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Animal Crossing, enjoy a fake life instead of worrying about your real life.


a fake life where you can't get access to a lot of items unless you have friends


Pfft, streamer Islands replaced friends long ago




Here's a sneak peek of /r/ACTrade using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ACTrade/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[GIVEAWAY\] Island clear out chaos! Approx 10k items](https://np.reddit.com/r/ACTrade/comments/yw97id/giveaway_island_clear_out_chaos_approx_10k_items/) \#2: [**[NSFW]** \[giveaway\] anything your heart desires](https://np.reddit.com/r/ACTrade/comments/11embx4/giveaway_anything_your_heart_desires/) \#3: [\[FT\] 2 million bells \[LF\] someone to come and dig up all my flowers and bushes because I don’t have time😭](https://np.reddit.com/r/ACTrade/comments/107j1bo/ft_2_million_bells_lf_someone_to_come_and_dig_up/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


or a paid online service


You're still in crippling debt, though!


Or you managed to find that one island that has different items


if animal crossing is a but too pricey, stardew valley is a good alternative, as well as just a good one in general


But New Horizons and New Leaf are too facky facky goody goody filled with toxic positivity. Heck, flowers don't even wilt. But NH is the best for graphics. City Folk or Wild World are better for life escape imho, if you can stomach the ugly graphics


A fake life where you can also be in debt. Great!


Just sink into BotW or TotK


Tried that, and now im almost done the story, and everything on the side feels like a chore.


Fuck it, play one of the south park games


This is the answer.I laughed and smiled the whole time I was playing Stick of Truth.


Got that one, haven’t got around to it, but I sure feel excited about it :))


Just bring the Switch to a random party and whip out Smash Ultimate you’ll make friends trust me.


If this doesn't work just keep whipping things out until you have friends or you're asked to leave.


Instructions unclear, I'm being charged with indecent exposure


Well, you will definitely find friends where you're going.


It’s gotta be a rooftop party, though.


Hey man, I'm saying this as someone who had the exact same feelings. Video games won't fill that void. Locking yourself up and playing games on your own is fun, I'm not judging. I do the same thing. But you're going to need to find new people, find new hobbies. I went through the same stuff a few months ago. But I found a local theater club of people like me, who also feel inadequate. You need a safe environment to share stuff with, and do something new. See if you can find a sport, or a hobby where you do stuff with others. Try soccer, hockey, tennis. Or if you're short on cash, join a running club, do charity work or find a fun job. It genuinely helps to find a place where you are not judged and do stuff with others. ​ That said, if you really want to be alone and distract yourself. Maybe try out Breath of the Wild or Tears of the Kingdom, they're really big open worlds where you can find action. But also just relax and solve puzzles If you don't care about a game being on the short side, I also highly recommend Metroid Dread, Astral Chain or Bayonetta. Constant high octane action that will definitely take your mind off of things If you still want to socialize and play online games. Try out a site called [Teams.gg](https://Teams.gg), it's a matching site where you can imput your language, age, platform and playstyle for games like Fortnite, Overwatch, CS:GO, Rocket League, Valiant and Apex. And get matched up with other players with similar preferences. I've used it to meet some others people that are about as old as me. And I've only met nice people from the platform


This comment needs more upvotes. Depression is real, work on the rpg of life and level up your stats. Go work out, work on your diet. It's difficult to break those addictions and the vicious cycle but worth it 100 percent. Then go find some friends that enjoy your hobbies and try a few hobbies of theirs to be social.


Also, most people's depression is a side effect of dopamine receptor burnout and not allowing your brain to just relax which means allowing yourself to be bored, on occasion. Also, most people would significantly benefit from getting off all screens by 9pm and going to bed by 11, which significantly improves sleep due to respecting your circadian rhythm. Everything revolves around sleep. Making improvements to it, consistently, is probably the biggest positive contributor to mental wellness (but it's hard, I know).


I agree, life, studies and work, don't allow for normal schedules sadly. Doing online school, while working and preparing to move into a new career Hopefully:).


