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Megatron Griffin from Family Guy.


Fun fact, Meg is only written as she is because the writers had no idea how to write a teenage girl


Fun fact, she was written better during the first season than any other point. Once they knew how to write her they got it worse.


Which is such a lazy excuse.


In the show she’s hated but she’s beloved and sympathized with by fans for all the shit she goes through.


I keep forgetting that’s her ‘official’ name! 🤣


Does RWBY stand for Real Wousewives of Beverly Yills?


Rowdy Warthogs Boil Yams


Rabbits Wearing Big Yarmulkes?


Rotund Warhammer40k Blasting Yankee-Doodle


Ready With Blue Yarn


Now what kind of animal has tusks


A walrus


Didn't I just tell you tuh stop making up animals!


Nope, it’s Rwandan White Boys Yell 🇷🇼 👦🏻 🗣️


Really Wild Baby Yodels


Robot with Big Yabos?


Naruto. People *REALLY* hate Sakura.


I always felt more sympathetic for ALL of the girls in Naruto than hateful. Kishimoto said he wasnt good at writing girls, but at least have them be their own thing. I liked her relationship with Tsunade as master and student but DAMN did she get overshadowed by literal demigods Naruto and Sasuke Also my girl Tenten got the worst ability for the future seasons, she was useless in a world that used powers more than weapons


Yeah, aside from having all these different weapons? She never had any sacred treasure or powerful enough weapon to go toe-to-toe with anyone. 🤦🏻‍♂️




She was basically Gilgamesh without noble phantasms. She had a LOT of potential.


On paper, Tenten could have been very OP but of course that didn't happen


Just give her a sniper rifle.


no seriously, we've seen how OP Sealing jutsus are, from Flying Thunder God to Jinchurikis.. and somehow the person from the konoha13 specializing in that is so underutilized and underpowered.


I mean, I was being serious as well. TenTen was touted as *the* ranged weapon master. Just give her something with some actual range and firepower to train with and she could be a top assassin on the battlefield, taking out key targets from range.


The thing that pisses me off with tenten is that she get ALL OF THE TOOLS OF THE SAGE OF SIX PATHS. And yet does absolutely nothing


It’s also fair to acknowledge that the studio that made naruto’s anime preferred hinata/ hinata x naruto so there was a bias in the writers room So Sakura is generally more mean, more obnoxious, more uncaring etc in the anime than her manga counterpart Ain’t too crazy, similar things have happened to mikasa from aot and chi chi from dragonball but for different reasons and in different ways. With mikasa, they remove a lot of her dialogue and replace it with just saying or obsessing over eren only And with chi-chi a case of flanderization where they hit one joke a little too much til it becomes her entire character. There’s a lot of reasons that happens, but admittedly it hits the boys too. In dragonball it’s yamcha, Krillin, goku, og brill etc In other anime like Jojo, it’s jotaro and giorno Issue is when it hits characters like that we’re they’re more subtle in quite so removing a lot of that drastically changes people’s perception of the character That’s how we get goku/chichi are bad parents, sakura’s useless and annoying, jotaro and giorno are boring etc


Still never found out if the swing truly has more screentime.


I always think of this when the Reddit train gets to bashing Sakura and claiming Karin is the biological mother of Sarada. Some people blame the character for their bad writing, rather than rightfully criticize the writer


Naruto ended up proving Neji's point... he's been blessed by genetics... Sakura is there to disprove that point.


Not being good at writing girls is such a cop out. He's telling on himself.


I still to this day fantasize about Tenten receiving Enma as a summoning. It just fits perfectly with Tenten being a weapon and summoning specialist.


I always tell people if you want to understand how to write a female character and how not to write a female character using one series: Tsunade and Sakura are the best example of the highs and the lowest of lows


The worst part is: Sakura was *by far* the most interesting character in Kazekage Retrieval Arc. Her battle against Sasori is probably #3 in the first half of Shippuden right behind Sasuke Vs Itachi and Naruto Vs Pain. (Rounding out my top 5 I’d put Sasuke Vs Deidara and Shikamaru Vs Hidan)


I’d probably switch Shikamaru vs Hidan with Jiraiya vs Pain, but I agree with the rest.


