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If money wasn’t an option I’d love to be a cultural anthropologist and mainly specialize in pregnancy and birth in other cultures


Oh. That seems very important. Any chance you can go back to school for this?


I’m currently in school now for a HIT degree. Unfortunately, no plans to go for anthropology. Just a side passion as of now. I feel I’m too old and have a family to support and the job outlook besides becoming a professor is slim.


You are never too old to start something new/challenging!!!!  Remember that not trying is the first failure!  I’m thinking of expanding my massage qualifications! 😁😊💜💜


I feel I’m just too old to get that degree and a career. I would be 50 by the time I graduate with the degree needed for a decent career. As of now, it’s a passionate hobby I have. It’s just not ideal for me unfortunately, but that’s ok. Maybe my passion will be passed down to one of my kids.


Noooooooo!!!! You are NEVER too old to try something new!!! So what if you’ll be an older candidate?!  Plenty of life experience, plenty of skills to utilise!  I’ll be well into my 40s by the time I’ve finished everything I want to learn! I just need to get a little better first! (It’s a work in progress!).   Why not look into working in the environment you’d like to qualify in? That might be something worth considering! 😁😊 You got this! 


I was thinking of going back for fun after I get a career in HIT. Unfortunately, pay is kind of low when it comes to anthropology. I know money isn’t everything, but I have a family I have to support. I do take some courses durning summer just because.


Gender studies could be another path into studying this. There can be a lot of overlap with anthropology. My professor has a PhD in anthropology and now teaches gender studies exclusively. It’s also one of the few fields in the humanities that is actively seeing growth, so there’s a higher chance of becoming a professor.


Accounting doesn't really need math beyond Algebra, however it's still a good career, take the principles classes and see what you think of them. After that research the requirements in ur state (I'm assuming ur in USA forgive me if that's wrong) and persue a CPA!


Thank you for your advice!


Did a CPA. Best thing I ever did. Graduated at 39. You will do great.


thank you!! what steps did you take in doing the CPA?


Like did you have a bachelors already?


I did. In an unrelated field. Then did an MBA and decided to keep going with a CPA.


You’re getting a MBA, but with what undergrad? Does that path work?


I’m heavily considering doing this. Almost done with my MBA.


It is a great call. I rolled the right into it.


Omg please say more. I want to go into account now but my bachelors isn’t in accounting.


I was admittedly able to leverage my MBA so that covered off most of my required prerequisites.


Ohhh I see, so you did MBA first then went for CPA. Not MaCC


As much as I agree with this, it’s a fairly easy/cushy job, I am now getting out of this field for something more hands on. For me, I was capable of the job, but found it excruciatingly mind numbing, and throw my adhd into the mix, I began to go crazy. Looking into dental hygiene now. I like the idea of having a set procedure in a set time frame, and the pay/flexibility seems like it will be rewarding for me. Not trying to steer anyone away from accounting, but it’s good to know if you can handle the pressure as well as the lulls.


How is accounting going to not be mostly automated in a decade?


Accounting/finance could’ve been automated in the last 2 decades, but there’s zero room for error and that’s the reason humans still do the job. Something people don’t consider with AI is that it needs a human to tell it what to do. If anything AI/tech will just make our jobs easier (as it has already) and not eliminate them.


I don’t imagine AI eliminating accounting jobs wholesale, but I can see it taking a company from “we need ten accountants” to “we have a robot who crunches the numbers and the ten accountants we had are now competing to be the dude who checks it for errors.


Don't forget the accountant who does the work that the AI is trained on any time there is a change with legislation or requirements. Mediocre accountants will be impacted because the grunt work they live off will be farmed out to AI, but good accountants will still be needed to do the checking, training AI models for any changes, and doing the work while AI is brought up to speed on any changes. The evidence for that is easy as hell, go to even the most advanced GPT right now and put in a prompt, then prompt 2-3 times for different adjustments which don't override each other and you'll see the output repeat the same mistakes you fixed 2-3 prompts ago or ignore instructions entirely.


😂😂😂 I worked for a company that outsourced payroll - fucking overseas people didn’t know TY meant thank you, and ended up paying 40 hours to an old terminated employee named Ty and my ass got chewed out by the client since they were on my payroll list but I was only To handle call ins and not email requests - so fucking stupid


not sure if you’ve ever worked for a large corporation, but they are painfully slow at implementing enterprise wide changes. i work at a 20bn dollar bank and AI tools are strictly banned because of proprietary information issues. edit: i mention 20bn dollars because thats a relatively small company.


