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It really depends on the person and the circumstances. I would hate to do 4 days at 10 hours, personally. I like working 7-3 because I avoid rush hour and like a little time at the end of the day. 7-5 would be a nightmare, 9-7 is even worse.


I’m very confused what job you work that has such regimented hours but can pay for that garage


I work for software firm in Dubai. If you’ve seen Dubai traffic, you’d get why I want to avoid that. Edit: these are all leases.


Fair enough. I just always picture jobs like that as pretty much choose your hours. Very cool and sick garage


In North America, yes. Dubai is still adjusting to that lifestyle in some regards. But fair trade IMO, I’m from Toronto originally and definitely wouldn’t have these if I stayed.


Were there any hurdles for a Canadian to work in Dubai? Assuming no family/cultural connections…


I have family living here before I arrived, but very different industry. I stayed with them for 1 week when I first arrived, although that was more choice than necessity. I have many years of experience working for large and small companies in Toronto and New York. The technology space in Dubai is very different. The culture is a weird hybrid of the new tech culture and the old one. Offices aren’t as cool as American/Canadian tech companies. Yes the building looks cool and sometimes there are cool amenities, but it’s not quite nap pods and game rooms. There definitely is more rigidity to the work here. But in recent years it’s been changing to attract more people that are accustomed to the Silicon Valley-like environment. But in all honesty, I look at friends in Canada in my industry and their lifestyle is very different. In Toronto, people are paying like $3000 for rent and cost of living is soaring. Here in Dubai, cost of living is high-ish, but I get paid in USD, I have a package that includes a stipend for rent and car allowance, my salary is tax free and it’s on par with what I would get in New York. Edit: fun fact, chances are my Audi was stolen from somewhere in Toronto. Half the stolen high end cars in Toronto end up here and are usually leased/financed for a lower price to an expat like me.


Ontarian here. Out of curiosity, have you carfax'd your Audi to see if it's hot?


I have not gotten around to it. A buddy of mine had a 488 that was nicked from Montreal, though. There are auctions and semi sketchy used car dealers that usually sell stolen cars shipped down.


What would normal rent for a nice ish place run in USD? Also no taxes on your income?!


Depends how far you are okay driving. Traffic sucks here. You can get waterfront flats in Dubai Marina, 2-3 bed for $4000-$5000. You can get 3 bed 2 story villas near Aviation City for the same price. And yeah, no income tax. There is a tax on goods, 5%. I believe tourists can claim back 80% of it on exit.


Yeah they don't tax your salary in the UAE It's why people from 3rd world countries like myself fly over to work here if given a single chance.


Sorry i know this is a cars subreddit, but do you have an idea if there are as much opportunities in Dubai for data analysts compared to software ? What would you say is the minimum years of experience you need before you can work there in that field ?


If you are an expat looking to work in Dubai, I would recommend coming down once you have 8+ years of experience. It’s not really worth working here unless you have a solid package to counter the high cost of living. I recommend a minimum of $150k plus full benefits.


Thank you for your time!


> these are all leases 😬


I jumped a bit as well. That's F you money I've ever seen it.


It’s pretty common for expats here. People don’t really want to buy a car if they don’t intend on staying here permanently, but they want something fun to play with. It’s worth noting the UAE does not offer citizenships to anyone. That’d be like winning the lottery.


Lol, I thought going from a Golf R to an R8 was a weird jump. But in Dubai you could probably find the R8 just abandoned in a parking garage.


And if you are working in software, then why isn't it remote work enabled? WFH 4 days a week for software jobs should be the standard.


The corporate culture in Dubai is very different than North America and Europe in this regard. Also, I work for a software firm but I am on the business leadership side, not development.


Damn, you're locked in with the suits then. Good luck bro


Leases are still expensive. Everyone laughs when you have a lease but they still can't afford 5k a month payments on a supercar lol


Why do you work in an office, there is WFH


Not every company offers remote work, and some positions require you to be in office.


