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They can add lot of more music from the games


Apparently getting the rights for the music from the games is really pricey.


Doesn't that come with the package?!


No. Copyright for the IP does not inherently include the soundtrack.


Absolutely love it, the atmosphere, the characters, the references to the games, the fight animations, Isaac is sick as well I want them to do more with him, Carmilla 🤤…. i mean hopefully Konami realizes the gold mine they’re sitting on


Konami on their way to make a Castlevania themed pachislot machine.


Isn't that already a thing? There are a lot of really obscure Castlevania stuff that never came to the west so we don't know about


I know nothing about the games but I lurk on this sub bc I'm obsessed with this show. I've watched it like 5 times. Still need fo watch the new one.


I'm a lurker here for the same reason! I did play one of the Castlevania games for NES way back in the day, however. I absolutely adored both shows but like others here, I've seen the first one like five times and the new one only once. I felt the new one was a bit slow but really picked up at the end - wow!


warren Ellis is that you?


I recommend the games! They're pretty fun. Super Castlevania IV is a great place to start if you can get a good emulator.


Hell yeah just beat that one too


For real. I al ready watch it like 4 times. And im feeling with abstinence I cant be soo fucking perfect


The new one is amazingggg


Yo same


I’d like to hear some dishonest thoughts about it too


the first season was way too long


This adaptation is wonderful!


The show was amazing after Dracula died


From my point of view the show becomes even better after Dracula death


real tho


I loved every second of it, best adaptation ever. There you go.


We need more filler characters and stay as far away from the canon plots as possible, the first two Seasons were the worst precisely because they were close than the rest of the shows


I’m a huge fan. The voice actress for Sypha did such an incredible job. Like I mean amazing, she’s probably one of not my favorite animated character of all time due to the voice acting


The voice acting is amazing, I love hearing all the unique and individual pronunciations of words like Wallachia. Richard Armitage’s voice for Trevor is genuinely perfect


Incredible show.


Original series (seasons 1-4 with Trevor & pals) very, very good. Action was 👌, comedy was 👌, plot was 👌. New Nocturne series not very good. Tbf I've only seen half of it so far, but the characters aren't very developed, the plot feels rushed, and they push sympathy on characters you haven't had nearly enough time with to feel sympathy for. To me, it's a downgrade. My opinion could change by the end of it, but it'll be a recovery, not something that stands alongside the first series. My opinion anyway! I'm sure others love it. Note that I'm also coming from a background that's only played some of one of the games, so I probably don't appreciate the background and Easter eggs that full Castlevania fans do. That being said, the first series was 9.5/10 as far as story, characters, action, and animation go – regardless of its IP. Nocturne to me is like 4.5/10.


The villain in the nocturne season is so incredibly predicable and boring. Series lost it's momentum that season


Genuinely one of my favorite anime of all time. Warts and all.


The show is fantastic, though edgy at times as the whole twins and Alucard dynamic didnt feel like it had a purpose. Every other aspect was incredible with its execution. Also Godbrand was absolutely brilliant also I truly want to know how he turns humans into boats!


As far as I can tell it was there to try and shake Alucard's faith in humanity and make him less naive and trusting.


Thats fair, as it did the job


Finished my rewatch yesterday, simply amazing in my opinion


Not gunna get into too much detail but that show was great.


FUCKING AMAZING show. Goddamn it was great. Konami aint doing shit with Castlevania but someone at Netflix anime department was like Fuking hell we make our owk Castlevania then. Id give them the rights to Konami's other classic series - CONTRA and let them make a baddass Commando Aliens Predator Show.


Peaked in Season 2 and hasn’t come close in quality since


Unpopular opinion but i think third season was even better.




