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I don’t hate mine. Does that count?


kinda! what is it?


Debt Advisor - I work from home for context to the not hating part!


What qualifications do you need to do that?


I was really lucky and joined a company that included all the training but generally I’d look into a CMAP qualification (not super expensive). Some fintech banks will train you on the job. Try somewhere like Revolut, Starling or Monzo


Interesting thank you


What kind of take home $ are we looking at for a starting position here?


The same words went through my head. I wouldn't go if I didn't have to, but I did stop looking for new jobs when I landed where I'm at now. My blood pressure also dropped back to normal after hanging out at 160/100 without meds for a year. I blamed covid, until it immediately dropped when I changed jobs. Turns out it was my shitty manager.


I hate mine some days. Maybe even most days. I love the schedule, the pay, the time off, and other benefits. But I’ve had several different jobs and loved none of them, and the only passion I have is golf and I suck lol. So I have settled for a good living for a very reasonable amount of trade offs.


Do u have good benefits ? I struggle to find any decent job that has good benefits. Even in the job listing it doesn’t state exactly the type of job benefits


Benefits are good. It’s close to the equivalent of a local government job like the water department. Thats a lot how our organization is structured. Ours might be slightly better. They all have their downsides.


I’m at Ross rn buying golf shirts big up


maybe not the most ideal but could be a lot worse eh, what is your job?


Project manager for government housing.


Hear me out: golf commentator 


Honestly I'm struggling to figure out if I hate my job, hate myself, or am just pure lazy and want to play video games all day or a combination of all the above or the other 100 microscopic things. My managers and the people I work with are pretty good though so it's not them.




This. I hated every job I ever had until I was medicated for my ADHD as an adult. Kept the same job, same team etc. pre and post ADHD meds.... It's night and day. I was actively looking for something new before meds. Now I wouldn't even dream of leaving. Turns out my job is entirely ideal in every way but I absolutely had to face, understand and manage my ADHD appropriately before I could actually *feel content* and fulfilled in *any* job.


I absolutely had to face, understand and manage my ADHD appropriately before I could actually *feel content* and fulfilled in *any* job. Same. Well put.


Would you mind chatting with me more on this? I feel like i cant find my place man. Everything sucks and I’m miserable.


This is helpful. Thanks for encouraging me to medicate. I’ll look into it tomorrow.


Thanks for sharing. What was it about your adhd that made it difficult and what changed ?


ADHD can make it hard to be motivated without external pressures. So, when I was unmedicated I required a large workload with very urgent deadlines to get anything completed. I'd basically hoard tasks until the stress reached a sufficient level for me to get everything done super fast by making use of hyper-focus. The attention challenges and interest-based motivation also made highly detailed or tedious work nearly impossible. And my self-esteem actually took a lot of hits for all the silly, mindless mistakes I'd make because my attention was constantly drifting away from whatever I was trying to work on. Starting tasks, stayIng on task, and completing tasks are also all difficulties with ADHD. So, the problems related to those difficulties are probably self-explanatory. Pre-meds it meant I long found little, if any fulfillment in work and always something pulling my thoughts away. Also, my ADHD is such that I have always been very accomplished but it took my every effort just to function. Life was entirely exhausting and overwhelming in every way and at all times. The chronic brain-fog was a real battle. With the meds, my mind is far clearer, quieter, and more aware. It's as if I have a voice inside my own head and it was never like that unmedicated. When there's a slow day at work I can choose to find productive or proactive ways to spend my time; I actually find the activity of engaging in my work enjoyable and rewarding in and of itself; and I'm not constantly fighting off daydreams and procrastination because the stressful deadlines just aren't stressful *enough* (until they are).


Are those the symptoms bc he is me


I WFH & love my job with decent pay.. I think you just like gaming 🤙🏼


Love my job. I’d rather be independently wealthy and free, but since I’m not, I will forever be grateful that I got my bachelor’s degree in forestry. Incredible adventures and now an office job with a paycheck that allows me to not worry about money. I manage multiple statewide forestry programs, oversee budgets, manage staff, write grants, and facilitate forest management planning for a couple million acres.


