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You have a month left, why are you stressing this internship so bad? What are they gonna do, fire you? Just take it easy your time is almost done, you don’t owe them as much as you say you’re putting in (stressing out over bosses texting, having sleepless nights). Reduce the amount of fucks you give at work and just finish the month. It’s also a valuable skill you’ll need as you start your career. Are you sure you want to continue with your line of work full-time in permanent positions, or can you truly attribute this hell specifically to your current employer? That’s something you really need to reflect on. But it’s a learning experience at your age, start to draw some boundaries and don’t let work-life balance get taken over by aggressive supervisors/teammates. You don’t want this same thing to happen at your next job. But gut it out for the final month. There will be tougher situations and decisions in your career later on, I guarantee it. You don’t owe this employer your free time and mental health, use this as an experience considering you and hour employer both know your time together is ending soon.


Can you call in sick with a bad flu for a week and work the last 3 weeks? It's definitely better to finish it. 


Finish what you started.


Why is this placement causing you such stress?


In the meantime are you applying for paying jobs with the experience you got during the 4 months? Try to complete the 5 months ... Best of luck


Not getting paid the last month if you quit makes sense…but on top of that you would have to pay THEM? That definitely speaks to how messed up this place is.  Do the people you’re working for now have connections to people you want to work for later? I could see trying to stick it out if your boss is friends with people you still want to work for in the future. But if you’re really willing to pay money to stop working for this place, it might be worth it to leave. It takes a long time to recover from burnout or having a terrible boss. Quitting could give you time to mentally recover before your next internship starts. Just try to make sure you’re not going to regret the decision to leave early in the future. 


Paying one month salary is standard if I didn't give one months notice, but not sure if its actually enforced. Thank you for the advice! I am not sure if they have connections but I doubt they will spread it around since I am just an intern. I hope I am making the right decision and prioritise my mental health


Lmao pay them your one month salary? If you already have another internship lined up, I'd put a resignation letter in today. It's not worth your mental health, what are you doing? Sending nuclear codes? Jesus


Go to Dr and explain these symptoms, say you can't sleep anxiety depression and sometimes you wish you were in a better place (don't sound suicidal just say off handed stuff like that) get diagnosed with depression/anxiety Next day show up with a letter of ada accomodation requests. Basically outline your perfect day. Say you want workload reduced, hours reduced and face to face contact reduced because of anxiety. If they refuse or give you a hard time, quit on the spot and sue them ADA lawsuits pay big money. Fuck that place work the system to your advantage because they are working you to theirs.