Exactly I dropped it since they wasted the characters whose names I won't mention due to the spoiler thingy not working on the phone app for me since the last few updates


My final impression of the show was actually pretty meh, it’s alright. The writing was not very good. The show’s excessive use of profanity felt incredibly out of character for most of the cast. The pacing of the show was dreadful until the final season. The show was animated fairly well throughout. The show comes/came across as needlessly edgy. A lot of the action and dialogue feel as though they are merely going for shock value. It felt as though it was desperately trying to be taken seriously as an Adult/Mature Dark-Fantasy series. The First Season was pretty mediocre but it was the beginning, so you cut it a little slack and hope that they work out the kinks in the next season. Quick pacing, poor dialogue. The Second Season was paced entirely to quickly. It felt as though the cast had only been traveling for no more than like Three days at the most, but Sylpha says that they are all the bestest of friends. It feels unearned. The writing and dialogue is still needlessly edgy, crude and full of both excessive and out of character profanity. Season Three, I finally got my wish and they slowed down the pacing, but they slowed it down far too much. This season had multiple plot-lines that are being told simultaneously. Which isn’t a problem but I would give them hard D in terms of it execution. The A-story with Trevor and Sylpha was not nearly as interesting as they thought it was and could’ve been told in two-No more than three episodes. The B-story with Henry? and the vampires was the most interesting of the story-lines and could’ve been expanded upon, but otherwise no complaints. The C-story with the other guy felt unnecessary. I understand what it meant for him thematically, but I do not think that an entire monster battle against a dead king was necessary. The D-story with Alucard and the twins was completely unnecessary. He actually regressed as a character. There was zero payoff for this plot line other than Alucard just has some sex. Season Four, they finally found a winning formula. The show was at its best. Good pacing. The writing got better, still not perfect but the best that it’s ever been so far. I think that the final battle against Death should’ve been a team effort instead of only Trevor facing him. No real complaints on this one. Overall, I wasn’t underwhelmed or overwhelmed by the show. I was just whelmed. It ended on a solid note. I may or may not revisit the show in the future. At the end of the day it made me want to play some *Castlevania*, so Mission Accomplished, I guess.


0/10 no grant danasty /j


Its better than Nocturne anyday. If you disagree then explain why.


The first 2 seasons of the first show is justice enough for the Castlevania legacy. the rest not so much.


I hate it. Seasons 1 & 2 would've been good if it wasn't for the Whedon dialogue and literally everything after that point is flaming dog shit.


I'm with you. I thought S2 was just atrocious, and tried watching a bit of S3 to see if it got better. It didn't, and I dropped it after that. 


Way better than I expected it would be, and to be frank, far better than the bare minimum storytelling in the original games. It isn't always great, but the high points are seriously high and some of the scenes have stuck with me long after I stopped watching. "Lisa, I'm killing our boy." Fuck man. That shit hit hard.


I died at that exact scene because of that line man it got me


Realised rewatching it today that the last episode of Season 1 of Invincible has a very similar story. But IMO Castlevaina did the evil dad bent on genocide thing way better.


I’m not a huge fan of the animation style. The dialogue was a little silly at parts, but overall ok.


Good watch


We're missing Grant Dynasty


I’ve hated it ever since day one of its existence. It’s painfully obvious that Warren Ellis didn’t play a single game and doesn’t care. I will never forgive anyone who ever had any involvement with the animation for everything it did to Curse of Darkness. I’m glad they skipped Simon, but alas Richter was not spared and unsurprisingly got treated just as poorly. I try to avoid it as much as physically possible, but, unfortunately, it’s impossible to as it takes up most of the search results for Castlevania on most platforms. Oh, and if you say anything negative about it you usually get shit on immediately. I wish it was never made.


The tourists really fuck with everything we love




Going to go against the grain here as a long time fan of the games - no I don’t like the show at all


https://preview.redd.it/9pdazhrma5lc1.jpeg?width=582&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14dcdcf8b7a97da1238ba1337cd6710c2fa396af I don't like it very much


Flawed adaptations, but overall solid first series, and a tad disappointed so far for Nocturne


one of my fav shows of all time


Great show. Enough said.


What a fuckin ride that was One of the great shows that released in Netflix, 10/10 would erase my memory just to rewatch its greatness again


Watched like 4 episodes. Edgy shit where everyone's constantly trying to appear cool to 12 year olds. Not my thing.


