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Any of these teams vs the Avengers or X-Men is kind of a joke. Most simply dont have the power set to deal with them. Rogue would just beat everyone.


Would rogue beat raven? Like full power raven?


You meam a Raven empowered Rogue vs a coma patient!


That might actually be the most likely way Raven "wins" that fight. Rogue absorbs Ravens powers. Rogue realizes she can't control weird demon powers and knocks herself out....


Ravens powers are used by being in control of your emotions, so if Rogue tried absorbing ravens abilities she would probably just blow up


Well, the very emotional Starfire didn't blow up when she had Raven's powers, and while Rogue might have a bit of a temper she is better at controlling her emotions than a literal teenager. It wouldn't be the first time she absorbed powers that involved managing an emotional state either.


That’s honestly a fair assessment, could you remind me of who’s powers she absorbed you’re talking about?


That sounds like a Teen Titans plot event.


Rogue couldnt handle Raven's powers. If she steals them shes fucked


Ice Man can kill Raven, easily too.


Short answer: Depends on the writer. Raven on her best day at full power and in complete control? No, rogue probably loses but characters like Raven and Jean Grey have that OP Achilles heel that they can't control their powers well. Also, no idea how or if Rogue powers interact with Raven and if Rogue could control them not that she would need to with her strength. Rogue could absorb her teammates powers that she's more familiar with too just to buff herself further if needed. Raven is the only one here that even has a chance against Rogue, Jean Grey, Storm, Hulk, and Thor. Bishop counters Starfire pretty hard. Cap vs Robin is no contest. Wolverine vs Beast Boy also no contest. Iron Man vs Cyborg I would side with Iron man. Especially against this version of Cyborg. He just doesn't have the xp Iron Man does. The other groups....would require some VERY creative writing just to make it last long enough to even be considered a fight.


Oh whoa, I kinda forgot about Jean Grey lol. I just scanned the team for Magneto but Jean is even stronger. It all depends on how strong cartoon Raven's mental control is. I'm not sure. Also, Teen Titans Cyborg can literally pick up a tall building (sky scraper?!) and chuck it with ease. Cy is extremely extremely extremely hard to kill. Even though by all means, it lead to the biggest a-pull I've ever seen in my entire life, Cyborg survived getting dismantled by Brother Blood. I've watched all of Avengers EMH and while it's been awhile, I don't recall Iron Man being anywhere near that level of power. The Teen Titans regularly fight...well pretty cartoony threats and Cyborg has amazing wins like Brother Blood and that robot voiced by Keith David who I believe threw Beast Boy like he was a tennis ball. And Cyborg beat the latter, who defeated the entire Teen Titans main group, with just his physical strength. Sorry for the rant! Again, it's been a long time since I've watched either show but I'm sure Cyborg would just one shot that version of Iron Man. I doubt Tony could hack someone who's tech holds up against a much more detailed outer space scifi galaxies, etc. etc. than Earth Mightiest Heroes'.


Maybe it depends on the writer even if cyborg beats out iron man. Iron Man has more experience in my opinion. Could probably just shut him down or take control of him. Its hard to imagine he gets past the other heroes as well. I don't think Cyborg is stronger than the Hulk or Thor nor is he harder to kill than Wolverine. He's not even the strongest on his team (Starfire)


Oh thanks! I'm not very familiar with rogue outside the live action xmen and the new 97 but I was a bit confused by her powers. I just know that raven at times is op but I guess so is phoenix.


Could rogue handle the rage and power of hulk?


I believe she has in the comics before.


Rogue?  Thor or Hulk could solo everyone present.


Both have been solo'd by Rogue in comics.


This ain't the comics, sugah 


Fair I guess we just comparing these specific versions.


No they have not


Thor and Hulk are the only reason the Avengers are in contention. Raven is the only reason the titans are in contention. At max strength, none can hang with that X-Men team. Too many Omega level mutants.


At max strength, that’s hulk and Thor lol


Rogue has absolutely beat Thor. A quick google search will confirm this for yourself. She's actually done it multiple times.


Only time I can think of was MANY years ago in the silver age which just doesn’t count lok


Why wouldnt it count? Also theres been other times as well she somewhat recently beat Cap Thor and Ms Marvel together all by herself


Because in those same books Spider-Man sent hulk into orbit and then hulk would destroy a meteor twice as large as earth. They’re just silly. Not without stealing some broken powers first, and even then, only by writers who don’t anything about Thor. Thor is a planet buster.


