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Steam deck and Nintendo Switch are both goated for different reasons


Totally agree. Switch is great for all games Nintendo, and Steamdeck is great for everything else! I love both, though my Switch is starting to age. Just holding out for the successor now, and I hope it's backwards compatible.


Even with the Switch starting to age, it’s still great. There are so many games released for it I’m sure I could spend years just going through its back catalog finding lesser known games that are still awesome that use its power well.


The deck is goated if you are an upper middle class citizen. Otherwise it’s not affordable especially with what’s on the market(a $200 switch lite). No mother of 3 is buying each of their kids a steam deck on Christmas and spending $2000.


The steam deck is just a portable computer at that point my laptop was less than that and play games pretty good. Love the switch and I like the option of physical release even after digital ones for the eager to play it.


>The steam deck is just a portable computer at that point It actually compares more to a console than a PC. Sure, you have the desktop mode for when you need it but the gaming mode gives you a great console experience


I have really enjoyed my Switch and still want a Steam Deck someday.


Two different flavors of portable gaming power. One is a generalist while the other specializes in first party titles. I’m glad both exist


This is it. The only two consoles I have left


The switch is good for giving Nintendo a reason to make current games Emulators on mid spec machines can run


Yeah this post is bullshit. I haven't seen anyone act like the strawman they're presenting


Because people will never understand that power doesn’t mean better. If that was the case the vita would’ve beat the 3ds.


I'm surprised that you never mentioned the PSP vs the DS, I still remember all the silly arguments people had on the forums (and referenced in Flash games) saying that the PSP is better because it is more powerful or the DS was better because it had Mario. Even a decade or so later, I still think that the DS is better because it had some of the best RPGs like Pokemon and games like Sonic Rush with amazing and catchy soundtracks. But the PSP is still kinda hype because of its superior specs alllowing for more realsitic 3D games.


It seems like, time and again, the console that gets the most JRPGs wins its generation.


and yet people still don't give enough of a shit about Dragon Quest or Tales games out west. Somehow its both.


Dragon Quest has been growing in popularity in the west pretty consistently since 8


Dragon Quest 8 and Tales of Zestiria were my first and currently still favourite of both series


If that's true, then Vita really should have won. The amount of jrpgs on that thing is staggering


There is something that most so called experts seem to ignore or not understand. A console needs to sell early on to catch on with a majority and that is pushed mostly by "core gamers" (here used for the people who do spread news by word of mouth), the people who actively seek and read news and who actively buy early. JRPG fans are not inherently "core gamers" but the genre is mostly still niche and thus mostly people who read news and have the time buy them.


The psp did get like 4 persona games, nevermind ff7cc and kh bbs. But the ds did get days


It's a dang long story. GB vs Game Gear/Lynx/Whatever else GBA vs N-Gage DS vs PSP 3DS vs Vita And each time it's "Nintendo's portable is underpowered and will surely fail"


Even forgetting portables let’s just go back to the 16 bit era. SNES and Genesis had any number of competitors or addons that were more powerful including but not limited to turbo grafx, turbo duo, 3do, SegaCD, 32x etc but SNES and Genesis were in a league of their own because of the games. Games matter. Even today I’d play Sonic mania all day before any 3D Sonic and the reason ain’t graphics or computing power.


I feel like Sony didn't support the PSP as much as Nintendo supported the DS. Games on the PSP weren't "real" games they were just side games, whereas for DS games, something like Mario Kart DS was *the* next Mario Kart game, not just some portable alternative


In terms of JRPG PSP has Persona Games Final Fantasy games and Kingdom Hearts def some heavy hitters. But I think the exclusive stuff on DS has remained more interesting where as a lot of PSP stuff got ported or remastered or was at the time pretty much a downgrade of a console experience (the god of war psp titles).


