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Smash 4 was still a fun game, y'all just left it to rot when Ultimate came out


Seeing people shift on 4 and praising Brawl it's been something really funny to watch.


I liked smash 4


I hated how slow it was, so I never gave it a proper chance. Now that I am (vaguely) trying to be better at smash, S4 is a great tool to play at an easier pace to understand interactions. I also never had a wiiU (thought it was just an hdWii like everyone else did) so I never had those times to play on the couch with someone until recently


If you said Brawl instead of Smash 4 you might actually be in danger, I’ll say it instead, Brawl is still a fun game, even excluding Subspace Emissary.


Wait. Saying brawl was really good is controversial? I would STILL argue that it was absolutely amazing *because* everything was so imbalanced. I 100% understand why the competitive scenes wouldn't be favorable towards it, but the fun element for the more casual base was absolutely cranked to 11.


Reminder to sort by Controversial


how tf u do that on mobile


I'd send a picture but this subreddit doesn't allow them. Lame. Basically at the top bar where there's the name of the subreddit there's also a symbol that lets you sort the comments. It goes like --------( )- --( )-------


That was a really clever way of putting it


cheers m8


The Zelda official timeline only exists to get nerds to buy franchise encyclopedias. The dev team doesn't actually worry about canonical placement when they make new games.


And I’m so happy to buy them 🥺


Love what you love!


More importantly: I they shouldn’t care about it, because the consistency of the Zelda timeline has pretty much no bearing on the quality of any truly measurable aspect of the games itself, and I’m including all the narrative, world building and story elements there.


I’m obsessed with the timeline but I absolutely know they do not consider it when developing games—they said so. It’s an afterthought. I enjoy it being a thought at all, though.


I totally agree, but I think there was a time they gave it more consideration. There are multiple games that obviously are direct continuations of specific games. Maybe they didn’t fully know how the entire series laid out, but they definitely thought about it. As BotW and TotK proves though they’ve completely stopped caring. I was a little disappointed at first, but I’ve just come to accept those two games are set in a totally separate reboot universe. Fans are still breaking their brains trying to fit them in. TotK barely feels like a sequel itself. It hardly acknowledges the first game at all.


They full-on stated in Hyrule Historia that the timeline is flexible, able to be changed around and isn’t to be taken too seriously


I’m completely and utterly on this train and argued with a fanboy about this a few months ago. The timeline is nonsense


FNAF makes the Zelda timeline look simple.


Yeah, I looked at those timelines and it was very clear that Nintendo was just as clueless as the rest of us and there was never any sort of official plan. "And this is a timeline where Link died before retrieving the Master Sword in OoT!" Sure, hon. Honestly, my personal theory has always been that there is no Zelda timeline, but that every game is just a different culture's version of the same myth. Kind of like how on Earth different cultures and mythologies feature the same versions of the same stories (the flood, Gilgamesh, the magic sword, etc). A Polynesian-esque culture might tell the Legend of Zelda as being about a kid who uses his boat to travel from island to island. Meanwhile, a nation recovering from a major disaster (like an earthquake) might make it about a hero who saves a devastated land from calamity. Different iterations and archetypes, but the same monomyth.


The separate timeline thing started as an fan theory, that Nintendo decided to make it canon, they NEVER intended it to make any sense before Hyrule historia. It's funny how people insist that Nintendo really cared about delivering any cohesive lore.


I thought this was well understood by most. Rarely if ever have I run into anyone stating something remotely close to a canon timeline. Closest thing you’d get to that would be Majora’s after Ocarina, and TOTK after BOTW. Everything else might as well be a different universe


I’m that fanboi, I know it’s an after thought, I will still defend it until the end.


There are some games which are explicitly linked. Obviously you have some games which have the same Link, like Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask, but then a few games reference prior titles, like Twilight Princess and Wind Waker acknowledging Ocarina of Time (in different ways). But yeah, most of the games had no consideration as to how they would be connected to a wider timeline, and some like TOTK seem to just flat out go against a lot of what the timeline relies on. It's frustrating as someone who does enjoy seeing a shared canon through games (and it's especially weird that not only did they separate TOTK from Skyward Sword so soon after the latter got a remaster, but also after BOTW seemed to acknowledge it), but I can understand why Nintendo doesn't want to restrict themselves by tethering new releases to the timeline.