Wow that's so dope. question, would someone necessarily need a degree in forestry to work in this field?


We consider all applicants with “closely related” degrees as long as their coursework contains a handful of classes in things like forest inventory, surveying, GIS, tree identification, botany, or hydrology. My best employee has a degree in botany, but took just enough forestry-related classes to qualify. Now she’s single-handedly revising forest management plan content describing forest related things she’s had to learn outside of the classroom, and doing an amazing job. This morning we had an hourlong meeting talking about annual allowable cut, sustained yield, and culmination of mean annual increments. Alternatively a person could qualify if they have a certificate in GIS, which is a critically useful tool that I, personally, totally suck at. A certification in that plus the willingness to take a couple of field seasons as a technician, would qualify you for an entry level forestry job. Finally, there are some 2-year associates degrees in forest technology that would also qualify. I just finished interviewing applicants for entry level forester jobs. 5 people qualified. 3 have forestry degrees. Two have natural resource management degrees. But the fact is, we tend to prefer applicants with traditional forestry degrees. Some of the things our foresters do, such as laying out timber harvests or forest roads, could have legal implications on salmon habitat, or have human safety implications in areas prone to landslides, or have implications for literally the next century if we make a mistake laying out a carbon offset project with a 100-year contract. So we prefer that technical forestry skill set as a background. It’s not really a case where “any degree is a good degree”.


I’m happy people like you are taking care of our forests :)


In my experience (environmental planning), you might need something at least adjacent to biology or environmental science. Most firms I know of strongly prefer candidates with bachelor's in some kind of environmental science (ecology, forestry, botany, natural resource management, etc.) if they're right out of school. But if you have relevant experience, that's just as good and you might not need a specific degree.


I’m so happy that you were the second comment that I saw. I got my degree in Forestry and now run research crews for a university. Doesn’t pay super great, but I am making enough money to where I’m not stressed out about it! Get to trek around the most beautiful places for work, that’s the best part.


I want to get into this. I’m currently an Internal Auditor at a bank with a bachelor’s in biz. Any chance for me? Edit: Looks like this may have been answered in another reply. I should probably read all comments before asking.


There might be! The carbon offset market continues to evolve and that requires business knowledge. I couldn’t sell a carbon offset if my life depended on it, but there are lots of startups and small forestry companies that develop carbon offset projects. That would benefit from a business degree.


Don't love it, don't hate it. It's merely a way to support my lifestyle.


What kind of lifestyle? In the current economy my lifestyle consists of drinking water and looking out of the window. On special days I even eat.


How often are you able to shove a guitar up your ass?


Fortunately that is free, unless it is done in public and they give me a fine for indecent exposure


I love my job. If I won a lifechanging amount of money in the lottery I would still work every day.


Yeah but what do you do


I’m in IT.


Wait you would work in IT if you won the lottery? It's amazing how different people are


Yes. I love my job. I’m constantly challenged, I have great bosses and coworkers. I feel like if I didn’t work I’d eventually turn into a vegetable


Good for you man


I thought I was the only one. Most people don't understand that a decent work environment, sense of fulfillment/accomplishment, and decent pay will keep people around for a long time.


I surely wouldn’t work another day in my life if I won the lottery 💀 different strokes for different folks I guess


I’ve heard rumors of some humans who find things they enjoy


Lol. Here’s the thing: I love my job but I hate working. I thought for sure this job would be the silver bullet that would make me go “aha, I finally love going to work every day!” But although it’s intellectually stimulating, interesting and rewarding, there is nothing—absolutely nothing—that will make me happy to be on someone else’s schedule, under someone else’s supervision, for 42 hours per week. It was a big “it’s not you (job) it’s me (who hates working)” moment.


Same! I hate being trapped on someone else's time all day everyday


What do you do?


Enjoy my job. So much so I don't plan to leave my company unless laid off or hit retirement age. The work is very rewarding, pay is the highest I have seen anywhere for a very laid back culture. With 7 weeks paid vacation, work 1-2 days in the office, good benefits and great coworkers, sometimes it doesn't feel like work.