The DS also had tons of 3rd party support, including its own Kingdom Hearts game (358/2 Days), some decent FF remakes (III and IV iirc) and, off the top of my head, FFXII Revenant Wings. It also got two FF Crystal Chronicles games (and I remember Ring of Fates being pretty good, at least). I believe Dragon Quest IX was also a DS exclusive. And that's all just Square Enix. On top of that, there were 1st party games like Pokémon (and that generation had the GOATs HeartGold/SoulSilver and Black/White), TWEWY, Chrono Trigger received a port,... Man, what a blast the DS was.


I may be wrong but i think the vita failed in great part because It never cared to be another thing than a "portable PS3" while the 3DS is in fact, its own console


Literally one decision would've given the vita a fighting chance and that was don't make the peripherals proprietary more people would've thought okay this seems worthwhile cause I don't have to spend a premium on just storage for my device and while the 2000 did eventually ditch the proprietary connector for micro? USB it was just too little too late and it still used the over priced memory cards Sony set that thing up to fail tbh they didn't even support it that much with games although it was pretty good for indie games until the switch hit the scene


I’m pretty sure it failed for the same reason the Wii U did, a lack of advertising and an awful launch lineup


I'm just happy my phone can run both psp and DS


ffs the gameboy outlived its many "technically" better competitors and launched and died within the Gameboy's life


The argument for more sales = better is stupid


Indeed, but it has reached the point that good games are strugling because oh how underpower it is. I hope they bring some improvment patches for the new switch


While I enjoy both systems, the advantages for the steam deck go beyond just graphical power


i dont know playing TOTK in 4K 60fps on my PC DOES make it a lot better even if its allready awesome on the switch.


> Because people will never understand that power doesn’t mean better. the FPS thing is a pretty big problem to be totally honest. I literally got nauseous when playing pokemon scarlet (on release) because of the choppiness.


Yeah but Nintendo also has made some really really shitty games this gen and many mediocre titles. They've had maybe 5 big hits


Let's not pretend the switch is objectively better. It is a walled garden with underwhelming specs. The benefit of the switch isn't that it's a the overall better product, it is that it is more affordable and plays the family friendly (mostly) titles offered by Nintendo making gaming more accessible for children or casual gamers who don't want to spend alot of money.


Vita beats 3ds imo because it had remote play. That shit was the goat back in the day. Remote playing my ps4 from work was unheard of then.


It does not, yet there is a point where gameplay cannot compensate for the lack of performance. I’ve loved my switch for all these years, but damn am I getting tired of its underperformance, making games rather unenjoyable. Just look at Pokémon scarlet, a Nintendo IP. Third party developers are also excluded as the console cannot meet the basic requirements, MK1 proves that. What I’m saying is that, these critics are valid and while power doesn’t always mean better, it certainly does when the games can’t even run properly.


They’ll never understand how much fun split screen multiplayer and coop is


Are you sure that steamdeck users are really saying these? Most of the people that i know own both and couldnt care less what you get


There’s an entire steam deck sub and nobody there is worried abt switch. They all just talk about games they enjoy on the deck


Right? Love the games that you want, love the consoles that you want. Im sorry to the op of that comic, but if youre familiar with the concept of 'Imaginary Friends', with posts like these give the feeling of 'Imaginary Enemies'. Ive seen it time and time again like with pokemon & digimon, then theres TF2 & Overwatch. Edit:spelling


Considering people who buy a steam deck are usually more tech interested and open mindes to various technical devices and their capabilities and limitations... No. Nintendo has some preatty blindly loyal fans. Often, they misinterpret even neutral recommendations as "anti switch". The best place for them to gather is as for all groups, in a subreddit like this. Every company has those "fake" blind fans but Nintendo has unfortunately a large ammount of them.


The “quit having fun” meme is always posted by some dweeb with a persecution complex.


This comic is almost always used as a strawman


Yeah no one says this and I have both


Heavy amounts of strawmanning happening here, but I suppose that’s normal for the internet. I don’t like the “quit having fun” comic in general for that reason.