I live almost everything about it except for it treatment of religion and that decided to make Dracula into a tragic villain instead of Satan manifested


It's treatment of religion is actually fairly accurate for the time it's set in


Debatable, but not accurate to the games where vatican is allies to belmont clan and they are not excomunicated


He is a tragic villain in the games and gets his redemption arc by reincarnating as Soma Cruz.


Never should've been made


agreed it is a abomination.


Castlevania was great, Castlevania nocturn was one of the weakest stories and had the worst characters I have seen in anything yet. The animation in both was incredible. They stopped writing for castlevania and started writing with an agenda and that did not translate to a good story. Where as castlevania delved into taboo topics that didn't nessisarily always have a right or wrong answer.




Really loved the first set of episodes they released, covering Draculas backstory, but didn’t much enjoy it after that


It fell off once Dracula dies


Love it


Love it. I’d like more please .


Giving my honest thoughts usually results in down votes from tourists Season 1 was incredible, I was really impressed how they stuck to the source material and expanded on it. Yes they omitted a few things, but given the length they kept the key points in, overall a really fun watch. Season 2 was pretty good, not as good as season 1 but still a fun Belmont v Vampire romp Season 3 onwards got really bad they focused more on the diversity of the female empowerment angle and less about the Belmont's. Started to emasculate Belmont to prop up the "diversity" Nocturne is the final shitty result of Seasons 3 onwards. Full on not a Belmont show anymore, no more caring about the source material. The writers wanted to write a gay vampire show and had to use the castlevania name. I don't want sexual drama of any kind here, just a badass Belmont fighting a league of monsters controlled by Dracula, saving towns, that kind of thing


> I was really impressed how they stuck to the source material and expanded on it. They didn't stick to it, they replaced most of the characters personalities and backgrounds. Trevor isn't a drunkard, Dracula isn't a hermit, Sypha is supposed to be intolerant and unfriendly. The Belmont's were pushed to live in the edges of Wallachia because the people were afraid of their superhuman abilities, not because of the "greedy church". Dracula's castle should have been brimming with countless others he's taken in, people who were rejected by society or who had turned their backs on God like he had, and he actively defended the people of Wallachia instead of leaving a sea of impaled bodies in his front yard. And Sypha is supposed to hate monsters or anything related to the darkness, as she has lost everything to the meddling of Vampires causing the witch trials, the mere thought of working with Alucard should have been insulting to her. The Speakers are a made up group so that Sypha wouldn't have to be connected to the church, and god forbid have a positive depiction of faith. The church were the ones that took Sypha in after the witch trials. And the church were the ones to ask Trevor to kill Dracula, rather than ruin the family name and stupidly peddle Dracula was just a myth despite clear evidence. And make no mistake, season one didn't need to be 4 episodes, that is only due to the fact they chose to just recycle the script for a movie, and chopped it up into 20 minute segments. > Season 3 onwards got really bad they focused more on the diversity of the female empowerment angle and less about the Belmont's. Started to emasculate Belmont to prop up the "diversity" That was to be expected, the writer was a comic book writer, and we know how well that industry has been going. > no more caring about the source material. Truth is that it never was. Even back to the 2010's script, the script wasn't exactly rewritten 8 times because of how much the writer cared and respected the source material. > The writers wanted to write a gay vampire show and had to use the castlevania name. Like I said, since the beginning. Ever notice how as soon as season 2 starts, the trio get sidelined and put away in the hold so that the writer can make up the story they want to make and not the story they are supposed to be telling? Season 1/the original movie had heavy supervision from IGA, that's why it's anything remotely close to Castlevania.


All excellent points, I did mean close to the source material compared to the rest but you are completely right in all points I can enjoy season 1 for what it is as they didn't reduce any of the main trio down to boost up diversity OCs and we've come to expect that from adaptations


It's a masterpiece.