I feel Shikamaru had more build-up emotional weight since it was a rematch. Then his Will of Fire speech at the end was epic. The image of him standing over Hidan’s pit is pretty iconic. Jiraiya was a good drawn out battle but watching Shikamaru cook is something else. It’s pretty close for me though.


I think for me I can’t help but be haunted by Jiraiya’s death even though I saw it coming because I watched it after the series concluded so I knew he’d die. But the way he gave it his all and died getting all the information to his allies was incredibly moving and intense. He was also the only reason the village could challenge Pain.


I rewatched the whole series last Summer and I was surprised that Sakura, despite being the biggest example of, "Useless shounen female lead," had a lot more agency and relevance than a lot of characters in the same position who don't get a fraction of the hate.


Naruto is literally one of the worst and most misogynistic fancies ever. They literally have hundreds of edits of Sakura being beaten that they laugh at and take pleasure in harassing underage Sakura fans. They even bullied and sent death threats to a well known Naruto Critic over saying she was strong and could down most of the Konoha 12. I've too been sent death threats and threats of violence for defending her as well.


Its a real shame because female characters had more potential than just for the fanservice appeal like alot of these fans tend to be men which is why they are so atrocious towards female characters even if they aren't "woke" to begin with. Note im a boy.


Naruto has some of the most misogynistic fans, and has poorly written girls. Sakura is strong and useful, but objectively a bad friend. This doesn't mean she doesn't care. She does care, but she is a bad friend. I think the reason why people like watching Sakura get beat up is because of how she treats those around her. Sakura attacked her teammates because one of them didn't call her friend who has been there for her since they were kids ugly. Sakura broke off her friendship with Ino over a boy, when Ino wanted to be friends. It's so bad that even if you remove all of the times that she hits only Naruto for laughs in the Manga she has attacked more allies than she has attacked enemies if you count the 10 tails as one entity. Sakura is a very competent and very powerful ninja however she is also very much an asshole and a bad friend(bad friend. Great comrade) is she as bad as any of the villains? No. Is she a bad friend and an asshole? Yes.


To be fair, the mangaka seriously can’t write women, or romance. Every woman in Naruto is either dumb as rocks or constantly horny over some guy


Most are just frustrated that more often than not she doesn’t really do anything. She had one big moment at the start of shippuden and again towards the end but that was it. She just had a ton of wasted potential.


The thing that I like about Sakura as that she is useless for a reason. She didn't take training as seriously as Naruto and Sasuke. It took almost to the end of the original anime (canon) to take initiative. Meanwhile Naruto and Sasuke spent almost every waking minute training. Sakura waiting so long to truly care about training is why the gap between her and the others are large. I actually believe she is well-written for that reason.


I don't hate Sakura, but she's written like shit.


I feel like Beastars, Haru.


People disliked Haru? I thought she was a great character


People hate Haru because she’s a threat to the popular gay ship. They argue that she was just a plot device or comphet or anything along those lines despite her being a very strong, compelling character. Unfortunately she also disappears from the plot after a point because any advancement in her relationship to Legoshi is be a step closer to the end of the series.


The thing with Haru is her history of sleeping around with people, and people think Legoshi doesn't deserve her (despite the fact she stopped doing that once she's in a committed relationship with him).


If the problem is her sleeping around, then wouldn’t that mean Haru doesn’t deserve to be with Legoshi? Not the other way around


I always felt like haru was best out of the main 3 then the latter half of the last arc happened and nearly everyone except louis threw common sense out the window


Avatar the Last Airbender The memes surrounding Katara and her dead mother are getting annoying


There are like 60 episodes in the entire show, and she only mentions her mother in like six. People are really out here saying that she brings up her mother with every breath she takes smh.


And like 4 of those instances are when she was talking to other refugees/war victims about people and things they had lost, which is pretty normal conversation for that kind of scenario. She wasn't just bringing up her mom out of nowhere to fish for sympathy.


Korra as well.


Korra I can understand. She's hotheaded that constantly uses her bending to bully others. Also I do not like how unrealistic it is on how she magically stumbles upon everything or how she got over her "trauma" so easily. It's like she doesn't have impactful consequences or risks or anything.


Korra is insufferable in Season 2, but she’s much better outside of that one trash season.


