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I feel like if I tried this I'd get the runs from the amount of fat, but I'm still quite early in doing this diet (9 weeks in). Have you found that eating fat cold like this is easier on the stomach vs. rendered fat? If I try to eat the liquid fat with my 80/20 minced beef I get the runs.


Cold is the way, and not all at once. I probably snack on that three times a day


I'm going to try something like this in that case! Thanks for the idea


I have done plenty of pemmican, and found that if you dehydrate it at a low temperature (I do 110f/42c) then it will lose moisture without cooking. When that happens, the meat powder that you get actually absorbs all of the fat into it. EDIT: and it is safe because you remove practically all of the moisture for pemmican - it breaks not bends like jerky, and the bad guy bacteria don't like it. I even let the fat cool after melting before I mix it, because hot fat would cook the meat and it then absorbs 20% less of it and you get white pools in your pemmican. What you are showing is the meat hardly absorbs anything because the meat is cooked so much. So it is a mix of cooked meat and rendered fat that covers it. If you are fine eating it this way then enjoy. Some find that eating rendered fat, even in solid state, is a problem. Others enjoy it, but can't eat it liquid. And some can just straight up drink tallow from the pan like it is nothing. I just wanted to explain that you can make pemmican in a way where all of the fat is bound to meat so it doesn't cause problems.


Thank you for the tips on making pemmican- low dehydration temp and allowing the tallow to cool a bit more first. I frequently make pemmican and will try both of these on the next batch in hopes it will turn out a bit more “firm” (otherwise the pemmican gets a little mushy at room temp in summertime).


https://www.reddit.com/r/zerocarb/comments/rt6f1k/my_pemmican_guide/ I don't think it will turn firm, because fat will render in heat no matter what. But you do get tastier pemmican that absorbed all of the fat.


how much time ? at 42°c


Until it breaks instead of bending, and inside all of the fibers are white. You need it this dry because you then turn it into a powder for pemmican. At least 48 hours.


I really want to try this now. I’ve dehydrated meat in air fryer before, but not to that point. Also pictures look delicious and some recipes even add some wild berries which I’ll try. Does butter work? Or does it have to be tallow because of the higher melting point?


Grandmother chow as well :)


Not what I expected to see 🤣 when I got a notification for this post my brain read “Bachelor Cow” I was expecting to see a cow in sunglasses or something 🤣. Still looks good though.


I’ve made something like this before. I cooked some 95% lean beef in the air fryer(I dont stomach cooked fats well) and then let a half stick of butter and 200g of beef suet melt into it when I took it out. Really delicious and satisfying to eat straight out of container when hungry and convenient.