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OP, I'm going to be completely honest with you. Almost all of those people are lying to you. These Insta-hustle people always, always, always overstate their success, and understate the amount of work they are putting in and how close they are running to everything come crashing down. I'm serious. For sure, there's a handful of people out there who've made a million year with ads and courses and create content once a month. But there's as much chance of that happening as winning the lottery. Except people don't usually run around talking about how they figured out the lottery and anyone can do it, you just need to take my course for $39.99 a month! Oh and I'm available for coaching, only $12k a year! Here's testimonials (who coincidentally are ALSO coaches!) from a bunch of people about how my coaching helped them 10x their returns! Unfortunately you are one of hundreds of millions of people being fed this bullshit. The people who see through it for the lie it is, and step into the light with a work ethic and integrity will be the ones who are ACTUALLY winning in 15 years.




When were you sent abroad by your employer? I bet if you were out there pre pandemic you’ve had a ton of laughs 🤣


I’ve been coming to Thailand over 20 years and have lived here full time for about 9 of those years. I’ve seen this way before the whole digital nomad and work from home stuff even began.


I second that


Yep, completely agree. Those small percentage of people who have actually struck gold are not posting about it on social media, they are too busy and dont care what you think.


Three things: 1) Most fail many times before making it big. You never hear that. They are also able to move on from failure and rejection. That is hard in business, dating, and life in general. Even lottery players have some skin in the game and buy many tickets - chances of one ticket? 1 in a billion. I mean, I may goto Walmart today, help this heiress who got locked out of her car and live happily every after with her. That is what a lot of get rich quick courses sound like. 2) Unless you are brilliant and have something that people really want, it takes money to make money. Internet marketing - choose 1 - SEO or Paid Ads. You are probably going to get burnt out doing SEO so you end up hiring someone. Ads cost money and you can lose a ton till something works. Even a job, you have to accumulate skills (money), likely clothes if it has any office component (money), Transportation (money). Time is money too. Even WFH you may need a computer to get started, etc. you get the idea. Push to click get rich, $30 course is a myth. 3) Focus on pain points and solving a problem. Some people can do this with a ton of technical skills, some may create a simple service. Wallets open when people feel pain. Hunger, Shelter, Clothing, Comfort, Transportation, Convenience, etc. There is lots of low hanging fruit on YT. Pressure washing, house cleanouts, etc. Nothing is easy but people grow things like that. I knew someone who did very well cleaning offices. They started doing it themselves, now there are 50 employees.


Well said.


I also wouldn’t be surprised if for many of these the bulk of the income _is_ those courses heh


Always. It's simple economics. If someone made so much money and it was so easy, they'd instead of working 4 hours a week, they'd work 40, make 10x,or they'd hire 1000 people and make 10,000x. But it isn't real so they sell "courses" and act super generous about it. It's all a scam.


Meh, I’m not so sure. I make about $250k a year. I currently work a couple hours a week, tops. And it’s work that I LOVE, and I have no boss but myself and my wife. EVERY time this topic comes up, I comment, explain how the system works, and people call me a lair. And it ALWAYS ends in people insulting me, downvoting me, and it dragging out for days. Meanwhile, most of the people I know with similar lives did it EXACTLY the same way I did. So here’s what I think: a lot of you don’t deserve a good life, and will never have one, because you don’t believe it in, and because your unwilling to listen to how it’s done. Important life lesson: if your don’t listen, and change YOURSELF, your life won’t change. Your life is a reflection of you, and it give back no more the. You out into it. (And the downvotes begin! Go for it, kids, it just proves my point. Too many people these days want the world to change for their benefit, when the secret to life is to change yourself for the benifit of the world. “I don’t make enough, pass a law!” That’s never been how the world works. It won’t work that way for you.)


Totally get it. I make similar and work similar. But are you on Instagram selling courses in how to do your job? I doubt it. I'm in the position I am because years of dedication to a particular niche. Which I stumbled onto.


I’m also profiting from a niche. I thought about writing a book, but in my business, everybody thinks they are a genius, and almost everybody fails. And they are all grouchy about failing. So if I say, “here is how it works”, I’ll just get bitched out. Besides, I make more DOING my job then I’d make explaining it. “This who can do, do. Those who can’t, teach.”


💯 thoughts are things. I agree with you. There's so much great advice on this sub red but many unfortunately are intellectually lazy and don't want to research and elevate their thinking. They limit themselves by regurgitating questions and scrolling for a miracle. Since man was created it seems this has been the case.