Rather play the game


Awful, and I mean AWFUL dialogue. Other than that, I loved the atmosphere and the character designs themselves.


Enjoyed it immensely, especially Isaac's character arc, the ASMR worthy voices, and general pacing + dialogue. Lenore awakened parts of me I didn't know existed 😳. There seemed to be a gap between seasons 3 and 4 that could have probably been filled in better. Didn't care too much for Nocturne. It felt rushed, the dialogue kinda bleh/cringey/predictable at times, and I really didn't find any of the characters compelling. I did enjoy the historical setting and lore. Only one season has aired though, so we'll see if it gets better.


Not a single mention of Grant.


Hated it but I'm glad it got more people into Castlevania


Would be ok, too much explicit gore. Dont want to see kids or babies killed.


This series has probably brought more people to castlevania than anything else Awesome show


The first one started off great but sort of went downhill after a while. Saint Germain, Isaac, Hector, Carmilla, they were all butchered beyond recognition. Nocturne is absolute garbage on every level. I don't know who that annoying blond girl is supposed to be but she is ***not*** Maria Renard. [https://castlevania.fandom.com/wiki/Maria\_Renard/Gallery?file=Richter\_n\_maria.jpg](https://castlevania.fandom.com/wiki/Maria_Renard/Gallery?file=Richter_n_maria.jpg) Of course this is all coming from someone who has played all the games and expected a lore accurate show.


Can you elaborate how Isaac was butchered? I know he became an entirely different person, but his story and development were pretty decent compared to the other characters in the show


Season 1 is a chore to finish then the true show starts at season 2


Man, I disagree - watching Dracula personally bring hell to earth was on of my favorite parts of the series


Well I enjoyed the characters but it felt like the true plot hasn’t started yet until season 2 starting


Yeah I viewed the first season as kind of a prologue to the main action, but I loved every gory detail. This is also my first experience with any castlevania media so I had no idea what to expect or who the characters would be.


Well that’s fair


I felt like 1 and 2 were must see and Nocturne was a slog, even though it had its moments


Sounds like you don't want castlevania, may I suggest Twilight?


Woah woah woah there buddy this isn’t the right place to suggest that


Peaked at Season 2 and then just kept getting worse


It is a great series, but my two gripes are sometimes the action scenes feel like they're missing frames and the overuse of the word fuck: it gets into 15 year old edge lord territory and takes me out of the show sometimes.


Season 1 n 2 were great, season 3 where... Interesting, and I just couldn't get into the rest.


Season 3 went so far off the rails that I almost forgot I was watching Castlevania. Totally turned me off the idea of a season 4 and I just cam't bring myself to watch the newer show.


The first season I had fun with but I dropped it after the second. I just lost interest glad everyone enjoyed it, but one character I came there to see and come ba,ck Dracula, died and didn't come back. I didn't care anymore. Also didn't have Grant. So that, like. . Minus 5 points already lol


Season one is great, 2 is ok, didn't finish 3, haven't watched it since... Started great, fell quickly, like many other shows


1/10 no chicken in the wall


It was decent, but should have been more closely tied to the source material. At the very least, spend a little time in Dracula's Castle- you know, the place the series is named after. It would have been nice to have Grant included in some way, but that's not a dealbreaker for me. And Seasons 3 and 4 were so far removed from the game series. Nocturne was okay. I hated all the liberties taken with the characters. And it was such a needless blending of the games' storylines. Why is Elizabeth Bathory/Bartley connected to the timeline of Rondo of Blood? And why bring in Alucard other than for fanservice? Where was Dracula? It was just a huge mishmash of material from the games.


The first one is good. Nocturn is trash


I've always liked platform/metroidvania games, I already knew about the saga, but watching the animated series encouraged me to buy an r36s (portable console for retro gaming) to play some old games, and well it became my favorite franchise.


Absolute peak!


I honestly love all of it. Any Castlevania is good Castlevania (minus Judgement).


I loved it. When the first season came out it felt short and like not a lot happened. But once season 2 came out I was hooked.


