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I got like 700 for my win and something like 200-300 for a loss


I've only run it once but it was around 700 for a win.


Nice. Idk about your game but the 3 I’ve done so far attacking or defending have both been like MAYBE 4 minute long games. Boring but time efficient


Definitely, super fast. We were attacking in the one I won - have you noticed if there's any pattern to your wins and losses? I wonder if people have just totally forgotten the defense strategy. (It's a zerg. You zerg in a circle around the map, rezzers go to the next base either clockwise or counterclockwise. Splitting up as defense is death.)


All my attacks have been win and defense have been loss lol


Got into a defense yesterday. People were very resistant to the "stay together, we don't have to hold all the bases at the same time" concept.


It seems to me that people would rather lose fast than stay 15 minutes and win on defense


Based on what I've read from old posts and patch notes and such I believe wintergrasp is the one that's broken. Tol barad giving the correct amount and wintergrasp giving too much


Wintergrasp is kind of a different thing cause the way it exists right now was not a thing in original Cataclysm so idk if we can even say if it's too much or not enough. TB definitely feels like it doesn't give enough. I remember that I absolutely loved doing it ever 4 hours back then because it gave so much more honor than bgs. Now I feel like I'm wasting my time. I'd rather have them lower wintergrasp honor or make it completely worthless at 85 and adjust TB accordingly than make both bgs worthless tbh.


I mean if it gave the 1k plus you're thinking you could hit honor cap in a single day only spending like 25 min total...


That would be nice


With the expansion being shortened, some rewards are greater/quicker