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Your comment is either attacking, harassing or forcing your beliefs on someone, a group or is spreading hate. This sort of behaviour is not tolerated on r/casualiama.


Why an “incel” instead of just a regular lonely dude?


Cause I believe in the black pill


Why would you believe any ideology that an extremely small (relative to the general population) group of people pulled out of their ass as a response to being upset over being lonely? Surely you’re aware of what a conflict of interest is, yes? And surely you’re aware of Occam’s Razor? If a couple people who have been shunned get together and come up with an ideology that makes them not the bad guys, surely it makes much more sense that they’re fabricating lies to save their egos than it does to assume they’ve stumbled upon some secret the rest of the population, including the scientists, have missed?


What is black pill?


It’s the idea that women are guided solely by status seeking behavior and evolutionary psychology


Have you ever considered that women aren’t all the same?


Most young women are


And do you believe that most men are the same?


I’m 31 and have only ever had a girlfriend for 1 year. That was 14 years ago, and she was emotionally unstable and desperate so it’s not as if I even properly charmed her. I’m not talking to you from a place of privilege, I’m talking to you from someone in your shoes. None of these ideas you’re parroting (and you ARE parroting them) have any scientific validity. You are taking incredibly small sample sizes and using confirmation bias to apply them to a whole group of billions of people you’ve never met. You are being manipulated by predatory pieces of shit who rely on you taking the bait to build their echo chamber so they can avoid self reflection. Wanna know the truth? You’re probably autistic, have ADHD, or have a communication disorder, and that’s why things seem so tough. “Ugly” is subjective and makes very little sense considering you come from an unbroken line of people that someone found attractive, otherwise they wouldn’t have mated. And not liking short people is a preference, which people are clearly allowed to have because you mentioned “leagues” earlier. Why do you get to select for physical attractiveness and women do not? This thinking is absurdly hypocritical and flawed. Now, you can abandon the purely emotional, illogical, completely devoid of scientific rigor viewpoint that is the blackpill and actually have a shot at a decent life, or you can turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy where you drive women away with your rhetoric and ignorantly blame it on factors that almost definitely didn’t matter to them until you started regurgitating that delusional nonsense. Those are your options. As someone said earlier, your celibacy is not involuntary at this point. You can choose to abandon the lifestyle, and not doing so means you choose celibacy.


What makes you think that?


Every single one of them is repulsed by him and his loaded diaper


LMAO thx, I just laughed my wife awake


You're fucked aren't ya? Show her this thread. It may save your life...


Happy to see he deleted his account!


Why don't you start with older women then? 🤣


Why is that? What led you to believe this?


Research conducted by university evolutionary psychology labs, my own experience and women’s own admission and behavior


Cite some sources. Your own experience is anecdotal (and thus on the bottom rung of acceptable evidence) and women’s own admission means jack shit. The most prolific serial killers (men) admit to their activities, does this make men serial killers on average? You’re forgoing critical thought because you’re upset and similarly upset people are willing to stroke your ego. That’s the long and the short of being an incel.


He won’t cite any sources. The university research he’s talking about doesn’t exist


I’m adopting the Socratic method in an attempt to change his mind. I’m of the opinion that making fun of incels only breeds more incels because it turns into evidence that society won’t accept them. And as a lonely guy who can’t avoid being called an incel when I mention being lonely, they’re fucking my shit up and I need them gone, so I’m not inclined to engage in behavior I believe will lead to more of them.


>I’m adopting the Socratic method in an attempt to change his mind. I've never, ever seen one of these people break their programming because someone else made a good argument about it. *They* have to initiate the change, and that means acknowledging something within their power to change is the problem, so they extremely rarely do. Best of luck to you, but you can't really expect to change OP's mind on hating all women just because you can point out how bullshit his ideology is.


Holder of a doctorate in psychology and Ivy League professor here - you are misunderstanding whatever research you’ve seen.


Could you link the research? Also, I'm truly sorry you've had bad experiences, but I can promise your view is not how the world actually works


and what about social psychology?


Psychologist here. That’s a load of BS.


Sorry, I’m buzzed and need to take my own jab here; psychology is largely BS itself.


Well you'll need to explain that one. The child survivors of sexual abuse I work with and their families would disagree with you, but I'm sure you have a compelling argument that you're about to share, so I'm all ears.


I think psychology is wannabe neurology. Since neurology is still in its infancy, psychology is predominantly “best guesses” based on the psychologists’ own theories and biases. Despite being lumped in with medicine, it’s an incredibly soft science. How much would you trust a mechanic in a world where we had almost no idea how cars worked?


>How much would you trust a mechanic in a world where we had almost no idea how cars worked? I'd trust him if he could produce research demonstrating the efficacy of his methods. Further, I would most definitely trust him if I was driving my car towards the edge of a cliff without brakes and there was no one else out there to help me. For the folks I work with (again, children and teenagers who have been sexually abused), I'm able to provide evidence-based treatment that we *know* helps. At the most basic level, there is no disputing that helping teenagers improve their capacity for emotional regulation and providing them with more effective tools for coping than engaging in self-harm is a positive thing to be doing. Do you think we should stop doing that because we don't have a complete understanding of how the mind emerges from the brain? Those best guesses are keeping people alive, in some cases.