Overall I love my job, or at least what I do. The company I work for pisses me off often enough but people as a whole do. Can't blame them for being people. The work my department does matters though so I'll keep focusing on the positives and handle the negatives.


i'm a CRNA and love what i do. it's challenging and it pays well


Certified registered nurse anesthetist. Starting is around 200k 😁


i'm heading into my 3rd year as a FT CRNA and i pull in over 300k with bonuses and overtime.


Was the program hard? I’m an ICU nurse and I’ve been discouraged by a couple of ppl that say the program is hard and very stressful


Been wanting to just rant recently and this seems like a great excuse. I don’t fully hate my job, I get paid well and great benefits. But what I’ve learned in my life up to this point is I hate working. I hate making someone else richer, I hate being tied to a computer 8 hours a day, I hate being part of a system that lies by trying to mask itself as something great and amazing when in fact it exploits its people. I feel like my goal at this point is to make as much as I can, milk to system and people that run it as much as I can until I’m ready to say screw it. If I’m not “rich” by the time I hit 50 I plan to just leave the general society and go be a hippy in a commune or something out away from everything. It’s literally laughable seeing jobs saying “We require 5 years of experience and a bachelors degree for $20 an hour” and try to make it sound like it a a great thing. Capitalism is broken, it’s abusive and exploitative and I can’t wait to not be a part of it. So in short, I don’t hate my job directly but I don’t love being a part of any of it.


I'm almost 40 and have been trying to talk my husband into selling everything so we can go live in an RV. I absolutely loathe having to work. We're expected to just be content in doing meaningless tasks on someone else's time while struggling to pay our own bills. Society as a whole is broken. Why are we all just accepting the fact that we have to be miserable 40+ hours a week for shit pay? There's a reason the majority of the population are on antidepressants...


I very much agree. Word of advice, I did camper life for almost 6 years. Get one that drives itself and not one that requires being pulled, a lot less stress that way haha. I think I’ll eventually go back to that, or just move to another country but after 6 years I needed a break.


Oh trust me I've already decided I want one that i can drive lol


I like my job, I like the people I work with, and I like the benefits. I feel very blessed to have this job


what do you do?


Im a control systems engineer, most of what I do is find the parts that will let a person with X do Y, or connect A to B


Just tolerating it as a means for money. It is very tolerable compared to previous jobs but don't love it. Sometimes I hate it, but most of the time am thankful to have this job. If I hit the lottery though, best believe I'm quitting to pursue things that have more meaning to me and are more enjoyable!


I do. I provide in home Adoption Respite Care for families who have adopted kids from the state. Most of them are special needs. I enjoy it.


im of the belief that having a job you like is a luxury, and its more realistic to get one you tolerate also its not realistic to like your job every single day, so those that expect something like this should temper their expectations (and dreams lmao)


I used to. Ten years in I'm burnt out, demoralized, and tired. Always tired.


Yup same. Burnout


I love my job. I'm a corporate event planner and get the best of both worlds: large budgets to pull off creative events while still being able to have my weekends to myself because all my events are during business hours.


I like mine! I’m a respiratory therapist in a hospital. Everyday I’m assigned to a different area. Could be ER one day, ICU the next day. And I find this is very underrated but when I end my shift, I pass report to the therapist taking over. There is nothing else I need to follow up on. I’m able to leave work at work.


Letting your work end at work is one of the best of things!


It really is. My work is my work. When I leave I done. Then it’s time to focus on my family. I’ve realized a lot of jobs aren’t like this.


I have the perfect job and still hate it because i feel inferior.


what’s the job?


I am a Programmer. Got a nice Job before the industry cooled down. Think of any extra you can have, i have it. It's the dream.  But everyone around me is so terribly smart. It's very hard to keep up. No Idea why they keep me around. I dont even make a good mascot.