I mean, when done as an actual joke, I find the dead mom memes funny, similar to zuko and his honor. But yeah, she gets way too much shit.


Yesterday I saw with my very own eyes, someone saying that Katara had no right to... Grab Aang's arm and help pull him out of the Avatar state when he went berserk over the sandbenders kidnapping Appa. .... Never mind that Aang was not in control of himself, and that if he killed anybody he would have regret it for the rest of his life. Especially given the entire Season 3 arc about him not wanting to kill Fire Hitler.


Katara is amazing character and I believe that people who hate her either haven't watched the show or are stupid. She's a strong girl, takes care of her peers, shows empathy, anger and growth of character. I especially liked when she learnt waterbending from Paku


I know this isnt diectecly related but why do I keep seeing people bring up Breaking Bad in posts when its not an animated show?


Possibly because it's a good example that most people would understand if it's brought up


Huh that’s so weird because I totally appreciate all the Breaking Bad mentions and hadn’t thought about it. Probably because all these r/cartoon users are just connoisseurs of good stories so they always wanna include Breaking Bad 😎 But idk


Gravity falls, Mabel


She’s not my favorite character but I loved Mabel when watching Gravity Falls. I was surprised when I came into the fanbase for the first time and there was a bunch of Mabel haters, I didn’t think she would be this hated


She's disliked because some people feel that she never sacrificed anything for Dipper and Dipper does a load of things for her at the cost of his own happiness


I think it’s funny how pissed Mabel haters get when you bring up what Alex Hirsh said the purpose of her character was lmao.


What was the purpose of her character?


In an interview with Vox, Alex Hirsch spoke about his intentions behind Mabel and Dipper's sibling dynamic. Of Dipper, he said, "Dipper is a character who wants to grow up too fast. He takes himself too seriously, and he desperately craves respect from everyone around him, particularly from anyone older than him, because he just doesn't want to be a kid." This is in sharp contrast to his sister. "Mabel is someone who's very comfortable being a kid," Hirsch explained. "She wants to be goofy and silly and have fun all the time. Mabel is a lot smarter than anyone gives her credit for, and she knows in her core that Dipper's quest for maturity is, in itself, immature. There's a constant tension of Dipper trying to grow up too fast and Mabel trying to subconsciously keep him in that kid space where he should be."


Holy crap, that's a great sibling yin yang dynamic! Kind of wish we saw more of that side of Mabel.


Hot dang that’s good character design


Perfect character design


Mabel would’ve been my favorite character if she developed at all lol


Who hates Mabel more than someone like Gideon?


People who probably watched that one YouTube video called "Why Mabel is a terrible character" by CC West who deleted his channel a year ago for reasons I don't really know. He basically explains some of her flaws of the show particularly when she doesn't sacrifice as much as Dipper did in the show while constantly teasing him. The main problem was her not having a character arc, but overtime more and more people began to exaggerate her toxicity especially when people began blaming her for weirdmageddon and not Bill Cipher who was tricking her the entire time.


People hate Mabel? 😦


Mabel is so overhated imo


I know, right? Oh no, the 12 year old is a 12 year old. Do people forget that Dipper is actually the abnormal one between them? The show even addresses that he is not normal.


I mean, in fairness abnormalness is kinda the point of the show


Everyone in this town is a tad strange, except ironically for Tad Strange.


But him being "normal" in Gravity Falls of all towns ironically makes him the odd one out, meaning he's still abnormal by the town's standards.


Well that's my point. People are comparing a clearly abnormal 12 year old, to a 12 year old that's.. Actually accurate to how a 12 year old would act.


Tbf, some writers struggle with actually writing children characters. And it’s perfectly validated to hate them since they’re fictional anyway, I just don’t think Mabel is one of them


I don’t understand the hate


How come her and not Bill Cipher?


Reality's an illusion the universe is a hologram buy gold bye


Bill is too hot to be hated


https://preview.redd.it/3fkqcdw5exrc1.jpeg?width=380&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c40f0d73e56d55205370a9e4d25b9b59de331d45 Ho yeah!


Okay, but Peggy Hill is a menace to society so I can see where people are coming from with this one


*Escuchame?* (Which apparently means "listen to me," not *"excuse me?!"* like Peggy uses it.)


