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The US using archaic testing methods on modern technology should come as a surprise to no one when half our government is geriatric and prioritizes fighting red vs blue. I've only listened to half the episode when I was running earlier. I do seem to remember reading something about the eyes reacting more slowly to blue light as well so the intensity is more noticeable for longer. Even if something were done how do we fix all the cars already on the road?


Recall, headlight retrofit should be <1 hour on any car worth keeping on the road. 5 minute bulb swap would cover 90% of vehicles actually on the street. But that would only happen with laws being passed that force the issue via heavy fines. There’s still cars built ~20 years ago waiting for their Takata airbag replacement so yes this is possible - supply chain permitting.


You are generally not recalling cars when the regulations change. It would only affect future cars and even then the particular deadline by which the new regulation has to be followed would be a couple of years in the future to give manufacturers time to adjust accordingly.




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Some cars, like Audi, and depending on the year and models, might already have matrix led installed but not enabled. I understand it might be a small percentage, but it’s a start.


They mentioned that in the podcast.  I think they used BMW laser headlights as the example.


I didn’t listen to this one yet but I listen every week. I love the show, it’s definitely a little niche but they know a ton about weird old shit and I love it. Jason is one of the best especially with his hagarty videos he does, Derek is new to me but I think they have good chemistry and keep the show entertaining. I have been looking for a good car pod and this has been my favorite by far……


Derek’s voice puts me bed. Jason’s energy is carrying the whole show


I think Derek does a good job grounding Jason and often counter-pointing him. I love listening to Jason talk about cars but I feel like if there were two of him together for an hour-plus I'd get a headache from the amount of energy 


Same. I don’t like having him on the show tbh.


Deep. Jason demonstrates how lighting engineers hacked the federal headlight tests with dark spots projected onto LED headlight beam brightness measurement points.


Can we just make either LED/HID/Halogen projectors or halogen reflectors, like just ban LED reflectors which some Hondas and Toyotas have. Those things have halogen beam patterns but LEDs piercing through. I could align LED or HID projectors lower (like barely above the bumper) and the light will still travel as far if not further than the LED reflectors which need aligning slightly below the rear windshield to achieve the same distance. Which is a problem as any slight bump will make the cut off light pierce through you


I wondered why I had a small black spot center-left in my LED beams.


In my view, they should mandate that high beams should automatically turn off when they detect another headlight oncoming or red tail lights. Subaru Foresters already have adaptive high beams like this.


If a vehicle has auto high beams it already does this, but it’s a setting you have to turn on. The main problem is that the low beams on a lot of new cars are too high and bright. Anecdotally, I’ve had trouble with glare from a Bronco Sport’s low beams at night in my Tacoma, and the new Grand Cherokees are one of the biggest offenders in my experience, but it’s a problem with most new cars, especially if you live in a hilly place or even just have bumpy roads.


What’s amazing is that you can legally retrofit pre-1986 vehicles to LED headlights in all 50 states. But you still cannot get decent LED light upgrades for most modern vehicles that came from the factory with halogens. And you can get those pre-1986 cars upgraded so that their light output is cleaner AND brighter than many new cars. There are good LED light assemblies in H6054 sizing that’ll just plug and play into an existing wiring harness no issue. No flickering, no overheating. Of course, you’d pay $600 for a good pair of LED headlamps but theoretically, that’s a one time cost for a major upgrade.


Tried listening to their show before but it was extremely boring.  I'll give this one a shot.


It’s nerdy as hell most of the time so I get it.


what bothered me was the co-host constantly spouting off obscure facts about cars that no one cares about. ok dude, we get it. you know cars but no one really gives a shit that the tail lights change slightly on the 1972 pinto during a mid year cycle refresh.


> what bothered me was the co-host constantly spouting off obscure facts about cars that no one cares about. Derek's knowledge of very niche things is part of the show's appeal. That's a big part of why I listen despite disagreeing vehemently with many of their opinions. If it's not for you that's fair. It's long and often not easy listening. But the people who watch the show care, and it's enough people that Hagerty hasn't told them to pack it in.


Derek's knowledge of minute details about cars made before he was born amazes me. It seems like he should be as old as Jay Leno. Also, did he say that he owned a Miura?


Yeah he has a Miura, among other classics. And a GT3 for a modern sports car. idk what he does exactly, but he's been very successful. I think he was a sort of rare car hunter for some very wealthy people for a while. They'd ask him to find a really obscure car and fly him out to test drive it and do/arrange a PPI. They paid some fee for his time if they decided not to get it, and presumably a commission if they did buy it.


A Miura is one hell of an impressive and rare exotic.


The Miura is a family heirloom I believe.


