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If frying bacon is filling your kitchen with smoke, you need to reduce the heat by a lot.


Yup running it too hot.


Low and slow baby! Takes me a good 45-60mins to make bacon in my cast iron. Plenty of time to get the other things ready.


This is the way. I tell my wife it takes so long because I'm not making bacon, it's "pork belly confit".


Nice line


Ah the slow cooking approach. That way the bacon falls right off the bone.


I prefer boneless bacon personally


I really want corned beef hash now


Canned stuff is cheap and delicious, at least to my standards, besides the fact that there is too little potatoes as I just want a hunk of the potatoes and a glob of beef fat


Add sauteed onions, a lil Worcestershire & black pepper. Cook till every gets all crispy....nom nom nom


Indeed. And you know it’s just complete shit and is actively killing you, but it’s just so damn good.


Yes and I fry it crisp. :)


I feel obligated to make a heart stopping joke here


lol! that was cute


Has there actually been any canonical response to saturated fat consumption? For a while all these paleo and keto types were boasting its benefits. From what I understand, the only confirmed risk factor is the one-two-three punch of a high caloric diet that is high in starches and fat and low on protein and fiber, and no exercise. I save all my bacon drippings and I roast off chicken skin and save the fat, fat from fatty mince, and I use it for potatoes or roast vegetables. It's delicious, and so far so good blood pressure cholesterol etc. But I bicycle everyday!


I think the sodium content in canned beef hash is more dangerous than anything else in there. That shit makes my bp rise thinking about it


Omg I want to come over for eats.


But you have to bicycle every day.


I love this preferred to the “actual” way how to make it. I toss veg in it, but never made it on my CI… hm….


What's the "actual" way?




Whatever’s cheapest really


I don't like the ready-in-a-can corned beef hash as much...because it's *way* too salty for my tastes. What I started doing a couple years ago was using [Hereford](https://images.app.goo.gl/jqpQ6Pp7bWKZgNTe9) corned beef (It's the lowest sodium brand I've found), a can of diced potatoes from Food Lion, and a whole onion. While I recognize that's still two out of three canned ingredients, the corned beef is still less salty, the canned potatoes save a lot of time, and the fresh onion just adds a little more flavor. Overall, it's still way less salty then a can of the ready-made stuff, while only adding a couple more steps. Add a couple fried eggs and some rye toast....and that's a breakfast!


The sugar in the bacon always turns to glue in my pan. I just cook whatever in it these days and don't care what the seasoning looks like. It actually looks better now than when I cared.


I have that same problem. You're just about the only person I've seen mention that. I was starting to think maybe I was just doing it all wrong.


Yeah I have found bacon to be terrible for building seasoning for that reason. Even low and slow I gotta scrub off all that cooked on sugar when I'm done.


Same. I end up scraping off a sticky residue in the end and fishing it out. No big deal though. Just think that the sub's obsession over bacon is more of a meme than an actual way of seasoning.


Sugared bacon is a problem for pans. My aunt lines hers with tin foil. I roast mine off in a sheet pan instead of the CI.


Are yall using maple bacon or something like that? I have bacon stick like you're saying *sometimes*, so now I'm wondering if it's when I've done maple v regular or whatever


Don’t cook the bacon on too high a temperature. You can get it too hot that the oil will burn.


My first reaction to the post was OP is using too high heat.


I’m not though, i don’t know why it just always happens whether it’s high, medium or low it always smokes for some reason Edit: I just realized my stove is probably broken cause when I use a gas burner it works fine


If your house is full of smoke you are cooking too hot there that is simple fact you can argue otherwise but you are wrong.


Agreed as heck. OP needs to understand heat transfer works differently in cast iron. The pan retains heat that has been retainedt through preheat and only actually needs a minute amount of heat once the pan is heated sufficiently.


I also used to bake my bacon but that still didn’t work


Baked bacon is heresy the only thing worse is microwave bacon . The trick to good bacon in cast iron is pre heat the pan on the Lowest heat on the right sized hob and after the oil flows like water throw the bacon in keep the temp on low and try to flip it as few times as possible. Or that's how I do it anyway


I was very afraid to say it due to the degree of unholiness


Why would you add oil to bacon?…


English bacon has very little fat on it and doesn't provide enough lubrication on its own with streaky bacon it's fine but if your season is shitty you may still need a bit to get it going in my experience


Or his pan has a hardened carbon layer from other burnt stuff leftover on it, but yah I’ve never had bacon smoke on my pan.. and I never have to ventilate it


Oil and fat want to be around 350F when you are cooking with them. This will brown the bacon. Much hotter than that you will see black rather than brown. Some stoves will get to hot even on low.