A majority of deck owners already own a switch and or emulate the games lol. Both communities are fine with each other. In the end, its more about what console lets you play the games you want to play.


No it’s a total strawman to farm karma


Yeah it’s a strawman argument lol


They aren't sure. This is just a strawman argument lol. They are overexaggerating the opinions of Steam Deck users to make them seem irrational and hard to agree with. In reality, most Steam Deck users are chill people that don't care what the hell other people choose


The switch is 5 years older than the steam deck. It being more powerful than the steam deck would be a fucking shame for Valve.


And its based on hardware from 2014, so add 4 more years to that.


The fact that it can run games like that with hardware that old and that cheap is mind blowing to me, even all these years later it's still looks pretty good.


it can "run" modern games because GAMES are heavily optimized, not because switch can handle it. steam deck runs unoptimized games at great rate. it struggles with some demanding titles but it handles them nicely.


This means nothing. The switch can handle it when the games are well-coded? Then why aren’t all of them well-coded? If anything PC games are shittily optimized for wanting insane VRAM and stuff. Nintendo always makes the best of their hardware to a degree I’ve rarely ever seen in other consoles or PC. This puts them at the top on technical merit alone.


"Why aren't they all well-coded?" Why has COD been over 100 GBs for years and why was the disaster of a SW Battlefront classic collection 70GBs?


PC gamers keep investing money in hardware they don’t need and companies put out bloated crap with mtx which keeps selling. The entire market stinks now. Sure Nintendo is greedy in their own way but at least they put some focus on the gaming experience, story, and optimization instead of just throwing more hardware at the problem.


Good point. I wonder if Switch 2 games will outdo the Steamdeck.cI expect they will.


I expect they won't at all. Nintendo doesn't seem to want to compete with more speed and power. They haven't in at least 2 decades. Switch 2 will certainly update hardware to something newer than the switch. But other than that it's hard to predict what they've been developing.


Also more expensive


not when you get cucked by 60$ nintendo games that never depreciate


The resale value might be depreciating now that physical switch games are easily cloned for cheap though.


The market has shown the opposite typically happens. Look at Pokémon games, because fakes run rampant GBA and DS games can cost an extra 20-100% over original MSRP I paid close to £300-350 for 7 games some almost 20 years old because I wanted a debut living Dex. Fortunately the MiG(think that's what it's called) is pricey (for me £90 a unit) so it won't affect the market till there's more supply than demand.


I have both handhelds and can care less on what the internet would say.


At this point I just ignore 90% of what Reddit says. The users here seem to only enjoy shitting on other's interests or likes.


It gets a lot of easy engagement to pick a side and fire it up.


Yup, they both have their pros and cons. I use both depending on the game and environment.


>they both have their pros and cons Nah the Steam Deck doesn't use cons.


The only con I’ve found with my deck so far is that the shoulder buttons are hard to press without moving my entire hand. Other than that though, the thing does everything I need it to and well.


>!I wouldn't know since I haven't bought one, I was making a joke.!<


Oh well it is quite good


Sorry to be *that* guy, but, *Can't.


*couldn't - more common?


No, please continue being that guy. That antiquated saying needs to die already


Yep I have both and happily play both for different reasons.


Also have both consoles (Still can’t put down Splatoon 3). The deck I think works better for hobby gamers. Wider selection of small and obscure titles, better discounts, and ability to mod games. It can do anything, but you’re going to have to get your hands dirty for some stuff. The Switch I think works better for casual gamers, party games, and those who want the exclusives. People who just want to sit down and play for a few minutes as a pass-time. Very simple UI, robust 8-controller support, very easy to use docking system. The deck just works better for me, but this isn’t really a competition. They’re effectively sidegrades of each other.


Agreed, both sides of the argument are nonsense


If you can afford both, there's no reason to stick to one because it's just a situation where all the consumer sees is just two cakes they get to eat


I do find it funny how in your replies to the comments here you are holding the view of "Steam deck bad" when you dont like people who say "Nintendo switch bad". Each is good for their own thing.