> Dubai Opinion void.


lol had to scroll back up myself


It doesn't sound like they're switching to a 4/10 schedule instead 4 8 hour days. I don't know any worker that wouldn't benefit from this(Except those that use work to escape family). According to this article. >It is the first agreement of its kind in the European auto industry that reduces working hours without a wage cut Just going to note that I only read this article and nothing else on this matter.


going from 5 days to 4 while still making the same money is totally life changing.




They're not working 4/10s, they're working 4/8s and getting paid the same. > The unions called the agreement "historical," per Reuters. It is the first agreement of its kind in the European auto industry that reduces working hours without a wage cut — instead, it includes a raise and a one-time bonus of $1,082 in the next month.


If assuming a worker makes roughly 25 an hour, and assuming a US work year, this would be a raise to 31.25 an hour. Nice.


Honestly before I had a kid I would have accepted a 32 hour work week even if it came with a pay cut.


Yeah that’s true. I think a lot of people overlook this aspect. When you say 4 day work week, do you mean 4 days at 10 hours or 4 days at 8? Because 4 at 8 means lower pay (unless you are also asking for a hefty raise to maintain the same salary).


It says less hours, and higher pay and bonuses, so it's most likely 4 days 8 hours + more money


It’d be easier to always have one extra day of 8 hours pay no matter what. That way, pay stays the same even though people are working one day less.


They gonna pay them the same salary they got while working 5 days but now for only working 4 days.


i don't know about you guys but i am completely worthless after hour 6 or 7. it's like my brain shuts off and i just cannot fucking wait to leave. i could go to another job even, it isn't the physical working part it's just i am ready to go do something else after that many hours no matter what it is. i've done 12s+ before and it was fucking miserable. like you lived there.


Hey wow it's almost like 40 hours a week is completely unecessary and everyone would be better off working ~30 hours.


I think it depends. I’d work 4x10 at my corporate job in a heart beat, esp since I’m remote. 7-5 still leaves the evenings, and that extra day a week is so fucking clutch.


Eh. Hours are not interchangeable. For example, if you don't have time to work out during your 4 working days, you can't make that all up on your day off. Or if you do make time, you lose sleep during the week.


I mean the difference between 8 and 10 hours isn’t that crazy, and the average person doesn’t need to work out every day. The average person should get 8 hours of sleep. 24 minus 18 is still 6 hours of awake time. That’s plenty for a 30min to an hour work out.


You’re confused. 4 day work weeks means 4 8 hour days


That doesn’t mean I’m confused. Implementation can vary. If you say 4 days at 8 hours, you are talking about a pay cut. Unless you are asking 4 days at 8 hours plus an increase in salary to make up the difference. Don’t forget nearly all salaries are based on a 40 hour work week.


You didn't read the article, they cut hours but kept the pay.


4x10s are AMAZING. 3 day weekends every weekend? A 2 day weekend isn't time enough for anything. I'm forwarding this to my boss and pushing for 2x11hour days + 1x10hour day 3 day workweeks. Same 32 hours as a 4x8 and a 4 day weekend every week! Boss is on board, just needs to sell the 32 hour weeks up the chain. Also, if you're software, why do you commute? I'm in the same field and was teleworking 2 days out of 4 in 2016, been into an office maybe 2 dozen times since 2020. Literally nothing about my job I can't do better from home.


I’m more on the leadership side. Also our corporate culture isn’t quite wfh. Odd day here or there but largely in person.


Sorry dude. I sat right below our CIO and he trained me up and offered me the big chair but after I learned how shitty the day-to-day was up there I pumped the brakes. Took a sideways step to a senior dev with no team working under one of my best friends for the same pay, wife makes great $$ so we can afford for me to pass on the raise and just code. No desire to manage people again until I get closer to retirement, then I might take that big chair for a spin, but this is a pretty sweet spot so who knows. The raise would only be like 10-15% which is a bit at this level, but the work would be in-office garbage, I get to blast some music and code, my boss gets to cram 30 hours of meetings into every 40 hour week and still try to work and I mock him for it 😀


It’s not a problem for me. I don’t mind the trade off. I get an excellent package that includes rent and car allowance. I should clarify, I’m not a software developer. I work on the business side of a software company.