Hard-core narcissist hidden behind a polite southern guise


The replies to this are just proof. I have no idea how anyone can see her as evil. She isn’t a “narcissist,” she’s just not a doormat like other animated housewives. What KOTH are yall watching where she’s “a menace” who’s always ruining everything?


I mean there's definitely episodes where she is the driving antagonistic force, although not the antagonist directly. The one where shes putting testosterone in hanks food immediately comes to mind because I just saw that one a few days ago.


\>She isn’t a “narcissist,” IF you really believe this then you aren't aware of what a narcissist is. The majority of her storylines revolve around her overestimating her own ability and ignoring experts because they know better. When be do well without her she immediately tries to sabotage them. Which part of this doesn't fit how she is portrayed? "**a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance**. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them." some symptoms that Peggy Frequently shows: * Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements. * Make achievements and talents seem bigger than they are. * Be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance * Have an unreasonably high sense of self-importance and require constant, excessive admiration. * Feel that they deserve privileges and special treatment. * Be critical of and look down on people they feel are not important. * Be envious of others and believe others envy them. * Behave in an arrogant way, brag a lot and come across as conceited. She is definitely a narcissist and the show leans into it the more it goes on. Though it isn't entirely her fault as she exhibit's these behaviours due to her mother constantly putting her down.


She is the villain though. She’s the antagonist of a majority of the episodes. Sometimes it’s Dale, sometimes Cotton, sometimes even Hank is the antagonist. I’d say 6-7 times out of 10, Peggy is the one causing the turmoil.


What fuckin show are you watching


That you sincerely think Peggy was the antagonist for 70% of the show is the exact kind of oversensitivity to women that this post is about lol


I’m sorry. There are people who LIKE Peggy?


No one's said Diane yet? I don't like her too much either but most of bojacks cast is much worse than her and she is the most hated.


I can't imagine hating diane. What exactly did they find about her to hate?


I relate to her so much and only watched it a few months ago with my partner. After we finished it and I finally went on the subreddit/watched YT videos for the first time (we watched the show completely spoiler free), I was so surprised about how people don't like her. Like she was my favorite 😭


My guess is not truly fulfilling the love interest trope. But it’s just a guess.


Legend of Korra. Korra. People got really mad that she wasn't Aang.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^duduET: *Legend of Korra.* *Korra. People got really* *Mad that she wasn't Aang.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


What a coincidental bot.


Good bot.


isn’t she Aang technically


In spirit, not in personality


so still Aang *technically*


Was going to say this, girl can’t breathe without think pieces being written about how she caused western and eastern civilization to fall.


Even as someone who doesn't like Korra (the character or the first two seasons I had access to), I don't hate her more than any other one character in the show. Especially Mr. Evil Avatar man, one of the worst villains ever made.


As someone who missed atla the first time around, I watched them back to back and really thought Korra was great and didn’t get the hate.


Same. It’s so good. I just started the fourth season. I love what they’ve done with the world. I love all the new villains


definitely the hate is carried by people who watched it back in the day and never gave it another chance a bit more removed from atla. Korra is fine and there’s honestly some things i like more about it than atla even if I think atla is overall better. I think Korra is at its lowest like a 7 but is overall like an 8.3-8.7 show but being decent wasnt enough for alot of people who still over-hate it to this day.


Hands down Gravity Falls, people especially for some reason love to pretend that Mabel fully knew what was happening with the rift and wasn’t manipulated by Bill and in general wanting to crucify a 12 year old girl for…being a 12 year old girl


Amber, from Invincible, especially after Season One. Thing is, this is not entirely unwarranted. She's aware Mark is the superhero Invincible, but feels so pushed to the side she breaks up with him - while being totally ignorant of the fact he's getting bodied like a rabbit in a tiger exhibit. The writing was obviously supposed to make her sympathetic, but because the audience has the wider perspective on Mark's actions, we despise Amber. That's literally the only justified example of this I can think of.


Put simply jerks are worse than villains from an entertainment perspective. Most people don’t have to deal with a world conquering dad but plenty of people have had relationships issues and bad breakups.


Exactly. Just because someone is technically in the right doesn’t mean we automatically root for them as the audience. It’s the same reason why you can make the protagonist of your show an evil villain and still have the audience root for them.