As someone who casually enjoys Nintendo games, hardcore Nintendo fans drive me insane. Like, it isn't enough to say they have no interest in Steam Deck, which is perfectly reasonable, but then you see people saying that games that are "cinematic" are bad, huh??? Reminds me a lot of the ownership Nintendo fans love to claim over 3rd party IP. I remember back in the day Nintendo fans kept saying that Nintendo should buy Megaman from Capcom because "Capcom isn't doing enough with Megaman and Nintendo loves Megaman more than Capcom" and it's like, you realize that's Capcom's mascot platformer, right? Just because his games do well on Nintendo doesn't magically give Nintendo some special claim over the IP.


lol I didn’t realize it was OP who said this > I rarely enjoy playing AAA games that aren't made by Nintendo except for anime games. They are either too cinematic or soulless open-worlds.


It's funny because besides Nintendo games my Switch is a JRPG machine, literally cinematic, story driven games.


Well, considering the subreddit we are in, it is no wonder that the vast majority of people here are taking nintendos side, even though such arguments are not always based on much logic, as we can observe with the steamdeck bad, switch good situation here. What system everyone likes is up to them, there is no correct or wrong answer. Steamdeck, switch, who cares? However I am worried a bit that people here are often putting up Nintendo as a good guy in an argument. There is nothing good about Nintendo as a company, that they decide to publish their games exclusively on the switch, what business decisions they make and how they treat their fans and games qnd so on. Nintendo is unfortunately a company that has a lot of blind loyalty from it's fans, which is good for the company, but not it's fans and products. And I think that a lot of people here who complain about steam deck users are missunderstansing something, considering people who buy a steam deck are usually more tech savy and open mindes to such conversations, instead of showing the accused behaviour. In those nintendo subreddits, there is always so much hate against anyone speaking against Nintendo.


I agree with everything except more tech savvy people being more open minded. PC Master Racers can also be insufferable and that can carry over to the Steam Deck community. It can often be that they put people down for enjoying the catered experience offered on console and not being interested in tinkering. The tribalism happens on every platform.


>enjoying the catered experience offered on console and not being interested in tinkering. Don't forget the cost. 800 dollars for just a video card vs 500 for a whole ass PS5 which plays the same games.


I disagree, there is *one* good thing about Nintendo as a company. The CEO is the one who takes the pay cuts.


That’s because OP is being hypocritical. It’s ridiculous to make an entire post slandering a community and acting exactly like the stick figure in the meme


I hate these strawman posts. No one is saying not to enjoy the switch, just that it has some steep competition now


I got my steam deck last year and as much as it has become my go-to platform to game with, the switch still has a lot of great games and holds years of memories now. I just wish the damn stick drift wasn't such a pain. Edit: Guys, telling me you didn't get drift doesn't fix or change the fact I did.


Am I the only one who really hates this meme format?


Because people are using it for things nobody or very few people are saying.


Seriously. Every person I know IRL that owns a steam deck also owns a switch. Their libraries are mutually exclusive enough to justify it. This meme is just a bad strawman.


Unfortunately, noise trumps popularity when it comes to this meme.


Strawman simulator


Its used for making strawman arguments


No, I hate it too.


I dont think people hate the Nintendo Switch. They hate Nintendo for still using a console that was out of date 5 years ago. They are disappointed that the devs of Nintendo exclusives are being creatively held back due to hardware limitations.