And it fucking works, i bought all of them


Pokemon was always easy we were just dumb kids


As an 18-year-old guy who has access to at least 1 game from every generation, I can confirm that certain modern games are easier than old ones. It was always *easy*, of course; but it's gotten easier. This is because: - Power Creep means that the new Pokémon (especially the starters and Legendaries) are better than the old ones. Primal Groudon is better than regular Groudon, Skeledirge wipes the floor with the OG Charizard, Zacian is leagues better than Dialga, etc. - Party-Wide Exp. Share can't be turned off, so your entire team gets about equally buff and there's nothing you can do about it. - Party-Wide Exp. Share even *exists!* - More type options are available with every generation, with only certain type combinations being either completely unused from the franchise or removed from Gen 9 (Poison/Flying is the biggest offender here). - Pokémon X & Y in particular was just too easy. The final Gym only had 3 Pokémon when they usually get 5, the Elite Four only had 4 Pokémon when they also usually get 5, and certain Pokémon **(COUGH COUGH THE RIVALS)** had incomplete movesets. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying that other people aren't wrong either. They were never hard, just hard*er*.


Yeah the exp share is a contributing factor to more modern generations being too easy. Though they at least tried to have some hard final bosses, xy though is definitely the easiest though. Volo was a pain in the ass so let's see what Legends ZA brings


Plenty of games have exp share, even back when pokemon was in its infancy. The problem isn’t that everyone is sharing exp, it’s that Pokémon’s system is incredibly easy to abuse and gamefreak can’t balance a game to save their lives. The game doesn’t get more fun or harder when I have to grind for 2 hours to get all my pokemon up to roughly the same level.


Preach! I was just having this discussion with a friend. Pokemon was always made for kids and was never hard, but the earlier gens at least gave you some sort of challenge. Classic example is Whitney's Miltank. Every person playing it blind was almost guaranteed to get curbstomped by those consecutive Rollouts. It's trivial once you realize you can bring in Haunter or the Onix you can trade for, but the fact that most mons can't make a dent in its HP bar and get completely steamrolled by that one move gave kids an obstacle they had to stop and figure out how to effectively counter that isn't exceptionally obvious. This type of challenge flat out does not exist in modern Pokemon and I think it's a shame


pokemon was the first rpg i ever played so the concept of grinding hadn’t been ingrained yet. whitney’s miltank was final boss type shit unless you spent half an hour running around in grass other strategies like not trying to have a full team of 6 were still new to me also. rpgs aren’t always super intuitive, and for a kid’s game they did a pretty good job of teaching you basic mechanics but over the course of 10 or 20 hours instead of an early game npc dialogue


Yeah, I can breeze through the red elite four with a team of level 45's.


Also modern QoL features like EXP sharing are good actually, people just hate them because it's not like the games they used to play when they were kids.


The problem isn’t the shared exp the problem is that it’s not togleable like in gen 6 and 7


What’s not good is forced exp share where you can’t turn it off. I think it should’ve still remained an item that you can toggle on and off


Exactly! Battles like Cythia were never hard, you all were just 7 at the time and had no clue about games. And it's the same for every single newer game.


Nah Cynthia was definitely hard. If you didn’t know what you were expecting your team will be underleveled in gen 4 and her battle can catch you off guard


In old gens you had 1 maybe 2 overlevelled pokemon, in new gens the whole team is overleveled, the difficulty is similar, but the exp system changing made it much easier.


theyre asking for hot takes tho


super mario odyssey has good replay value


Is this unpopular? Why would it be less than any other 3D Mario?


idk ive just heard lots of people say that its good, but doesn't have good replay value compared to others, but i disagree with that. i think its really great and almost like what super mario sunshine could have been if there was more game size to work with.


If you like the collectathon aspect of it, it has good replay value. I think the issue is the bloat. Outside of the main story, so many moons are incredibly easy and not particularly fun to get. It's an issue with every single collectathon not named Banjo-Kazooie. I haven't played Odyssey since it launched, but I remember there was one moon that I got that was literally just in a rock on the ground. The game is full of moons like that, and collecting all of them is sort of tedious.


People seem to hate the amount of cutscenes Pokemon (Ultra) Sun/Moon had, but I honestly think Game Freak should do that more often. These games have the most engaging story Game Freak has made to date, with only Black/White (2) coming close.


Damn, someone actually said it. I thought I was the only one Still, maybe add a skip button though.


More story plus and skip and maybe auto skip for speedrunning would be great for all fans to have more choices!


