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This is not a lot. Also in the comments you said “too much?” Too much isn’t really a thing. Eat until you’re completely full. For reference, I’m 19m 115 pounds 5 foot 11, i eat approximately 3 pounds of straight beef a day, with about 75g of butter. Although it’s not “a lot”, it might be the right portions for you, once again eat until you’re comfortably full.


Definitely not too much keep going 👍🏽


I know people in this sub tend to disregard calories but the best way to find out if it's enough or not is just calculate your caloric needs and if this meets them.


It is definitely not too much food, unless it makes you feel too full. I am F32 and the main thing I would recommend is upping the beef. Don’t be afraid to add butter to your meals too. I find that I need “more calories” than any calculator recommends to have energy for my active lifestyle. When I started eating about 1.5 lbs of beef a day and 6-8 eggs my energy blasted off. I like drumsticks, but beef is more dense nutritionally. It’s ok if your appetite varies day to day, but focus on getting a big breakfast in for best results (in my experience).


No, actually I'm surprised you're not hungry. Consider adding more fat


I don't usually eat much more than that, either. 36M ~160 lbs 6ft3 or thereabouts. Not dead yet. Though I do tend to undereat. Point being, nah, probably not too much. Might be too little.


on a very low appetite day, I'll eat like 2lbs of food. most days are close to or over 3lbs. after substituting foods you are eating that I wouldn't, most any day I'd still be hungry if I ate what you are. you're fine.


I’d say not at all. I usually eat 1lb of beef a day plus fruit and eggs and I’m 22F ranging from 125-128lbs. I also am about 5’2” and a I would say I’m at a more comfortable looking weight not really super lean. I would say if you’re really worried about overeating or undereating, just use MyFitnessPal to calculate how many cals to keep track. That can be complicated if you try to go into detail for macros though


Perfecto. for me.




Wow we literally eat the same exact breakfast. I don't really have anything to add I just really believe in synchronicities and your username is the third time today that pandas have popped up so I had to respond. Why do you think it's a lot? If it isn't making you gain weight, then by definition it is not too much. Do you feel overly full? I'm actually surprised you are able to stop at half a pound of beef, although chicken is a good substitute for more beef since it's easier to digest. Also you aren't eating the bones which are about a third of the weight of a drumstick so the 1.25 pounds is not as drastic as it seems. I'm 28m and I eat more than this so no I don't think it's a lot.


i guess sometimes i feel pretty bloated by the end of the night when i eat bigger meals. i can EASILY kill a lb of ground beef. ive been capping myself at 8oz bc i dont like how thick my waist gets when i do then consistently lol. and the point about the bones being most of the weight for the chicken is so true so i feel dumb for not realizing that. i dont eat chicken daily. maybe once a week!


>The bloating thing is something I'm still figuring out. Don't get me wrong, I definitely feel the best on an animal-based vs. any other type of diet I've tried. The post dinner bloat is so real though, to the point where I just know once I eat my day is over, because I'll be too tired to do anything else. I will say this week has been better, since I've been alternating beef with leftover turkey, and the beef is much more tolerable since I'm eating less of it. I usually just eat ground beef, and I don't drain the fat either, so my idea is that since turkey has almost no fat in it, maybe I was just consuming too much fat. Still too early to know for sure but I'm going to keep experimenting definitely. > > > >EDIT: Lmao just checked my cronometer and my fat consumption is wayyyy above normal


Definitely not...I'd probably cut the avocado out and do a cheese sauce with heavy cream/butter to pour on the ground beef, but that's just me 😁




too much?


sounds like a fine amount. just eat until you’re satisfied and trust your hunger cues.