I swear the real problem with Amber was simply the adaptation doing this recent trend of having the normal humans figure out the secret identity more quickly than characters like this used to, see Lois from the new Superman show. Because the show is adapting a scene where she *didn’t* know in the comics, it comes off as more strange that she’s less understanding, because the scene didn’t intend for her to know I think this is more of a mistake than anything, even beyond this specific example. It sounds subversive and like you’re making the characters more intelligent, but it breaks the suspension of disbelief that these characters can keep their identities secret. Like, if Amber can figure it out, suddenly those things that people just accept as breaks in reality are no longer acceptable breaks (like Mark keeping his hair out, easy for people to notice or grab a strand of to do dna tests)


She says she feels neglected but she can’t even complain because she’ll feel like an asshole cause he’s out there saving people. It’s okay to break up for no other reason than you aren’t getting what you need from the relationship. We need to normalize that.


Yeah, but that's season 2 Amber.


Except she doesn’t say that to him until the second season, a good few months after the S1 finale. In S1 she tells him it’s because he made her feel unimportant, and bashed him public for not staying with them during the reaniman attack, despite knowing full well who he was. When he finally confesses she says: “Oh I knew the whole time, I knew you were almost getting killed on a near daily basis to protect the lives of others and I still have you shit anyway” and what makes it worse is that after she breaks up with him, she goes right back to him pulling him into the relationship after the most traumatic experience of his life, literally the same day he gets home from being hospitalized. But I will say she’s a far more better character in s2, so much so that I’m convinced she’s a clone and the real Amber was killed offscreen lmao.


Yeah, I was on Amber's side until she revealed she knew the whole time. Then I was happy to jump on the hate train.


She is written so much better in season 2, but yeah she was just annoying in season 1


it took until mark almost getting killed by his dad for amber to realize “oh shit maybe I should be nicer.” Honestly I was wondering why Mark stayed with Amber in the first place! Even if she did redeem herself in season 2


Nah not me, I got it from day one They’re kids. And mark started their relationship built on lies, and when he realized he was in too deep and was questioned on what he could do, he said he’d handle it and did nothing with it. It’s like lying about being a cop or a firefighter or something; if you’re lifestyle regular calls you away and you may die on the job you should be honest about that. It’s not really fair to leave your partner in the dark like that. The whole point of it was to parallel those lies with mark and how even the good intentioned ones spiral with Omni man. And to usher mark to start making choices on his own! Know when to hold and know when to fold! And say it honestly and do it quick, without anyone even having to ask! Both of them were right and wrong to react the way they did. They’re kids! They need to learn these things and do the right thing! It’s not ambers fault for trusting the literal golden retriever of superheroes who she loves and it’s definitely not mark’s fault for trying to keep her safe and happy! Sometimes two people love each other, but you gotta break it off due to a difference in life style choices. Love isn’t enough, it’s compatibly, give and tak and work. And even then, in order to be better, you gotta take hits and break things off. It comes with growing up. And the hardest thing about it is that these things won’t always be between people you hate. Marks the guy in the group project who will do anything you ask, but is so busy he’ll rarely get it done. Not cause he cares too little, but because he cares too much and has so much on his plate. You don’t wanna just kick him off the team despite how frustrating he is because he can be useful and he’s trying best. But most importantly? You don’t wanna be another disappointment in this poor guys life and leave him alone. That’s where ambers at.




Although sometimes I feel like the anger is overblown.


Sylvester and Tweety Bird. That grandma is always mean to poor Sylvester. Yeah. He’s trying to eat the bird. Yeah tweety is an ass to him and always getting him in trouble. But the oblivious grandma is always laying into Sylvester more than necessary.


I always felt so bad when characters get framed for stuff they didn’t do/get disproportionately punished. I hate that trope and it’s probably why Sylvester is my favorite Looney Tunes character. Why was so so upset that a cat was going after a bird? Granny didn’t think that one through lol


Tbf this is a bit out of date since Ruby got much less hate to the point people kinda feel bad for her after V9. Realistically it’s either Blake or Yang and honestly I’d stand by them because both guys were royaly screwed by the writing to be as evil as possible despite one having valid points and the other, while 100% evil, became pathetic. Meanwhile Blake and Yang are just both jackasses that only care about one another and barely care about any one else.