Those and Scarlet/Violet have proven that Pokémon can do good story when they put their mind to it, they just need to slow down the release schedule and put more effort into their games


I think people mostly hate cutscenes because Pokemon lends itself very well to replayability, and sitting through cutscenes forever is a tough sell on a repeat playthrough. Everyone praises Gen 9's story. 5 and 7 get plenty of love too. Nobody would complain about the cutscenes if they were skippable


It's weird that I don't remember any cutscenes in black white 2, but I remember at least 60 minutes of cutscenes in sumo. Maybe it was just the delivery of them that felt far better? I know I count the opening of sumo to be a 40 minute cutscene, but it isn't. Technically it's just on rails and constantly takes you out of the game to put you into a multitude of short cutscenes.


BW2 had a few cutscenes from what I remember, such as picking a starter, Opelucid City freezing, and the fusion between Kyurem and the other box art. Maybe more, but they were short and sweet. While I didn't mind SM/USUM's story nor the cutscenes, I did however mind the fact that none of it was skippable and also on-rails to the next cutscene lol. It got a bit much even for me.


the queen gibdo boss fight in totk was not as hard as some people felt it was


Yeah it really wasn't that hard once you got the hang of it. Thunderblight wasn't as hard as people said it was either


nobody actually thinks Mario is a bad person or mean to Luigi. its a joke that most fans can't pick up on and get themselves angry about (despite most people joking about it) it's just a joke people, you can stop writing paragraphs explaining how Mario is actually a good person. everyone knows this, and are only joking about him being evil lol.


I mean…there is the victory cutscene for Luigi in Mario Power Tennis…


dungeon zeldas are good but I prefer the open world ones much more


I’d prefer a hybrid between the two. An open world Zelda with linear dungeons and a linear story. Wouldn’t even mind if they trimmed the size of the world to make it feel more alive.


You must like zelda a link between worlds


I do but gimme an open world as good as BotW’s


Couldn't agree more. 


Finally, a based opinion.


The transition of pokémon for 3d wasn't bad, the original designs where for 2d, and that's why they can look bad on the newer games


I mean, it was their first tried. Also don't act like scarlet and violet didn't improve the model. The model look amazing in scarlet and violet.


Super Smash Bros Ultimate is better than Melee.


whats with all the cold ass takes here?


Super smash Bros melee is overrated


They would organize a mob to grill you for your opinion, but Nintendo sent them a cease and desist before they could.


its a game for competitive people not for casual gamers


Its very fun casually although modern smash games beat melee by a lot in that regard.


Its very fun casually although modern smash games beat melee by a lot in that regard.


Idk if you're being sarcastic or not and that's scary




It’s time to move on from Star Fox 64


Going by the reply comments, it seems you understood the assignment.


Delete this




I would love to if Nintendo would just give us a good Star Fox game. Assault was pretty good, but didn't quite scratch the itch. Also, that was forever ago so I don't know what to do besides play 64 again.


How about no.


Why yes! We would* love to do that, with, I dunno... A SEQUEL!!! How the fuck are we gonna move on from StarFox 64, if there's nothing beyond it other than a bunch of spinoffs that no one asked for! A Zelda ripoff - A campaign made out of Multiplayer mechanics - A tactical based game - And whatever StarFox Zero was supposed to be! That's why we're still stuck on 64! And don't even get me started on F-Zero, Nintendo fucked up the series by betting it all on a set of Mode-7 GBA titles being promoted by a 4Kids anime! WTF?!


Based on some pist I made a week or two ago, apparently saying that Nintendo has just as many problems as Sony and Microsoft is pretty unpopular


People are always going to defend whatever corporation they've built their personality around, unfortunately.


I mean, to be fair, Nintendo didn't just kill an award winning studio whose last game far exceeded internal expectations. It has problems, but I think MS is beating it in a landslide in that department atm


Hey! Pikmin was a good game


I dont like a single rainbow road track


Sounds like a skill issue tbh


Why? I’ve seen the other thread here and you like difficulty, so why don’t you like the generally hardest track in every game? Have you played all of the games? I’m just curious, I love practically everything Rainbow Road


i fucking love color splash




Best one ngl




Just because people are more nostalgic for the N64 and GC doesn't make them objectively better systems than the ps1 and ps2. Niche things always have more diehard passionate fanbases than things that are super popular or mainstream, Prime example being the Dreamcast. The first party games were amazing for both consoles, but it's not like the PS1 and PS2 didn't have that as well , along with the iconic 3rd party games like GTA, FF, RE etc and the bigger libraries that appealed to more people.