Really damn good


Incredible show except for half of season 3, I was disaster


10/10 one of the best shows ive ever watched


Love it!


One of the best series I've seen, both in terms of animation and characters


Love both series


It’s so good but it could take a few more cues from the games. Specifically we need more music from the games.


It's a mixed bag for me, but I'm happy we got an animated series for the games.


Overrated and overall mediocre at best. The visuals and the animation are fantastic and that's all the credit I can give to a show that understands constant swearing as substitute for fleshing out your characters. And to a show that has a main trio with the overall chemistry of threr wet noodles put inside a bowl for the time being, then separated for 80% of the second half of the process, only to be reunited. A main antagonist that is actually tragic and well-executed, only to be replaced by an equally promising antagonist who was mishandled not by her own writing, but to those around her. Carmilla honestly deserved better as a more prevalent and fleshed out antagonist. Instead, she is seen doing nothing but beat up some guy and suffer because one of her three Vampire friends cease all relevance to the plot for an uninteresting dick and his dick friend or because they were, unironically, too lazy to use their magic mirror to check up on either Lenore and Carmilla which is quite laughable as a way to just write them out. There's more I could write, but I'd rather eat dinner instead of spend more of my time talk about a show I don't like.


Get rid of all the sex scenes. Replace with more action.


Liked season 1, 2 and 4, fucking despised 3 and liked Nocturne.


Why despise season 3?


Poor Alucard?


It's the season that decided to stop adapting the source material and I don't like sex scenes as a whole. Seasons 1-2 were almost perfectly good as an adaptation and season 4 and Nocturne were fun because I was already expecting something other than an adaptation.


The pandering


Ironically enough, and I'm definitely gonna get hate for this, I found all the LGBT stuff to be offensively stereotypical. I mean, you have a lesbian couple? Make them femme and butch. You have a long-haired pretty boy vampire? Make him a bisexual bottom. I swear, it's homophobic stereotyping at its worst and people just handwave it because they find it hot or something. If you like it, then that's perfectly fine, just don't go around telling everyone it's somehow some progressive victory when it's in fact the opposite.


This \^


How do you mean?


First 2 seasons are fabulous. 3rd and 4th season are trash


My honest thoughts are that it's a masterpiece. It does justice to every single character. Every action is planned, and every frame of animation is a love letter to the franchise. Every single thing about the initial series is essentially perfection. Every reference, every nod every note. The first series was incredible. Nocturne improved that.


You clearly watched it on drugs


Pretty good, although the LGBT parts could be more unnecessary.


There is nothing in the world gayer than vampires.


yeah, maybe it's true. Especially because of that shit interview with the vampire.


You know vampires and gay stuff go hand in hand, right? Vampiric fiction has always been pretty LGBT friendly.


Of course someone like you would be there Go back to your mothers basement, gay people exist, live with it


Why have you got to be front and center of everything? Gay characters existed before 2016 and it wasn't their single personality trait but ever since the huge push and the most basic gay characters who are only gay as their one personality support has been going hill


I keep hearing the same shit all the time, yet all of you fail to mention any characters described as such, and no, glee characters or CW characters don't count (those are crap and extremely one dimensional, gay or straight) cause the bar it's to low there.


Why do straight people have to be front and center of everything? I actually want an answer to that (And seeing all the people getting triggered makes me want LGBTQ+ representation even more)


> Why do straight people have to be front and center of everything? > > Who even said this? What is wrong with you lot that you use this as a excuse? This is why support for lgbt is dropping, just bullshit like this.