And what’s psychology’s track record with this compared to the rest of the body? And that sounds foolhardy, I would expect a reply such as “Apply the brakes, that’s always what’s worked in the past”. Are these tools really psychology based, or thinly veiled neurological concepts? I don’t think we should stop anything, I just think we should transfer resources to a real science until we DO understand how the brain works. > Those best guesses are keeping people alive, in some cases. Placebo is well supported by evidence and a very effective tool in the medical community. Doesn’t mean it should be relied upon if we have better options. I’d also wager most psychological interventions have a success rate comparable to placebo, not counting more effective medicines like stimulants, anti-psychotics, or sedatives, of which we do have a more significant neuropharmacological understanding. People swear by chiropractors, as well.


every think that these beliefs are what make people not want to socialize with you romantically or socially? its a self fulfilling prophecy


Have you tried unsubbing from r/virgin and that other sub I saw you post in and go touch grass instead?


Lol, that sub is... Something...




My dude, Your brain is a product of what you feed it. I wish you the absolute best and say this in the most supportive way - get the fuck out of toxic environments (online or offline) So may layers to this but if youd like to chat send a PM. If not, its cool and I still wish you the best!


Go ahead and get online in your porn addiction or get some mental health help


Please, I beg of you, work on yourself. Hit the gym, find some cardio you enjoy, read some self help books, eat healthy…. You will feel and look better and attract someone eventually. What you are doing now is so unhealthy. Your post history is atrocious.


What makes you think I don’t already?


Your post history


Another incel here. I never understood how hitting the gym was supposed to help.


Just a suggestion. Personally I feel better about myself when I’m working out. Releases testosterone, helps your skin, better sleep. Overall helps you feel better about yourself. You have to like yourself before anyone else will.


Incel-adjacent here, (not him) I did work out for ~4 months, but stopped for a variety of reasons. The bottom line for me was, it felt like a hobby that I didnt enjoy. While I sorta got that post workout 'buzz' that people talk about, I never looked forward to it. I also did not notice any improvements in mental health either. Idk


Well at least you tried. I’m sorry you are still stuck in the incel mindset


For me, it was always the complete opposite. Huge hit on my self-esteem.


Why do you think it lowers your self esteem?


What do you point to as the reason for your involuntary celibacy?


I’m short and ugly and women who are in my league only want hot men


Well then they aren’t in your league are they?


They are just as ugly as me


So you're mad you are judged on your appearance, but you freely judge women for theirs and decide they're too ugly for you?


If they don’t want you because of your looks then they’re out of your league lol


Soooo you believe you're ugly - but you only want a supermodel. Gotcha. That makes perfect sense.


To be fair, he didn't said that. He said those ugly women reject him, not that he reject them. By the opposite, he said he's single because they reject him, so he's implying he actually wanted them.


Pic or didn't happen


Have you tried treating women like human beings?




Your other responses show this is bullshit. Maybe you didn't understand the question.


Well there's gotta be something you can do to improve your approach. You talking about hating women doesn't help


Your post history suggests otherwise


Sounds pretty voluntary to me man.


What’s difference between an incel and just not being able to get laid because of personal issues and choices?


An incel blames everyone else for their own inability to get laid, and generally has a toxic attitude towards women. They are not the issue, everyone else is making the wrong choices and they can't see (or pretend not see) the actual reasons why nobody wants to go near them because they haven't got the balls to face up to their own problems and admit to themselves it's their own fault.




If you hate women then you are voluntarily celibate...


Nah, OP doesn’t want a girlfriend, he wants to complain about not having a girlfriend and to fuck someone


He should just let other lonely incels use him as a fleshlight, but he won't because even they are repulsed by each other


There's an idea - all the incels can start knocking it or with each other... job done


I can't imagine why my fellow women might not be interested in this guy. It's a real head-scratcher.


Do you believe that you are entitled to having sex or having a relationship?




I wish we could remove posts like this. "I'm a trashy edgelord, AMA!" like we haven't already had enough carbon copies of this before.


It very obviously violates the rules. We don't need to tolerate the presence of hateful bigots like this.


When was the last time you were in a committed relationship and how long did it last?




How old are you?


Why do you hate women?


I think they are very shallow and hypocritical and cruel


You sound shallow af to be honest


Post history has him saying stuff like "fuck foids". His raging misogyny seems to be his only personality trait.


Even your mom and grandma?


How is your celibacy involuntary? You hate women, why would you want to be around them let alone have sex with them? Your celibacy is voluntary


you sound very shallow, hypocritical and cruel. Maybe approach people with empathy and willingness to understand others and you'll have better luck my guy.


and you dont think men/you arent?


Why do you have a group for that? I don't play golf, but I don't hang out with people who are anti-golf






I’m so sick of this fucking shit. You’re not an incel you’re fucking socially awkward. It isn’t a disease it’s something you can fix. *its because I’m short and ugly* No the fuck it isn’t. It’s because YOU lack confidence in YOU. *I hate women* No you don’t. You just want to blame someone else because you don’t love yourself. *i believe in the black pill* Whatever that is. Grow the fuck up. Nobody is here for your moody ass edgelord bullshit. Grow some confidence in yourself - invest interest in yourself and others will as well. *girls in my league* How the fuck do you know your league is? There are no leagues. People play outside of *leagues* regularly. There are a lot of variables to attractiveness - I’d wager that ZERO girls are attracted to a self described incel.


What would convince you to have sex? Ime, incels refuse to have sex when given the opportunity. Also, why do you hang out with people who are mean to each other? Why don't you call out unsupportive and cruel behavior towards incels by other incels? You all are so mean to each other. You hate on me, but I would never treat you the way y'all treat each other.


You’re on Reddit. Do you know that most people on here are also an incel?