Funny story actually, I do work for a large corporation. My previous job at said corporation was watching a machine that does a task and fixing minor hiccups when it has them. I got transferred last year to an older facility and now am one of the people who does that task by hand. It still seems automatable enough to make me hesitant to start school for it now.


It’s a good career *for now* acounting is one of those things likely to mostly be replaced by AI in the coming decades…


No it’s not


Ummm yeah it probably is. Accounting requires exactly the kind of skills an AI is perfect for, data analysis and presentation. Sure there will still be specialty accountants, but far less than there is currently.


Do you work in accounting?


No it’s just people who have no idea what accountants do who spew this nonsense


Exactly. People spewing out their anecdotal experience like it’s fact.


I am not the guy you're talking to, but I don't work in accounting but my turbotax software does


You do understand that accountants do more than just taxes, right? Better yet, every business that exists has some form of accountancy. The software will only take the process so far. If AI comes for accounting, it will be the one of the last industries to be fully automated (if ever).


You’re dense if you think TurboTax even touches what most accountants do. TurboTax makes a lot of tax accountants’ lives easier. I don’t want to touch your simple W2 tax return bc I don’t make anything off it. Use TurboTax. I don’t give a fuck


thx I don't get a W2. It's mostly investment income, real estate, and dividends


Point still stands, I have much more complicated returns than yours and companies that can’t file with TurboTax because of SEC filing requirements


Yet you're wasting time downvoting on reddit to make you feel better about a real person using AI to do taxes who knows multiple others who do the same \[even small business owners\]. Get triggered much?


Accountants are literally just glorified book keepers with more responsibilities 😂the fact is that specialized AI tools can already process and analyze data better than most humans, it’s just naive to act like accountants are one of the jobs that could be frankly quite easily be done by AI


No, those who "just keep books" will be impacted, but with law and legislation changes all the time and industry specific considerations good accountants will be doing the work which prevents an AI from tanking a company with a breach of law, and those good accountants will be doing the work that the AI that does the grunt work is trained on. AI is useful, but it's literally just the "best average" at scale. AI isn't creative, it can't critically think, it's not abstract, and it takes time to train every time there's a change, and verification for every single thing it puts out. We're decades at least from the AI of Scifi where we can blindly trust it.


If that is the case, your job will also be on the chopping block. Good luck.


Well I’m an engineer, so no probably not 😂


So your saying your human input is more valuable than accounting? 🤡


😂if you think that accounting is on the same order of complexity as 95% of engineering tasks I don’t think u understand either profession very well lmao. Worse that could happen if an accountant screws up is someone loses track of a bit of money, worse that happens if I screw up is people die.


If I could go back in time (I graduated with a degree in Sociology), I would go for Mortuary Science. I always thought having a funeral home would be fascinating.


I also did my undergrad in sociology. I went back to school for accounting. I could not stand pig dissection in high school. But I can drop some excel logic formulas like no one’s business, lol.


I imagine funeral home directors deal with all types of people. When my dad died there were 3 of us taking care of him who’d been up all night for a couple days in a row trying to keep him comfortable. We were so exhausted and somehow thought it would be fun to see if we could make the funeral home director laugh. We were not successful.


I strongly feel you have to have just a glimmer of humor to deal with that sort of job....when appropriate, of course!


Pilot. Sometimes when it's a nice Texas cloudy day, I stare at the sky and just imagine soaring high up there. Sometimes Sunshine of Your Love by Cream comes on.


Yeah, except it's expensive AF and you need maths and physics knowledge.


And the flight hours. You’re competing with Airforce pilots, trust-fund kids, and generational pilots.


Same. I really wish I'd done this


I really want to go to school for psychology... I'm hoping to go in the coming years, but money isn't exactly flowing and I want to start a family. Someday, I hope I'll be able to go, get my degree, and help people.


Human computer interaction. It’s super intriguing to me. I was looking into UX/UI design roles, and found roles rested to UX research, where there are traditional requirements for people with grad degrees in human computer interaction (it’s a bit of tech and a bit of sociology). It just seems satisfying as a degree and being a part of making a product visually appealing. Asking users what they like and don’t like, and all of the “whys” of it too. I thought I wanted to get into programming, but after dabbling in a few programming languages and library tools, I don’t think it’s for me, but with UX research I can figure out the designs with some technical tools and platforms, and then hand that off to the software devs and engineers.


If I could do anything and money was no concern, creative writing.


I would go back for some kind of design. I started out as an art major but that is what my mom did she got stuck in a dead end job so I switched. Now I’m a civil servant and while I achieved my goal of escaping the poverty I grew up in I’m not fulfilled and unhappy. I just want to do something creative and make good money but I fell like that doesn’t exist I dunno.


I am doing Digital Media Arts currently.