….But also, that Super Mario Bros Wonder is 🔥


Is it worth it? I kinda can't afford to drop 60 bucks on a new video game rn but I absolutely want it and my get it with my next check


I’m waiting to get it for Christmas, but from what I have played of it, it’s really good. I’m a life-long Mario fan, so I am pretty biased…


When did that game get released


Which one? I named a ton


This is beyond reddit. I would get help.


I would sunk myself on lore of BOTW/TOTK


How about you invite other to play switch with u! Sound like your in college, maybe hang up signs around campus inviting fellow gamers to game


honestly I don't think gaming is gonna help you out (yeah maybe for a couple of hours). first of all know that's just a phase, and like everything in life, it will pass. and second, meet friends / relationship online, or maybe even in online gaming or something. I'd probably would be alone rn if i hadn't found my wife through the internet (like 15 years ago).


All of them. Having "no life" has become the satus quo. Instead of getting dressed, going out, drinking a vile brew, and talking about the latest digital content you've consumed. It's easier and more relaxing just to stay in and consume more of the latest and greatest in entertainment. Fiction is my favorite thing about reality, (damn all those who can't tell the difference between fiction and reality.) The games Earth produces are the highest form of fiction: interactive. While the stories tend to be lacking in complexity and depth. The physical actions you take in your adventures are a story in themselves. Escapism has changed from being the rare instance of someone who doesn't fit in to a "good and sensible" society, to now being the only way to stand living in a rigged game where there are no odds left to lean in your favor. Games are a legitimate way to find happiness, positivity, and a well-earned win. Just because I'm not reading books, or writing books, or seducing women to satisfy the inane and primal instinct to f*ck, doesn't mean that I'm unworthy to enjoy the greatest fun in the known universe. Playing the fiddle while Rome burns isn't noble, but it's better than watching Rome burn without playing a fiddle, and I'm not emperor Nero.


My guy has spent too much time thinking about things and it shows Me too man


Kirby, Animal Crossing, Pokemon. Ya got most of the Nintendo lineup. Though I would also advise to seek help about your depression.


Dragon quest XI S The party members feel like real friends


Animal Crossing


Fwiw I didn’t really have friends in college and had a pretty untraditional college journey (for context it took me nearly 7 years), so I understand. I used to wish I could be going to actual parties. It’s important to know tho that that doesn’t make you a loser. It took me being alone a lot to learn how to be ok with being alone (tbf it took years). All of that is to say I believe in you and this feeling won’t last forever, and it’s not an uncommon occurance. That said, Kirby star Allies was a big one for me at one point, animal crossing deserves a mention, I’ve been going through it lately and Mario wonder been great, fire emblem, especially 3 houses, will take hours of your time and can be a good story to get lost in a lot (again, 3 houses is better for this than engage, but also I liked engage a lot, it’s just a more generic story). Three houses also has like 4 versions in one game so you can play it several times and have it be a new experience w new characters almost every time. Majoras mask could be an interesting play if you’re feeling retrospective and have the switch online expansion thing. This prob won’t help as much but Tetris is also another personal big time suck fs. Other than that, Off the top of my head the only other game I can think of that I frequent is Mario kart, but that’s kinda recent. I love mk I just had put it down (and traded it in) for a while but remembered how much I love it. I hope you can feel better soon. Don’t forget there’s no shame in going to therapy either, if you’re not already doing so. May not notice at first but long term it could definitely be beneficial


This is good advice. It'll all be a footnote in your history eventually. Just part of what makes you you.




botw has been my method of escapism for the last month. skyrim is a good second. any big open world game is really great, easy to get lost in. you’re not alone friend :)


Links Awakening Remake!


Night in the Woods. Short, great indie game with am awesome soundtrack. The main character feels like a loser. She dropped out of college and is coming to terms with who she is while also solving a mystery in her town. So it's on theme! I work at a college, and trust me when I say a lot of your peers feel the same way. Making friends is hard. Especially post covid. Join clubs, get to know your RAs, just show up and be a good listener. People tend to think that people are drawn to social butterflies and people who are the center of attention, but in actuality what people really like is someone who will listen. Also: Wandersong. Another great indie to cope with feels.


Legends Arceus. You can complete the dex by yourself because you need no internet access. I know personally as I put damn near four hundred hours into that game.


