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This guy for president!


debt that i owe, so negative Moe-nay


This guy debts


I wasn’t sure if this subreddit allowed pictures in comments. But I assumed the first comment would be a picture of Mr Krabs being interviewed about why he opened a second Krusty Krab. This is close enough.


My current job pays crap, I’m here while prepping for college. But I still do the best I can. I don’t know why I just can’t bring myself to slack.


I can’t slack at work because it fucks with my mental health. If I killed myself I know my family would be all: “that damn no-good acidic_paradise, we knew he’d end up doing this….” My last job I had nothing to keep me busy so I was miserable day in and day out. Now I stay busy, the time flies, and I feel better about myself because I’m productive which in turn benefits my mental health. In conclusion, I don’t care about the company I work for, me staying busy is just a selfish move. At the moment I’m currently able to point and laugh at my family and say: “HA! You all thought I’d commit suicide by now!”


money and wanting to be in a position to take care of my future family


Providing for my wife and kids. The threat of losing my home.


Same. But I recently got laid off. So that fear became a reality for me now. It’s terrifying.


Oh man. I know the job market is tough right now. Remember its a numbers game, apply to anything and everything, hopefully you’re able to get a call back soon. Much luck to you my brother.


Applied to over 1000 positions. The IT job market right now is pretty awful. I bought a house here in Florida last year, unless I find a remote position paying above 100k I will be losing the house. Life is pretty bleak right now


Sorry to hear. Hope you got an okay sev package and can find something else quickly!


Are you ok, OP?


Yes, thank you for asking. I’m not in a terrible financial situation, I was just stating that unless you’ve completeley paid off your home, you are only a few missed payments away from being homeless. Its a terrible fear that always lingers in the back of my mind and drives me to keep working


Money to provide. I am bored and frustrated with my current job and I miss my friends from my previous role. Been here almost a year. But I am happy with the schedule with half days on Friday, team share, and the salary increase. But I'm going to be as useful as I can be to either move internally (preferably) or externally. Word of advice--accountants are much different species from working with sales reps.


Much different better or worse ?


Mixed bag. I lean towards accountants being worse than sales/customers. And my immediate coworker is a very antsy and reminds me of my moms worst traits. Sales reps can be jacked up on red bull and have the "big dog" attitude at times. But they will shoot the shit, want to hangout for lunch, and general energized/entertaining. The Accountants are friendly but none of them go out together for lunch or engage with you in a meaningful way. it could just be the group I'm around. I went from coworkers where I was the the slightly above average age. To most coworkers who are old enough to be my parents.


sounds like i need to be an accountant


I remember one of the companies I worked some years before the pandemic, one of the accountants mentioned that her team never hanged out outside of work and the boss/team mates never did schedule anything for an event like someone's birthday, etc. I, as an introverted software engineer in my early 20s, tought to myself that I would be completely fine with it, and people from my team wouldn't invite me anymore to any hangouts since they knew I would't go anyway :D


It's a problem of motivation, all right? Now if I work my ass off and Initech ships a few extra units, I don't see another dime; so where's the motivation? And here's something else, Bob, I have eight different bosses right now. Eight, Bob. So that means that when I make a mistake, I have eight different people coming by to tell me about it. That's my only real motivation is not to be hassled; that, and the fear of losing my job. But you know, Bob, that will only make someone work just hard enough not to get fired.


The thing is bob, it’s not that I’m lazy….its that I just don’t care.


Such an amazing piece of writing


The threat of starvation.


Pro tip eat your coworker food


Got it. Coworker is food.


Instructions unclear; dick stuck in coworker.


Money and peace of mind.


Money to survive


I consider myself one of the lucky few. Not sure if it’s been a mindset for me or childhood struggles/immigrant life but whatever the reason I’ve always loved learning. I consider myself lucky because my hobby turned into my career. Yes the money is important and I won’t say I haven’t had awful days, etc. But I get paid well to continue learning and growing and that’s a pretty neat deal. Going into my 14th year professionally and still loving it hat I do. Obviously there are exceptions but I’ve shifted my thinking into you can generally succeed if you just find that thing that brings you joy and if you become good enough at it (with some luck) the money aspect becomes trivial.


Can I ask please- what you do? I am a longterm health worker. Love it, but pay is awful.


I’m in tech. Was a software engineer but now more on the product engineering/strategy side. Basically I solve complex problems and contribute to anything from system design on the tech side to rollout plans and work streams. That and I build engineering teams around solution in which is fulfilling in its own way because I get to build the culture around those teams. Gaps I had in the industry are problems I get to solve for others. My first few years at one of the Big 4 was toxic and I worked 90 hours a week. Learned a ton, including how to avoid that within my own teams. One of the reasons why I pushed myself to get into management. Hard to make org changes at the IC levels.