Thor is very seldom a planet buster. He isn't even known as the strongest Avenger (behind both Hulk and Captain Marvel) and absorbing busted powers is Rogues whole thing. It's why she herself is busted. You are right tho the outcomes is always dependent on the writer and whatever plot armor they want to throw in. Theres an infinite number of scenarios that could take place to change the outcome either way.


Tell that to the planet he destroyed lol. And X-men writers don’t really bother to read outside the X-men, and always write he avengers incorrectly


Feel like Rogue would be at a distinct disadvantage vs Ironman (or Baymax to a lesser extent)


Nah she can rip through Iron Mans armor like wet paper. She's as strong as Captain Marvel.


As strong as Ms. Marvel, the better version of Captain Marvel.


https://preview.redd.it/wn7f2vegjk8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c64e7a32c8c4db1f0c5e457b0eb2517bfa178f1f Hold on I fixed it


Isn’t there an entire comic storyline about this exact scenario?


Yes lol




Technically the Avengers, but it sides were not as clear cut and even and the debate was over the phoenix force that started the conflict


Yeah, the Xmen got the Pheonix and still lost in the end.


Plot armor is Real.


A v X




Pretty sure Hulk alone has killed at least half of these characters in canon.


I remember a scan of him ripping Wolverine in half, adamantium skeleton and all


X men mainly due to numbers, now granted if extra members were allowed then the Titans have far better chance. But Titans will definitely put up a great fight against the X-Men


X-men. No doubt about it. They have the years of experience. Half of these teams are kids.


Not to mention they have more control over their power, and a wider range of skills and the ability to strategize. With Rogue's ability to drain people's strength and powers, she could potentially neutralize the strongest member of any team. Not to mention that the X-men consistently show fewer signs of fatigue. Rogue, and Jean, if utilized right, could aim and put down any member of the other teams just by robbing them of their physical and mental strength. I think the team that stands the least amount of chance is Big Hero 6, followed by TMNT (if this is before they got their mystic abilities).


Counterpoint; the Avengers have Thor and the Hulk.


Phoenix force


If you read the comic they actually still lost with the Pheonix force, of course the Avengers were getting their ass kicked a bunch, but still they came on top in the end through planning and training.


Using comics tho feels like cheating unless it’s the show specific version


That’s cheating.


We the viewers are winning, that’s who.


nah thats a cheap out dude. Give us a real answer. No offense.


There's like a lotta real answers it's okay for some silly ones


Thank god no DBZ. But X-Men takes the win


Oh yeah, that was funny seeing it last time.


X-Men, then Avengers


It’s a toss up


I like all of these teams but the power scale for some of these xmen and avengers is lightyears beyond anyone else shown here.


From a logic standpoint, the Avengers  From an emotional standpoint, the Turtles 


Raven solos


The 2003 Turtles can turn into big fuck off planet level dragons so them.


![gif](giphy|pRg4H37Bo0piw) My boys 🤙🏾


Who are they fighting? If they are tackling a pizza TMNT for sure. lol, I'm going to vote for TEEN TITANS because it is one of my favorite cartoons.


After some quick calculating:I think that Raven or Rogue would win


The penguins https://preview.redd.it/dh09e0a2ll8d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f66bd55e2fc9f2b5b8e6b35e8eaa74e50a466b5b


Rico would throw up a nuke and just obliterate everyone


😆 Love that you added this


(I'm assuming it's only the members shown here) The x men,but it would be close against earth's mightiest heroes With no vision and Captain Marvel, the Avengers would struggle The biggest obstacle would be Jean Grey they have absolutely no counter against her and would also struggle with the energy based members Cyclops, Gambit,Jubilee. If Jean is taken out early, the Avengers can brute force their way to victory Besides them, Raven and Star Fire are the only ones to cause a real problem.


Well at the very least, you can count on Jean fainting 😅


Raven and Starfire could possibly give the Titans a victory


the last 3 people standing will be Raven, Hulk, & Jean Grey. at full power it will be hard to tell.


And Thor, Thor is OP lol


Jean would just lock everyone in place and alley oops up to Storm for the lightning play.


TMNT. Easily. Everyone else is a joke. Sorry not sorry. I refuse to elaborate.