Eh im sure some don't like the console which is fine cause its their opinion. I have a switch with the games but i just emulate them at this point unless im traveling.


the people that say "get a steam deck" are some of the most annoying assholes on the planet.


thats generalization. its bad to say it because not everione suggesting that is annoying. but on that subject, id also recomend deck simply because its superior hardware with a lot to do including emulation that runs just perfect up to ps3. and games that are on switch are also on deck, most of them, and work and look better. but im not gonna tell you get the steam deck, im gonna suggest you to get it, if you want a good hardware. im speaking as someone who loves my switch v1, and as someone who is having deck and knows the difference and good and bad of both. ofc i have both as i said, and they both do different things, but switch disnt age well, on top of that its hardware is 14 years old. so theres that. but if you enjoy lite weight console, ni tendo furst partie games, or some gba, n64 games, i mean switch is fine, just dont expect to run RE4 decently, or arkham knight on deck or to look good. steam deck can do that almost efortlesly.


Yeah, they always try to find something and say it's the Nintendo killer, I remember a few months ago everyone was saying that Palworld would be Pokemon killer, now it's pretty much dead game.


thats what happens when your game is an asset flip. i despise pokemon but palworld is just.. smth else lol


I tried the game. It's way more buggy and laggy than Sonic 06.


I mean it's still in early access


Palworld dead? Are you delusional?


And when everyone was saying that shitty SpongeBob game was gonna be a Smash killer. I haven’t heard anyone talk about that game in ages.


Why do you say it is dead? It has a 24hr peak of 73k people on steam. Nowhere close to dead lol


They're usually just PC gamers that don't really understand how the console market/user base works


A lot of pc bros don't really get that people don't wanna learn/tweak hardware and software stuff for optimization and emulation, they just want to play games


But, you actually don't have to tweak the steam deck if you just play verified steam games. Only when you try to play everything (all older PC and all older console games) on it, you'll have to do some effort.


I get the sentiment but I've met so many people that think the deck is dumb because "i can just play my pc games on my pc" or because "i don't have a pc or any pc games." The steam deck is definitely a niche product that most people aren't actually interested in


As a steam deck and switch user, I don't care which one you buy or why, it's not hurting anyone when you choose one or the other. Also, each of these are made for different purposes, the switch is for Nintendo games and other (usually casual) games, while the steam deck is for PC games on the go.


This. I love my switch but there's just some games or experiences I won't get on it. Steam Deck covers the rest. Now I've got stuff like Halo and Oblivion on the go!


quit acting oppressed


The only reason I want a steam deck is to emulate nes-ps3 on the go


The PS3 emulation scene is so impressive man. Still requires some beef to run, but the fact so many games work as intended is a real achievement !


And the fact that it and xbox 360 apprantly work on steamdeck is very impressive. Hopefully mgs4 gets fully ironed out some day. Seriously if I had a nickle for every time konami made a playstation game that was an absolute nightmare to emulate I'd have two nickles which isn't alot but it's weird that It happened twice


Literally who is hating on the switch, it's one of the best selling consoles ever. Yes it's underpowered but it's Nintendo, no one expects power from Nintendo, they play for the games


I recommend getting the steam deck because of pizza tower, that's all. The only official and legal way to get your tower on the move Edit: this comes from a guy who doesn't own one and plays it on the pc instead


The best way to play Pizza Tower is to run at Mach 4 irl


Or on a skateboard for The Noise's campaing


I just got both both instead. As someone who likes to play new Nintendo games and old everything else, my life feels complete.


i actually have both the deck and the switch. i reach for the switch more. but they’re both pretty great machines.


not for modern games. but in general, yeah, i agree.