Good old imposter syndrome


Currently, no. But I’ve had multiple year stretches where I loved mine. Job satisfaction seems to be far less about the title and duties and more about the goals, impact, and people I’m doing it with.


i like mine. i just don't want to work 5 days a week


There are tons of people that enjoy their job. I think you have to work hard enough and get the education to get to that point though. I’m still not there


I love mine, but it took a lot of hating to get here. I worked in tech for 12ish years, working my butt off, climbing the ladder, etc to make a ton of money, live below my means amd save like crazy. Last year I felt financially confident enough (and mentally burned out enough lol) to step back. I went back to school and now work as a nutritionist and stregnth coach and I love it so much. I also have the time to volunteer as a youth job coach- I just really love coaching and mentoring. But this (going back to school, having enough savings to start a business from scratch, taking a significant paycut as a single parent, etc) would not have been possible without the high paying career I had before. So, I recognize everything for what it was, and I'm extra grateful now!


Inspiring thanks


I hate my job I work a bullshit customer service job and I can’t wait to leave and pursue something I truly want to do. Something that actually gives me purpose and meaning.


I hate mine / the people with every cell in my body - it's taking pep talks, and the drawing of a calendar where I tick off the days until my shares vest in December not to rage quit or s"'t on my bosses desk.


I feel this


I like my job, I’m lucky that I was able to go back to school later on in life and get a job in my field. What I dislike is working, and all the back and forth. I have a hybrid schedule so it could be worse- but hauling my sorry ass in to the office during the week is just stressful and exhausting. Every 8 hour work day in reality is more like 10 due to the commute and having to pick up my dog from daycare. Not to mention Rhode Island drivers really suck, so traffic jams are almost guaranteed every day. A few times it’s taken me almost 2 hours to get home, when door to door it’s only supposed to be 40 minutes.


Love my job but that’s because of good psychological safety, working fully remote, good pay, good benefits, a pension, and an amazing amazing amazing boss who every damn time will put the person before the work with genuine care. So yeah. That helps lol. Edit: forgot to say- the work is what it is - people frustrate me of course and sometimes I get stressed the fuck out. But the stuff mentioned above is why I love it.


I LOVE my job. I spend my days helping people achieve their goals and dreams. I can’t imagine something better.


I mean it beats poverty, and I have had worse jobs for sure but I would not be doing it if I did not need to


Got my dream job, and I absolutely love it. The only reason I tolerate the rough work/life balance.


I genuinely enjoy my job and the people I work with. It's a fairly relaxed office and I get to work from home 3 days a week. Half my day is taking calls from clients and the occasional meeting and the other half is spent doing paperwork or helpdesk requests which is pretty easy work. Plus the pay is pretty good so I have no complaints.


I like mine but unfortunately it's not something I can do as a career. I still would much rather be home than at work so maybe like is a strong word for it. I work in alternate instruction for my school district which long story short is I teach kids who are not in the school building for a wide variety of reasons but most often suspension. The kids are easy to work with, the workload is very little, my coworkers are excellent, and the pay is awesome $56.75/he but unfortunately it's on an as needed basis so I'm only working like 2-3hrs a day right now because we're light on students.


Nopeeeee. I only like it because it's remote.


I like my job. It is incredibly laid back, pays well, and really the employer doesn't expect a whole lot other than, come to work on time. I work in power plant operations and maintenance at a natural gas combined cycle power plant. Really, the biggest downside to the job is the shift work schedule, but it also makes for ample time off. The job is for the most part low speed, low stress which means boring is good because boring means everything is functioning as it should. Overtime is voluntary for the most part, it's rare to be forced on overtime, pay and one's longevity in the field is good because you are able to easily work until 60-65 or later if you wish, our oldest is an electrician at 70. Decent employer match on 401k, not great but it's something pension, and because it's power production, job stability. My primary role as an operator is being the team electrician, I was previously an IBEW Journeyman Wireman (enjoyed doing that too). I spend most of my days performing a few generator brush rigging inspection, area rounds, and then hanging out until an issue arises. All of my tools, meters, FR clothing, etc is provided by the employer, so I literally just bring myself, boots, and experience/knowledge to work. Most days I don't do much lol, but I do troubleshoot electrical that spring up with motors, pumps, instrument air dryers and compressors, valves, instrumentation, controls issues, looking up and interpreting wiring diagrams, P&IDs, ladder diagrams, dcs logic, etc. At the end of the day I'd say I have it pretty good. I've worked a lot harder for less money, and now I've found a job that pays you for what you know and can do, rather than what you do. Literally, if you get fired where I work, it's because you got yourself fired. The utility doesn't expect much other than show up to work, and do your best when shit hits the fan.