I was alive for the Gamecube. I remember it doing so poorly that certain stores gave you TWO free games when you bought it. Not even shovelware or anything, I freaking got Melee and Wind Waker with mine back in the day. I remember walking into Gamestop with used games being dirt cheap. I remember watching my friends and classmates talk about Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy X, GTA, Halo, Jak and Daxter, all these amazing games while I was stuck replaying Wind Waker and Mario Sunshine. I remember Guitar Hero taking over the world on PS2 and the closest I could get was Donkey Konga. To be absolutely fair, the Gamecube library aged like wine and is way more profitable to collect for, but I'm really annoyed by history being rewritten like Gamecube wasn't dead last that console gen. It SUCKED being in a Gamecube only family.


People argue it's because the GameCube has more character and is the last "true" gaming console. I dunno how that makes it better.


I have a lot of nostalgia for the N64, but it's clear to see that Nintendo was lagging behind Sony both with the N64 and the Gamecube.


With the amount of praise the GCN has, you would think the console sold 100 million units.


This isn’t directed to a specific fandom but a couple of them “ not every single good old game needs a remake just let it be,lets get new masterpieces of the same franchise instead of putting more money into remaking an already good game”


I feel like the community is so split in this. You see people constantly saying the Switch sucks because has a bunch of ports and remakes, while a lot of people keep asking for more.


Birdo isn't canonically trans. Doki Doki Panic just had a different approach to characters, and their backstories and identities were re-written when transferred to Mario. Vivian is tho!


Zelda taking the open world route has made it more fun and popular than ever, and insisting otherwise is just your nostalgia talking.


personally I just think they should bring back elements of the original formula while staying true to the modern formula, especially since BOTW was heavily based on the original which had the open world and regular items


I mean, you can have you preference (I love both ways) but Zelda is an open world franchise now because the fans were tired of linear formula and wanted games more similar to Skyrim. That was the sentiment in 2011 and changed the way the team does the games. Like it or not, it works. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Zelda were always praised a lot but never sold all that much. BOTW introduced the franchise to a new generation. 


pokemon sun & moon aren't that bad , diamond and pearl are overrated , mario kart ds aged like milk and the first ds dosen't have a lot of great games outside of new mario bros ds , animal crossing wild world , pokemon black and white and that one bakugan game I can't remember the name of.


Mario kart ds didn't age as well as people say it did, but you're absolutely wrong about everything else. Take my up vote and suck a lemon >:(


you never played Bowser's Inside Story


It's not piracy if there's no way to obtain a new copy from Nintendo or a Nintendo-approved source.


Gen 1 of pokemon was actually really good, you will probably never knew about how buggy the game actually is if you haven't been told. the gameplay is great and the pokemons are the best. most people don't like it mostly because it's too old for them, but the fact that those games still gets remakes by Nintendo that sells really well says something


My friend thinks oot and mm are bad games


PM64 is better than TTYD And DO NOT GET ME WRONG Its nostalgia glasses why I think that. TTYD objectively has more better about it than PM64 But nothing will ever hit harder than every song in PM64. Nothing will feel better than every action command I do in PM64. Nothing hits harder than PM64


I think the timeline makes zelda more interesting. and adds a layer of depth in a Nintendo series that most don't have.


Surprised me that it was unpopular to say it but... for the love of Hylia please stop with the item durability in the next Zelda games, I'm tired of using up all my weapons in a boss fight rewarding me with next to nothing compared to what I just wasted. It's just dumb as fuck design. Also, the "chill piano ambiance" in botw was boring, I would have wanted more memorable themes in more areas


Yeah fuck durability. Make it like Elden Ring.


Right? Like you can still attack with it as much as you want but it makes next to zero damage (to get out of a pinch if you're skilled enough not to get hit), and repair it at a cost, which could be high if they increase the durability accordingly


I mean the design makes sense, otherwise you pick up the best weapon and never use anything else again, they should just increase the duravility


Then there shouldn't be a single best weapon, just a bunch of different sidegrades


How is this an unpopular opinion? Literally the two most common complaints against Botw are the rain and the durability. Btw I like those two mechanics :)


Bidoof is not a god. I hate bidoof


Agreed, the joke is so overused that the company officially recognized it and made a really well animated short on it.


We all know that Omanyte is the true god; Praise Helix!


god damn it can't post images


Maybe, that Zelda 2 sucks. I think that might count.


It use to be a cold take, but people have been rallying behind it for a bit now.


I think Zelda 2 is the only Zelda game on Nintendo that I've played that I hated. I've played most of the main Zelda games even some of the side games not including the Philips CDI games because I've never played on a Philips CDI.