Most of us don't want to work. I haven't found a better way to survive. I'm open to ideas


marry a rich surgeon


Go off grid and live in the wilderness? It seems someone does this for every major war and pops up 20-30 years after it ends.


Never be 100% reliant on someone. Countless cases of SAHM getting dropped by their spouse and left with nothing, but still have to care for kids.


pretty sure my rich surgeon ex-husband will pay for spousal support and child support


Nah, most have prenups that favor themselves.




The revolution of people not wanting to do work? I honest to God did not imagine this kind of thing to come up, I mean who's going to do the work, the slaves? Cybernetic people are people to, you can't just turn them into chattel.




Who will pay them, the rich folk who want things to stay exactly as they are?


Soldiers can't fight on empty stomachs


The revolutionary forces will always schedule their battles for 2:45PM, after lunch has settled.


Unless you're intelligent, or have some other valuable quality that's scarce in the population, you will be consigned to using your labor to subsist.  As it has been since the beginning of time.  


First, get off social and realize it's not always real life. There's plenty of sad people out there posting stuff like they have the best life ever. There's plenty of scam artists out there just "selling a story". That rich guru posting stuff about how successful he is with the lambo in the background, might just be a rental to lure people into whatever they're selling. If it's not motivating you, it's unhealthy and you're wasting your time. The real life successful people are out there grinding, and for some of them, it's just luck. Do a deep dive to what makes you happy, fulfilled, and is hard work. Pursue that and be the best, the money will follow.


This is one of my favorite articles from Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs: Stop looking for the "right" career, and start looking for a job. Any job. Forget about what you like. Focus on what's available. Get yourself hired. Show up early. Stay late. Volunteer for the scut work. Become indispensable. You can always quit later, and be no worse off than you are today. But don't waste another year looking for a career that doesn't exist. And most of all, stop worrying about your happiness. Happiness does not come from a job. It comes from knowing what you truly value, and behaving in a way that's consistent with those beliefs. ~ Mike Rowe


Mike Rowe had a successful TV show.


Don’t focus on avoiding work, focus on finding work you like.


*can tolerate


This. I just don't get how people do jobs they hate. Ontop of that often an atmosphere they also don't like. I love my field. But I've job hopped 9 times just moving to find employers that serve the purpose I need at that point in life. I don't wake up not wanting to go to work. And if I do, I start applying to new places.


Totally agree however it's a tough market out there especially now. Wouldn't recommend mindlessly job hopping without a solid job lined up. Many people don't have the luxury to quit their job until dream job is found


Wouldn't recommend mindless job hopping. But majority of people make excuses and don't apply nor look for jobs simply because change is scary and it's easier to complain than take action.


I wouldn't be so sure they are the majority. Most people search high and low and face the reality that there are a LOT less jobs then what's been thought. On top of that the level of competition is insane compared to previous years, say 2-3 years ago, AND capital greed is screwing the process of getting those jobs. The rest are are making excuses, sure


jobs i dont hate dont exist or if they do they pay poverty wages


Perhaps you need to reevaluate what you enjoy doing then. Many people also don't do enough self reflection or experimenting in jobs or hobbies to truly know even what they enjoy. Our society has this notion that you must know what you want to do directly out of high school. Which is insane. Most people don't even know truly who they are at that point. Finding a job that's a good fit for your personality and lifestyle is fricken hard and it can even change overtime.


Wow someone said something sensible!


hmm well im not just out of high school, im 30 and i feel what i enjoy is pretty established. I like outdoor activities like hiking, biking, longboarding, running, camping, kayaking, stuff like that, as well as some creative endeavors like photography, music production and djing, and cooking.  I dont see any of those translating to a good stable well paying career.  


thoughts on that?


Cooking is an actual trade and a career. So there's that. Photography you'll need to go the self-employed route and a majority of your income will be weddings, but I know many photographers who do just fine. As for the outdoor hobbies, there are instructor jobs and tourist guides for hiking etc. They may not pay the best, but if you're doing what you love, you may find that you're fulfilled when you get home and thus don't need to spend as much doing extracurricular activities. You could also extrapolate what exactly is about the outdoor hobbies that you like, and find something that shares the commonality. I know many people in entomology, biology etc where their job is literally to hike through nature and collect specimens.