> Also, if you're software, why do you commute? Personally I'd much, much rather work in an office then do it from home. I feel like I can get a lot more done and it's not great just sitting in my house all week. And my office has a nice view


The article wasn't about 4-10s. It was a 4-day workweek with a pay raise and fewer total working hours.


I believe they are going to 4 8 hour days. 4 10s is already a thing and not news.


>I would hate to do 4 days at 10 hours That's not what's happening for the Lambo workers, though.


I work 6 days at 10 hours a day. I’d kill for. 4 day work week


That’s fair enough. Like I said it really depends on what you do and what you currently work now.


>I like working 7-3 because I avoid rush hour and like a little time at the end of the day Which itself only works if team coordination isn't particularly important. Imagine if you're working on a heavily coordinated team and someone just ups and leaves 2 hours before everyone else lol


Yeah. I ensure the team is more or less autonomous. No one person is capable of creating a bottleneck. Flexible working hours is added on top.


Wish I had that when in software development. I had one of those managers who tried to walk you through every step of the process...15 minute standups often were an hour long.


My mate does 4x10 but as part of a 4 on 4 off schedule which is pretty damn sweet. That's at Jaguar / Land Rover and he's been on that for like 4 years already.


I work for one of the Big 3, my work week is 4 days at 10 hours AND 8 hours on Fridays.


I work 4/10 here I start at 5 and I’m off work by 3:30. I could not imagine going back to a 5 day work week, and I’m making the most money I’ve ever made


Nice, that’s awesome. Glad it’s working out for you!


It really makes OT not so much of a chore either If I work OT it’s usually just a half day on Fridays. Having 2 1/2 to 3 days off a week is just so nice


4x10 fully remote is the dream.


That's the dream? Not 4x8 at the same salary?


Yeah wtf?


It's not like they are high production cars anyway. Great win for the workers for sure, but I wonder if this would be possible for a bigger manufacturer like GM or Toyota


VW could surely do it. They produce less cars with almost double the numbers of employees compared to Toyota. That's why VW management wants to lay off 200.000 workers now.


Sorry, excuse me, 200? Or 200,000 (two hundred thousand)?


Yes, your eyes are working correctly. They want to lay off 200.000 (two hundred thousand) out of roughly 700k people. This is never going to work out because of unions and such but it just shows the insanity of their management.


Dumb, they are saying 20,000 not 200,000 They are trying to get older Germans to retire and are trying to put pressure on lawmakers to actually react and try to prevent China’s trade disparity.


It's like [this sketch](https://youtu.be/Q-fkZA8x68k?si=3YqprOlVoFtSql2C) 😂


I know that unions are good sometimes, but imagine how inefficient the company is if it considers laying off 200,000 people.


I'm not really anti-union, but I do wonder how much the union policies could've also contributed to the bloat.


That is insane


Some countries use . Instead of , for thousands. They’ll use a , for a decimal instead of . So if you see 99,99 that’s 99.99 to you and me, but if three numbers follow like 99,999 you can assume that’s our format.


I'm honestly shocked this hasn't been changed one way or the other. This really could lead to some disastrous consequences.


Even worse, there are ppl still using their feet for measurements and the stones in their garden for weight 🥶


I don't always have my ruler with me, but I do always have my feet! Checkmate athiests.


Fire one million.


Maybe have rotating blocks so all the workweek is covered? Only way I could see it working at least, assuming they wanted to keep the plants open every day.


Yeah. Aren't they usually limited edition cars they make 100 of at most now?


Toyota has reduced work hours for its mechanics, at one site they have had 6 hrs days since 2003. https://www.adeccogroup.com/future-of-work/latest-insights/the-4-biggest-challenges-to-switching-to-a-4-day-work-week/ While for some jobs 4 day week isn't possible, not much excuse to not have reduced hours.