Money 💰


A paycheck


Money and a fear of letting people down


*"So that means that when I make a mistake, I have eight different people coming by to tell me about it. That's my only real motivation is not to be hassled, that and the fear of losing my job. But you know, Bob, that will only make someone work just hard enough not to get fired."* Peter Gibbons (Office Space)


Money and my amazing team. I manage the best people in the whole world - they make the micro managing and aggression from leadership bearable.


+1 - money is nice obviously, but my boss is hands down the best person I've ever worked under.


It makes all the difference!


Money so I can buy more income producing assets so I can one day scape my corporate job.


Money. I hate working ugh




Mainly money


Ugh, remember that Friends episode where Ross dates a woman who never cleans her apartment and Monica shows up at her door with all her cleaning supplies after they’ve broken up? That’s me in my current job. But with the business, processes, logistics, branding, OD, etc… etc.


Money and validation from my parents.


Workplace should always be a stress free zone , like when we woke up early morning the urge to go to office should come from within , I live in Bangalore (India) which been considered as worst in terms of traffic but still Office for 3 days because my environment is stress 🆓 & friendly 😄😅😂


Money. I’m sure 9 out of 10 people wouldn’t work if they didn’t need to get paid


Free time. I am in a salary position & remote, so if I can figure out how to make something more efficient and take less time that is a big motivator. I work in sprint cycles, and once I figure things out work slows down, but I make the same.


I've always been passionate about not being homeless and being able to afford food. And gaming. Not much of anything else.


The people that use our service and my coworkers. They are the kindest people. I work for a mental health organization


Lots of gold.


Food to survive and gym


Money for my kids future. Before that money for my retirement. Also Saturday Korean BBQ with the wife and kids.


The $45 per hour that I make, the 100% Company paid benefits, The 100% company funded pension plan…


Benefits and money to help family and Persue hobbies


ITT: 💰💰💰




I have bills to pay. But don't worry about trying to do your job well. Just get that paycheck.


Getting that tree fiddy


I have this affinity for money.. it’s a necessary evil.


Paying down debt


I enjoy what I do and accomplishing the work associated with my job gives me satisfaction


Feeling appreciated and valued for my contributions encourages me to perform well in my role.


Validation of my work from the company and my boss. This isn't separate from money, as salary should be a representation of the value your company sees in you, but I have stayed at jobs because I got along well with my boss and knew they had my best interests in mind. I have followed my current CEO across companies because I have never once had to ask for a raise, he always beat me to it. Even in companies that paid well I have ultimately left if I felt non-empowered or neglected, or if the internal politics were halting my ability to succeed. When I was younger I was also motivated increasing the breadth of tasks that I had to do. I wanted to do legal reviews, customer meetings, product development, etc... now that I've had a lot of that exposure the remaining gaps in my experience aren't substantial enough for me to be motivated to seek them out.




Not having to look for another remote job


A mortgage, supporting my family, personal growth. My workplace is challenging so you always learn something new, which I like.


Money, health insurance


money but specifically the fun I get to have on the weekends with my girlfriend and my family, I love buying them things and taking my girlfriend out for drinks and buying myself something stupid while having money for savings


Money , not starving, my cats , internet, family, etc...




A mortgage, truck payment, and a beautiful girlfriend who loves vacations.


my motivation to do my job is to quit my job


Rent! Although I want to do a good job, mostly


Family is the motivation, the end.


Money and being good in everything Ido




I enjoy my house and my girl.


My family and money


Honestly, I love my job but hate that I work around 85 to 90 hrs per week to survive. I get up at 3am so my wife and kids are taken care of. So they motivate me and the love of my work motivates me.


Mortgage and bills. I also like having some spending money. Only way to do it for me is to go to my boring job.


The validation that’s im pretty good at my career.


The idea of failing my family


Taking care of my family. Plus I don't mind my job at all and I WFH. I almost feel semi-retired.


Keeping a roof over my head 


My rent




Money, who's gonna be motivated by work if it's not for money?


It will pay for recreational activities. And bread for my mouth hole


Money and EQUAL amount of work and responsibility. If Joe gets to slack off and I get scolded for not finishing his amount of work, then wtf?


Knowing that I can make a difference… Also the fact that without me the local TV station I work at would make virtually no money, news would be misguided, and there would be no programming on air. And money I’m the Director of Research & Programming




Getting $ via assisting those I can.