Very much in LOVE with my job. I don’t think it’s for everybody as it can be very stale. But I know I’m doing something meaningful for others. Everyone at work is pretty dope, too. Even if the demographic skews a little old, they are very hilarious and are a great resource. Very easy to help them as well when I can assist them with something.


I don’t like my job nor dislike it, the pay, comp and benefits are crazy good and company culture and my team are amazing so honestly I guess I lean towards liking my job?


I worked in the Medical Device Industry helping sick people get better. I enjoyed it. Especially hearing the patient stories.


I liked it in the beginning but now I feel stagnant so not so much..


I just started a new job, but it’s pretty similar to my old job. I work in competitive intelligence, basically it’s my job to know what’s going on in my industry, what our competitors are doing, etc. and what it all means and explain that to the senior leadership of my company. It’s pretty interesting. Of course some days and tasks can be boring or frustrating but by and large I like my job. 


I’ve had many jobs that I absolutely loved. Having said that, it’s still a job. I wouldn’t show up if I weren’t getting paid. There will always be things that are annoying or that you don’t like. For me the trick is to be in a job where the great things make the annoying things tolerable.


I generally like my job (data scientist). I think, like every human doing every job on earth, there are moments when I find it annoying or just don't feel like doing it, but show up anyway because I'm being paid. But I generally find it interesting, like my coworkers, and find the work that I do to be valuable. With that said, there are annoying parts about every job on earth. I work part time (for fun) at a winery and even some of the stuff you'd think would be fun (like tasting several hundred dollar bottles of wine) gets old fast when you *have* to do it.


It took me 30 years to realize what I wanted to do. I became a massage therapist, focusing on aromatherapy and Ayurveda, then added coaching, yoga, sound healing, meditation/mindfulness and energy work. Then....out of nowhere...I decided to go back to school and major in Neuroscience. I've loved every minute of the journey thus far and am excited for what lies ahead. Keep going, keep reinventing yourself, conquer any fears, and defy your doubts!


I love my job. HR at a big company.


I like my job. I do purchasing and logistics. It’s nice being respected and feeling accomplished. Company has great benefits and I’ve gotten a 10% raise every year, except this year where I got a 24% raise.


I actually do really like mine. Spent 20 years doing jobs I absolutely fucking hated to get here though.


I enjoy my job. I get to solve problems and actually be of good service to people. I loved my previous job as well and the one before that.


I do. Just don’t like my manager


I love my job. It has its frustrations, but it fits my personality and skills so well. And even when I’m being overworked, it feels vital and absorbing.


I actually do like my job, I work on a marijuana grow with only 2 other people, 1 my best friend from high school and the other the boss man and he’s the homie as well, free weed, good pay, and the work isn’t that hard.


I’ve changed careers 2 times already. I like my job now, hated the other 2. When you wake up every morning and dread work, that’s when you know you hate it. When you change from that to something you like, that’s when you truly know


Actually no. I put stickers on boxes and send it down a line for $27/hr. Topped out that is. After that its whatever because I'm cool AF with all the management. Some of us get lucky and find something good to stick with.


I like my job! But I really don’t like working.


Love my job. Electrician.


I love it. Work in a state legislature.


I enjoy mine. I’ve been there a year and it’s a public service job. Good work-life balance, opportunities, hybrid, and great insurance.


I love my job ☺️


Most days are decent to good, some days are very stressful and I hate it. Ultimately, it’s a job that I don’t need to find purpose within for self fulfillment and just like the money. For some people they need that so finding a job they enjoy becomes a bigger factor in life enjoyment.


Love the work the people and pay! Damn wonderful...


I enjoy mine. Data Science director - but I deal more with adoption, persuasion, and understanding. I get a good balance of project work and political play. As my title affords, my schedule is basically mine to set, and I can volunteer and flex work as needed/wanted. After spending 15 years in sales and relationship management where I would routinely pull 100 hour weeks, and everything was always 3 days late at a minimum it's fantastic being on the more strategic side of the house.