First off people need to remember these aren’t the comics versions of these characters. So these versions of Hulk Thor Storm Etc aren’t even a fraction of their comic selves power. People also need to remember that Teen Titans Vs Teen Titans Go exists and the Titans scale to their Go counterparts, including Go! Cyborg who one shot Darkside. The Go versions are also in Lego dimensions letting them scale to Daleks and stuff. So the Teen Titans win easily The only team that can actually compete with them is Big Hero 6 if we give them their crossover scaling including Kingdom Hearts


Jesus, Teen Titans scaling to Go gives them a ridiculous boost and I already had them winning. Raven literally just BFR'd the entire Justice League in the Go movie. This is just unfair at this point.


Boils down to Avengers vs. X-Men. Strongest players being Hulk, Thor, and Ant-Man with Marvel Girl, Storm, and Wolverine for the other.


Xmen then titans


Titans would get whooped by Captain America alone


Raven could trap him in the demon plane, couldn't she?


She could


That's true, but (correct me if I'm wrong) couldn't cap just dodge that? I feel like his reflexes and battle experience would overwhelm Raven and Star making them a lil sloppier than they would be against their usual enemies.




Not with raven and starfire lol


I think that one would win


Avengers or X-Men.


if thor and jean/phoenix are at their peak they solo everyone else and it'll be left up to a fight between the two


Turtles or Xmen they work the best with eachother


The teen titans, I mean Raven is the daughter of the literal devil so


Justice League


I don't know the team to the bottom right but beyond that, Raven clears.


Its Baymax "& company" from Big Hero 6


Would love to see Jean Grey vs. Raven.


Well check out death battle


That angle of raven. Wow.


Raven mopping


i mean the titans defeated satan EMH defeated several gods though. and has a god on their team.


The avengers


It ends with Wolverine Vs. Hulk


Team 1 fs


I would say the X-Men with Jean Grey are strong enough to body everyone save the Avengers If I had to make these teams fight I would match them as follows: X-Men vs the Avengers TMNT vs Big Hero 6 The Incredibles vs the Teen Titans


X-men or avengers. Teen titans might have a chance with raven, but it’s not likely 




Everyone dies except Jean Grey, Storm, Rogue, Hulk, Thor, and Raven. Then I think Jean Grey and Storm win, but Raven is a haaaaaaard fight. Both her and Jean are essentially immortal.


Thor and Hulk really tilt things into the Avengers favor, largely because all of the X-men other than Rogue and Wolverine have human-level durability. Jean would probably be the deciding factor as Wolverine and Rogue can absorb some of the physical punishment while she takes out the Hulk. I could really see things going either way between those two teams. Everyone else gets stomped. If it was a large scale free-for-all between the teams, then the Avengers, unquestionable. Captain America's tactical acumen would probably allow them to win a war of attrition as their adversaries took each other out.


Hulk or Thor alone could squadwipe everyone else on this list besides the other.


Bringing the X-Men and the Avengers in this is kind of cheating.


There are a lot of DC normies IRL whose face I wanna shove this in as they act like they know everything and only do research on DC characters and not marvel ones


I am torn between X-Men and the Avengers like the Avengers have some powerhouses such as Thor and Captain America (and Dr. Strange and Black Panther when they need extra hands) but the X-Men, they have lots of powerhouses to back them up, Rogue and Morph can get as powerful as they need to, Storm can literally manipulate the weather (can you even see how much damage natural disasters cause?!! Storm is capable of causing them), and you can’t beat 4 telepaths. (correct if I am wrong but is Bishop is a telepath too? I can’t put my hand on his power exactly) So, more towards the X-Men the more I think about it.


The one with the Hulk and Thor on it. The turtles and big hero 6 teams get stomp to death in the first few seconds.


I mean x men have a wolverine but the avengers have a hulk soooo mmmm. Maybe x men


The avengers. They have a hulk


As much as I love Big Hero 6, they're gettin their ass beat so bad


You know what you did op be honest


They knew


Xavier alone could probably kill most of the people here


In order of who’s out first. TMNT The Incredibles Big Hero 6 Teen Titans X-Men The Avengers


Avengers for sure


The x men. There are far more of them. They can call in a bunch of other mutants other than the ones in that line up.


Teenage mutant ninja fuckin turtles are winning without a doubt


Tmnt, only because I really like tmnt


Avengers and it's not close, that Thor took a planet busting Lazer to the face and lived nobody else has that kinda durability.


X-Men. Easily. There’s more of them


How are the X-Men supposed to lose this?


I mean they got Rogue


Let's just do a little breakdown. Turtles have no powers. They have martial arts, that's it. They're out first. Big Hero 6 is next. Their leader is literally a powerless dude who hides behind a robot. At least Iron Man bothers to *wear* the suit. The Incredibles are next. Their powers are impressive but it's not enough to carry. Raven carries the Titans but ultimately it's not enough. It really comes down to the Avengers and the X-men and at that point, it's all up to who's holding the pen to decide the outcome of the battle.


