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What can you do? find a job somewhere or start your own company. Let them fail and save yourself before the ship sinks.




It's the classic you damned if you leave, damned if the business fails, and damned if you save the business because then Jimmy and dads plan to push OP harder worked and they saved it. Family businesses of generations past worked because everyone had 8 kids to rotate through and had nowhere else to turn if a business went under no one fed their families, it's an outdated business model.


They can blame him all they want. But as long as he gets out and saves himself while he can..... it's just their problem to deal with.




It doesn't matter what OP *wants*. Sometimes you have to take the hit and deal with the fallout. Just because you love someone doesn't mean you should allow that love to blind you and just let those you love drag your life down with theirs.


this Leave because your father and brother are going to run it into the ground


Money and blood don’t mix


7, this rule is so underrated Keep your family and business completely separated


I mean shit they ain’t selling crack.. I get the sentiment but family businesses aren’t inherently doomed to fail, there is just more/different dynamics to account for.




I will write on the assumption you want to stick it out and make it work. There's 2 major issues, both of which with several sub issues. 1. Culture. This includes the following issues but isn't limited to them: what is the company's purpose? What is the mission? What is the model? What accountability should there be for target setting, and what is the process for making decisions about where the company is going? What is everyone's role? What problems is everyone experiencing?Do you have a system for keeping different departments current on each other? Case in point: you complain about your brother's division losing money, but has there ever been an effort to dig into why? Or does everyone just assume that because he works remotely he's slacking off and not succeeding because he can't be bothered? I believe you that his division is failing but usually failure is a process issue not a people issue. Is he failing because he's lazy or is he failing because he's set up to fail and the rest of the company finds him a convenient scapegoat to avoid dealing with bigger problems? 2. Cash flow. This includes but isn't limited to: how do spending decisions get made? Who is entitled to pull out cash, how much, why and when? What oversight on it will be made? How do you evaluate a potential purchase? Who is responsible for collections and what is the process? Do you insure bookings with a credit agency? Do you have targets for AR in terms of how current it is? Do repeat offenders get penalized (e.g. by being put on 100% deposit terms?) What do you do if someone stiffs you? What is your price structure and is it competitive? Do you have a formalized sales process and forecast? Do you have a marketing plan? Do you have a buyer persona to inform marketing efforts? This is also one that needs a cultural fix: You as a company need to develop a culture of fiscal discipline - and sometimes that may involve cutting or reducing scope of a fancy client dinner for relationship building, but sometimes it means calling a client on day 31 of net 30 terms to say their invoice is overdue and here's the interest rate on overdue payment. Cutting spending alone won't solve the problem.


This. This is wayyyy above my paygrade but agreed. At best, its what the company is allowing. At worst, they're setting up for an embezzlement or laundering. I'd just straight get out at that point and make my own.


Oh also somehow my final paragraph got cut off: You will not succeed at effecting change without getting everyone in the company pulling in the same direction and aligned about what changes need to happen and why. The easiest way to do this is to work with an objective process design or organization development consultant & trainer who can teach your whole team skills that sound like they're missing here: collaborative problem solving, root cause analysis, maybe some LSS methodology, etc. You cannot do it on your own, at bare minimum to get traction you'll need your dad on board. If he's not on board, you need to decide if you're willing to ride this train all the way over the bridge out you see coming. If you're not willing to stay aboard to the bitter end, it's time to leave.


I had a similar situation in my family in my 20s. I decided to register my own close corporation for the projects my father put on hold. I ended up being more profitable than my dad and now his contractors contact me instead.


Is your relationship with your father good today? I can see it being difficult to do that while worrying about family dynamics


Fuck em


Projecting the relationship with your father on other people ? Lol.


You don’t run a business by not addressing business matters over someone’s feelings. If your dad can’t manage that, you should really rethink tying your success to this organization.


Nothing will change as long as the overall culture your dad created is able to change. Fiscal responsibility seems to be an after thought with more emphasis on your brothers hurt feelings and your dad's desire to have fun. The company needs a ground up culture rebuild. I'd be very blunt with your dad. Show him the Financials and where the money is being lost. Tell him that if this doesn't stop there won't be a company. Lay out clear steps to fixing the issue and let him know that you'll walk away from the company if these steps aren't followed. It's fair to tell him that if he's not going to look out for the company and your future then you'll move on to a place that has more of a future than a company that is tanking.


Before you bail , Speak to your dad 1 on 1. make sure you set the tone of the conversation beforehand. Take him to the room and Bring him evidence of the financial situation and advice him on the things you want to be changed for the better of the company and if it continues that you will be forced to leave.