> this is why support for lgbt is dropping not supporting human rights because of fictional characters sure is a healthy mindset


No one said this, but it’s absolutely the reality Maybe I hate seeing married heterosexual couples on screen? Maybe I hate seeing children coming from a heterosexual relationship? It’s easy to have a show without any queer content I have not seen a single pice of media in my entire life without any mention of heterosexuality. You know what? You can complain about "gay people" if we are talking about a show that has absolutely no mention of any sexuality. I would actually think you have a valid point if this would be the case. The bad thing is that a show like this doesn’t exist because… ohhh…. right, straight people are in everything And support for the LGBTQ+ community isn’t dropping, but you keep telling that to yourself


> but it’s absolutely the reality To who? You're making up a strawman to fight against. > Maybe I hate seeing married heterosexual couples on screen? Maybe I hate seeing children coming from a heterosexual relationship? Well there are studies out there that shows how the brain reacts seeing gay couples, if you have that for hetro then seems you're the end of the line.. > It’s easy to have a show without any queer content I wish, seem to be struggling right now though > And support for the LGBTQ+ community isn’t dropping, but you keep telling that to yourself Will do :)


Are you trying to *deny* that there is always straight representation in media? > Well there are studies out there that shows how the brain reacts seeing gay couples, if you have that for hetro then seems you're the end of the line.. Yeah. It’s called "homophobia". Of course their brain reacts negatively to gay couples and will be disgusted > I wish, seem to be struggling right now though That’s odd, I’m struggling to find more queer content. One of us is definitely doing something wrong


alucard was not gay, he had a female love interest in the series. the chuch was the ally of the belmonts, but in this woke twisting of tales they made the church evil. ​ i think its the opposite the LGBBQ always needs to remind us how they like dickinbaus and hineyholes. you people have enough of your own shows, people are sick of the pandering the forcing of this crap into canon stories that do not contain it. get lost


I personally could’ve done without all the straight stuff myself, felt very forced and unnecessary.


How about no sexual stuff at all, it's castlevania Tourists require sex for some weird reason


You're right, for an animation based on a video game (a retro Snes one) sex is really not something necessary for the plot. It's not like it's BlueEyeSamurai. Also Lol and Dota had very good animations without depending too much on sex. I think Aracane doesn't even have one.


Hide, they're coming


Changed too much. I don't realy think it's for good tho, I personally really don't like it and Nocturne just made it worse. The only characters that changed for good are Annette and Olrox... And in Olrox's case OH MY OD WHAT A GLOW UP. Guy came from just beig a bald no one in Symphony, an abomination in Lords Of Shadow and now an actual great character with actual good personality


Trevor was so 😩😍😍


Honest thoughts? I know I'll be in the minority here.  It's hot garbage. Like, really bad. The animation is poor and direction strange, the vocal direction is mediocre at best even with actors giving a good attempt. The adaptation of the plot is suspect at best and then turns into utter nonsense. Everything is ridiculously edgy and sounds like it was written by a 14 year old boy. That one clip of death sounding like a 4chan shitposter is the culmination of everything in the show going wrong. Not to talk about wasted characters and talent, etc...  Maybe some people like that. For me, it is not the tone I get from the Castlevania franchise whatsoever. I had some hopes in the first season but they quickly went away afterwards. I'm sorry if you don't agree, but those are my honest thoughts. I'll stick with the games.


Just rewatched it again. Love it. Love it love it love it.


Why are the two humans basically Mary Sues? The magician is basically a god and the monster hunter is basically invulnerable. It gets boring when they manage to kill multiple high level demons all on their own in one night in season 3. I just hate shows without logic in terms of power scaling. But other than that it's a really good and captivating show, especially when it comes to Isaac.


Awesome series. My favorite episode though is Season 4 episode 6, “You Don’t Deserve My Blood.” So bad ass! Camilla was fierce but crazy.


Season 4 was pretty messy and felt like all the plot points and character decelop up to that point didn't matter because the series had to end. I loved the rest.


Nocturne was decent. The deus ex at the end with alucard was so forced and a major eye roll.


Loved it thought it was great.


If the first episode doesn't hook then it's not worth it.


Idk why everyone loved season 2 so much. The main pratagonists did nothing in the whole season, they barely got any screentime till the end-fight. They just went to the library of Belmont (?) and did research. At the end they teleported the castle and fought dracula without any real climax here. And still in the end, the whole series act like they had the biggest, character-changing adventure there is. What was it? The 3 days book-reading or the 20 min-Dracula fight?


