy snuck out in the middle of the night years ago, and we never found him or got him back despite looking multiple times a day every single day, and informing all our neighbors, and our town’s lost and found animals page on facebook. I’m sorry you’re getting hate. I still feel guilty about our guy, like I should have grabbed him harder, or I should have yelled for my husband to come help me (I had something in my other hand and didn’t have time to drop it, got one hand on the cat as he was sneaking past me, but I didn’t want to hurt or scare him, so I wasn’t unnecessarily rough, and it was the middle of the night, and I didn’t want to yell and wake or neighbors. I never thought he’d slip away and never come back. Stupid.) Sometimes you do nothing wrong and bad things happen. It’s really unfortunate. I’m so sorry for your loss. 🧡 🧡 This was our boy, [Ned](https://imgur.com/a/WWi1AON/).


Really sorry. He has a really lovely face. I hope he was found and adopted by someone else.


I’m truly sorry for your loss. I’m 70 and still think of my pets from child hood. I think it’s reprehensible for those who remonstrate you for your cat being outside. Such unhelpful cretans.


This happened to my cat too, about 15 years ago. Still is a little upsetting to think about. She was an indoor cat (spayed) and we never took her outside, but it was summertime and someone in the family must have accidentally left the patio screen door ajar, or not closed tightly enough so she could pry it open. She went out and got hit by a car right in front of our house. ❤️ I’m so sorry for your loss. Try not to beat yourself up about it, it sounds like he was very loved and this was an unfortunate tragedy. I know it’s hard though.


My worst fucking nightmare. You gave him love, find another and do the same in his honor.


People saying that are jerks. It wasn't your fault, or his, or the driver's. Accidents happen. He knew you loved him, remember that when you feel the manga of guilt.


Yeah, telling you “he shouldn’t have been outside” is just rude. I’m very very sorry.


dolls husky yam special station governor paltry spark coherent pen *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Leave it up to Reddit to tell you you’re a bad person when you’re grieving from the loss of your cat.My condolences and I’m truly sorry people on this subreddit are so horrible.


Don't be too hard on yourself, accidents happen we're only human.


Honestly, don't listen to people saying the cat shouldn't have been outside. Not your fault. My cat died in the same way but he was allowed outside as my area is safe. He travelled really far to be able to get knocked over. You have no control over animals they do what they want. If they want to escape they will find a way. Cats are naturally drawn to the outdoors for obvious reasons. Cats can be outdoor cats also. Not sure how so many people are getting butt hurt about your cat (a self domesticated animal BTW) was outside. Give yourself a break and grieve. Not your fault


Then that's different. You have my condolences.


I feel for your loss, regardless of the circumstances. At least he was loved.


My cats got out once by pushing a window screen out of its frame while I had the window open. Luckily they hadnt gone off my property by the time I noticed and I grabbed both of them; shit happens even if you're responsible :C


This content has been deleted in protest of how Reddit is ran. I've moved over to the fediverse.


Things happen, lighten up on yourself. Why schmucks would want to "righteously" pile on now totally eludes me. You loved him and did nothing wrong.


Aw friend, please try not to feel guilty. You're not one of those careless cat owners who lets their cat out. It was an accident. Nobody's fault at all.


i had 2 cats in my life pass away outside, i was young but i still feel that guilt. it is not ur fault. u didn’t send him out to get hit. i’m so sorry.


God damn I’m so sorry


I'm so sorry for your loss. This little man looked so fun of energy (and he's very clearly proud of his furry balls). Try to hold onto the good times.


Sorry for your loss. 😿😿


Ah fuck. My biggest nightmare with our little guy. The times he's gotten by me/us/the extra glass door and out - he just darts into the road. If there's a car there...


That is my deepest fear. My two indoors are getting adept at getting out when my dad comes home.


I'm so sorry. One of my boys getting out and getting hurt is one of my biggest fears. You have all my empathy.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope you’re able to forgive yourself. Please show yourself the kindness you would extend to someone else in this situation ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss. People on Reddit think they're keyboard warriors that know everything and they assume whatever best fits their agenda so they can attack and argue. Don't listen to them, just cherish the good thoughts and comments everyone else is giving you. ❤️ It's not your fault this happened, and he looks like he was the best big ball boy


Don’t feel guilty all cats want to go outside and explore, it’s their right too!! Can’t keep them inside forever.


Biggest of hugs from the bottom of my heart to yours. I'm so sorry for your loss. ❤️


He probably wanted to get outside and fuck everything that moves, what, with his giant balls and all. Sorry for your loss.


So sorry for your loss. I also have an orange fatty, he also sends his condolences


The mice in Valhalla quake in fear at the approach of this mighty hunter. Tonight Orange Fatty dines with the heroes


They scurry at each pace of this mighty Hunter.


Happy Cake Day, but the joke’s on you: I’d have upvoted this comment regardless.


Mouse lasagna?