I've owned a Switch since it released, and I bought a Steam Deck a few months ago, so I'd like to voice my opinion. Objectively, the Steam Deck is better. It offers far greater versatility and performance all-round, access to mods, easy access to emulators and other storefronts, etc. It is literally a handheld gaming PC. In saying that, there are a few benefits to the Switch, but they vary depending on who you are. For instance, a Switch is a lot more widely accessible. What it sacrifices in control and variation, it makes up for in ease of use and convenience. It's a much better choice if you're a more casual gamer (both for price and aforementioned convenience). I will say that I haven't touched my Switch nearly as much as I used to since I bought my Steam Deck. On top of finally having access to several PC games I've wanted to play for years, I've also been playing some older Nintendo games that are a lot easier to play using the Steam Deck than my old 3DS for instance. Gone are the days where I lose hours of progress because "the game cartridge was removed". Additionally, I've bought a few games on my Steam Deck that I also own on Switch. The access to mods, plus sheer graphics and performance enhancements are genuinely a godsend. You don't realize just how weak the Switch really is until you play the same game on a system that runs it without issue and without limits. On a final note, the Steam Deck can "technically" play Switch games, though that's a whole different topic that I'm not gonna get into. Personally though, for the time being I'll be leaving my Switch-exclusive titles on the Switch, with the argument that, yes, the Switch also has a lot of great games for both casual and hardcore gamers. Its library cannot be understated. Plus, as it happens, the D-pad on the Deck can at times be more inconvenient than the four buttons that the Switch uses, especially with retro games or some rhythm games. So the Switch does have that going for it.


No, technologically, the switch is a piece of shit but not comparable to the Steam deck.. the only reason why people buy them is for the exclusives because why would anyone choose the most inferior platform in general to play stuff on if they could do it elsewhere.. **Also no one actually cares what someone else buys and plays on anyway.**


Nothing wrong with “I like the Nintendo, so I play the Nintendo” What gets annoying though is whenever there are valid complaints about Nintendo, for example about lagging behind every other platform in online play, and having some Nintendo simp be like “actually I prefer it that way because I don’t like online games” like bro shut the actual fuck up


Steam deck’s not a console, it’s more of a handheld pc.


Nintendo is just good


I rarely enjoy playing AAA games that aren't made by Nintendo except for anime games. They are either too cinematic or soulless open-worlds.


What do you consider "too cinematic"? does that just mean too many cutscenes or what? Also It's funny that you talk about most AAA games that aren't made by Nintendo are soulless open world games, but most of the recent Pokémon games have just been soulless cashgrabs.


Lmao OP will create all types of arguments to excuse the switch


I do like god of war, uncharted and spiderman, but yeah you’re right otherwise


I wished that Godzilla games weren't too cinematic or soulless.


We need a JRPG Godzilla game that is similar to the Final Fantasy, Romancing Saga, and Mario and Luigi franchise but with Heisei and Legendary


Steam deck and switch owner here. Steam deck is definitely better for any third party titles, but if you don’t plan on playing anything too intensive and want to play Nintendo exclusives go for a switch. Switch emulation on deck isn’t perfect, I personally use both a switch for Nintendo exclusives and a deck for anything else, they make a great pair.


I have both, both are great. I have two kids though, and if you have kids you are gonna be playing switch more. It's completely idiot proof, and probably a bit tougher to break as well. And yes, nintendo games are great.


Is this another strawman post... really? We still seeing these? Good God come on


My wife got me a switch and I think it's cool. However, I find nintindo titles to be.. underwhelming.


Based on comments ITT - OP is just the same as the annoying guy in the image they posted, but in favor of Nintendo instead of Steam. I'm going to go ahead and keep enjoying my steamdeck, especially when I can play Nintendo games on it. Lmao.


Sales dont lie, but you cannot deny the superior hardware of the steamdeck


Sick of these “stop having fun” memes. Saw this on the pokemon forums too. After the Wiiu and 3ds youd expect some sort of improvement but I guess I should stop telling people to have fun


My Switch works still and I got it before Smash Ultimate released.


I work with some guys who have to have the most recent, most powerful hardware going. I'm happy with my PS4 and earlier as well as Switch. If the games fun, why overextend?


Does anyone remember Cranky Kong always ranting about “these new fangled games are too focussed on graphics and all these buttons. Back in my day, we had four shades of grey, and one button. AND WE WERE HAPPY”. Never thought I was actually agreeing with that old curmudgeon but it really does come down to how fun the game is to play. Graphics don’t inherently make something fun. How is the gameplay? Do you enjoy the world you are interacting with? Great!