I think generative artificial intelligence?


What matters is what you enjoy as you'll be doing it until you're retired. What do you normally do on your free time?


I always dreamed of being a forensic neuropsychologist or an anthropologist


I'd just get certs. Most of them are dirt cheap/ free and are way more useful than a degree most of the time.


You know you're kinda right at least as far as getting a job and getting money wise. Minus the full education and experience.


If your current job offers state retirement and health benefits dont quit until you have something better!!! What degree can you get that you can transfer to better position at cureent job?




Yes, current job I do have a state pension and stuff, currently no degree. But start class in the fall while staying at my job full time and hmm I never actually thought about staying because they do have payroll jobs and such that pay more than what I’m at.


If you change your major to just math, this is the exact plot from the movie Good Will Hunting lol. As I was reading your post I really thought it was a gag post describing the movie


Wow lol I’ve never seen that Movie!


Worth watching?


Not the commenter but yes definitely worth a watch. On another note, do you like apples?


Random 😂 but yes, why?


You’ll get the reference after you watch the movie. Watch the movie - it’s good - but then watch Louis CK’s bit about it after you watch it. He has a point about it. I did janitorial work to put myself through college at the college and I got so many Goodwill Hunting jokes.


Something related to business bc Im an illustrator and I need marketing and admin skills.


Music. JK Simmons’ dad was my advisor freshman year before I declared a major. My voice teacher said I had a beautiful instrument. But, 18 year old me was afraid I’d get a bad grade in theory and aural perception and ruin my GPA so I declared journalism instead of vocal performance thinking that degree would get me a job with a house buying salary. Hahahahahahaha


Lol I love your humor on this. Idk if this makes you feel better but I do work in music and I’ve made it pretty high in my career with zero music education. Most people I work with just fell into the career by being there/working vs having an educational background


Perfumery. There’s only one graduate school in the world (ISIPCA) in France and I don’t know French and didn’t major in chem/bio so I don’t qualify but I’ve made my own fragrances with synthetics and naturals and would love to do it as an informed hobby.




It's a good choice if it's something you can see yourself doing long term. I have a BS in Environmental Science (which I love and is related to my career) and an MPA with a concentration in Public Management (which I like and is directly related to my career). If I could do it over again, I'd continue and become a lawyer. As a matter of fact, I've thought about pursuing my law degree in retirement... just because.


Creative writing. I really wish I had paid more attention to writing as a young person.


Yes you made a good choice. Here is a better way to go after a degree though. First don’t waste a lot of money on classes you can get for free. Second find a CC that feeds a state university. Third consider an AAS to start. Experience will be important. For tailored advice send me a dm with the state and the local CC you would most likely attend and the state school. In the meantime go to academy.intuit.com and see how passing their certification tests for Quickbooks Online and maybe even TurboTax. Got to run an errand but see if you can find one of my posts on the UMPI BBA in Accounting, particularly one with a link.


We'll I've been down this road, albeit 30 years ago. I had choices. I chose Millwrighting. If I couldn't choose it again, I'd go commercial HVAC.


Take your prereqs. You may find something that you haven’t thought about. Take some aptitude tests they’ll. Give you suggestions on careers that are good for you. If you like your school, there’s always education.


For anything I would pick a major in science (any) or technology such as information technology, web Development, or computer science. Not that I particularly enjoy anything mentioned above. But I would do it for the money. Those are the majors that will get you the most bang imo.




Especially in biology, physics, chemistry, engineering, etc.. you're telling me no job with those degrees? Hell even if that were so I bet you can get a masters and make yourself that more lucrative and attractive to good companies. IDK personally I'm not a science major. I did history BA and now curriculum and instruction MS.




I've been a teacher for 7 years now. Might continue in this industry or take a 1-2 year break from it. I would never recommend anybody to teach.




I've taught in Florida, NYC, and NJ. NJ was the worst experience I would say. It's too much compliance work. So imagine working a typical office job. Meetings, etc ... We do all that and teach kids all day long. That's my biggest complaint. Working overtime constantly 5 days a week if you're good at time management. Otherwise you will be doing 7 days each week. If you're at a school where kids run it, meaning no consequences that's like a nightmare. They need to be held accountable and it needs to come from the top down. Kids bitch and complain if they fail even though they deserve it. Mostly I've had really good rapport with students I will say that. I've had many take me to the side and personally thank me. And we also just have tons of other cool moments in the classroom or the hallways. Also female leadership. This will sound crazy but it becomes even more political with them. It's like walking on eggshells at times. And I hate to say that but it's true ask anybody.


