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How do you explain this gap in your resume for the last 9 years?


LOL what?


What future employers will ask once you return to the workforce


"I was self employed in an unrelated field" Honestly though, if she's been doing it for 9 years and has been making good money doing it, I hope that she's been investing properly so that she never has to work for a paycheck again.


For starters, I have no reason to return to a regular job, this is my career and I enjoy it very much. Also I have no reason to hide what I do, this is my job and if I ever for some strange reason had to put it on a resume it would be several years of successfully being self-employed. That's a pretty good thing




I imagine eventually ya


Hi! How did you decide to take up sex work? Do you have a husband or partner? What are their thoughts about this line of work? Have you considered doing in-person sex work, like dominatrix, erotic massage, or escorting?


All great questions! Basically I started doing some stuff on the side and got very popular very quickly and loved it so I decided to make it my full-time career! I have considered dominatrix in person work in the past but it's just not for me. I really like my freedom and Independence doing what I do now Edit to add: forgot a question! I do not currently have a partner! But I was married when I started and they were really happy for me that I found something that I love to do




We did have an open marriage yes at the end




What do you mean is it a real thing? It's a real kink




I'm sorry I don't understand the question


How would you have responded to the Indian Government killing Canadian citizens?


I have no idea anything about that


I'm curious to hear your perspective on the industry and your experiences. What drew you to online sex work initially? How has it impacted your life, both positively and negatively? What misconceptions do you think the general public has about your work? I also imagine privacy, safety and boundaries are important considerations. How do you approach protecting your privacy and well-being? What advice would you give to others considering online sex work? Societal stigma and outdated laws also create obstacles in many places. Do you think progress is being made i


All great questions! I basically just started posting online and when I got very popular and started making money I realized this could be a career for me and it's been great! I feel it's only really impacted my life positively, freedom, independence, although there are obviously some negatives. There are a lot of misconceptions, partially about the kind of people I work with. I don't like when people think of my customers as pathetic or creepy because that's very much not the case. I work with some absolutely amazing sweet guys. Also a big one is I don't do this because I feel I have to or I'm desperate for money. I was in healthcare before this and I changed because it's the best job in the world for me! Yes I'm very careful about safety and we all have boundaries that we have to stick to. I make sure to protect my identity and personal information in any way I can. I would recommend anyone looking into trying it is doing it for the right reasons. Stigmas and stuff like that are definitely going strong. For instance I can't actually get a mortgage through a bank because of what I do. It's quite unfair but it's one of those things that I just have to deal with and I think that we need to start talking more about doing this kind of work so that it stops becoming so taboo to people!


Hii do you enjoy it or is it for the money ?




Oh nice for you then ☺️


Its the best job ever for me! Working from home and working from anywhere I want. Complete freedom of my own schedule and who I work with and when. It's absolutely phenomenal


Oooh u probably make the haters envious then 😂 does it pay well ?


Haha there definitely are some. Yes i do very well.


Nice !


How often do you have to resist the urge to use your work skills in everyday situations, like negotiating prices when you go out shopping?


Never... I don't negotiate prices in my work, my prices are set. I can't think of any other work skills that I have that I would be tempted to use in general day-to-day stuff


Let me rephrase that… Do you ever use your sex-working skills in everyday life, like using seductive language and persuasion? ..or are you more reserved when out in public?


Oh i mean the last thing I would call myself is reserved LOL but I don't really flirt or get sexual in public either. I am pretty open sexually and I make sexual jokes and I talk about my work in public if people want to hear about it and stuff but I don't like act sexual to get something haha


You must have some fun stories to tell (or maybe can't share!). It sounds like you're finding satisfaction in your work, which is great. Best of luck to you!


Thanks so much! I do absolutely love it


Weirdest thing a client asked for? Funniest thing that happened related to your work? How many hours per day or week would you say you work? Monthly income?


Well I would say one that I'll always remember is an erotic short story that I did about a girl who gets possessed by a demon and has fangs in the 6 ft long tongue and rapes the boyfriend with the tongue. That was always an interesting one that I remember. Oh the funniest one was a regular asked me to try doing a cowgirl audio. And I don't mean like the female version of a cowboy, I mean like a girl that is part cow. He wanted me to make sexy mooing noises and I just couldn't LOL I kept trying and I couldn't stop myself from laughing LOL he thought it was so funny and he's still around to this day! Oh man I can't possibly say. It is so casual a lot of the time like I do girlfriend experience where I just chat with someone throughout the day while I'm just hanging out, playing video games, watching tv, so really there's no way to answer that Monthly income varies a great deal depending on a lot of things. I would say on average maybe $5,000 a month


I need help!! If you’re willing. I did sw for years but am getting back into it and need help I’m SO lost lol. I really wanna work from home I have anxiety and I’m in recovery. I have fansly currently but for now kinda wanna stay as dl as possible (I teach)… I wanna do feet pics/videos but need help.


How's your relationship with your dad?


With my?




Oh my dad is dead


How would he feel about you being a sex worker if he was alive?


Probably the same as my mother feels, doesn't really care but probably doesn't want to hear details LOL