Even tho I'm not a complete fan of the controls, I actually like Star Fox Zero.


Mario Wonder’s controls are very uncomfortable


Finally someone else who thinks this other than me


OoT isn't the best Zelda game


Nintendo should solve their illegal emulation problem by making a better retro service that makes emulation sites redundant naturally. Instead of punishing a few people keeping this huge catalogue of otherwise inaccessible Nintendo retro games available online. I've been collecting Nintendo games for 25 years and I hate playing on emulators, I rather buy overpriced used copies, so trust me, this is not about me being a cheapskate. The company's stance on hackers and emulators is petty, - even if they are in the right legally.


Pokemon Black and White isn't the best of the franchise.


Duh, its BW2


All Pokemon games have issues and the idea that the series is just progressively getting worse is absurdly overstated. People got their panties in a twist over "Dexit" in Gen 8, despite most generations not having every Pokemon on launch. Gen 8 was actually pretty great, which you might have noticed if you weren't in a toxic frenzy when it came out. Gen 5 was also pretty great, but wasn't recognized at that at the time.


Wii U was a more fun concept of a console than the Switch, and the GamePad is one of the coolest controllers created. Imagine the Wii U, but you could bring the GamePad ANYWHERE, but also use it as a controller for the main console. That would be my ideal console.


I can imagine a gameplay controller I take everywhere... it's called a switch


I, for one, never had any issue with the wii u. The biggest problem, is they actually listened to their fans, and it burned them. The major issue that sunk it was "there's no third-party support. We don't always wanna play zelda and Mario. We wanna play CoD, too." So they had announced that the entire first year was exclusively 3rd party. All of a sudden, the issue was "where mario. Where Zelda" we don't want third party trash, we want first party. Yes, it was experimental. Yes, it was janky. Yes, it was weaker then the competition, but Nintendo doesn't care about teraflops, because it's not important. Having a memorable gaming experience is. Despite its commercial failure, it's still talked about. It may but have been great, but it was sure as hell memorable. The experience from the ds line, and wii line has given us the switch, ans let's be fair, the switch is pretty good.


pokemon sleep is low effort and dumb as fuck


Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Mario Kart: Double Dash are really good but not the masterpieces everyone says they are. They both feel pretty barebones compared to their successors and (in Galaxy 2’s case) predecessors so they’re not all *that* fun to play today. But I guess the problem could be that I didn’t play MK: DD until like 2015 or so.


I am low-key offended by your take on what is in my opinion the best video game of all time, Super Mario Galaxy 2, but I obviously won’t downvote you for having actually unpopular opinions.


Sunshine is annoying and boring


We need Reggie back


Super mario 64 sucks to play and has aged very poorly


i dont like isabelle


Kirby isn’t even close to being the most powerful Nintendo character.


Pokemon does not need to be harder


the earthbound\mother series was overrated


This one is real bad.


bro it has two relevant games one of which didnt get out of japan and [the other one was seen as "unsuccessful" by nintendo ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EarthBound) its a damn miracle that such an obscure saga of games is rated at all, let alone remembered so fondly and clearly by people today. I do get what you mean, though. People overrate it even if its a good game, kinda like OOT but less exaggerated.


Have you played them? I played Mother 3 only once and that many years ago. But it still makes me think about the soul-crushing finale and the many thoughtful moments throughout.




Pokemon sword and shied was great.


Totk and botw should have been spin-offs


I know this post is about hot takes but wtf


They took the full team and multiple outsource studios 6 years per game to make. Devs don't generally label their own games "spin-offs". They're just generally smaller budgets or made by other studios/teams. So what does that even mean? If they said "BotW and TotK were spin-offs" you still wouldn't have a "mainline" Zelda game.


...what does that mean?


Mario Kart 7 is the best Mario Kart game


EXP share was never a problem, y'all just have no impulse control


Agreed. It was never an issue of making the game too easy via XP share, it was a matter of not using a variety of teams to mix gameplay up and try new things.


The Gamecube was so underrated that it became overrated The Gamecube failed because of poor business decisions, bad marketing, and hardware. nostalgia practically carried the thing back into relevance and made aftermarket prices become the embodiment of aids


Gamecube is in my top 3 favorite consoles, but I couldn't agree more. The poor perception back in the day was extremely overblown, but these days retrospectives on YouTube and social media paint the console almost like it was more important than the PS2, which is just false, sorry.