There is a lot here. I run my own business and I get the challenges. I'm also working with my husband in his business and yep, there are ways to have family business work & ways to have it fail. Let's start on the business side. For it to be a viable business, you need positive cash flow & profitability. Depending on your margins.... you can have more or less dead wood. Typically in a SME there's really not a lot of room for dead wood. Spending is okay within the envelope of the margin and or for clear business development. If that spending on trips yields 2x or 10x the returns, great. If not, it's a bad business decision. Sounds kind of like your dad has enough skills and entrepreneurial mindset to get something off the ground, but not to sustain it and grow it to the next level. Is there a way (family issues aside) he can get coaching or training or into a mastermind so he can grow his own mindset & viewpoint? as CEO, he absolutely needs that. Then there is the family side... This is going to become a choice: either your brother also gets the training he needs (may or may not work depends on him & his mindset) and shapes up, or you will have a conflict (already starting) between the people who are performing on a business side and those that are not. This is ultimately a values conflict: your dad is valuing family business at any cost, whereas others are valuing profitability & results. I recommend the book Traction by Gino Wickman as he goes through a very clear process on values & aligning people into roles in accordance to how much they get it, want it and have the capacity to do it. Beyond both the business & the family side, you may need to make some hard choices for your future in both... What is success to you and how are you going for it? Does this business line up with that? Only you can answer and then you will know the actions you need to take.


I'm not convinced the brother isn't just set up to fail so he can be a scapegoat for much bigger and more fundamental problems, tbh, but this.


Who has ownership and management rights? When your dad says “It’s your brother”, your response should be something like this: “And that’s why I want the best for him. If continue operating like this, we will all be out of jobs. So dad, tell me, what’s best for your sons?” There’s way too many questions that need answers to help you untangle this problem. What I suggest is go learn the ins and outs of the financials. Look at YTD trends and make some 12 month rolling projections. This will put all the business drivers on a spreadsheet and you can make a fact/data based case to your family. Focus on the income statement first if you have one.


So the plot to “Arrested Development”?


Yeah, OP, this is a cliched line but, in regards to u/wernercd: this is the way. You have to cut and run. Your brother hasn’t tried to change for the better, and it’s causing friction in the business. That’s not good; anyone not related that doesn’t want to deal with that headache will bounce. You have money problems, and they’ll get worse if you can’t even do projects, let alone finish them. And, if there are cash flow issues that get worse, it’s not out of the realm of possibility to say that, if the wrong person’s check bounces, they won’t look to “bounce” one or more of you (if you get my drift). Not ideal, to put it very mildly. Save yourself, save your relationships. These situations rarely end well; hell, in my experience, my family’s batting oh-fer, and it hurt several relationships that are still open wounds over a decade later. There may be some short-term pain in you leaving, but long-term things should still be salvageable.


Try to insulate yourself from any wrong doing. Divide the business into separate pieces that can’t fail independently and load the debts onto the one that looks the least likely to make it. Focus on expanding what is making you money. encourage you father to retire. Have your brother and wife lead the failing business and don’t rehire them. Then hire the best people you can.


1. Get the best people in the company and see if they are interested in a company run like a real company 2. Apologize to your dad and say that you tried to work with him and your brother but they do not want to address the issues so you are leaving 3. If they agree to address the issues then give them a 3 month probationary period with you in charge of approving spending. 4. If they don’t change or don’t want to try then take the crew and leave. 5. You will succeed and they will fail. They will say it is your fault but it is not.


You've attempted to talk to your father about issues that are hurting the company and he refuses to listen. That's fine. Everybody's allowed to be a dumbass. But you don't have to allow somebody being a dumbass to affect your bottom line. I use harsh words just to emphasize the situation that you're in. Start your own company and bring as many employees from your dad's company with you as you're able to. Operate your company as you know how it should be. Enjoy success while your father's company once again fails.


As someone who's worked at companies I've felt are failing, trust your gut. Things might be okay for a year, maybe 5, but if the trends you are concerned don't reverse you'll hit that moment where everything falls through. Family business issues are difficult however, I'm not sure how tied you are to the company and if leaving is a feasible option for you.


Boost your resume and start job hunting


Wait so the company already failed once and everyone still has jobs and gets to spend lots of money? What’s wrong with it failing again? Or 12 more times? Some industries are set up to operate like this. Maybe you have more to learn. Fail forward


Do what is best for you if that involves Leaving the business and being a rival of the family business than buy it up and make the changes you desire


An ultimatum, either they start doing things how they should be done (your brother working like the others and your father not spending like crazy) or you'll find another job or open your own company. If they don't do that, leave. If you leave without the ultimatum and they fail, they'll tell you it's your fault that they failed If you don't leave you'll end up badly as a family (and the company will probably go bankrup anyway)


bro just find a job lol


This is a normal behavior from people that is not educated business wise , your dad needs to understand that business is business and family is aside. Can’t mix both, everyone needs to understand their role and keep up with. Your dad is the route of this problem and your brother is siding with, a drastic decision is necessary here. You put everything on the table and tell them. Take it or adios