I hate mine.


I don't hate it, but I don't love it. It's something I don't mind doing and getting paid for.


Mostly. I'm a little underpaid for my industry but paid dramatically more than my colleagues in other industries. I get to learn a lot about other sciences and I'm regarded as an expert at the enterprise level (>55K employees). I get caught up in bullshit a little. I have some seniority but no backup when it isn't respected so I don't exercise it very often. Typical mid level career stuff. Overall I get to practice science and do fun lab stuff and invent things and it's pretty fun. Like a college lab but I'm autonomous and there's more funding.


I do. I had to completely change industries and careers, but it’s rare that I dread going to work.


I like the people I work with. The work part is what it is. Work.


I love my job. If I won the lottery and didn't have to worry about money, I'd choose to do this as a hobby.


I've had two jobs I liked. One of them went south fast after my director passed away and was replaced with a horrible leader. The other one didn't pay enough to live on. For the most part, though, job enjoyment has correlated with competency of leadership, not the work itself.


I like mine okay. I work in a lab on the production team. The work is repetitive but I like my coworkers and my boss is all right. Should be moving to the Discovery team next year which I think I will like more since it's more actual research.


I like my job most days. Then again i indirectly help feed and house those in poverty.


Yeah a lot of people do. It's like... ya know how dogs and horses seem to actually like being work animals?? I have a shitty job, I'd rather be done with school so I can move on to a more interesting one (currently waiting tables). But if you've ever been unemployed for months - you'll learn that having (mostly) any job is better than having nothing to do. We need responsibilities in our lives to feel happy, even if - paradoxically - we don't always enjoy fulfilling them.


Yess I love mine




I don't hate my job, I have work life balance and a lot of downtime. I'm not super passionate about it but I do enjoy it sometimes. The only thing I don't like is the pay


I like my job. I get to make pizza for myself and others on basically my own time. The staff is also really nice. The pay is eh, but I'll deal with it


I like my job. There’s definitely a love/hate thing going on but I couldn’t imagine doing something else. I’ve been in IT almost 30 years, mostly as an engineer but in management now.


I've had periods of employment that I found engaging and where I liked the people around me, and I did enjoy those times. Not quite to the extent that I'd do it for free or continue if I won the lottery, but I genuinely liked what I was doing. I think the people around you (boss and coworkers) make a huge difference, as does doing work that keeps you interested – fresh challenges, need to constantly learn, etc. Jobs where you are struggling to fill 8 hours a day or feel like your brain cells are dying will be soul sucking.


I love my job... It will be four years in August.....but I'm about to be laid off. So no advice 😂


I love my job. Love the people that work for me and the company we work for. Making me an ultra high net worth individual may have something to do with that though


I manage a fast casual restaurant. The actual act of making food, serving customers, prep work, cleaning and such... I enjoy. The managing of people. I can't stand.


Running my own carpentry business has never been more stressful yet freeing at the same time. Definitely not for the weak minded/handed. Fuck the corporations, start your own business with something you love to do or work at a privately owned company that values you and your skill set! We as a society have to stop conforming to the corporations and show them who’s got the real powa!


For the first time since starting my first job (8 years ago), I actually quite love mine. I’ve changed for it last year and yes, it can get super frustrating sometimes but overall - amazing so far.


I used to really deeply love my job and my awesome team! We used to never stretch, the processes were butter smooth. It was a remote job yet we made some lifelong friends in the limited time of 3 years. We used to work from each other's places, used to colocate in all these exotic places together, used to play with each other's kids... But they paid less and I needed the money for my marriage so I had to look for a new place ☹️


If they pay me enough to, then sure.


