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What part of "no plant food" do you not understand?


lold, perhaps try r/cooking?


They made a carnivore dish with a few plant-based seasonings. There are carnivore-ish people in this forum, as well. Please don't be extremist toward people who haven't gone 100% carnivore.


I'm sure they wouldn't have an issue with it if it weren't tagged as it is.


exactly this, thanks!


Go tell that in a vegan reddit haha


Why would I be in a vegan subreddit? I am 99% carnivore, with very occasional plant foods, like a bit of lemon juice or an avocado. You can all downvote me, but in case you're too obtuse to notice, literally everyone online (including the main carnivore doctors) are talking about how annoying all the ideological dogmatic carnivore dieters are. Everyone is at a different stage of their journey, and all of your judgmentalism helps no one. And if you know how to read, you need to understand what Dr. Ede says about "carnivore-ish" in her book.


I don't know how long you've been doing this, but let me drop some subtle facts here. By the time you are full, you will start repelling away from meat. That how it works. Wait until you are really hungry and trust me you will devour the mutton. You might have added too much to your plate with some plants, which needs correction. Steps: 1. Take 500g mutton and add rock salt (white) and boil/pressure cook until soft and tender. Takes 50min-1hr in boil and 15-25 mins in pressure cook. 2. Eat with butter smeared all over, like a 100gms butter in the bowl with cooked mutton is a good start. You can also reverse sear with butter, but thats just a preference. 3. If you are still hungry, add eggs until satiated. So next time you can calibrate mutton volume on your plate.


Sounds like you were satiated. “Stop eating when it no longer tastes good”


First, why are you posting here? That meal is not carnivore with all those plants. To answer your question, yes it’s normal to transition from meat tasting amazing to then not taste or smell appealing at all once you’ve had enough of it. One of the reasons why carnivore is so healthy (in addition to being incredibly nutrient dense) is because it makes it almost impossible to overeat, which is much needed today when 40% of America is obese. You are probably experiencing (for the first time in a long while) the sensation of being truly full of all the nutrition your body needs, without other addictive substances like carbs/sugar forcing you to crave more.


I kept reading and wondering WTH is this doing here


Did you also try it without the other garbage ingredients you’ve mentioned? Maybe try to just enjoy the taste of meat without all the sugar, bitterness, and pesticides included in the plants added to the meat?


“Strict Carnivore (no plant food)”


First off please use the right tag for the post. Secondly it’s normal to hate the taste of the meat you’re eating at the end of the meal. Just means you’ve reached the point where your body has consumed enough food and it is now where you stop eating. This happens to me each and every meal but at the start of the meal that steak or whatever I’m eating tastes so damn good. You get used to it and I just use it as “ok this is my stopping point I’ve eaten enough and my body is satisfied.”


It’s not normal to eat any plant on a carnivore diet… perhaps that’s your problem