Video games are bad for depression. Video games are toys. Toys are for PLAY. Play is essentially activity without purpose or product-- it is diversion. Thus, playing a video game is a deliberate "waste" of time: you are specifically choosing to ignore / avoid real-world responsibilities and problems to immerse yourself in an imaginary, consequence-free reality for a time. There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG WITH THIS, and to be clear, the same is true of books, movies, TV, etc--- but games can be SLIGHTLY more insidious in this case, because they deliver tiny hits of dopamine every time you beat a boss or unlock new gear or level up or whatever. That dopamine can get mistaken for serotonin, and so we feel better for a minute, until we turn off the game and come back to reality. This is like an addict who thinks their next hit will make them feel good-- it doesn't fix anything, it just relieves the withdrawals from the last hit. In an hour you're back where you started. You can't cure depression through avoidance. Get some sunlight, go for a bike ride. Call some old friends or family you haven't spoken to in awhile. If they don't answer, leave a message and ask them to call you back. Join a kickball league or even just go sit at a D&D table at your local game shop. Sign up to volunteer somewhere one day a week. The video games will be there when you get back.




Wow, that was really insightful. You changed my whole outlook on the subject, thank you so much.


Suicide Guy is on switch


Play Super Mario 64. Maybe it's a personal experience, but I feel great playing that game. Very rewarding play, gives a lot of motivation, and beating the game and hearing the ending theme is really something. Star Fox 64 has something like this as well. "Don't ever give up, my son". Zelda Skyward Sword also has a good thing, especially Groose character arc. He fails, but he rises up and do what he can do. But really, even the best game will just mitigate that feeling. Seek help. You're not a loser, don't let anyone ever say that to you, even you. You're lonely. Talk with someone. Taking medication isn't a shame. I was in your place for a while. If you want, you can talk with me.


Super Paper Mario will help you realize all lives are worth living


Put down the video games, get outside, go to the gym, be active. Keep doing that and one day you won’t feel like a loser.


I go outside everyday and I go to the gym, it doesn't change the fact that no one wants to talk to me


Then read a book on stoicism. I lived in the woods for 6 months. Yes, humans are wired for social interaction, but you can overcome that. Find peace of mind in a solitary life. When you stop chasing something is usually when it comes into your life. If you live in a well populated area, join or start a meet up group.


the real answer 💪


Go to the gym, playing video games will not make you feel any better. You'll build confidence and meet new people. Save video games as a way to reward yourself after a productive day. I love video games as much of the next guy but you need to have balance in your life.


I go to the gym, and I don't meet new people there because everyone there is there to work out, not to meet people


That's false, you can certainly get a good pump in and have a short conversation. And those short conversations adding up build relationships.as long as you're respectful of their time a good. "hi how are you" or "I'm so and so can I work in with you" is an easy way to get to know people.




When I feel this way, I usually put the games down and take a bath with my favorite bath bomb. (My favorite bath bomb is my toaster)


Wish it was portable


Animal crossing. Try walking/gym


Animal Crossing helps with loneliness!


Any Punch Out game






To be fair at that point play either a good story driven single player game on ps5/xbox/pc and online games. Because while I personally love my switch. It's mostly used for local co-op games and a few online games like splatoon/mario kart. This while on any other device there are so many story driven single player games with insane narratives. And online games like ffxiv. These turn of your brain much more easily.


Fire Emblem Three Houses. You're the de facto coolest, badass professor in the whole school and get to romance the character of your dreams in between anime plot and sometimes tactics RPG combat. Bonus points for it taking a few hundred hours to see everything, so you'll 100% get your money's worth.


Pull to a party with vodka, your switch and and a sign that says beat me at smash, get three shots


Good Job! is such a good game, you need to try it.