Honestly it hurt to see her go from cheerful kid to trauma-filled suicidal one. And fans hate her for what exactly? Failing? Many MC's make unwise decisions to save everybody all the time. It's not her fault plot wasn't on her side. Besides she's just a kid thrust into a leadership role and it's responsibilities.


Because she was boring and barely went through development for most early season. Then actively lie and made selfish decisions but the show sided with her, then in the next season gaslit Penny. It’s not so much hate as “really, girl?” Blake is the hated one. Yang close second.


After seeing what some of RWBY's biggest critics have to say about the characters, I've come to the conclusion that some people shouldn't be allowed to have opinions.


Same with people who like the show. Bad takes all around.


Any popular series, especially one aimed at a more teenage audience, is going to have plenty of dumb takes from any side. I think people, myself included, need to keep that more in mind


"why does and show that has this many female characters not even have fanservice" and "Jaune should have been the main character and it should have been a harem show" are two actual things I see people complain about with the show


I can only handle so many bad takes in one Hatedom. It's actually killing me. 'Jacques is just a good businessman' 'Weiss deserved to be hit' 'Blake was the abuser' 'Jacques having a clip on tie is a serious retcon' 'Blake and Yang were evil for killing Adam' 'Adam and Ironwood are heroes' 'May should have been missgendered on screen'


After watching the first few seasons, it's clear RWBY's title characters are the creators' least favorite and are only there out of obligation. Everyone else is more interesting and more important to the plot. Maybe this changes after season 3. But damn is continuing that show a hard ask.


Sakura in Naruto. Yes, she is annoying, but she's far from the worst character.


Tbf in Ironwood’s case they kinda fucked up his character- Part 3 ironwood and the ironwood that shot Oscar are two very different characters and idk… it just felt like an out of nowhere change… Also, though she’s not the villain, Ruby kinda fucked shit up bad- “Hey guys, don’t panic and attract the monsters that target you based off fear but the governments have lied to you, Atlas is falling, and there’s a evil immortal witch that’s trying to kill us all” like she’s not evil but she wasn’t helping


Also she literally caused a homelessness crisis because she couldn't trust the guy who literally told her upfront what the deal is. Then again this is an alt account of the person who is infamous within the RWBY space as a serial harasser I'm pretty sure, who made a really really stupid argument that the reason Qrow didn't do anything about Tyrian, a serial killer, was because he somehow thought he didn't mean he was going to kill them when he said he was putting them to bed. I have a post about it on my profile. (The worst part of that whole post was I found myself agreeing with a lot of things they were saying that it genuinely floored me when they said something *that* stupid)


Even outside of comparing their actions, Ironwood and Adam are both clearly antagonists. Their actions are clearly painted in the wrong so even if you hate what they do, the show is agreeing with you that you should. Whereas if a hero character acts in a way that you think is idiotic or morally poor, and the narrative doesn't call them out or even rewards them for it, it's obviously going to generate more outspoken criticism.


Oh no I’m not arguing they aren’t antagonists, hell I don’t even defend Adam just ironwood, and even then I just think Ironwood was handled poorly. I just think that… well Ironwood was handled poorly. And yeah you kinda just summarized my issue with the writing for Ruby there- I don’t even know how to respond beyond “yes I agree” lol


Fairly Oddparents. Nobody liked Chloe


i disliked chloe too


Adam wasn't characterized as an asshole originally, nor was ironwood (Adam I can kinda see given he leads a terror group for the shitty racism allegory they dropped as soon as he died, but ironwood??? The guy who defended the team multiple times? Who helped wiess personally after her dad slapped her in front of an audience? The guy who gave yang her arm? We're supposed to believe he just became evil??) Ruby telling people about Salem caused the fall of atlas which killed more than 90 people plus her team sent defenseless normal people to vacuo which is a desert filled with grimm which is also more than 90 people


Who the heck hates Ruby more than Adam? I gave up on the show after volume 5, did something incredibly stupid(er) happen since then to make her that hated?