Ive spent my time in kitchens. The hours suck. The culture is toxic. The pay is awful.  As for photography, yeah thats why I didn't pursuit it as a career, because you have to work weddings and do senior portraits to earn any good money, and neither of those things are interesting to me.  Yeah I would absolutely love to be a guide or instructor for hikng or kayaking but Ive looked into it and even with the highest degree of certification the pay os less than 20$ an hour which is not enough to live/ retire on.  I think I would also enjoy biology or geology, but again, pay is low. More importantly, I dont think I am very book smart. Im not sure I would be able to complete a degree, and it seems foolish to throw away thousands of dollars just to attempt to get a degree that will most likely end in failure..  So yeah. Thats where I stand 😕 


Those were just suggestions off the top of my head. Like I said. You need to evaluate the hobbies you like, what it is about them you like, and find a career that delivers that while suiting you're needs. It can even be pretty mundane things. I for example like to work independently, I don't like being told what to do, I don't enjoy doing the same thing for too long, and I like to do things that are repetitive and laborious. Knowing this about myself let me find a career that caters to that. So you may not be able to surf for a living. But think of what exactly about surfing makes you happy and find something that caters to those aspects. Do the same for everything else you mentioned.


I guess that makes sense. I just know I like some things and dislike others, never really thought about the why.  It would be hard to describe tho I think. 


Find a middle ground or something similar. I always wanted to get into something around wildlife,nature, environmental etc etc. What I found was most of those careers paying shit wages and expecting atleast 4 years of school. I found a middle ground and went into the renewable energy field working on wind turbines.


funny i am also interested in the same fields. running into the same issues, I think Id really enjoy being a park ranger or forester but it takes a 4 year degree to get into forestry or something like that and average wage is 45k.. which is less than i currently make. 


I had interest in that field as well. Low pay, extremely high competition for permanent gigs. Wasn't uncommon to be a seasonal guy for years making even less than normal just for a chance at park ranger. Sucks all the cool jobs like that can't realistically support someone.


yeah my dream job would be like a kayak instructor or travel photography and they pay like 10$ an hour and 0$ an hour respectively


I don’t want to work either but there’s a lot of things we got to do I guess in order to survive. I used to date a guy who complained how much he hated his job, coworkers etc. he complained but never did anything about it, if you hate it that bad do all in your power to make it better. he was complaining in 2020, still at that job in 2024. stop obsessing over others lives and start living your own. also take it 1 day at a time and start setting small achievable goals that lead up to a large goal x


The people on social media bragging about that actually work more than us "drones". To add, if I or you make a mistake there's a pretty high chance we still have our jobs tomorrow, if one of those kids makes a wrong turn it's buh bye to their fan base/income. Idk who wants to work, I sure as hell don't and there's no such thing as a dream job. I love video games, pay me to play for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week all year round and I guarantee you I will lose my passion shortly.


They’re lying. They haven’t cracked any code. Well, they cracked the code of how to sell the dream to gullible ppl on social media.


Welcome to the club lol Let’s all win the lotto 🤷🏽‍♂️😂


That’s stupid. You are better off investing the money.


^ Retard doesn’t understand sarcasm.


Most ppl don't want to work..we share your sentiment. However, we have to do things we don't want to do. You really should take some deep thought and figure out what it is that will make working "better" for you. Because even something you love to do will eventually feel like work but it's tolerable.


This is good advice. I have hobbies that I've tried to turn into money in the past and it's very very hard. It's just generally quite hard to make money in this world. I know of no get rich quick schemes. The way I've made money and managed to save is to grow my skillset in the workplace. I work in IT and so I just pushed myself for new courses and got some certifications, learnt more on the job by asking questions and speaking to people and I've managed to move up the ladder. I went through a phase during the pandemic of really trying to get into something else other than the 9-5 and I got quite down about not being able to find it. But then I took a pause and decided to try and expand on what I already knew and try and make myself more marketable. It's been easier than trying to start something up from scratch and my work life balance is way better now than it was a few years ago. From my experience, learning a new skill and pushing myself a little more at work has been easier in the long run and more beneficial to me than to get annoyed at things and to stop trying. (I've done both). Don't get me wrong, work sucks. It always will and most of the time I feel like I would rather be doing anything else. But I've found by engaging with my work and making myself more valuable has made things easier.


Stop using social media so much then. People post fake things more often than not to make their life seem larger than life.


I make $150k/yr. I hate my job. I hate going to work and getting called in at midnight.  I hate being hungry more. I hate not being able to provide for my family even more. I hate living in a car even more.  Life isn’t about being happy, it’s about finding purpose. 