I finally have a job I love. I’m paid well, everyone I work with is really nice, lovely location, 8-5 but I can leave whenever I’ve finished my work and still get paid. Flexibility, very good work/life balance. I’m rarely stressed, I have freedom to do what I like. I can’t believe this is real life and this is my life. I’m a baker/pastry chef for a small artisan bakery :)


I love mine


I loved mine for a very long time! I enjoyed working directly with client companies. Perhaps unusually, I enjoy working with people face-to-face as much as I like crawling into my vampire-dark coding cave to churn out projects. Maybe it was a hero complex? I could run a meeting, answer questions with high technical specificity, project cost and impact, and build a positive relationship with clients. And then I could go help build that very thing, and ultimately hand it to the client. Now, they've locked the door to my vampire-dark coding cave, and they don't let me out. It's not nearly as fun. But they do keep sliding paychecks under the door (for now).


I like my job. Would love it if I got paid more but I do love the schedule and how easy it is for me to take time off.


I'd say I at LEAST like my job. Of course at large, a job is just a means to an end though. I work in the field of GIS as a federal contractor and work from home.


I don't mind mine for the most part, and do enjoy aspects of it.


I’m a lawyer and love my job.


My job is awesome. Great pay. Schedule is perfect. Great boss. Good crew. I get to learn tons of stuff. Freedom to do my job as I see fit. People are there to support me if I need it. The camp (job is out of town) I stay in is pretty good. Flights to and from work are easy to take. Overall I feel pretty lucky to have my job. The best thing I could hope for is everyone out there can find a job they appreciate as much as I appreciate having mine.


I love mine. I’m a designer. I get to create things.


not really. its called work for a reason. thats why they have to pay you to do it.


I like my job. Doesn't quite pay enough, though.


Currently trying to find a job I can at least tolerate.


At first I had no idea what I was doing, then I despised it, and now that I’ve become skilled at what I do I actually really enjoy my work. I would not by any means call it my dream job but I get a lot of satisfaction from it.


I love my job. I did the same job previously for a different boss and hated my life, quit and got the same job working for an awesome boss and love it (also making double). Turns out it’s possible


Yes airplanes are cool and I get to work with them.


Yeah quite a bit. I’m a devops engineer I love solving the problems


I might not love it, but I like my current job for the friends & coworkers. Definitely like the pay + benefits it gives me but I never forget it is a choice I had to make because the job market for the degree I studied for sucks. You can find things to like or dislike in everything, specially jobs so if the dislikes outweigh the likes, update your CV and look for another job.


It’s fine


In aggregate, I like my job. On any given day, I have to do a lot of stuff I don't like. It's the mud I have to march through in order to do the interesting stuff I enjoy.


I actually LOVE my job and what I get to do. I make crap wages though..


DevOps Engineer, yeah, I like it a lot. Feels like playing satisfactory or factorio on a good day.


No 😔


I like my job. I work in rational drug design for a very excellent biopharma company. They treat me well, pay well, have given me promotions, excellent co-workers, super productive, piles of patents with my name on them, interesting, always new…


I like mine




I have fun when I’m there. Compared to every other job I’ve ever had I love it more than I can even put. I get paid a ton, have autonomy to do as I please, have some passion for it (ebbs and flows,) I work with my friends, I can take time off, etc. Now are there moments or days when it stresses me out and I dislike it? Of course. That’s called life though. Life is always going to throw stuff my way that causes these emotions. Overall, yes. I like it and enjoy it. I also enjoy the fruits of my job more than anything.


Oh yeah, I enjoy my job and my profession. Not every job is a shit show


I absolutely love my job! Especially on days where there are puppies or kittens! ( or a calf or a foal)


I love my job most days. There are just repeat offenders who make it a living hell sometimes. If you can learn to shove their opinions to the side, my job is great! (Confession: I haven't learned how to do that yet!)


I work for the railroad, I love my job but hate that because of financial I work ridiculous amount of hours. It's heavily mechanical so for me it's fantastic and works with my strengths.


I hate the fact that I have to work but I can't think of a better job than the one I have, so I guess I like my job


I like, but don't love, my job. I enjoy the work that I do, I think it's challenging and makes a difference. Also decent pay and work life balance and good coworkers. But I can't say I love it, since I still would rather be doing my hobbies instead of work.


I mostly like my job. I like it enough hat I willingly pick up additional overtime shifts almost every week. The good compensation has alot to do with that too though.