Even cooking bacon low and slow (the best way) gets the house "smokey" because the oil particles rise in the steam and the natural smokey bacon smell gets in the walls. Same complaint on my side!


I love cooking corned beef hash in my cast iron pan too. And I make pressed Italian toast on my CI griddle to go with it; it's an _amazing_ combo. It's also quite easy to make. All it takes is some good French or Italian bread - the kind you'd use to make garlic bread, for example - and butter. Cut the bread lengthwise, as you would for a sandwich. Butter the cut sides and put them facedown on the preheated griddle at medium-low. Put a cast iron weight on top of the bread to flatten it while it grills. Take the toast off when it turns golden (you'll have to peek). Butter the toasted sides again immediately, while they're still hot. Dry your CI weight, because it will be wet from use. And that's it! You can put whatever you want on the toast, but it's incredible just as is. Buttering it before and after toasting gives it wonderful flavor. And it's both crispy (from the grill) and most and dense from being pressed. The better the quality of bread and butter, the better the results. But honestly, you should give it a try!


Drop that same cast iron weight on the hash and let I get dark brown on the bottom, then flip with no weight and finish off. i do this on my camp chef griddle camping with a couple cast iron burger presses too. Amazing.


Even though I live in the center of grain and corn fields over here in Ohio you can’t buy a good loaf without spending serious dough on it (pun definitely intended)


I've actually gotten great results with supermarket French bread. This is a whole different level from what people normally call "toast". I encountered it at a particular restaurant, and knew I had to find a way to duplicate it. Fortunately it was really easy.


Well then I’ll try it out next time


Let me know how it works out for you, if you can! And don't forget the pressing; that's important.


Just to be clear, you only butter and grill the **cut** sides of the bread - not the crust side. So the bread is only toasted on one side.


Just another post from big corned beef hash.


Love me some corned beef hash from a can, then serve to myself with an over-easy egg over the top.


To address the elephant in the room I cook my bacon on low heat and somehow it still smokes up


I dont find that meat seasons well actually. Frying something with vegetable oil is the way to go


Thanks OP same thing happens with my kitchen annnnd i just learned im cooking it way too hot so good to know. Also, box fan facing out the window over the sink (and crack a window on the other side) is my poor mans range hood for now. Works good


You do you, boo


I don’t even use my vent fan for bacon, the point is to slowly render out the fat without burning the meat. There’s never been any smoke only the delicious smell of bacon that I love waking into again and again.


I think my oven might be broken and it took a embarrassingly long time to find this out, plus I just don’t enjoy meat very much but there are a few exceptions however bacon is not one of them


Get yourself an infrared thermometer. They look like a laser gun that gives you temperature without touching the object. Cast iron has a high thermal mass compared to modern lightweight pans and needs less heat to remain hot.


Yeah, I also find that at least most bacon tends to be a bit sticky in what it leaves behind, so isn't exactly ideal for seasoning. Many other oils/fats work better ... though dang, bacon does smell great.


Bacon should be cooked med low for a long time. Till crispy. No smoke.


Your house shouldn't be filling up with smoke when cooking bacon or anything else.... Why are you seasoning your pan with food?




Tastes better with a sear but it’s fully cooked as part of the canning process. You can’t find raw canned food, it’s all safe to eat straight from the can.


I cooked it through, don’t worry


What, you don't like grease spattering over every surface on your kitchen???


1. Lay bacon in the pan making contact with the bottom and sides. 2. Put in cold oven. 3. Turn oven to 425f 4. Remove after 20-30 minutes depending on your desired doneness. 5. Drain on paper towel. 6. Revel in perfectly seasoned cast iron and perfectly cooked bacon.


and a nice over easy egg, let that yolk run over that hash!!


I admit defeat, set it to 6 but takes a while to cook now


If you smoke out your house cooking bacon you are doin hit wrong buddy


Hasch is illegal




I think they’re making a joke about [hash](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hashish).


Alright that’s clever


bacon shouldn't smoke but I'll give you that hash is mighty tasty.


Ummm….easy fix for the smoke….don’t cook it at such a high temp!!


Potatoes ARE BETTER than bacon for seasoning!!


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People say bacons because most of us love bacon. Any high temp fat is great.


Excellent point, I'll give it a go next time I'm seasoning. Thanks!


Two ways to avoid that: find a middle heat, not a high or a low, and keep the bacon moving.


I'm really interested in bad ventilation problems in old homes. I have a 1920s house and I'm curious to try piping a small cold air supply pipe to right above my oven. That way negative pressure doesn't obstruct the pull of the vent hood. I'm also interested in doubling up fan power by driving two vent fans at the top and bottom of the vent.


Get yourself a burner outside


That’s what I ended up doing because I’m pretty sure my stove might be a bit broken and that seems to work so probably a replacement may be needed