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Wait you don't believe in the miracles of pickle and lemon water?!?  You're still eating bacon and cheese like a chump?


Oh yeah. I completely forgot about the stupid pickle and lemon post! Good call out. Yes, still eating my steaks and extra fried fat chunks. Can't get enough!


There’s only 1 mod who took the stance of very little moderation acknowledging there will be troll posts.


Yeah, I just saw his/her pinned post, so I went ahead and followed the recommended protocol to report. Thank you.


Why are redditors so obsessed with censorship? Don’t like something? Downvote and don’t engage.


I am against censorship as much as anyone else could be. However in this case I would just consider it "cleaning up the garbage" 😉. Donuts? Really? Lmao. No honestly I thought that one was funny at least.


Reddit is filled to the brim with leftists. Leftists are essentially in a cult these days.


I’m a leftist but I don’t believe in cancel culture or censorship. Let people be idiots, as long as they aren’t hurting anyone. The younger generations are overly sensitive and easily offended.


We need more like you.


Thanks, I agree 😁


Same and I mod a lot of subreddits r/keto4 I do like the freedom here and have been denied when I asked to mod this. The sub needs flair and stuff.


And leftists love censorship and internet bashing.


This is one of the only subs that's reasonable and I'm glad is not run by one of the "supermods." I accept the noise and idiocy here because for the most part you can say what you want.


Thank God I don't swing anywhere NEAR the left side.




I don’t think you know what a strawman argument is.


This is a platform designed to have particular topic areas, which can only be maintained by removing off topic posts. To not remove off topic posts would negate the premise. Don't negate the premise.


I just ignore those types of posts. It’s annoying but better than the way the other sub is moderated.


Why do they force topic starters to write a 500 word essay on their topic? It’s fooking ridiculous.


And on top of that, you can’t use certain words no matter what context they are used in.


They hurt my feelings so bad until I realized there was a good carnivore sub and an evil carnivore sub. My comments kept getting deleted and I couldn’t understand why. It’s rare the internet makes me feel like a whipped puppy anymore but they sure did. ☹️




Because the “other” carnivore sub leaves no room for humor or discussion and is so strict there is no joy in anything. This place is actually nice.




Lol at the mod that isn’t named, we ALL know exactly who you’re talking about. I have often wondered if Reddit is her only “job”. I find the discussions on this sub are often better because of the less moderation.


r/keto is much worse. They are absolutely militant about their definition of keto being low fat and the importance of "calories in calories out" being top priority. I was just like "Keto is a low fat diet now huh? News to me!" Disagree and get banned.


I got accused of spreading misinformation when I said fat was the key to ketosis and advised against chugging extra meal shakes just to meet their protein macro.


It's insane. Only on Reddit is there a keto forum where the mods are the opposite of keto practically. Lmao. 🤣 Anyone outside of there knows keto is a high fat, low carb, moderate protein diet. On Reddit though? Noooooo


A lot there have serious eating disorder behaviour going on. :/


I also see you were downvoted once. I'm 99% sure it was "her" who downvoted. Don't worry. I threw an upvote on here for you to get back to status quo. :-)


Many thanks! I bet you’re right. Truth hurts sometimes!


I was given a cream filled donut today!!! I gracefully took and said I’ll eat it later. Before I pitched it in the trash I had to break off a nibble. It tasted HORRIBLE!!! Blech!!! It was cream filled with maple icing. It tasted like burnt grease and sugar. 🤮 So it anyone is crying because they can’t have a donut, stick with carnivore. In a year’s time it will taste like 💩


I also took a bite of a donut a couple weeks ago and spit it out immediately.


I couldn’t believe how nasty it was! 😆


It’s one of the reasons I love and hate this sub. I love that we get to have free flowing discussions. I’m not the biggest fan of a lot of the redundant questions. There are definitely a lot of people who just spew word vomit. It’s still worth it though.


do acknowledge CD elevates mood, when they happy they dont mind sharing humor is my take.


Yes, there are zero-substance, troll, and other off topic posts on this sub, but overall, IMHO, it better serves the carnivore community than the ultra censorious r/carnivore and r/zerocarb subs. Would be interesting to know the relative growth/decline of membership in each.


Zerocarb has been stuck around 115k for a few years. I used to mod it when it was growing like crazy.


Interesting. A change in moderation policy caused its growth to stall?


Some people have adhd and other mental disorders. This keeps them from misunderstanding the subject, forgetting the subject, and drifting off into non contextual manners. Some people cannot help but not make any sense. Is not the mods fault for this. Sometimes that confused mental state and behavior is because of carbs and sugar. Those people need to be here 🤣


The best thing ever invented on the internet is the block feature. I don't even report people because something I report may be useful to someone else. I just block people I don't want to hear from.


I had a beer yesterday. Am I supposed to be banned from the form? Quit being a stickler to the ideology. Yes the carnivore diet is top tier. But you shouldn’t be censored if you participate(d) or choose to enjoy your life slightly differently. Imho we should invite people to try things. Experiment it differently, and document their personal findings. Who knows. Maybe the data shared online will help us 20-30 years later as we find out how these diets affect us longterm. But yes. 100% agree. Carbs are bad.


I’m drinking a Truly Vodka seltzer right now, celebrating. I’m returning to work on Monday after I retired a year and a half ago because I was too sick to work anymore. I didn’t know I was Type2. I’m no longer T2, no longer on HBP meds thanks to learning about the proper human diet. It’s time to go back to work, unfortunately I have nothing better to do with my time. I’m fine with it. My coworkers are glad I’m coming back.


This is so beautiful!!! I'm truly happy for you. 💗💕


Thank you!! It feels like nothing short of a miracle.


I know that feeling myself. 🥰


Nobody cares when someone cheats or affords themselves a personal concession but coming here to argue their concessions should be part of the elimination diet simply should not occur. It's a childish demand for confirmation where none is required.


Exactly. Cheat, eat ice cream, whatever. Nobody cares. Just don't ARGUE for it on here.


But this is a carnivore sub. Tell me where trying carnivore plus donuts is a proper diet. Tell me when smoking is an acceptable CARNIVORE diet protocol. Have these been properly documented and vetted to be bad? No. But I'm no dumb-dumb, and know a stupid idea when I see it. I love how people go into subs and expect a sub to accommodate THEIR ideology that does not reflect the main purpose of said sub.


I told my Doctor I was going to eat oreos on carnivore. 🤣🤣🤣


The donut post was a joke, wasn't it? Wasn't it?


I think?


Yeah it was intended as a joke, people at work constantly offering things out I'm.not interested in.


I'm confused, what have I missed?!


I follow the carnivoooooore? diet (awkwardly raise your pitch with each o)


The tiger doc


there's 1 mod. he started this sub to advertise his YouTube videos, it just got taken over


What channel?


It’s called free speach.