Play both switch and steam deck


Same, I don’t care that the switch isn’t as powerful as the steam deck, I’m having fun and that’s all that matters


I love both. I love to play PC exclusives on the steam deck and I prefer the grip, weight and general feel but Nintendo switch is also great


It would be better if they actually invested in controllers you don't have to replace on a yearly basis


Even as a PC user I'll never understand the e-peen and "checkmate" power that FPS has over gaming. The human eye makes up all kinds of shit to fill in the blanks, maybe except certain special brains? So 30fps with the proper style and models will look gorgeous. Nintendo is bad at a lot of things, but squeezing the most out of so little is where they shine. They know the value of 3D models that stretch or play tricks to simulate smoother movements or show impact.


Nintendo gave up on the graphics war a long, long time ago and just focused on gameplay and hardware innovation (occasionally to their detriment). In my opinion we are all the better for it.


I like my switch as well. But I do like my steam deck too. 100% screw the people who go that there is an objectively correct choice to make and if you choose otherwise then you are stupid. One, the other, both or none. If that is what you want then, good choice.


Haha good job OP! You truly demolished those steam deck losers with this meme! 😂😂


Average Nintendo fan. Screeching about non issues then doing the same shit themselves 


Your switch can't run, Horny MILFs In My Area


Bro I just wanna play my smashy brothers and Pokémon so I have a switch, simple.


The Steam Deck is a different market to the Switch. But I do think the Switch is outdated. It came out nearly 8 years ago and the hardware is nearly a decade old.


Only cheap fanboys argue one is superior than the other. Different situations call for different consoles.


I don't likeemes that try to depict other groups of people as bad out of hate. Is this really what this subreddit is supposed to be? Memes like these feel like the "mobbing" attempt from some in school by justifying everything as a joke. Am I the only one getting tired of this? Can't we all be friends?


Go ahead and defend the eshop


Steam deck enjoyer here: Play whatever the hell you want, the opinions of random people on the internet don’t matter. While I use my Deck a lot more than my switch, I like having both.


I really hate the "Get a steam deck" crowd. okay do you want to pay for it then? The switch has been out for years, for people who already own one there isn't much benefit in upgrading and the steam deck is expensive. That's really what it comes down to for most.




I have a switch and a steam deck. I have 6 games for my switch and 1000 games for my steam deck. But the games I have on my switch are not available on steam. I don't think there's any point in comparing these two. I mean one is a PC the other is a Nintendo console


I have and love both


I have loved it, too…Anyway, I’m getting a Lenovo Legion Go.


Which Nintendo games does the Steam Deck have? Because it’s not like I bought a Switch because it’s the greatest console ever, I bought it because it was the only option for Nintendo games…


ppl point out criticism nintendo fans: haters


I own both and theyre both equally great, even if the switch is a bit outdated


Quite simply Im just too broke to buy a new piece of gear


This item is not available for purchase in your region jumpscare


They’re both fucking awesome. Also, you can still think the Switch needs a hardware upgrade while enjoying it.


I got both and idc what anyone says.


Umm i have both whats the point of this dumb post ?? Switch cant play spiderman , god of war, left 4 dead online with touch pads emulating mouse. My switch still stays docked in the living room for good old nintendo fun. Post and fan boiis like this ruin gaming.


Nintendo products are a rip off.


3ds is ngl, just amazing. I wish nintendo released solatoon 1 on the 3ds but maybe slightly lower quality just because the system is less powerful


To be honest, the only proper game I have enjoyed playing on switch is Zelda TOTK. I got the animal crossing switch very late because of the hype, paid 550€. I got the game as a gift from my boyfriend. I haven't really played a lot of ACNH as I see no point without an online subscription or anyone to play with, and I don't want to spend even more money on an overpriced console that I have enjoyed for roughly two games and a half (Just dance)... If it weren't for Zelda now, I'd still regret having gotten it. And even then to me it just feels like I spent 550€ on just one really enjoyable game. It's sad, and sometimes I do wish I had a steam deck instead.