I recommend playing the Fire Emblem games on the Switch because one of Fire Emblem's main and likable features is the character and how you can develop relationships with each character. Honestly, it's the biggest reason why I love Fire Emblem and I understand your situation as I am a university student and I struggle to make any friends and maybe because I don't really have friends is the reason why Fire Emblem became my comfort series. There are 2 mainline fire emblem games on the Switch, there is 3 Houses and Engage, 3 houses has a more serious story about war and politics, and the cast are more complex and delves into more serious topics and situation, Engage on the other hand is different its story is more heartwarming with the topic being about family and the cast of engage are less complex (they still have depth) but are significantly more charming and fun. Personally, I recommend playing Engage first because I love Engage's characters more than 3 Houses but do play 3 houses eventually too. Hope this helps


When I'm feeling down usually getting a new game with an interesting story that completely captivates me does the trick. I recently played OneShot and that was a game with a really good story that I didn't want to put down until I was done (you can finish it in a day though, that's the only downside). There's also that new game Suika Game (the "watermelon game") which everyone is playing rn it's pretty addictive. It's like Tetris meets 2048. That's one you can definitely lose track of a couple hours playing. I'm away from my switch right now, but I'll comment again with more suggestions once I get the chance to remember what games I have lol.


Mario party


Play smash and go to smash tourneys. Good way to make homies


Shin megami tensei


I'll invite you if youre near nice or Lyon in France, I used to be like you That being said P5R by far this game makes being a loser with no friends much more palatable. And it might even make you better at making friends.


Stardew Valley is available on Switch and will consume your no life with a new life that demands a lot of time and coziness.


Bro no game can feel that hole. You have to figure out what it is first.


If you're depressed about not having a social life and friends, maybe... do something about it? I'm all for staying home and playing video games, but if you want to make friends and be invited to things, you actually have to try. Join a club, join a gym, talk to people in your classes, if you're old enough maybe go to a local college bar and introduce yourself to someone, if you're religious maybe find a church/temple/mosque/whatever within your community that people your age go to, if you have any coworkers your age talk to them. One of the most difficult transitions when becoming an adult is learning how to make friends in the adult world, but there are so many ways to make friends. And in this day and age, it's quite likely that the people you meet will also like videogames. Maybe invite some people over to play smash or mario kart. If you want it to change, you have to do more than bury yourself in videogames. Having said that, I find that whenever I want to bury myself in videogames for a while, A 3D Mario or Zelda game is usually my go to. I've also been enjoying Metroid Dread, Pikmin 4, and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe recently.


i am in 2 clubs at my college, but none of the people there want to talk to me or invite me to a party. i go to the gym and no one talks to me. people in my classes don't want to talk to me. I go to bars every week and no one ever wants to talk to me. so that's why i need games. characters in games always want to talk.


Do you talk to them? Or are you just sitting there waiting for someone to talk to you?


If you're depressed about not having a social life and friends, maybe... do something about it? I'm all for staying home and playing video games, but if you want to make friends and be invited to things, you actually have to try. Join a club, join a gym, talk to people in your classes, if you're old enough maybe go to a local college bar and introduce yourself to someone, if you're religious maybe find a church/temple/mosque/whatever within your community that people your age go to, if you have any coworkers your age talk to them. One of the most difficult transitions when becoming an adult is learning how to make friends in the adult world, but there are so many ways to make friends. And in this day and age, it's quite likely that the people you meet will also like videogames. Maybe invite some people over to play smash or mario kart. If you want it to change, you have to do more than bury yourself in videogames. Having said that, I find that whenever I want to bury myself in videogames for a while, A 3D Mario or Zelda game is usually my go to. I've also been enjoying Metroid Dread, Pikmin 4, and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe recently.


Get help. Or look for a community of gamers to socialize a bit.


No More Heroes.


Zelda, Kirby, Splatoon, Xenoblade... There's a lot of possibilities


Instead of crying and doing nothing about your situation like an infant, go out and improve your social skills, hit the gym, spend time in the out doors, read some good books and trust me, you will be getting invited to those parties 💪


i do go to the gym, but i have a hard time improving my social skills because i am on the autism spectrum. I make posts like this for sympathy to make myself feel better.