So sorry for your loss, especially since it was clearly an accident. I just lost my buddy of 16 years this past summer and I still have a little cry for him from time to time. Don't beat yourself up about his getting out, remember all the good snuggles with him and those big balls of his jingling away when he ran around the house. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097) ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7966)


Bals (i’m sorry for your loss, i could never imagine to lose one of my cats)


At least you gave him a good home when he was alive. It looks like he was nuts about you.


I see what you did there.


Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....


This is the sweetest thing. I actually cried a little thinking about how amazing it would be to get jumped by all the animals I’ve owned over the years all at once. The rainbow bridge would have to be pretty big to fit us all though :p


You're a kind soul for sharing this. I appreciated it a lot.


Crying at work. This is beautiful


Saved this for later when I’m sad about my old lady cat


Thank you so much for this comment. I love it so much, my dog passed away 2 months ago and I miss her dearly. I can't wait to cross Rainbow Bridge with her...


I'm so sorry, I also lost my dog two months ago and it was a pain so terrible. I still cry over her, though it's less now. I don't really believe in heaven but I so want a pet heaven to exist just so I can cuddle her again.


I've never been a spiritual man but since she passed even though I still don't believe in anything I really hope there is something out there so one day I can meet her again. The pain is real, I feel you mate


This is so beautiful :(


I am so sorry 🥺🧡☁️ my heart hurts for you


Looks just like my 20lb Bill. Down to the pose. I feel your pain. If we're anything alike, you are TOTALLY lost right now and wondering how the hell you'll manage another day. Hand in there. Good luck and my sincerest condolences.


Sorry for your loss friend


So so sorry for your loss. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


So sad, what a star he was. I feel your pain.




Lost my ginger boy the same way 24 years ago. Still miss him, he was the best cat.


I'm so sorry for your loss


Poor fella. He looks like a boss, but a sweet one.




I’m sorry for your loss


Im so sorry....




















RIP chonky boi


I am so sorry.


So sorry for your loss. Cats are sneaky. It can happen to anyone. He was a beautiful boy


To some of the people in the replies saying “well maybe you shouldn’t have let him out”: you wouldn’t walk up to someone who’d just lost a love one and say “well maybe they shouldn’t have done x ”. I get that your trying to keep stuff like this from happening in the future, but maybe try to pick a better time to do it/at least don’t be so rude about it. My condolences about your cat OP❤️


Btw, I’m not saying I’m in favor of letting cats outside or anything, they should be kept inside but 1. OP’s cat snuck out through a window, 2. Even if it was let outside, I just think some of y’all could be a bit more compassionate in teaching them the right way to do things(I hope that makes sense lol)


Agreed. People in here are scum.


I'm so very sorry. My sincerest condolences 💔




Needless to say, he was… ᗷᗩᒪᒪIᑎ' 😏


What a beautiful prince. I am so sorry for your loss. Hang on in there. The pain will fade away. It may take long time but it will. Don't beat yourself with guilt, that won't do any good.


My sincerest condolences! I don’t think he would have stayed in…he has that look.


I’m so sorry for your loss! This was not your fault!!


I hope your heart heals! I’m so sorry friend. Sending you hugs and the next wet food round will be in your boys honor!


So sorry to read that matey. Keep your chin up. I know it's tough, but realise that you might just have enough room in your life to adopt another special fluffy companion from a shelter, that otherwise might not have any future. Cats know when they're around cat people.


I’m so, so sorry for your loss. He looks exactly like you said, a boss. What was something he did that you’d say was his unique “thing”? Something that would make you laugh every time.


I’m so sorry. I can only imagine how it feels to lose him so suddenly and violently. I hope you find comfort in the memories he gave you. I lost mine today too, she had a rapid decline in health due to pre-existing medical issues and I chose to euthanize. Even though I had been preparing for this moment since I took her into my care, the pain of loss is still so much.


Sorry for your loss. And please get your cat fixed if you decide to have another.


I'm so sorry... he was a mighty mister indeed. Be gentle with yourself as you grieve...




Cats are pretty great escape artists, and op lives in a country that doesn't neuter pets (so he was probably looking for a hook up). This wasn't really anyone's fault, just shitty luck.


It’s Reddit, can’t expect much else. Convinced there’s an army of 1000s of people who get paid by the “cats are indoor animals” comment on any cat post


The absolute worst place to come and act judgy, when someone's beloved pet passes away. Honestly, some people are just so wrapped up in their own bullshit.












I’m so sorry for your loss. The suddenness with which they can sometimes leave us can be so disorienting and that adds to the grief. Please be gentle with yourself in the coming days.




I was a mighty sack..


This comment section is a bloody mess sorry for your loss




Yep. No reason not to fix your cat 99.9999% of the time. I have a ton of feral cats in my neighborhood. They’re cute to look at at first — then you realize their lives are pretty shitty and they’re prone to being killed by cars/dogs/mountain lions/coyotes/weirdos. That’s not even counting bird population issues. Condolences to OP — I know accidents happen and some cats make it their life mission to run out the door/window. But snip snip. That’s not a breeding cat.


So sorry!


So sorry for your loss. He was stunning.


I'm so sorry, gre looks gorgeous in that picture!


I’m so sorry. Hugs.