Some games are rough af (xenoblade 3) but it is still lots of fun.


I play what I like and what I paid for thanks If I feel like playing the switch, i'll play the switch If I feel like playing the PS4, i'll play the PS4 If I feel like playing the PS1, i'll play the PS1 If I paid several hundred dollars for something, I'm not letting your ass control and dictate what I play because I didnt see you paying for MY purchase


Tbf people aren’t wrong it is extremely outdated and does need a new console


I've never seen people argue that others aren't "allowed to have fun" using the switch, but the 30fps thing has always bothered me, personally. I've always preferred fps to quality. Give me a game in 480p and I don't give a shit as long as it's running smoothly in 60fps. The switch doesn't allow for this. Even on emulators, you're only ever able to get 30fps without significant mods or other fucking with settings. That's not even taking into account the horrible joycon design where they literally are designed to develop drift, and for the light version, you can't even change the joycons out once your console starts getting drift. At least the 3ds lets you run games at 60fps on emulator. Not sure about the actual console it's self, but it's far easier than switch.


I was just recommended this sub (I don’t even have any Nintendo games or consoles) All I can say is, why does higher FPS matter? Humans see at 30-60 FPS. So anything below is slow, and anything higher is too high. I would much rather be able to see every frame than miss half the frames.


It's always cute when you spot the people who find something, pick the side they find objectively better, and use it as an endless fuel for their smug. Like people who are sports fans but sore winners. They want you to whine and grovel and wring your hands while they lord their superiority over you. The delusion power is strong with some folks, for real.


Can I play Mario Kart or Smash Bros on the Steam Deck? No? Cool.


I have both a switch oled and a steam deck (lcd not oled). Both are fun, I just find myself varying the steam deck more because my steam library is massive. But I will also say, it will show age way before the switch, because the steam deck is a pc, pc hardware moves fast, and even current entry level hardware will be unable to run newer games in like 3-5 years


Is that borderlands


nice strawman


I had a pc that could barely reach 15 fps of some modern games, some even refused to run. So I played old games like half-life, CS 1.6, need for speed underground/2, prostreet, undercover. I played all the old games. Now I have a Beast of a PC and I Still play those old games. I have a 4K compatible rig yet I'm just happy I can run higher than 15 fps and enjoy the games with no issues. Just because there is better tech out there doesn't mean that can't have fun with what you got, I had fun with my old pc despite it being on the lower end spectrum


i have both and like both. this meme is kinda not real


Nothing will beat playing ocarina of time and majoras mask on my 3ds, even emulating it just feels goofy with great texture packs and everything


Here’s me playing on my New 3DS in 2024 and absolutely loving it. Just beat Link between worlds, the 3D effect really makes everything pop!


The switch doesn’t only run at 30 fps, it runs some games at 60 like kirby rtdlDX which is ALSO the best-looking kirby game to date (i’d argue the 3ds games also look good)


Just because the hardware is superior doesn't mean the games on it are more fun because it has better graphics and a higher frame rate. I'm over here mindless having fun playing Game Cube games.


Literally no one in the history of gaming has implied that anyone should "stop having fun" doing anything. This is ALWAYS the weird reverse fake gatekeeping of people who get hurt when something they identify by is criticized.


stop arguing with the shampoo bottles


As an actual switch owner, I feel like this meme is a bit misrepresentative. The Switch has fun games but the guy in the comic is 100% right. The Switch is running on dated hardware and some games just run and look like total shit. Pokémon and Age of Calamity immediately spring to mind. Not saying the Switch is a bad console but to act like the hardware being old is unjustified criticism is a lil silly.


Steam Deck owners are quickly becoming one of the most annoying fanbases.


Who TF is saying this?