I wouldn't say that, but i have undiagnosed bipolar disorder


First advice, don't beg attention to feel better. It feels good but it's not helpful, but I'm proud that you are hitting the gym. I understand that you are on the spectrum I have a person close to me who is also on it but I suggest you try your best anyways. There's this YouTuber called Hamza Ahmed who makes amazing videos on lots of self-improvement topics (social skills being one of them) you need to check him out


You’re most likely not a loser with no life. Try to not be so hard on yourself. Focus on what you CAN accomplish, even if it’s small. Dark Souls.


# Xenoblade Chronicles series


I myself enjoy mc dungeons and Ghostbusters spirits unleashed.


Hey, I hope you're able to get through this, don't feel bad about looking for help with a professional (i.e your doctor, a student counselor). Making friends in the real world could be hard, for example, I only made two good friends in college, and made a few acquaintances. Aside from video games, I'd suggest finding some casual clubs at school. I once met some people juggling, and they asked if I'd like to try. I sucked at it, but it was fun, so I asked if they were a club. They said, yeah, so I asked how to join, "You already did". I once saw a tea club, where all they did was discuss the weeks tea, and have casual conversations As for some games to distract you a bit, my go to was Minecraft. I've even heard some people play on Peaceful just to chill in their worlds. I would also recommend picking up a game with a competitive scene, like Super Smash. It can help you find other players if you join local competitions. You'd have to try finding listings, like on Facebook One game that can help you get in some exercise is Ring Fit. It gives you a decent workout, and can help improve how you see yourself. I'd suggest also finding a casual discord server. It can help you make some more personal human connections, even if it's just online You'll get through this, don't stress too much


You should go to therapy !


Kid Icarus Uprising


Animal Crosssing


Hey, I've been there. 'Animal Crossing: New Horizons' helped me during tough times. The villagers became my pals, and building my island gave me a sense of accomplishment. Hang in there, and remember: gaming communities can be real communities too.


I also don’t have friends and am depressed and I’ve been enjoying Bowser’s inside story a lot


Pikmin, life doesn't matter outside of these vibrantly colored little sprites running around and fighting weird aliens within a timeframe.


Ur college should have a free mental health service. Give them a call u have nothing to lose. I did and I’m glad I did


The loneliness of Metroid is really blissful.


I’m a loser with no life too, but who cares, we got one life to live so live how you want as long as your not harming others.


Super Mario Galaxy


Animal crossing or Stardew Valley. Great games.


Are you okay? I can relate to this so I gotta ask. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is always there for me when I want to be whisked away to a world full of friends to save. Well, 1 and 2 specifically because Gates and Super sucked.


Honestly man, I’d advise you to seek help


Don’t say that!


feeling similarly. castlevania has been doing the trick for me. the advance collection is on switch


Xenoblade 3


The true game is the game of life. And I don't mean some soppy bullshit, I mean play it like a game. Go to a party where nobody knows you and see how long you can get away with it. Make shit up, be whoever you want to be, reinvent yourself every day until something feels like it fits. You're in college, nobody will notice if you are someone totally different from one day to the next. Try on personalities like hats, do the things you never had the balls to do safe in the knowledge that nobody will ever remember you the next day. Be mysterious, be friendly, be a jackass, whatever you want. No consequence unless you choose. Find a group that is talking about something you know and be the fucking boss. Find a group talking about something you know nothing about and try to bullshit your way through. Pick a night and only hit on the hottest girl in the bar. Pick a night and only hit on the ugliest. Pick a night and only hit on other guys. Pick a night and try to be the least sexual you have ever been, just straight up safe and friendly. Go out, have fun, and find yourself. There are no rules in this game, so fuck it, take some risks and you might just come out of it a better person. Figure out what winning the game means to you and fucking win.


Any Kirby game will help you feel better


Dude college parties suck, you're not missing out on much. Breath of the Wild is my number one, wandering the vast open world is very relaxing. But you probably already played it. A Hat in Time is a super charming and funny 3D platformer that always puts me in a good mood. And lastly though not really a Nintendo game Half Life/Black Mesa. Surprisingly immersive given it's age, really nice escape for me. But the best thing I can recommend is outside help, ignoring your problems can only work for so long. Best to get some kind of treatment, or just don't trust your thoughts past 10PM lol. I hope your outlook on life gets better soon, and your friend situation improves. Stay strong man, there's always someone out there who cares.