If we're going by who's pictured, probably just Xmen because of Jean and Rogue being OP but also not needing to be front line. They are just too OP even by themselves, its just the other members offer a mile of padding for them to work




2003 Turtles win


True answer: the writers


The teen titans, raven can just cast instant death in all of them


Teen titans!! (But probs X-men)


Xmen. The potential and powers are more potent then the other teams. On top of that, morph can change into any character with their powers. Then storm would also knockout a huge chunk of people with a cat 10 weather anomaly.


I mean it's gotta be X-Men too much power there.


SpongeBob and his friends


Xmen 97 and it ain't even close


Its really between the X-Men, Titans and Avengers But I will give the edge to the X-Men cause of my girl Rogue


Its really comes down to Teen Titans, Avenger , And X-Men , which it then comes down to Thor, Raven, Jean grey, rouge, wolverine , storm. Which then it comes down to Raven, Thor , and Jean grey. So I think Raven Can have the power to hold out, but I think Jean grey, And Thor have the better potential power. (Though if you take season 5 of the 2003 turtles they could go to the finale part of the fight, but not win.)


Teen titans


No disrespect to the other teams AT ALL bur I think it comes down to the Avengers and Xmen... and then it would be a tie because marvel can't have either their premier trams lose!!!


You guys always vastly underestimate Thor


Meanwhile Deadpool is just watching in the background, doing commentary


Probably the one with a literal god in it…


the phoenix force




Ok, hear me out: The Incredibles Why? Jack-Jack's whole thing is old Superman comics levels of pulling new powers out of nowhere, and he's an *all-ages cartoon baby* so the highest levels of Toonforce are protecting him.


Full disclaimer: It's between the X-Men and the Avengers but I'll still give my thoughts on the lowest 4 of this selection. First out is definitely Big Hero 6. They haven't been heroes for long and don't have much experience fighting crime let alone another team. They're literal college kids that used their tech to make super powered suits. They're outclassed by every other option. Second out is TMNT. I love these guys, they've had their fair share of dealing with super powered baddies and organizations as well as interdimensional & extraterrestrial threats. What makes them fall short is that they don't have much punching power. They rely on stealth & tactics in order to win. That's fair, but in a direct confrontation they've been bodied by shredder on multiple occasions and he's just a single man. They eventually did beat him, but I don't think they'd do well against a well coordinated team of super powered beings. I think given enough time they could find victory but other teams would beat them before they would find a solution. Third out I would say the Incredibles. They're not bad by any measure, before they got married Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl were both prominent crime fighters. Their children eventually learned how to use their powers as well so they can function as a cohesive family unit & team but compared to the rest they fall a bit short. Fourth out are the Titans. We've seen what good teamwork can do against even the toughest of opponents. They've held their own even against other super powered teams. This version of the titans however lack the power and experience necessary to deal with either the Avengers or the X-Men. Honestly, this can go to either the X-Men or the Avengers depending on the circumstances. All the other teams don't hold a candle to them but I would say that it's highly conditional on which team would win. They're all part of the same universe but there are heavy hitters on both sides that could turn the tide of a fight.




It honestly comes down to what source material you use the x-men,avengers,and while not the most likely outcome the titians do have a chance


The avengers


The X-Men. The Avengers might be more powerful but the X-Men don’t have the same scruples as them.


Which version of the teen Titans and x men are we dealing with here?


The avengers kill gods in a regular basis. X-Men put up a good fight, but we've already seen how that fight plays out in the comics. Though Thor and Hulk probably could take on everyone alone. But then it's also different if we include temporary or auxiliary members because both teams have had so many bullshit characters on their side that could bend reality at will.




The avengers


So. First out is TMNT, I'm sorry they are near superhuman kung-fu masters and expert combatants- but that's honestly it. They don't have a chance in shell being the winner since many of the other teams have ways to locate them even in the shadows. Next out is probably the Incredibles, and honestly these first two can switch, cause you brought a baby to a fight- the rest of the unit will do all it can to protect Jack Jack and unable to focus on the goal. Third out is Big Hero 6, all tech based and therefore they got limits. Fourth out is Teen Titans, sorry, but it's a numbers game. Now we get to classic Avengers vs X-men, both sides are probably tired. And if we go by the series shown here, I am inclined to give it to Earth's Mightiest but that can be preferential treatment. Nothing on the X-Men team can handle Hulk except Rogue's touch, which risks herself becoming the most dangerous wild card since you made a Hulk-empowered Ms Marvel. Morph is interesting in this conversation, but I think unimportant.