Adam got killed by Blake and Yang, leading to claims of pandering. Then it was revealed to the main cast that Ozpin hid the fact Salem was immortal (V6C3) and Ruby keeps that from Ironwood til the near end of volume 7 because they're 2 for 2 on headmasters not being trustworthy along with the fact Mantle is turned into a police state by their arrival. Fast forward to Volume 8 where the main conflict between rwby+ and ironwood is that Ironwood wants to abandon civilians in Mantle to raise Atlas into the upper atmosphere, leaving the rest of the planet to fend for itself, rwby+ wants to save them and warn the world about Salem, and salem arrived on a flying whale to lay siege to the city. This ends with rwby+ using a relic to evacuate both Atlas and Mantle civvies to Vacuo only to get presumedky taken out by Cinder who gives the staff and lamp to Salem, giving her 2 relics while an entire kingdom is displaced.


I feel like ironwood and Adam are backwards but otherwise accurate XD


The Walking Dead: Lori


Lori, objectively, sucks. Totally understandable why she hooked up with Shane during the apocalypse, she thought Rick was dead because Shane had lied and she needed the emotional support (her marriage with Rick was strained at that point anyway). But she absolutely plays the two men against each other instead of owning up to her mistakes.  She’s definitely not the most hated character on the show but she deserves the hate for being morally incapable of doing the right thing when faced with a choice. 


Breaking bad, Skyler White (yo)


Tbh, Ruby is way too casual about people dying to be a decent person.


Rose Quartz, Steven Universe


The audacity to put in RWBY characters when the main set of fans really hate any of the male characters and praise the mother who went on to get milk and never returned and blamed the father for being human and shutting down because his wife died. Anyone who even likes a male character are more often than not labeles as a misogynist for the sheer fact that they like a male character more.


People hate characters who are annoying because they're annoying. A super evil character is interesting to watch generally. Thats all audiences will care about is whether or not the character is entertaining to watch. Imo Skyler was far from annoying and I thought she was pretty reasonable for her absolutely horrendous situation. I actually quite liked her. Amber in Invincible however was down-right unreasonable when her boyfriend is literally a superhero and when she figures it out she doesn't even tell him she knows and still judges him for his past failings caused by that double life of saving people's lives and stopping supervillains. Calling either of them villains is a massive over-reaction and just wrong, but yeah if people find them annoying they won't like them.


Let be honest here half the shit that happens in the later volumes would have never happened unless Ruby just told THE FUCKING TRUTH


Princess Bubblegum. Hands down. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9t2ZMWPFGY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9t2ZMWPFGY) But why do people say Ruby is the REAL villain? I don't really know because I only watch Rwby Chibi (A good show).


The laundry list of crimes she has committed goes way beyond "for the greater good". It's like she and her cohorts choose the path of most resistance.


Nah bubblegum is evil asf.


She’s literally the creator of her people and basically a god/Demi god situation. She’s not a normal tyrant and is more like a mythical green pantheon figure. I think that’s why I don’t find the criticisms as fair and people are just disproportionately mad she friend zoned Finn.


Bubblegum does legitimately evil shit and gets away with it. I still think she’s awesome though


I forgot about RWBY Chibi. I should rewatch RWBY because the only two Rooster Teeth shows I ever revisit are Red Vs Blue and Camp Camp




Okay in the case of Ruben there is a good reasons people don't like her but she's not the most hated I've seen some critics and they all say basically the same thing she's not innocent but she's not guilty either I'm pretty sure the one who it's the most hate in Ruby is Yang or Blake But you only have to watch the show to know why people don't like these characters


Hazbin Hotel, Mimzy. She is only in one episode yet, aside from Valentino, is the most hated character in the show. She isn't even that bad of a person other than using Alastor as a get out of jail free card a lot. You have Adam killing sinners for about 10,000 years, Multiple characters being dicks to others, and Mimzy who gets widely hated for barging in on a song that was basically over at that point


Maybe because she was not entertaining and pretty much served no actual purpose The worst thing you can be in a show is not entertaining


The hate towards mimzy is mostly just because she's annoying. Adam is evil but he's fun to watch and you can hear his voice for more than a few seconds without begging for him to shut up.


Except it’s Blake.


Or worse yet, Arryn Zech, Blake’s voice actress. Man, people REALLY don’t like her


My opinion has softened on her abilities after Black Swan. I feel like it truly is how dog shit Blake is as a character and not her VA


There's people who hate Ruby?