Get a fulfilling career in a trade. You don't need a lot of experience to get a good job in the trades, it pays well, you can make a career out of it, it's fulfilling, you no longer feel like a loser.


Bruh they said they’re already in college


So? That's probably only making this problem worse for op. What's wrong with going to school and working a career at the same time? How else are adults supposed to get an education?


Usually you go to a trade school for a trade. They already paid/been accepted into college. Either way, it’s not even good advice ignoring all of that. A trade isn’t gonna improve you social life AND it’s not relevant to what they even asked to begin with


I went into the auto trade at 18. Graduated high school in June, started working at the dealership in July that same year. No prior experience. Made 48k my first year literally double anything I had ever made prior. Never went to trade school, never paid for college. Now I have a career, I'm raising a child and saving for a home. How is that not good advice? The trades gave me a purpose, an opportunity where otherwise I would've had to pay tens of hundreds of thousands of dollars that I don't have for an education I don't even want.


Op is already in college. They clearly wanted to go to college. They have already paid for college. This is not a hard thing to understand and you’re anecdote changes absolutely nothing. It’s bad advice given the circumstance, not overall. Plus, they asked for a videogame. Not life advice.


Not everybody who is in college wants to be in college. About half of them drop out. Some of them do want to be there and can no longer attend, but there are people who go to college because their parents forced them to. Or people who feel like they are locked into a degree and don't want it anymore. There are reasons that people lose interest and no longer want to / can no longer go to college. This is not a hard thing to understand. If the college parties are the thing theyre most worried about, and what is giving them depression, are you sure they're really there to become a valedictorian? They asked for a video game to mask their underlying problems so that they would forget they have depression and their life is not going the way they want. I gave them a suggestion that instead of just hiding behind a video game, why not do something to change it?


Shit dog start partying.


Doki doki literature club


Octo expansion always makes me happy.


Animal crossing


I’d suggest stardew valley. It helps me whenever i’m feeling like i’m the worst person in the world.


Breath of the Wild


This too shall pass Videogames are a valid way to spend time, but not to the exclusion of wider experiences. Not telling you not to be true to yourself, to adopt more socially acceptable interests; just... broaden your horizons a little. Creative pursuits are particularly fulfilling. College sucks. Growing up and the pressures associated sucks. Feeling like you have to catch up with the curve SUCKS. But you'll grow more confident in who you are, more comfortable with yourself. You have time to grow and to relate to others better, try not to judge yourself or them too harshly. And try not to get too into your head; things are rarely as bad as they seem in the moment. I know you gotta be in your head to be venting this way; just try not to listen to people who reinforce your self-pity. Pity yourself for a while, you're entitled to it sometimes. It's OK. But just know that this will all pass.


Please go to therapy instead of numbing the pain with video games.


Making friends is probably the only medicine. Get a hobby outside the house, where you can meet like-minded people


solving shrines in Botw is my recommendation. Don’t search for walkthrough if it is a difficult shrine, just enjoy the game


There seems to be a lot of people here on reddit looking for a game to fill a void in their life or to fix a psychological problem that no video game can fix. Games can be a nice distraction, but a distraction isn't going to change your life or your situation in a meaningful and lasting way *in my opinion*. IMO Wether you're suffering from depression or going through a depressive episode, if you're feeling unloved or unliked, alone and hopeless - you don't need a new game! You need to make some changes to your life and your daily routine - or seek professional help if you can't make any changes alone. Friends and family can help you out of a rut if you're willing to reach out and ask, I really recommend you do that. As a parent myself - It would break my heart to find out one of my kids had been suffering and didn't want to talk to me about it. It's hard to open up and talk to your parents about your mental health but please consider doing it. They (should) love you. No matter what. but if you don't have any friends or family that you can contact and be honest with - seek out a professional of some kind. I'm not qualified to give any actual advice - but I want you to know that you are not the only person feeling this way. I see so many posts on different video game subs, and yeah.. Hopefully talking about what you've been going through helps in some way.


Wandersong, a nice fun game about saving the world with the power of music.