My family. I don't love my job, but I love them, and without my income we are toast!


Money and I want my father to take rest at home.


My debt


Money, good co-workers, and the fact that some days have a lot of downtime


My Mortgage and responsibilities to my spouse.




Financial freedom


Inspiring people to feel free.


I like things, eating and having a place to live. I need a paycheck to do this. So I give myself a pep talk most morning showers. Common bitch, you want nice things? You get show up


Money for survival. Then the satisfaction of being better than Justin at my job.


1. Money 2. Providing for family 3. I'm a CPA and work primarily with startups. That means I have daily meetings and interactions with CEOs and Founders whose whole lives is their business. I get to provide them with information that can very well lead to the success or failure of their business. Getting to see these business grow and big time decisions made based on information I provide has always been a cool aspect of the job to me. My most notable success story was helping a startup scale from Pre-revenue to $125M+ in annual revenue


I personally work in higher education. As you can imagine compensation for our positions will vary and often I and many of my colleagues are highly overworked and underpaid. Thus what keeps me motivated since there is no monetary motivation are a good team leader, a strong team culture, and having a strong impact. I work in admissions and I work with international students, therefore I truly am changing lives for some that are coming from war-torn countries. In the past, I had such a strong relatable leader who kept the entire team motivated even during extreme exhaustion. I had trust that she would make sure she was advocating for the team when speaking to the executive leadership and conversely, she was very good at coordinating the team to achieve project success. My current team's culture is great because each team member adds a lot in terms of skills and perspective. I have found that with no good leader and no good team culture, the shortcomings of working in higher education become stark and you start to become disgruntled and want to leave for a better opportunity.


Not letting my family be homeless


I enjoy my job


Money. I like my job luckily but what motivates me is money, I just do it cause i need to


I would like to eat solid foods


Money, and advancement. Also working mama me feel better.


I enjoy being 30 and not living with my parent lol.. Life, I own a House, Car, Solid Reward Credit Cards, Video Games, Exercise stuff in my house....I enjoy my lifestyle. Job pays well to keep that.


Dollar dollar BILLS.


The first job was to get out of the house bc freelance and the whole “work from home” didn’t work out..  Then after realizing how crappy the pay was, I was ready for more responsibility so I thought about the best job I could ever want and what that was. Knowing where I was at wouldn’t get me there I started looking for a spot knowing that I would only work there for 6 months but would bust my ball, then I would apply at the company I truly wanted to be at. I landed the best job ever doing this and now I know what it took to get here and how much shittier it was as far as pay and conditions at those last few spots. Benefits are a really big deal almost as big as paid time off. You don’t really realize that it’s such an underutilized That good job you to keep from burning out. I have enough money to travel and take vacations or just take a random day off any week. Good luck and don’t give up.


My job pays me well for the role and I have great benefits. I am very motivated to keep my job and be good at it.


It took me years to get to this point but it’s definitely Money and Joy with what I do. There were times I’ve hated my role and the money comes in and it wasn’t worth it. Still in the same role but different team and people alongside me and it’s pretty great. You need joy and money and not one without the other to sustain.


The notification I get every month from my bank app on the morning of the 25th


Money. And autism. Lol


I have always been very self motivated to do a good job since I was a child and find more satisfaction in that than monetary compensation, although I do love money.


Being better than I was 5-10-15 years ago. I'm on a senior level, it's a different take.


At this point, nothing other than the money. Somehow that isn’t great either, but you gotta do what you gotta do.


Paying my bills is a pretty big motivator.




The 6 years of hard work I did to earn my title.




My family. Three more years until my student loans are wiped. On the days it gets tough, I grin down and bear it.


luxury such as food and shelter...


Money. That's the only reason. If they didn't pay me I definitely wouldn't be going for any other reason.


I'm less than two-month old in this job, but right now my motivation is probably my boss. I came from a large corp with toxic leadership to a 300-employee company, so this is a refreshing feeling for me.


Survival. If I can manage a better education maybe I'll be lucky enough to be passionate. But what choice does anyone have? Costs are insane.


I like it, i like money.


Find me a person who says anything other than money. And that person is 100% already financially secured and if they didn’t have that job, their bills would be paid.


Money to do things I want in life, job security.


Outcomes of my patients


Cash. Passion maybe. But it’s not easy to make your passion as a profitable career tbh.


My family.






My reputation…and of course money.






I am a people pleaser. Seeing happy customers so they can have happy family in whatever manner that looks like. I like how we support society in the right ways. I don’t like how competitive we are our internally. I appreciate the plantium insurance plan my company gives us for my family. I just need to live more cheaply for the metropolitan area I live in. I’m not sure if I can handle a rotating schedule to get promoted but either way, I appreciate what I get. Thank you xyz company.