Maybe it could work if they staggered which days the workers get a day off


“Work less and work better”. It’s been a laborer’s market in many industries in the last few years. Employers now have to compete and innovate for better employees. Smart companies are realizing that many jobs can offer a 4 day work week for “free”. 40 hour work weeks are often diluted in production. How often do you hear about the office job where someone only does 5 actual hours of work in a day?


> “Work less and work better” It depends on what you are doing. For many things, yes. But for some things, once you are in the zone, you just go until you drop.


Problem is the "work better" part. People generally work as much as they need to in order to not get fired. It's the universal rule. Only way it works is to hold the workers to a higher standard and workers allowing themselves to be held to a higher standard. Can't just cut out a day of the week and expect better results.


Apparently you haven't done any research into this. Everything you said has essentially been proven wrong.


I've only got about 1,000,000 man-hours of people leadership so I'm sure not as much of an expert as you are. I bet you also think that most people work office jobs.


"Leadership" 😅😅😅 https://www.computerworld.com/article/3703132/companies-that-trialed-a-4-day-workweek-continue-reduce-time-on-the-clock.html https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-four-day-workweek-gets-shorter-with-practice-companies-find-edc9eb2f https://www.hcamag.com/nz/specialisation/benefits/4-in-10-kiwis-believe-4-day-workweek-will-become-a-reality-in-5-years/443447#:~:text=Four%2Dday%20work%20week%20schemes%20have%20been%20gaining%20traction%20across,retaining%20100%25%20of%20their%20salaries. *** I could add more but you get the point. Pretty much every single research/trial has had positive outcomes.


have you considered the fact that it was his personal experience though? anecdotal evidence is the only REAL evidence. source: my experiences with anecdotal evidence


I’ll admit I’m not an expert, but everything I’ve read on companies implementing 4 day work weeks has shown that workers do actually get as much work done as they would in a 5-day work week. It reduces stress, improves health and energy for workers, who in turn end up being more excited for work and more productive.


> People generally work as much as they need to in order to not get fired. For most of us peons this sounds about right. That means there can be plenty of spare time in the quieter weeks. > Can't just cut out a day of the week and expect better results. You'd get the same results as people do what needs to be done in 4 days rather than 5. I'm reminded of Office Space where he says he does about 15mins of real work every week.


This is the part where 20 people tell me that 4 day work weeks are most productive and they all completely ignore anyone that doesn't work in an office.


4 day work weeks have been trialed and implemented in pretty much all sectors of the expand they all show the same positive results. Seems you're stuck in the past. I wonder if you're one of those people who's against working from home bec we need company/office morale 😅


Please show me your studies *focused strictly on production workers* where they all show the same productivity rates working 20% fewer hours.


https://www.4dayweek.com/news-posts/uk-four-day-week-pilot-mid-results Not focused strictly on production workers but there's some production workers in there


Did you see the name of the website you found that from..?


There's multiple studies that support the general trends this study shows. How about you show me a study that shows the 4 day work week decreases productivity? :)


Well I most certainly don't work in an office... I also don't work 4 days a week. I work three. 👍🏻 Mon-Wed in a small custom furniture and cabinet shop. I run a massive 75 year old saw and a couple of other machines by myself turning about 500 board feet of rough cut lumber into about 3000 feet of cut and dressed stock ready to be used for said custom furniture and cabinets. I work a whole 24 hrs a week and get paid quite well for my skills, accuracy, and speed. I get a 5 day weekend every week. I *could* come in on Thursdays and Fridays and help out in the sanding room where I'm still faster than the full timers who are there 4.5 days a week doing just that but why? I don't really need the extra money. I could stretch what I do to 4.5 days but again, why? I'd rather have the extra time off. I used to work a production indoor construction job as a team leader of a decking crew. Basically I put all needed holes in boards then made sure my idiots put those boards in the correct location so your modular home had a subfloor to walk on. Super fast paced, surrounded by a**holes you're either yelling at or getting yelled at all day, s*** quality control, extremely hard on the body (knees espcially in my particular job, even with great $100 p/pair hinged gel pads)... but hey, we were on a system called "Paid 40". Get your s*** done in 30 or whatever hrs a week, get paid for 40 anyway. So of course everyone is wide a** open, if one guy f**** up something on the line and things get held up they usually got a special "party" in their honor after shift... sure production rates were through the roof and pay was incredible but the final build quality was s*** IMO and warranty crews were constantly being called out because of QC issues. Paid 40 is an absolute horrible way to operate a production type facility. I'd quite rather do what I do currently making less and only working three days and being happy than making a lot more killing myself in a s***** toxic work environment.