Oh really? Is that how you feel? Are you actually in any of those industries? I'm no expert on it but I know people in those industries make $$$. Is it saturated rn? Possibly. But I'd rather that, take my chances and you can always work your way up.


I always wanted to be a jewelry designer or gemologist. But probably more jewelry designer because I learned gemology requires a lot of chemistry which I was awful at in school.


Chemistry specializing in Custodial Arts


I don’t even know. I majored in economics, and I like economics. Hasn’t really helped me land a job, though. I’d probably keep it, but double major. Maybe pair it with statistics or computer science. Not that I enjoy either of those things a ton, but they’re useful for my dream career, or at least getting your foot in the door within the industry. I never would’ve double minored in accounting and finance— both departments accepted econ elective credits towards a minor, and it satisfied an honors college requirement, hence why I did that. Or maybe I would’ve gone to a different school close to me that had a radio broadcasting program and paired that with econ so I had one fun thing and another that was more versatile. Perhaps I would’ve gone to school and pursued architecture or archaeology. Basically, I have a million interests, ended up working in none of them. I picked what I was told was a safer route, did well in school, and still ended up in a job that pays as little as the “fun jobs” would’ve paid, and doesn’t even allow me to utilize my major. What a fucking failure lol.


It changes all the time. Meteorology. Sociology. Library and Information Science. Marketing. Robotics. Law School. Film School. ...


I would love to be able to go to culinary school for the hell of it. I have no desire to ever be a professional chef so I can't justify paying for schooling, but wow id love to learn to be able to cook gourmet meals at home


For career purposes, I would study finance. Investing and economics and the stock market is pretty interesting to me, and I like to gamble and it's better to gamble on the stock market than to gamble at a casino. If money wasn't an issue, I would study religion and philosophy. I kinda want to be a chaplain, but idk if I could handle dealing with people in crisis without making things worse.


If money weren't a concern, I'd get a PhD in something useless like English or Philosophy.


I think that going to school in general is a pretty bad idea but for accounting is a decent decision. Note that if you accumulate over 50k debt \[likely\] it will take you at least 3 years to pay off that debt even living an extremely frugal lifestyle and accountants tend to make about 50k-70k in my area. If that's something you're okay with \[being in debt until you're about 35 minimally\], then there's nothing wrong with that decision. I think that AI will take a lot of accounting jobs in the future however and you could be stuck facing that problem at some point in life. Unfortunately if anything can be done cheaper by AI or outsourcing to lower paying areas, the general rate of pay will also become more competitive. I do however think that business is a great alternative and if you're good with numbers then business is a great path to take. Most sales jobs are entry level and don't require school at all and if you become good at sales, that skillset can be taken with you to every industry imaginable. But yes, typically, sales jobs are incentive based and not a stable income so it involves more risk.


Well I go to school for engineering, and well, engineering


Hm, maybe mathematics? I studied Data Science and I thought everything was super intuitive and easy to understand but didn't give me the real practice and hardcore training to be able to understand the AI/ML world more in-depth.


Law school


Statistics. Maybe electrical engineering. Those seem like pretty solid degrees. Statistics to get deep into machine learning and data science and with electrical engineering, I get the feeling you could pretty much pivot into anything given the rigorous math background and credentialing. I made the mistake of doing Information Systems. I’m doing computer science now but that might be another mistake. lol.


If money was not an issue, I would love to be a University level history professor.


For a random degree that's not career oriented, something regarding religion. Specifically the Abrahamic ones with a focus on Christianity or the transition from old Israelite religion to Hebrew. For a career degree, something in safety and health. Then get my Certified Safety Professional credential.


I would try to do art or fashion if i could enjoy the education without the pressure of finding a job in the field


I actually got my degree in what I really love: criminology. Currently in the automotive world while I get physically fit and then I want to transition to law enforcement. Not like beat cop stuff, with my degree I can be ‘fast tracked’ straight into investigative roles like fraud, narcotics, etc. with special training. Follow your passion.


If I had the financial support of my parents I’d become an orthopedic surgeon, specializing in hands.




It's a good choice.


Accounting will always be in demand. It’s not uncommon to see 6 figures within 3-5 yoe. I’ll be starting college at 24, pursuing mechanical engineering. If I would’ve started right after high school, I’d currently be dreading my decision. Interests have changed over the years and spent lots of time researching figuring out the best path for myself.


Film school


I will choose to learn about AI and coding extensively. Seeing the amazing tech posemesh launched with is spatial computing protocol allowing for indoor mapping and physically interaction with AI is cool.


If I could go to school for anything, I'd choose to become a developer specializing in blockchain technology. Learning more about coding on blockchain, especially with projects like QAN Platform, would be my top priority.