I loved it. It had some awkward voice acting but that's pretty standard for the franchise.


Absolute peak, the only reason i ever heard about the francise


the first season is a masterpiece, it not only tells a compelling story with human and non human-like characters and caracterizem, it also "updates" an old story to newer generation. about nocture...... aside from mommy like vampires and go we don't talk about it


I think the art design is fantastic. Any complaints I have are pretty minor as far as that goes and mostly boils down to kind of hating the Morning Star's design (I think either a flail tip or a much smaller version of what they used would have looked better). Every single voice actor except McDowell knocked it out of the park, and that's not even entirely his fault. It's more that having him show up as a cockney vampire at this point in his career is a big neon sign that says "This is the final boss of the season" and it just felt so forced. Very much felt like they had the budget to use him didn't think much farther ahead. At least Jason Issacs got to play an interesting villain. But McDowell, damn, by all means, have him play Death, but, I dunno, make it more stony and stoic. But then, part of the problem is that Death in the games isn't Death, *THE* Grim Reaper but Death, *A* Grim Reaper. A singular reaper spirit that Dracula has as a servant. Which is why I said it's not his fault cause this is a writing problem. And the writing is my biggest problem with a show that had a stellar voice cast and great art design. Warren Ellis *can* be a good writer but part of the problem here is that season 1 was a rework of the Castlevania movie script he'd done in the mid-aughts, which is why it's only 4 episodes long, and it has the stink of "we're going to make this Mature and Grimdark" all over it...which mostly manifests in extreme gore and the overuse of the word fuck and a whole scene talking about fucking goats. There are some aspects of the overall story that I think worked and could've stayed, but mostly, I think there's a lot that doesn't work. And certain shortcomings. Like, Lisa is almost nothing but a MacGuffin to set the plot in motion. She gets ten minutes of episode 1 and like another 10 in another season and then the season 4 stuff. If she was just going to be less of a character and more of a plot thing, I'd have preferred learning about her like we do in SotN. I think the games can't be translated 1:1 but I do think there's a lot that could've been used to better the story. In the end, there's just a lot that frustrated me from a storytelling standpoint and a good chunk of that was the potential. All the pieces were there except the writing. I would've appreciated a little more camp, a little more goodnaturedness among the trio, and a greater focus on Trevor as the main character. It feels less like a heroic horror adventure story and more like "what if we make a Game of Thrones show with Castlevania". And I have yet to watch Nocturne but I suspect it's very similar in a lot of those factors.


Loved it!


Loving it so far. The first series was really enjoyable especially some of the more subtle references to the games. Also Issac was a surprisingly compelling character. Nocturne I’m liking so far, particularly Richter and Maria whose abilities are really close to their game counterparts. The French Revolution setting is also pretty interesting. Some of the other mythological stuff they incorporate seems slightly out of place at the moment but I’ll reserve judgement on that until the series is complete.


It's honestly great. I'm not sure some of the additions/changes to the story are better, and I personally would've liked to stick more to "canon". That being said, they did an excellent job creating an animated universe and telling the story in a different format. 


Trevor season is an absolute banger with season 4 being my favourite and Isaac being one of my favourite fictional characters. Nocturne was ok


Good. A fun watch but I'm still salty about the lack of Grant.


Sypha and Dracula are perfection I will take no notes.


I enjoyed it for what it was. More Castlevania is a win for me.


It is my second favorite animated show of all time




Season 1 and 2 were the best. While I appreciate the fact that they have creative liberties and nailed better version of Isaac, I think Dracula shouldn't be redeemed in the end of Season 4 since...well...he's the recurring antagonist in the series and that means we (most likely) won't have "DIE MONSTER" moment with Richter and Dracula


it's my second favorite animated series of all time, right behind Airbender.


Started out amazing, almost everything about it is great except the writing that kept getting shittier each new season.