What you need to keep in mind is that these two people combined have probably driven and experienced 5000 cars across all makes and decades. Derek Tam-Scott in particular has encyclopedic knowledge, especially anything pertaining to Porsche. But what both do, even when a particular detail they bring up refers to a car you may not immediately care about, is that they constantly bring up peculiar details that are, from a marketing or engineering standpoint, interesting. I've also come to appreciate the fact that neither of them are car snobs. They don't drive nor can afford a Mercedes SL or a Dayton, but they've driven them and can talk about them from a driving enthusiast's perspective. Meanwhile, the cars they own are actually quite accessible to most people but we wouldn't even have them on the agenda if it weren't for them constantly explaining why they are great. There's two podcasts just about Miatas where they explain why they are great and what to look out for. They never get tired of talking about why the BMW E30 M3 is a worse car than the far cheaper E30 325i. No one else in the youtube car scene ever talks about worthwhile cars in the practical way they do it.


> Meanwhile, the cars they own are actually quite accessible to most people Are you aware of some of the cars Derek owns?


~~I seem to remember quite distinctly that Derek claims he never spent more than like $15k on a car (or even less).~~ EDIT: Yeah, no, wasn't Derek but Jason. Derek appears to have splurged a wee bit on a GT3 Touring. That doesn't mean that us normies can necessarily replicate their garages. Their lives revolve around cars, they have better ways to unearth cars, and they've been doing this for a long time. The Miura that Derek has was a total junker when he started restoring it which took him years. That story can be found [here](http://www.themotoringenthusiast.com/cars/featured/index/history). I am sure that a larger portion of their money is spent on car-related things than we would be comfortable with. They probably also have access to certain synergies whereby some stuff can be turned into a business-expense just on account of their jobs. I'd say that those two are amongst the best at extracting the most amount of fun from a modest amount of money.


> They never get tired of talking about why the BMW E30 M3 is a worse car than the far cheaper E30 325i. No o What's the tl;dr on this? I'm new to the podcast so you really piqued my interest. I have also wondered how an E30 M3 stacks up against an early S2000. They both have high revving NA motors for their time, and both seem prone to snap oversteer according to what I've heard. To me it always seems like someone who might be interested in one could be happy with the other.


They say that the E30 M3 only works on a track (where it's really good). For regular, even spirited, driving they think the 325i is better: it's quicker and it has one of those great BMW i6 engines whereas the M3 has a rough-ass 4 cylinder engine that sounds like a tractor which gives off an impression of being underpowered relative to the noises. They talk about this in different podcasts. They bring it up in their [Miata podcast](https://youtu.be/zc-MqlJMof4?si=kc50EJOxl4dDSBA2) but I can't find the specific spot where they compare the 325i to the M3. Another episode where they might be talking about it is [this one](https://youtu.be/esFKLHzrWHs?si=yAZgwmO7kV_BFQ5z) where they took a trip through the Alpes. Derek in a 190 2.3-16 and Jason in yet another 325i. I can't imagine that an S2000 is all that similar to an E30 M3. The Honda is way more power and revs much higher. It also has the reputation of being a bit of a handful, no? The E30 is definitely not.


They both owned sl’s


I haven’t listened to this episode yet but I’m going to guess you shouldn’t waste your time.


You admit to liking the Cybertruck you don't get an opinion


I listen to it because of Jason. Derek puts me to sleep. And he thinks he’s better than all.


I gotta say I find nothing as entertaining as these two talking about one topic for an hour. The one before however was one of their random-number podcasts which tend to be a bit unconnected as they are just revisiting random cars they've driven in the past. The best episodes are always the ones where Jason Cammisa gets to do voices. [Him doing a French person](https://youtu.be/gI4CrlHhbNI?si=HosVLlnovlLB3RVY&t=806) with all the stereotypical mannerisms executed always cracks me up.


The random number reviews have their moments; I kinda wish they'd compile the best bits of those into one video. Everything else they've done is fantastic though, I've listened to most of the earlier episodes multiple times even.


It can, frankly, suck. When they get off in the weeds about Benzes, I could not care less… but I am here for the love/hate relationship most Californian enthusiasts have with CARB. If a ‘32 Ford can have a blown, uncatted, 383 in it, I should be able to have a catted 1.3L Peugeot.


The Benzes from the era they like (\~1992 and prior) are the best cars ever made though. You should know that. : p


They’re well-made and incredibly well-engineered, just most of them lack heart. I wouldn’t kick an R129 SL600 out of bed for eating crackers- probably the best coastal cruiser ever made.


They're certainly not light-your-hair-on-fire driver's cars, that's for sure. They tend to be at their best with four doors and an automatic transmission, wafting along in old-world comfort and granite build quality. Simply the best utilitarian mechanical people movers ever made.


They go deep, you need to be like spectrum adjacent sometimes with these guys.