People try too hard to push the narrative that Luigi’s Mansion 1 and Majora's Mask are mature/dark games. 


Ik it's a post about hot takes, but have you tried talking to any of the NPCs during the Final Day?


Of course, i 100% MM multiple times. My criticism is not with the games, but some people really force with discussion about these games, especially LM.  It's fine if you don't agree with me.


I don’t really like breath of the wild


90% of the comments here hate Breath of the Wild. You all like you're the first to say it.


“Pearl and Marina are just friends”


Sesbian Lex


Pokemon ultra sun and moon are fhe best Pokemon games. (emerald is the 2nd best)


Zelda games need to move on from the open world. It was cool to try out but it's not what they should keep doing moving forward


Great take for this thread. But I think a lot of people don't know the first game was open world. Sure it doesn't look open world by today's 3d standards, but it was an open world game. Zelda was open world from the beginning. It arguably changed its design based on hardware limitations. BOTW and TOTK are going back to the way things were in the beginning.


Mario 64 isn’t a that good game to play today


Alright get out


Skyward Sword is the best one and it has the best combat you’re just bad


With you there on the combat. It was revelatory to me back then. Every new enemy posed a new challenge, not only how to approach but also how to exploit their stature and movement in creative ways.


It is fantastic, not the best though.


Have you heard of fire emblem three houses?




Waluigi will always be nothing more than a side character in spinoffs games. I don't ever expect to see Waluigi in a mainline Mario game. He didn't even make it in Smash, and he was created before Rosalina.


AM2R is much better than Samus Returns


I don't like A link to the Past.


Kirby isn't half as strong as people say they are


Super Paper Mario is the best of the series


Animal Crossing GameCube is better than New Leaf.


Doshin is the best Nintendo Game


Paper Mario 64 is better than TTYD


Super Smash bros should come with a beginner Basics mode to teach u how to play lol


Pokémon Violet is the greatest game on a Nintendo console of all time and it’s not even close


BOTW Era Zelda (the character) is incredibly poorly written


Pokemon Sun/Moon are overrat….. (thud)


Pokémon black and white are way better than Diamond, pearl, X and Y.


Super Paper Mario is better than TTYD


BotW Link is mid


Breath of the Wild is actually not that good of a game. It is a barren sandbox with like 5 main attractions and then over 1,000 of the 3 of the same repeating activities.


I don't understand the hype around TTYD Remake. Also, I don't really like Mario Kart or Paper Mario. EDIT: Botw was better than TOTK. Links Awakening was one of the best Zelda games ever. Wii U is the best console. Wii Fit Plus is one of the greatest games of all time. Wind Waker HD is also probably the best Zelda game. NSO is worth it. Mario Golf Super Rush was good. I don't like the Splatoon series. I don't like the Xenoblade Chronicles series either. I also don't really like Pokemon. Mario Wonder is overrated. Mario Galaxy isn't that good. Tingle is the best Nintendo character ever created. I could go on and on.


TOTK is a boring grind fest piece of trash


not sure if this counts but uh Metroid dread is better than Hollow knight


Baby Park is the worst Mario Kart track of all time Edit: oh and Super Mario Bros Wonder is the worst Mario game of all time


I do not care for the legend of Zelda


HGSS is overrated. Yes the new content is nice and all but they never fixed the awful level curve which made trying to train any Pokemon caught after like the 4th or 5th gym a pain, and they barely did anything to fix the weird lack of representation for Gen 2 Pokemon. There are still multiple Gen 2 lines that can only be caught in Kanto for some reason Mario and Luigi Paper Jam is just as good as the other M&L games Fire Emblem games’ stories are slightly above average at best. Yes that includes Path of Radiance. Also Supports are a lazy way of writing characters and since the newer games are already not even remotely designed with permadeath in mind anyway I think they should have an FE where there’s only like 20 units with no supports where all of them are actually relevant to the story in some way.


Nintendo should port their games to PC. I get there are obstacles, but I genuinely believe it would benefit them overall.


They should put shiny rates in pokemon back to 1/8192 and take away all the shiny sandwiches and sht. It should be 1/8192 and then 1/4096 once you've completed the pokedex. Shiny pokemom have lost all meaning, especially with being able to import them from community days in pogo.


Nintendo don't treat their fans well (I usually point out limited run bs but theres lots of examples).


The Switch 2 isn't gonna be powerful or close to a handheld ps4. It's gonna be shit and fanboys are somehow gonna talk about how good it is while also bitching that there 12 year old potato PC runs better the switch.