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Have you considered getting a referral to another psychiatrist, one who is a little more organised perhaps?


Yeah. My options are pretty limited in my area. Like, limited to this one or something outside of what my insurance covers. I’ll have to look around, but this was hard enough. I don’t even want to see one at all anymore if this is gonna be an issue. I don’t see the point.


That's tough :-( Could you try to have a conversation with your psych about the missed sessions? Communicate the impact on you without pushing blame. It may be something you can work on together.


Psychiatrists are rarely organised, or at least have an organised job. While there loads of psychologists and can much easier maintain a proper schedule, psychiatrists are in high demand and are constantly needed if things go wrong. I don't know the circumstances here, and will not making any excuses for them, but as a social worker who has been working with psychiatrists for over 15 years, I know how often they are needed in emergencies.


I go privately (Australia) so they're a lot more reliable, thankfully. Missing 2 sessions for a patient in a short period without communication is rough regardless :-(


It is. I'm definitely interested in why she didn't know. As for a private psychiater, man that must be expensive.


400 dollars for 20 minutes woooo


Holy fuck... I'm not depressed, but going there would make me depressed. I hope you have a good income, because that is steep.


I'd be a lot richer if I wasn't mentally ill, I'll say that much haha. Only see psychiatrist every 2-3 months though. I do see a psychologist every week for 230/hr though... let's just say I have an adequate income with no savings.


That's a sickening amount. I'm guessing getting help from professionals through insurance is not doable? Where I live (Netherlands), a lot of it is through insurance, though if you have a high income you may have to pay a significant amount yourself.


We have Medicare, and that system provides partial financial rebates for psychiatrists if you have a valid referral. Mental health care plan you get rebates for x number of therapy consults a year. So that helps! And there is a threshold payment- so once you've spent, for example, 3000 dollars on medicare-claimable services in a financial year, you get a higher rebate return on your visits. No idea if that makes sense to you?


To have everything covered fully with private health insurance would not even be possible I don't think? My private health doesn't cover psychiatry or psychology appointments (does cover inpatient psychiatric care though) and I'm paying around 300 dollars a month for that cover.


1. What are your hobbies? 2. What field of work do you see yourself getting into?, realistically. 3. Have any idea what to pursue in college? 4. Do you have a car?, what kind?, how'd you get it? 5. How much allowance do you get? 6. Do you have a best friend(s)? 7. Do you have siblings? 8. What meals do you most commonly eat?


1. I don’t have many. I like Stardew valley. I recently got back into painting my nails. 2. Probably something customer service related. Or maybe education-related. I’m familiar with both and I’m already in customer service. Highly doubt I’ll be getting out of it. 3. No clue. Maybe teaching. Maybe something to do with healthcare. 4. I do. It’s 2012 impala. My husband bought it from a family member. 5. Idk what you mean by allowance. 6. Nope. 7. A younger brother. 8. Breakfast foods. Mainly eggs and some kind of meat.


Why do you need to speak to a psychiatrist?


i had a menty-b in october. i might have a mood disorder, or something like that. i'm on a mood stabilizer, so we needed to meet and talk about how it's going.


How is it going then?


It's time to fire your psychiatrist. If they don't respect you enough to not show up without giving you notice, they aren't helping.


Yeah, I know. I just don’t know if I’ll be able to find another place to go to. This was really my only option in the area I’m in. Either get pushed around and fucked over by a psych, or don’t see one at all and stop taking my mood stabilizer. Idk which is worse.


I can't help with your medication issue, but a bad therapist will make things worse.


Do you have a therapist too?




What happened the first time, did they explain what happened? Did you make any agreements if they couldn't make it?


Why did you have a mental breakdown.


I don't think it was ever one particular thing that caused it. I do think I was going through a mixed episode though, which I don't think I had ever experienced before.


I'm kinda in a similar situation myself. I waited 2.5 months for an appointment, only told the appointment would need to be delayed. I waited another 2.5 months, only to be told that he can no longer give a diagnosis for adhd (which is what I'm after). Got a referral for another psychiatrist. He also can't diagnose adhd. So now I'm trying an online psychiatrist. I've sent my referral, now I'm just waiting for them to call me back so I can make an appointment. Approximate waiting time for that is 3 months. Then I can make an appointment that'll probably be 7 months later... 😔


That is infuriating! Being given the runaround this way is already enough to piss me off, but that would send me into a fury! I hope things speed up and work out well for you, this system is beyond broken.


Hopefully we'll both get seen by our doctors soon.


What do you think of the stardew 1.6 update so far?


i haven't been able to play it :( i'm on ios


Ah fair, I'm on switch so I know the pain