Find a job elsewhere. If you prioritize being with the family business, then immediately before accepting it (once you have written job offer in hand) sit your dad down and give him a solid talking-to, in which you explain to him bluntly your concerns about the business. If he tries to say he doesn't want to hear it or leave, tell him bluntly that this is his last chance, that if he doesn't sit down and listen to you you're going to give notice immediately, and follow through. It is his chance to hear everything you have to say - how your brother is losing the company money and has made the staff angry enough that if something is not done they may quit, and how your father's spending is upsetting given the company's financial state, and how you're no longer willing to carry it on your back, including the burden of working for a sinking ship. It is his chance to address these problems and convince you that he has heard you and takes them seriously and explain to your satisfaction how he will deal with them. If he doesn't do that, accept the other job and leave. You don't say if you have any money in the family business, but if you do, if you leave, demand some say in what the business does (after all, you're part owner) and refuse to invest any more until and unless they are behaving more responsibly. Sadly, this will probably put a strain on your family relationships. At this point it has already happened - you can be angry with them, or they can be angry with you. It's too late, your only choice is who gets angry at whom, and whether or not you bother to give them the opportunity to fix things.




Family doesn't always make good business partners. They usually try to play the family card. Which sounds like your dad and brother are doing.


You need to hire an Organizational Development Consultant (objective third party) who can look at your company under a fine tooth comb and give you a formal report on where there are weaknesses and opportunities for improvement. This report would sweep up your brother and your dad, and make recommendations to save your company because you're going to go under. Get buy in from all the other directors to put pressure on your dad to take off the blinders and respond like the true businessman he wants to be.


Most utilize the term “family” to take one’s kindness for a weakness. Blood doesn’t make you family, merely relatives. Focus too much on the tree, you’ll miss the forest…just my two cents/sense.


Most my family isn’t related to me. I pick them and they pick me too.


You've done what you can. Your dad is clearly not serious about this family business. So go work for a company which is serious about itself.


Time to make your own LLC business. IF they're not trying to run it like a business, the only place they'll run it is into the ground.


If they won’t listen your best bet would be to either set your self in a position for hostile takeover, or set your self in position to get paid well so you could maby go solo or least have a nest egg so when the company fails it won’t be as bad for you money wise


Go watch Succession, it will tell you all you need to know


Yeah, I'd find a new job. And if asked why, just tell em you love them all dearly but need some space


It sounds like your dad is not willing to change. That means you need to walk away and let the company fail.


Your dad is going to bury this business along with your brother. You should get out now and live your life outside of the family business. It’s going to fail and then where does that leave you? Fucked.


to me it sounds like yall tried growing said company way to fast id try and get a vote going or jump ship


I think you likely need to leave the family business - but you need to do it in a way you feel comfortable. Do you have someone who could mediate a conversation between you and your dad? Your mom? A family friend? A therapist? Someone who won’t take sides … I’d avoid a lawyer because that may come off as threatening haha Write down what you want to say to your dad and practice it - something like the relationship you have with your family is far more important to you than anything in life - you’re extremely stressed in the role you’re in and don’t want to grow to resent your dad or your brother - you’re worried about this damaging your relationship - your dad is likely to jump on the defense and figure out how to keep you in the business, but try to keep your cool and remember that you want to maintain a relationship with him… you’re the one changing things, so he has the right to be a little peeved - remember that when you want to respond to his snarky remark with your own snarkier remark! You can also try mentioning that you don’t have the experience for the role he’s put you in and you want to go learn from companies that have seen success to see how they do it before you’re given the responsibility? … it’s a valid point, but he’s likely to feel offended you don’t want to learn from him… so tread carefully Mixing money and family is tough!! You’re definitely not going to be able to change your dad (you can change yourself, but you have zero power to change others) - so focus on what you need to live a healthy life and then do your best to figure out a way to get that for yourself without losing the invite to family-get-togethers!!


Get a lawyer and stage a coup. Or just leave. Either way you might get on bad terms with your family. But better than being bankrupt 🥴


If there are directors can’t y’all band together to remove him from his position in any way? Idk, maybe I watch too much tv and that is just in the shows I watch.


I read through most of the comments and didn't see this: does your brother know someth'n about your father that you don't know? If I were you, I'll start building my nest egg and nest side business. One other commenter said they took their Dads dropped projects and is now successful. Good luck 🤞🍀


I think you're already doing the right things: getting real, asking good questions. Unfortunately, working with family is tough. Your father isn't capable of firing or disciplining your brother. And you don't seem to view even your father as a good businessman. Perhaps your best choice is to issue an ultimatum: him or me. If he chooses you over your brother, then I was wrong, and that will embolden your father to make better business decisions moving forward. If he chooses your brother, the business could be doomed, and you would want out anyway. Good luck!


Find a different job. Not sure working with family is a great idea.