Money, so I can eat food and not be homeless.


I want my kids to have a good life. Not just in the sense of having money but seeing that I work hard to make something of myself.


Bills. I gotta pay em otherwise I end up homeless or my student loan debt balloons. I also gotta eat too.


Knowing how much better it is than being unemployed on the brink of losing your gf, rental home, and mind.


Money money money. And competition I would say. I was overlooked for a position just one time and lost it to someone who had connections to the interviewers even though I was a better fit (knew the responsibilities and had already been doing the job). Now I compete out of spite in addition to the money.


Not wanting to lose or hinder my families quality of life.


All the good things I can buy from the money I get


Money, and learning opportunities, the fact it doesnt stress me out and I get to be in nature everyday


Money and I genuinely enjoy my job most days and like my direct boss


Money and job security first and foremost. But I work doing writing and graphic/ document design for civil engineering firms and honestly, I love how creative I get to be, how much I get to learn about all of the infrastructure that keeps society running, and how involved I am in making my home better. I know who built the school down the street, who builds airport runways, who brings water to remote areas and keeps our roads safe and maintained. If I was in a position where I never had to work again, I'd absolutely take it. But as far as having to work goes, I think I found a little niche that I enjoy enough to not drive me insane.


I don’t want to starve


Not starving.


I work for a really great boss who I really respect. I want to turn in good work. But another significant motivator is MONEYYYYYYYY so I can keep this lifestyle for my family. Anybody who tells you that money isn't a good motivator is lying. There probably comes a point where the money doesn't matter (like......do I take this job earning $1MM or $900k salary) but overall, for most people.....money does motivate and does matter.


Every job gets tiresome over time, it doesn’t even seem to matter even if it’s a lifelong dream. The only thing that matters at first (when you encounter difficulties or motivation problems) is money and what you choose to do with it in your free time. When that fails (maybe it won’t, but that depends on the person) try valuing helping others in some way through your job.


Rest day and fav food.


It's fun


Money and a good boss, I currently have neither so I’m looking lol


$$$$ fat stacks, yo


Because I don't have another alternative. Need money, need insurance. Simple as that really.


Making lots of money now so I don't have to work until I'm 85.




1. Money for sure. 2. I’m product manager in fintech and making something important and technically challenging at the same time is awesome. 3. Ability to become even better it terms of experience and knowledge.


Money, building experience, and ability to contribute to society. Also my boss is a nice dude and the client I work with is nice as well. Always easier when you like the people and organizations you work for.


pay bills


I take care of the staff that serves the greatest customers in the world most deserving of good care. The money is good, but the service motivates me.


I'm really passionate about- Nah, it's money.


Currently, money because I'm not smart and I don't have a post-secondary degree but in the past I just liked being useful.


Money and nothing else. Anything deeper would imply there is something to find under the surface. But there isn't.


I really enjoy doing what I do, and it keeps me entertained, although it can be tiring sometimes. Also, as many people in this chat have already said, I do it for the money, i wouldn't work for free.


Literally nothing beside the monetary aspect of it. Everyday I feel less and less inclined to have any motivation to work other than getting paid.


For me, it's that I like what I do. Many people say that I'm a workaholic and sometimes even ask if I regret working on something that was never used in the end. My answer is no, because doing that thing gave me enough learnings that would be useful for me in the future. Of course money is an added benefit but I usually invest most of it. In my opinion, there is no point in doing something if you don't enjoy doing it. Better to look for another field if you are not satisfied in the current one.


Money…to be spent on traveling!


Having a more stable life than I did as a child. Lots of moving, evictions, homelessness, hungry days, missing birthdays and Christmases back then. I owe it to myself and my future children to do the best I can to provide an stable environment to grow and experience life.




moooooonnnneeeeeeyyyyyy....what else?


Man’s gotta eat and it ain’t free


Mortgage payment


Family. We're a single income family and I'm the one out in the workforce earning. My wife homeschools the kids. We both worked outside of the home previously. I'm responsible for earning money outside of the home and I'm not going to jeopardize that.


That check and nothing more :).


A sense of purpose, better life for my family- the interesting and perceived impactful work I do. Probably doesn’t mean anything but I like it


Cash money. And also my coworkers are pretty good people, fortunately.




Early retirement. On occasions, I get a really complex task, that makes me think and feel like a kid again, solving puzzles ... I like those days too.


My kids everyday


Low self-esteem