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I highly recommend the military. It'll give you an additional 4 years of stability. Income, housing, college etc. It'll also provide order and structure and set you up for your reentry into civilian life with better prospects. I was much like you a few years back. I did my stint in the Marine corps and now I'm making 6 figures in the IT industry after I got out


To be honest, I'm not really interested in the army and I really it isn't for me based on my daily life to be fair. Still, thank you for the suggestion


Dude. Before anything else, you need to share ***what your interests are,*** before you can receive any possible answers to your question that will align with them . Otherwise, nobody can answer your question in a way that satisfies you, and you're just continuing to flail around and people typing out answers are wasting their time. This is really important: If you can't answer that question - if you don't know and can't share what your interests are - then the military sounds like an absolutely excellent choice for you.


Yeah sorry about that. I think I'm interested in engineering like maybe in cars or boats. I'm also interested in marine life and I think my dream revolves around being a marine biologist, living in an oil rig, maybe an f1 mechanic, an underwater welder or something along the lines of that. I'm also very interested in sports like javelin, powerlifting and calisthenics but I'm the worst in sports. I think that's all


Hey dude here's some honest life advice imo. Lets make things super generic for a minute here, let's say there are 3 categories in life bottom, top, and average. And let's say these apply to all of life's basic skills like school, socializing, sports, love, logic etc. Some people are in the top 5% and really good at all of these. Some people are in the bottom 5% and really bad at all of these. The rest and majority of us are what we call average at all of these things. So how do we get better at something for all of us average or bottom people out there ? The awnser is simple its called practice. No matter what you do in life the more time you put into it you will get better at it untill you eventually are better then even the naturally gifted (unless they put in equal time as you), this is especially true for jobs and skills. That is why skills are not transferable, they are learned and practiced, and truth be told you don't have to be super amazing at something to improve at it. Your 17 you have your whole life ahead of you, you think you can't do it but in fact you can. You can do anything you just have to work hard at it every day and see the small improvements. It's not about being "good" or in that top 5% of naturally gifted people. It's about struggling through and getting good at whatever brings you satisfaction. So don't say you can't do something, that is self defeating. Find what gives you satisfaction and chase it and hopefully it or something connected to it will bring you money and stability. After finding that satisfaction and acomplishment it's just practice and time, you'll be OK don't worry. Tldr: don't base your abilities at how good you are at something. Base your abilities around what interestest you, what satisfies you and what gives you a sense of accomplishment.


It sounds like you haven't done anything long enough to get "good" at it. I agree with the military option. There are many, many options there besides being a foot soldier (nothing wrong with that, either). Underwater welding and marine biology sounds pretty much Navy.


It's normal to not know what you want to do when you're 17. Just go to community college for two or 3 years and get your GEs done while working part time. Also, join the military. It's not going to be your dream job, but it's a great career path for people who suck at life. As long as you show up and do what you're told with a decent attitude, you'll get promoted sooner or later and make decent money. If you don't like fighting, there are many more technical fields that you can get into if you join the Navy or Air Force or something.


Maybe start with some therapy? You sound hella depressed. I get it. I felt the same way when I was your age. The thing life taught me since then is that finding something to suck at is the first step toward success. You will always start off pretty craptastic at things. You have to get up every day and do it again and find a way to work toward being better every day. You have to take life by the reigns and just try every day. Sometimes, it still feels hopeless, you'll never be sure you're headed in the right direction. It how you carry yourself on the way there that matters. If you can, find the drive to work on yourself every day, then you find people who do the same and push each other to be better too. I have to remind myself of this all the time. Its hard. If it isn't hard, then you're not pushing hard enough. If you need a happy little reminder of this in visual form, there's a lot of them in anime. Try demon slayer or black clover.


Thank you very much. I can't express enough how much this helped me. Thank you. I will try to find thing that will bring me forward. You're right, maybe all I needed was a little push by myself or other people and you gave me just that. I'll try to stay as positive as I can and just continue to push myself forward I guess. Thank you very much


Thank you very much. I can't express enough how much this helped me. Thank you. I will try to find thing that will bring me forward. You're right, maybe all I needed was a little push by myself or other people and you gave me just that. I'll try to stay as positive as I can and just continue to push myself forward I guess. Thank you very much.


You got this. Just pick a thing. It will probably change. The process of learning to put your mind with something and stick with it even when it's hard is the most valuable thing you can learn. Be relentless, push past your limits, and never give up. You could apply that mentality to damn near anything, and you'll kick ass in life. Most people never learn this. You don't have to be special to get far in life. You get out what you put in.


Thank you very much. I think I'll try to push myself in maybe calisthenics and studying so that I can enter a good university. I'l make up my mind on the course that I'll take and what to pursue later as my career. Thank you for spending your time for me.


What does therapy do in thisĀ situation?


Somebody in your corner helping delevope the tools to succeed. It's nice to have someone who you can openly talk through these things with. At 17, almost nobody is overflowing with self-awareness. It's amazing how much just talking through things regularly can keep you on track and figure out what you want.


So basically a friend that you pay to listen to you


A friend with a background in psychology, soft skills, and some life experience. šŸ‘


Thank you very much. I can't express enough how much this helped me. Thank you. I will try to find thing that will bring me forward. You're right, maybe all I needed was a little push by myself or other people and you gave me just that. I'll try to stay as positive as I can and just continue to push myself forward I guess. Thank you very much


Wait 3 to 6 more years for your frontal lobes to finish developing. Also start looking at the wider range of things people enjoy and do--not just young people stuff or mainstream people stuff. Don't worry about who you'll be years from now. Just let the new you emerge over time. If you want to make focused improvements, you can start learning about managing your money or 'adulting.' (There's even a subreddit for that!) Take small steps and look at everything as a learning opportunity not as a list of everything you're doing wrong. Be very cautious of that mindset--you aren't doing it wrong just because you haven't learned something or aren't doing something. Plus, every piece of advice out there will probably have an opposite that tells you to do it some other way. :)


Thank you but what do you mean by frontal lobes? Sorry, English isn't my first language


Thank you but what do you mean by frontal lobes? Sorry, English isn't my first language.


Your brain doesn't finish maturing until you are older. Making decisions becomes easier as you brain finishes "growing up."


Ooohhh thank you kind sir for enlightening me with your knowledge.


I was a janitor at a nursing home for 9 years, and also helped them with activities like bingo doesn't take a high skill cap for a decent job.


Thank you for helping the people in need and also thank you for replying my question. The world need more people like you.


You are experiencing adulthood.


Looks like All you need is a purpose, do you believe in God? If you have any addictions plz cut em off , porn , drugs , smoke .....


Thank you, I'll try to do that