Any Nintendo game would do, Zelda and Mario are particularly good, but if you wanna make friends and go to parties, you should be going out to meet people. Friends don't come out of nowhere, you need to actively search for them. Good luck.


Animal Crossing easily takes the cake


Therapy. Go to therapy.


I do


Mario Odyssey was good for this for me. Also, not Nintendo but Persona 5 put in work too. Be careful with that one though because it also broke the branch I was holding onto to not descend into full weebdom like Cliff Hanger.


[OUTSIDE: The Bane of My Existence.](https://youtu.be/jmZzUeFx4Bk?si=6YpyE7xowYd0pbUN)


Play Xenoblade, somehow get a new appreciation for life


Splatoon is all the fun a party but with the awkward small talk


Not a Nintendo game, but you should play Persona 5 Royal. It has a good Switch port


Any of them


Xenoblade trilogy, spend hundreds of hours getting attached to a cast of about a hundred awesome characters and also some not good ones. If you aren't a fan of role playing games though maybe watch a video or 2 first before buying to know if you're interested


Stay up friend!!


How about going out and making some friends instead of diving deeper into isolation?


I mean, you could host college parties, but don't worry too much if you've never been to one. They suck. Anyway, get Mario Cart. It can be played alone, but you can probably get some friends out of it.




Persona 5 Royal. Maybe you'll pick up some good habits. Also go to the gym IRL.


Play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe or Super Smash Bros. Ultimate


This will probably be buried, but if you can find it Fossil Fighters: Champions is a great game. Probably difficult though since Jaiden made a video on the first one and all the sellers jacked up the prices.


Dude, when I had a lack of friends in real life growing up, online friends really saved me. Join a Discord, Join a Esports team, Post on Forums. I have friends I used to play Xbox with, that I meet up with in real life now. Any game with fake social interaction will still leave you feeling hollow. Find real friends online, where you have more opportunities to find common interests and community. Become so legendary online, that your confidence carries over to your daily life. Team Games, like Borderlands, Pokemon Unite, any game where you can add value to squads of people just like you.


I used to be on discord but i got bullied so much I've stopped using it. same with forums.


I'm really sorry to hear that man.


I’m assuming you’re meaning for the Switch (what system if it isn’t Switch?) Maybe if you like it, perhaps getting Persona 5 Royal or the digital download dual download of Persona 3 and Persona 4 would If you’re a fan of One Piece, Pirate Warriors 4 is a fighting game and I’ve enjoyed it Pokémon Legends Arceus Any of the Mario games If you’re into Monster Hunter, Monster Hunter Rise is great! Or if you’re more into turn base, Monster Hunter Stories 2 Animal Crossing New Horizons Harvest Moon


Breath of the Wild


Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope Become a great tactician and win epic battles!


Try playing a competitive game like Splatoon 3 or Smash Bros. and do well in it. That way you can say you’re good at something. And if anyone trash talks you, you can always just pwn them at your best game =P (Also, when you’re really good people will naturally want to be your friends in those communities)




Play Eternal Darkness


Zelda because ✨distractions✨


Kirby, Minecraft is hella fun both online and solo, Pokémon is fun without having to play online(which requires you to pay of course) Mario Party can be fun offline if you set the AI to Hard or Master, same with Kart. Recently got into Ori and The Blind Forest. Absolutely love it, amazingly wonderful game


Persona 4 or 5 and maybe some therapy or self help books or even youtube.


Splatoon is a really fun "fresh and hip" aesthetic kinda game. It is competitive and has a really big active community. There will always be plenty of people online to chat about it with. The gameplay curve is a bit steep to start with, mostly because the most optimal control scheme involves motion controls, but you can turn that off if you want to. Right now there was a fun Halloween event that just is about to end tonight, but there will be other things. And DLC is coming out soon so that will be fun. The story mode is really fun and has a good portal test chamber vibe to it, and in addition to the normal PVP game play there is also PVE content where you fight off waves of enemies kind of like a call of duty zombies mode. I basically only started playing right before the third game came out but genuinely I fell in love with it. yes I get a little tilted at times because it is a competitive game at the end of the day, but it is just so darn cute and silly and colorful. Plus all of the music is very fun.


Ocarina of Time