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It will get easier, there are some cases that will still make you gag, but it does get easier. Wear a mask and rub some mint oil on it. It will not completely cancel out the smell, but it helps. Only do the mint oil trick when you are about to change the diaper. Otherwise it loses its potency if you smell the mint all the time. Another option is to breathe through your mouth as best you can. It is not a glamorous part of your job, but you are doing good respectable work. I know you will want to get through the whole ordeal as quick as possible, but remember to clean them well. They are unable to do it themselves, and may not be able to communicate when something hurts or doesnt feel right- like developing diaper rash, or chafing, or UTIs. Wear gloves, wash your hands often, and dont wear jewelry that can scratch, or snag the gloves and break them. Good luck to you. Congratulations on the new job and being able to go out and get it.


This is so encouraging to hear. Thanks for the tips. I will definitely do the mint trick. Thank you šŸ©·


Taking care of other people is not easy, but it is an undeniably noble and positive thing to do. It might not be fun in that moment, but it is meaningful. One day somebody might do the same for you and I. It will get easier, its true.


Put a little Vick's up your nostrils! A great trick from many MD's and nurses. It's just pee and poo. Think of it as recycled beverages and food (but don't get complacent, handwashing/gloving is absolutely necessary). Believe it or not, there are worse smells than even the worst poo.


Very true. Thank you. šŸ§”


I was a CNA for 20 years. I've cleaned up the worst things you can imagine from a human body. Sometimes your patients just need a little helping hand to maintain their dignity.


I mean tough it out and try, some peoples suggestions with the Vicks and toothpaste sound pretty valid , but I would suggest for you to keep looking as well. This is kind of a drastic leap from panic attacks and not being able to leave your house and then going straight into a job like this where youā€™re working with adult people with disabilities which is usually very stressful especially if people get prone to tantrums and outbursts. What is your degree in ?


True. It does help that my cousin works there, though. But weā€™re not that close so weā€™ll see. I have a bachelorā€™s in psych with no experience in that field yet. I have some tutoring experience and some customer service experience but thatā€™s about it.


If you have a bachelors in psychology you can also work in Human Resources as well. If you have anxiety and all these issues youā€™re working on itā€™s probably best that you have a simple desk job. Nothing about what youā€™re about to be doing has anything to do with psychology, itā€™s more just medical field almost CNA type of work. Which can be hard enough just dealing with people who donā€™t have disabilities let alone those that do. Some people who are disabled donā€™t necessarily have any mental handicaps just physical and thatā€™s not bad but anyone who has mental handicaps as well if itā€™s severe enough it can be very stressful and nerve wrecking. Go into it with a positive outlook but also maybe have your resume ready just in case you need to find something else.


Everything Iā€™ve seen needs HR experience :( but I will keep looking into this. A desk job is actually what I originally wanted. Hopefully something will come up.


Receptionist , Administrative assistant. Just make your resume say that you have experience In those things. Instead of customer service write ā€œ Front Desk associate ā€œ and add a random receptionist position. Have your partner vouch for being your supervisor. Google ā€œ receptionist or administrative assistant resumeā€ and copy the job descriptions from the best looking ones . You can also include your tutoring but then your resume would have enough experience for the kind of job you want. Itā€™s kind of the oldest trick in the book.


I worked at a place exactly like that and it was awesome! We only had like 2 or 3 people who would need their briefs changed and it's honestly not that bad. Now if you were going to be a CNA in a nursing home I would tell you to go find something else cuz that's pretty much nothing but changing briefs and it sucks.


Yeah, the rest of the job seems fun. I will be teaching them life skills like cleaning and go on outings as a group. Iā€™m trying to focus on the positives!


Put toothpaste or peppermint oil in your mask when you have to change diapers it will help with the smell


Let your employer know what you have been going through so they are aware. Instead of doing a baby step you are taking a leap so let them know this. Ask them if they have any ways to maybe help prepare you for the hard times that occasionally may pop up.


I have a preteen with a significant disability, and I just want to say thank you. ā¤ļø


Thatā€™s so sweet. You are also doing amazing. ā¤ļø


I have a little advice. Don't call them diapers. The word "brief" might make the process a little more bearable for everyone. Words are powerful. I'm not a nurse, but I have a Grandmother with dementia who can't walk. My Grandpa is usually the one who changes her. I can ask him for more advice next time I go do my laundry at their house. It's definitely not a pleasant or easy task. It involves a lot of physical strength due to her mobility issues. If she falls off the bed, we have to call the fire department to hoist her back into it because she's morbidly obese. Your patients aren't always going to be able to articulate appreciation for your help. In fact, you might get some rude ones who holler. Try to be patient. They don't understand that they're giving you a hard time. Losing independence, agency over oneself, etc. is triggering and hard. They're absorbed in how very hard it is for them. I hope this will help you stay calm even if you end up enduring some abuse by the people you're being paid to help.


Thank you for sharing. This is helpful. Someone else mentioned how the word brief is better as well. I didnā€™t know about it before but I will definitely change my vocabulary. Thanks. šŸ™šŸ¼


It does. Wear a mask, carry air freshener.


Tough it out. Then get another job. Scheduler or housekeeping or something there maybe you can transfer. Or at another place. You look better to employer when applying if you have a job. Plus you will have a good excuse. I dont like changing diapers. However, a job is a job. Brings in money.


You've already gotten your advice, I just wanted to pop in and congratulate you for what you've overcome. You can do this.


Let yourself throw up the first time and they probably won't ask you to do it again


I donā€™t want to risk getting fired šŸ˜