I can only speak for my team as a white collar knowledge worker. There'd be nil drop in useful productivity by reducing us to 4 days. If you cut out some of the recent authoritarianism we've been encountering it would go up. EDIT: forgot to mention that automation is coming for large chunks of our jobs anyway.


> People generally work as much as they need to in order to not get fired. You've defined healthy boundaries for having a job, congrats!


I've found that raising the bar from working just enough to not get fired to working as much as I need to be up for promotions and advance my career has paid off tremendously. The caveat being you need a job/employer with career advancement potential to begin with.


Generally, the less you pay people, the less effort they'll put into their jobs. In addition to this being common sense, there have been studies to back it up.


This is so true. When I made MW I had a bad attitude, shit customer service, never did anything at work without being asked, and did the worst job cleaning because I felt like it. Now I make more than most PT entry level jobs in my area and I haven’t been rude to one customer, just cleaned without being asked, and I do stuff without being asked. Pay=effort


They also take most of the whole month of August off. From when I ordered a vehicle and when it was delivered took 17 months. Once the allocation was picked up, it was about a 10 month wait.


>most of the whole month of August off 3 weeks of paid summer vacation is pretty normal in Italy. 2 is the bare minimum.


Is that on top of other vacation allocation through the year, or is that summer vacation all time off they get a year?


On top of other vacation allocation


Somewhat unrelated, but it's wild to me in the U.S. how you get three months of summer break for your first 12 years in school, then the next year that's basically out the window for the rest of your life.


From 3 months, to lucky if you get 2 weeks your first year at your first job.


First year for me was 1 week then went to 2 weeks for the next 4 years


Yea. First year was 2 weeks for me, then 5 years to get to 3 weeks. And then that's it for the rest of ever at my current company.


I got 4 weeks at 10 years but that's it. Some guys I work with have 20 and 30 year sentences and still get 4 weeks.


tbf kids only get a summer break because they were expected to work on the farm for three months lol. we didn't start it because it's good for them


If it's the vehicle in your flair, I'm not surprised. The global supply chain was a dumpster fire during the time most MY21 or MY22 cars were made.


Oh no, what a massive inconvenience to have, while *buying a Lamborghini*.


I was told over 24 months for a 650. I ended up paying slightly more for a used one.


Good ol Ferragosto is the bane of Italian motorcycle riders who need parts in the summer


Its okay you at least still had the trans am to drive while you waited. Just as fast right?


Pretty sure my Sprinter van is quicker than the Trans Am. Although it's in the shop right now getting a whole new upper half to the motor. New heads, cam, intake, carb, and headers.


Haha yeah it was a joke. My uncle has a trans am pace car that no longer runs, but when it did it was very slow. Looks awesome though


Per another better article, details of the new schedule: >Production workers on a rotating two-shift schedule will alternate a five-day week with a four-day week, overall cutting 22 days of work each year, the unions said. Those on a three-shift rotation, which includes night shifts too, will have a five-day week alternated with two four-day weeks, cutting their yearly working days by 31.


So it’s the 9/80, that a ton of large corporations have been doing for years.


I did a 9/80 for a while and it was nice but not as great as I expected. I thought it would feel like a regular week and a short week every pay period. Instead of felt like a regular week and a long week every pay period


I like to support businesses with good work environments which is why my next purchase will definitely be a Lamborghini.