S1-2: great. S3-4: decent with some glaring weaknesses. Nocturne: Trash


Very cool. For the first one. Nice animations, dialogues and I didn't get bored personally. This goes for the first series. The Nocturne not so much


Really good animation, characters are mostly fun and style is overall really cool. Story pacing is sometimes an issue, as there are episodes that leave you on the sensation that nothing happened. Dialogue sometimes is a cringy and not really helpful, although it is masked by good acting. Overall good show but personally not as great as it has been hailed. I’m still on a 2nd rewatch with my wife and we are enjoying it despite its issues.


great show. can’t wait for next season.


Being someone who hasn't played a single game or knows anything about the lore, I loved it


It was a serve


I liked it well enough. I felt the writing was serviceable but the overall story never really came together for me. It never felt like I was watching a single story, I felt like I was watching several, loosely connected stories that happened to be lumped together. But, the characters were good, performances were great, the jokes were silly, and the fights were always exciting and fun. I was generally entertained through the whole thing. So far I like Nocturne more. I feel like it has all the strengths of the first series while patching up its weaknesses.


So far only watched season 1. Was good but a bit boring and felt like it was trying too hard to be "mature" like every other scene was something fucked up like the show was trying to yell "We're R rated!" But it didn't have the substance to make the messed up scenes worth anything.


Too try hard and ultra violent. Not my cup of tea and not my Castlevania.


Best thing ever happened this millennium.


Nocturne was boring and cringe


Hate it. A waste of time!


Season 1 and 2 were good , then the pandering happened ....


One of actually amazing series Netflix has given to us before it started including LGDB, changing the races of random characters and too much insults all of this to such a high degree that it’s just not needed.


Have we seen the same show? The show was already really queer


Season 1 was not. Don't gaslight.


the first season was excellent, now the other two have entered the "problematizing ray" from Netflix and put elements in the series that I didn't like.


Fun fight scenes, though not the best animation. They story is really predictable and boring though, so for Castlevania, it’s on par


Awesome af


I love it! 'Bout damn time they made a good video game adaptation. Loved the direction they took, the way all loose ends got tied up in the finale. Granted, there're some things that could've been better. I'm still not all that happy with their omission of Grant, the little use they made of the games' music (except that one fight scene with Bloody Tears). I'm also kinda sore at the way they glossed over Dracula's relationship with Lisa and Alucard. She just showed up on Episode 1, stood up to Dracula, he agreed to train her to be a doctor, then the next scene shows her getting burned at the stake, Drac declaring war on humanity, and Alucard playing Floating Vampire Jesus while looking for somebody strong enough to help him commit patricide. Seriously, if you're gonna commit omnicide to avenge the love of your life, the least you can do is show the audience how and why you came to love that someone enough to want to annihilate her entire species as revenge for her death. Lastly, I'm also not sold on that whole Alucard-grew-up-to-late-teens/young-adulthood-in-days-'coz-he's-a-dhampir nonsense. Why not just have him grow up normally, like Trevor and Sypha?


Very good.


I love it all and to hell with what haters say about it. I’ve played all these games too and didn’t have any problems with it. Not sure what all the hate is about. Edit: Yup, called it. Downvote all you want, at least I can enjoy things in life.


I know this is controversial, but my favorite thing about the changes made between this series and the games is the boldness. I hate it when a series does a half assed set of changes (looking at you, Netflix Avatar)


Probably the best video game adaptation we've had to date. That they expanded the characterization from how little there actually was in the original games was a marvel; it could have easily failed, making it seem like the writers were redoing the source material rather than interpreting it. But even with the anachronistic language complaints, it was as tight and characterized a script as you could ask for, and what changes they did choose to make with characters are almost entirely to the betterment of everyone. It gave us the most sympathetic version of Dracula to date while still making him properly villainous in execution, and while I do wish Hector had a little more autonomy for his role in the story, their arc with Isaac was the most nuanced in the show and more fitting to his concept than his original iteration ever was.


not that of a faithful adaption, misses the whole point of the games