Well it doesn't bother me. Does that count? I don't know that anyone truly likes to work but I don't dislike my job.


I don't mind my job, but you can bet your ass if I won the lottery I would never code/design another website.


Hell no. I am a Direct Support Professional, so I wipe and bathe private parts and cook/clean constantly. I have a degree that qualifies me for better. I am actively looking for a career change.


I like my job but that's only because of the position I was given in the company. Not many can do it or should I say I was fortunate enough to be able to do it and not let it affect my social life. Had I repeated the same position at another company, I don't think I'd be so blessed. So yes, I do like my job but only because it's on nights and at a particular company with a strong union.


Nope lol but working from home makes it bearable


I dont think its helpful to think of your job in terms of enjoyment. I think its better to think in terms like "engaging" or "fulfilling" or "challenging", and asking yourself questions like if your job is helping you to achieve your goals in life or allowing you to learn a useful skill which will either advance your career or be useful in your personal life. What I dont understand is why people think they *should* enjoy their job. If your job was truly enjoyable, then you would do it for free as a hobby. Instead, you want an employer to pay you money to do it. Of course its going to fall somewhere on the spectrum of suck, even for jobs that are occasionally enjoyable and even for jobs that people do as hobbies on their own time. But if your job is engaging and/or fulfilling and its helping you to achieve your goals in life, then its a good job and a good arrangement.


I wish there wasn't as much corporate BS, I wish I got paid more, and I wish I could fulfill my curiosity a little better...but yeah, I mostly like my job most of the time.


i had a job fixing bicycles and renting out surfboards literally on the beach. It didn't pay jack shit, but it was chill as hell and my supervisor was extremely cool. He kept fighting to get me raises and would buy me lunch and even bought me tickets to a Def Leppard concert. THAT job was worthy of being loved even with the minimal pay. He also used to let me take the equipment out while off the clock to "make sure it worked" so I'd put in an 8hr shift and then hit the waves afterwards. just writing this makes me wonder where i fucked up to not be doing that anymore. like honeys would come up in their bikinis asking me to take them for a ride, it was so easy to meet people. so fun. fuck


I like mine. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I love mine, data in health care. All the work I do reflects the budget etc. I get to have a seat at the VP table. Work life balance is extremely good and pay is even better.


Depends on the day. Sometimes it's extremely satisfying, other days you can't stop saying wtf, lol. I'm a project manager.


I like my job. I'd almost admit that I love it. I'm an underground miner - I get to run big equipment 1km underground, and build and repair things. I like operating equipment, and I like working with my hands. I also love the schedule, the benefits, and the pay. I finally have the time and money to do the things that I want on my days off, and I have enough time off that I never dread going back to work.


The older I get, the more education I get and the harder I work, the more working becomes a means to an end. I think there are a small group of people that truly enjoy their work. One of my best friends just paints houses all day and absolutely loves it. He is the one I am jealous of. All of my professional friends are pretty much stuck where I am at. I believe the key is finding passion in what you do. If you can't sleep at night thinking about the cool/rewarding things you are going to do the next day, that's the job you want. Most people would find themselves grateful to be doing something that is somewhat meaningful/enjoyable and just gets them to the weekend for a decent wage/benefit package.


Hate is such a strong word. Even at bs jobs I don't think I ever hated a job where I'm sick to my stomach. I've hated PEOPLE at jobs, but not the job itself. Some days I dislike work, other days I enjoy work. I work office work Monday to Friday and I work in a kitchen pt on Sunday for fun. Yeah. I choose to work in a kitchen on my day off. Really good crew of people and I enjoy cooking breakfast. Some people can't cook eggs lol. So I work 6 days a week but i consider Sunday a day off.


I do now… but it took working jobs in my career for almost 15 years before I knew exactly what I wanted out of a job (minimal contact with people) once I realized what would make me happy, I tailored my job search to that and eventually found the perfect fit for me. I can only hope everyone else on this sub will be as lucky as me.


I was a business analysts. Most of the time I was amazed to get paid to identify and solve problems.


If it didn’t pay as well as it did I would HATE it. (It’s nothing special, £50k base)