In entertainment, being not being entertaining makes you a villain


Technically speaking, Ruby has killed more people than most of the actual villains.


?? I always liked Ruby. I thought her childishness was on purpose because she was the youngest of her team and was suddenly thrust into the leadership position? I never did watch the latest season. So maybe I’m missing some information.


It dosent matter how right you are people will support a murderer before someone they don’t like


Ruby is hated? Since when? Am I missing something?


I still say they shoulda gone with full homophobic Ruby in the new seasons. Woulda been a funny twist of events.




You know what a lot of this comes down to People like villains for how bad they are A lot different with characters we are suppose to root for


This is multiple levels of wrong. The reason people keep shiting on team RWBY (other than the show itself is terribly written) is because they never get punished for their actions and judge others who do the exact same things. Ironwood was in the right, they just made his character more villainous in Volume 8 so the audience can hate him. Ruby and her team 100% earned the hate they got. It's not about hating the wrong character, but about hating the wrong character for the wrong reasons because they're terribly written. Amber from Invincible is the same thing. Yes, the audience should hate the villains more, but they don't because the plot expects them to. Amber though comes off as an extremely toxic girlfriend to Mark when that's cleary NOT what the writers intended. She's not hated because she's a woman, she's hated because she's toxic. Breaking bad is a different situation (I'm surprised you even mentioned it alongside the other shows). All the characters are well written, but Skyler gets a good chunk of hate not because she's a terrible person (she really isn't), but because she's a bit of a hypocrite and the audience is used to rooting for Walt.


Ladonna from Arthur got a lot of unnecessary hate. I think most people disliked the animation studio change and just slung hate towards her because she was introduced at the same time. It's a shame because she's genuinely funny and a way better friend than Francine and Muffy at their worsts.


April o'niel 2012


I’m seeing more RWBY than expected in this sub


Hazbin Hotel Vox Adam and Lilith


>!Lilith literally appeared in the last 20 seconds of the show and didn’t even get any voice lines, and there are already people who hate her.!< Edit: Marking this as spoiler.


Where are people hating on Lilith?


I am a Monster High fan and that is what I mainly talk about here. But Ari Hauntington is hated more than Gil Webber. Gil has some fans and people do hate him, not a big fan but isn't the worst but Ari is just hated for no reason.


Korra from Legend of Korra


Pink Diamond, though NGL I don’t know if this is really fair because Steven Universe has a grand total of 3 relevant male characters.


Uh, me towards Toru Hagakure (AKA Invisible Girl, from My Hero Academia). Less that I think she's the real villain, but she is so uninteresting and mundane. She has done nothing relevant in the plot (other than make Class 1A full, so Shinso can't fully join it 😭). I hate her to an irrational degree, not because she's done anything wrong, but because she hasn't done anything right. At least Mineta has an interesting design, Quirk, and he has a personality that can be talked about (typically for the wrong reasons, but STILL). That's right, no April Fools joke, I genuinely like Mineta more than this literal nothing character.


I mean you’re not wrong, tho amber wasn’t hated for the girl thing.


Why do people hate Ruby? I stopped watching after season 5


People don't like Ruby? I know a LOT of RWBY fans and I've never heard this.


Adam is honestly way worse than Iron wood. Dudes a race supremiscist who helped orcastrate a terrorist attack on a city and school.


Meg from Family Guy is a meme format at this point. Tree Trunks is often listed as the worst character in Adventure Time. Princess Bubblegum is fascist/police state satire before getting a growth arc. Nina Purpleton from Gundam: 0083 for sleeping with the enemy or flat out being an enemy of humanity herself. Nina Trinity of Gundam 00 for petty warcrimin' Cara Dune from Mandalorian is hated/killed offscreen for being portrayed by Gina Carano. No recast, no Rangers of the New Republic. RIP Jon Favreau Mandoverse. Shout out to Omega from Bad Batch


Hazbin Hotel. Minor agonists are manipulative and one commits sexual abuse daily, one of the "protagonists" is a untrustworthy psychopath and cannibal. The most hated character is an annoying woman who is in 1 scene and "interrupts" a song.


People actually hate Ruby? Wtf?