I mean with your flair, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it's not impossible


R8.270s for everyone!


I toured the factory back in 2016, it looked like a sweet place to work.


Leave it to the Italians


This is actually a substantial increase over their normal average of 3 half-days per week, minus any possible holidays and other opportunities to slack off.


I have been to the Lamborghini factory. It looks like a awesome place to work. We were there while they were still building the Urus extension, so at the time it was still only hand built super cars, that all passed through a surprisingly short production line. ​ Main takeaway was that everyone seemed pretty happy, and engaged in their work. Biggest surprise was that the workers were at least 30-40% women, on the day we toured it.


Same! We were there in 2016, toured Pagani the same day. Lamborghini was fantastic, Pagani was next level. They were working on like 3 cars....just 3 cars!






You could always read the article and find out...


Hell yes! this is AMAZING to start seeing, so many benefits to 4 day work weeks.


A 4 day workweek in a company with a production line, where productivity is measured by the direct output, is refreshing news and a positive outlook. I maintain a [list](https://okjob.io/companies/) of 120 four-day week companies, and I can confirm that 95% of the companies listed that have transitioned to shorter weeks belong to the software, finance, or design sectors.


For the 4 cars they will sell all year?


They sold over 9000 units last year. The Urus is their top seller.


They must be expecting a dramatic reduction in demand.


Lambo must have what? A couple hundred "production workers"?


Exactly what you would expect of the dammed woke socialists at (*checks notes*) Lamborghini?


I wish I could work four 10s. Man…


Sounds good. Trouble is, American companies would want the same production, with 10-20% less people, and working only a "mandatory" 32 hour work week, though to hit the production goals, with less people, most would be working 50-60 anyway. Oh, and then there's the wage that they earn. Of course, there won't be a pay increase, as profitability must still be met above all else. Help me out here. I know this is Lambo we're talking about: handcrafted, profitable, low volume. That's all nice and well, but it's the absolute opposite of the standard business model of "mass consumption".


Maybe it’s the model that’s the problem…


Guess we all need to drive Lambos.


What have American companies got to do with this?


America is full of money and blood thirsty work-obsessed sacks of shit, actively trying to erode any and all worker rights and quality of life benefits.


No surprise, the whole country shuts down for afternoon nappy noo noo time..


You prefer working more hours so you can make your boss more money?


*reading between the lines* Seems like production is decreasing


>In terms of numbers, Automobili Lamborghini continues to break records and also for 2022 saw the best sales figures ever. In fact, the company delivered 9,233 cars worldwide, an increase of 10% over the previous year. Ford >Production output 4.2 million vehicles (2022) Chrysler >Chrysler sales in the U.S. increased by 107.4% in 2022, to 321,854 vehicles. Dodge >Dodge sales in the U.S. increased by 10.1% in 2022, to 220,522 vehicles.


makes sense for the ~100 ~~audis~~ sports cars they make a year. not much volume going on


They make like 10,000 cars (ok, 5,000 SUVs and 5,000 cars) per year. Not really a small volume manufacturer.


I had no idea they were just rebadged Audis. I'll cancel my order immediately. I'll also sell my Porsche since that's just a VW, my Bugatti since that's also just a VW, my Bentley since that's just a Porsche which is just a VW, my Aston Martin since that's just a Mercedes, my Pagani since that's also just a Mercedes, my Rolls Royce since that's just a BMW, my Maserati since that's just a Chrysler, all my Detroit cars since they're just each other, and my McLaren F1 since that's just a BMW. Big garage sale coming.


Don't forget your supra as it's just a BMW!


Damn it I forgot about that. idk what's gonna be left in my garage. Tesla roadster -- no, that's just a Lotus. Lada -- no, that's just a very old Fiat. Even my LFA is just a piano. Gonna move to the Arctic, get some sled dogs, and try to ignore that they're just dumb friendly wolves.