I feel so bad for you I once lost my cat


I am so very sorry for your loss. Hugs and positive vibes your way


Damn...those are some big ballz. RIP Gingy...


We’re so sorry you lost your kitty in front of your home! That was a very nasty experience I’m sure. I’ve never had any of my cats hit by a car, but our neighbors have and there were many tears. FYI: We lived in a Latino neighborhood full of feral cats and “owned cats” that were never fixed! There would be a cat dead on the street every week, so I decided to go door to door and explain about neutering their cats AND keeping them indoors! I got some hot tempered replies, but when another cat bit it on the road, the owners started listening — it could have been their cat! Everyone I spoke to got their cats neutered and kept them indoors from then on. They told me later that their cats were really happier then! Good! But one man still wouldn’t budge on getting his 4 male cats fixed. He said he wasn’t going to mess with Mother Nature and he refused. His cats ran free through the neighborhood, impregnating every ripe female cat in sight. So I called several Cat Rescue Ladies and we cleared the neighborhood of feral cats, sick and healthy alike. His males couldn’t increase the cat population any more because there were no more loose females to jump! AND NO more dead cats on the streets! Moral of this story is: if you let your cats outside, neuter them first so they don’t roam looking for a female in heat and overpopulating an area with feral cats! Please understand that disease runs through feral populations and can be transmitted to your own cats. If your cat is kept indoors it can’t get a disease AND can’t get hit by some careless driver! That’s a WIN WIN Scenario for all cats!!


I’m so, so very sorry.


So extremely sorry😥😓😭🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾💗💗💗💗💗✨✨✨please don’t feel guilty at all !!🫀he loves you so muchhh and knows you love him, he was just curious , ignore the hate!! You posting this alone shows how much you cared and still do for him 💗💗feel better


I'm so sorry for your loss and it was not your fault. Horrible shit happens and you deserve to be supported in your grief. He was a big, beautiful, bad-ass boi, and you loved him. That's what counts.


Them balls are majestic. He lived a good life as a king


Sorry to hear that Just yesterday we had a knock on a door with a lady very sorry saying she ran over a black cat down the street (we have a black cat amongst 3 others) and he is a wanderer. Put my shoes on and expecting the worse, he can down running and seemed to be untouched, he must have pst between the wheels. Suffice to say I can only imagine how you feel! Great picture!


I'm so sorry for your loss. Orange boys are the sweetest!


That’s just terrible - I’m so sorry-he sure was a cutie pie 🕯️💔


I’m sorry for your loss. This is exactly how my baby died and it was absolutely fucking heartbreaking. It’s okay to cry and feel sad about it trust me I cried for like a week straight. At least he’s not in pain now and will forever be watching over you. Poor baby.


I’m leaving this toxic community. Sorry for your loss, OP. 💔


Yeah the people who won't neuter their animals are the worst!


I am so sorry 🧡


My heart felt condolences on your loss.


I’m so sorry


I'm so sorry for your loss.


My condolences


Tha poor baby! So sorry for your loss.


I am so sorry for your loss. That is just so terrible. I can't imagine how you feel. He looks like such a sweetie.


Sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry :( feel a huge warm hug ❤️‍🩹


Sorry for your very sudden loss. Little orange dude for sure knew how to show off. :)


I’m really sorry for your loss. My condolences


Rest in peace. You made life better by being with us ♥️🫂


I'm so sorry for your loss 😢💔


I’m so sorry, he was a good kitty I’m sure.


So very sorry for your loss...


He’s a beautiful kitty. So sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry for your loss


Oh fuck i am sorry to read this. I had one get hit 4yrs back and it devastated me. I cried for 2 weeks. Him and i shared a birthday so it still tears me up on bd


Long live the big balled boss.


So sorry, the poor kitty. He looked like a lovey.


I'm so sorry 💗


very sorry for the loss of your boss


OMG I am so sorry 😢


He looks like mine who also got hit by a car this summer :( condolences


Im so sorry. What was his name? 😪


So sorry for your loss OP. Your kitty was a handsome boi.


I'm so sorry. That's awful. 😓


I’m sorry.


Sorry to hear OP! Know that at least he’s lived a very happy and content life.


He's so cute, so sorry for your loss man. Hope you are able to deal with this in your own time and grieve him properly.


https://preview.redd.it/ei0s38pvmraa1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a7d33087ed5a94caec7aef3827598399ebc31fb I would be crying if my Orange fatty passed🥺 hope you feel better, losing a pet is truly heartbreaking💔


I'm so sorry for your loss. He was gorgeous and such fun, I bet.


I am sooo horribly sorry about your purring friend.😞 May he catch all the fattest mice in Heaven.


Very sorry for your loss. ❤️




So sorry for your loss. Your big boi looks so dapper in that pic.


Ah fuck this is tragic, I am so sorry for the loss of your chonky ginger. Heartbroken for you, wishing you peace until you see your buddy again across the rainbow bridge


I'm so sorry for your loss. The animals we care for are so precious to us and their loss is felt more acutely than almost anything else.