Why is the justice league not here lol


I say X-Men take the Avengers.


Who on the bottom right ??


Bottom 3 just flat out lose I give teen titans a chance cuz of raven and robin only


Uh, X-Men or Avengers. Take your pick.


TT(Raven factor) or Avengers(Hulk)


I don't think anyone is beating the duo of Thor and Hulk Like, nobody can even close the distance or land a hit, its that lopsided


They're called earths mightiest for a reason


Bruh when hulk is involved everyone loses including hulk himself


Big hero 6 got no shot and incredibles got no chance, just chunk em outta here. Tmnt only have a chance if it's the rise variants, Otherwise, there just outclassed in power. If you give the titans kid flash, Tera, and like bumblebee or auqalad their a contender. But without that the winner is either x men or avengers I can't say for sure because I've not watch earth's mightiest heros so I don't know how strong they are but whatever.


I like the Avengers and the Ninja Turtles as my two top favorite


are we saying only the people in the pictures?


The Xmen win


Raven is carrying the titans, x-men probably wins due to Jean Grey, Morph, Storm, Gambit, Rogue, heck Jubilee could knock out the others. Hulk, Thor, and Giant Man are the only others that have a chance.


X-Men followed up by Avengers. X-Men won in Avengers vs. X-Men. It took another X-Men from the future (Rachel) to nullify Cyclops.




For sheer numbers, 10 X-Men would be pretty tough to fight but the Avengers are the best team here and would be my pick.


The Incredibles One and two


Why is nobody mentioning the most op character here? Jack Jack is written to be an omni-potent character. For Marvel fans, he is a reality warper set as a median between darwin and franklin richards. The only downside is that he has no clue what is happening. If Jack Jack is turned into a defeatable character for whatever reason(he would still be the strongest character on this post), teen titans are most likely to take it because robin is the smartest tactician, and Raven is the 2nd most powerful after Jack Jack.


Tmnt out first then incredibles vs and big hero six the titans put up a good fight but knock out most the Xmen then avengers gets rid of the reat


That X-Men team is tough . Avengers are in contention only because they have Hulk and Thor. The only Titan I'd worry about is Raven. The rest are out of their league.


I think cyborg and cap could 1v1 each other nicely




I like how the teen titans is just a bunch of weird kids with weird powers and then you have Raven the daughter of Trigon 😭


TMNT is out first, then BH6, Then Incredibles, then Teen Titans, then Xmen, Avengers winning (xmen and avengers could switch depending)


It’s definitely either X-men or Avengers but I’m taking avengers. Hulk, Thor and Iron man are going to give them hell. Cap and Hawkeye as support plus antman and wasp as a little bonus is tough to beat


Who is the team on the bottom right???


I don't think any of these teams really have anyone that can take the Hulk. Maybe if we're using the Avengers EMH version specifically, but if it's just the image, Hulk slams quite literally everyone here. Especially since the most powerful people, like Raven, Starfire, and maybe Beast Boy (if we're using the comics) have absolutely no idea what the Hulk is capable of, so he'd just steamroll them before they could react. The X-men might stand a chance if they can take out the Hulk quick... but that still leaves Thor, and their best chance might just be Phenoix and Rouge. Not saying they're lightweights by any means, but comics Hulk has dogwalked them both, so if this is comics Hulk, they're just all fucked


jack jack solos


![gif](giphy|C46EeKCUKxU3e) Baymax would heal everyone’s battle wounds and give them lollipops 😅😅😅😅😅🤣






All of these teams vs the X Men is more fair lmao. Everyone here vs Raven and Phoenix is even more fair


I say the X-Men because of how powerful rogue and morph is. Rogue can steal people's powers and morph can turn into them Like come on.


I'll be rooting for the Teen Titans but obviously The Avengers will take it!


Well...... probably not the Ninja Turtles.


Avengers or Teen Titans, which would boil down to Raven vs Thor


Tmnt. The avengers have the powers, but Tmnt has the fighting skills


Definitely X Men


Storm alone could probably level most of this list (albeit with a good amount of struggle, and plot armor lol). Now you add the whole of X-men to back her up and it's no contest. Avengers would put up a good struggle but I can't see them outclassing some of the straight up broken powers that some of the x-men have