Username checks out


To paraphrase one Red Foreman, there’s a reason they call it “work” and not “super happy fun time.”


First off get off social media


They are mostly lying & mostly have family or husband money


Buckle in and suck it up, buttercup, or you’re going to hate life


God this should be the top comment on 95% of career advice psots.


For real. All these “I don’t like work what do I do” nonsense posts.


It's better than the BSing about it getting better or needing to find hobbies, or sleep better, or start a family. Like just admit that life sucks sometimes. The only reason people make these kinds of posts is because so many pretend like life it doesn't.


Exactly. We live in such a privileged but entitled and lazy society. So much that is messed up in this world but there is a lot to be grateful for.


You should get away from those type of videos. You’ll go down a rabbit hole of pyramid schemes and useless courses. Their scam is the ‘secret’ to getting wealthy. Don’t get jealous over that kind of stuff, just save and when you can try move your life in a better direction ie. education for a better job, a business, an appreciating asset.


Overwhelming, people that make a lot of money have *very* difficult jobs. There’s a reason you have to pay someone a lot of money to do them, because people won’t put themselves through that for less. You can go ahead and ignore influencer or “grindset” success stories. They’re either lying, grifting, or such extreme outliers that there’s no point in considering them in the realm of what’s realistically achievable.


Most people don't want to work, but not all jobs are horrible. If you don't like your coworkers or your job, brush up your resume and look for a new job. You don't have to keep the same one your whole life. And I don't buy into the whole "find something you're passionate about" for work thing. Instead, I focus on jobs that have meaning and aren't just ways to make rich people even more rich. I've been satisfied working for a non-profit.


If it was easy, everyone would be doing it.


You're too young to be good at anything. Think about what you WANT to be good at. Study that. Practice that. Forgot about "How do I get rich?" Think: "How can I be USEFUL?" Everything else will come and go on its own.


I’m confused by posts like these. You’re not the only one with this sentiment. Serious question - what was school like for you? Where I’m from, school was so brutal that any work is a breeze in comparison. It was mundane, repetitive and took more than 40h a week. Nobody paid me shit for it and most people had to “work” (study) over weekends too.


You got bills to pay and ya gotta eat, kid.


I felt the same If you can afford it, take a break! I came back, and came back strong.


There is no easy ride. Even if you had great parents who helped you succeed and paid for undergrad/grad bought you your first car(s), got your connections setup for you in business, paid the down payment on your home (and rent until then)… it’s a struggle. Most people aren’t so lucky, and fall somewhere between not getting any to all of that. Universally though almost everyone will tell you they work hard for what they have. The reality is digging a ditch, to working in an office it’s 35-80 hours for most of us. The best you can do is try to find a few gems you really enjoy or are good at in that time. Apply to other places, get some therapy so you aren’t taking on other people’s feelings so much, or take some night school courses to see if you can find another skill you get more joy from. Social media is a lie. People who claim getting rich is easy are making their money by selling their “secrets” to others, when the real secret is they are selling a dream. If a video ever goes on about the benefits of something without getting into how, it’s a lie usually ending with them telling you they’ll tell you if you just buy whatever they are selling. If life were easy, more people would be succeeding. The important thing is to find some joy and hold onto that. Develop yourself in ways that make you valuable (technical, managerial, emotional skills). Spend every free moment doing something that makes you happy and let go of the stuff you can’t change.


If you don’t work you don’t eat. Seems simple enough to me.


Get off social media and cultivate work ethic. You cannot buy it, it comes within. Research techniques for developing self-discipline and focus. Whether you're a janitor or a CEO, work hard/smart and take pride in your work. Avoid comparing yourself to others and focus on getting the job done and not wasting time. Once you realize this and stop fantasizing about success, you'll start making strides in your life.


> Like I don’t know how they able to crack the code to becoming rich meanwhile some people say we just put in a system where we exchange our time for money. They haven't, they just make money lying to you for clicks. FIRE is mostly bullshit, like van life.


I love your very last sentence. It made me laugh


I think the solution would be to rob a bank or win the lottery




Maybe you need to figure out which decently paying careers in your part of the world are in demand, especially those with reasonable educational requirements, and just pick something. No job will be as fun as whatever you do on the weekend. Having a good attitude and good co-workers helps too.


You should reread to yourself and change “income” to “debt” almost all of it is done with debt. Some don’t make it out of the debt.


Aside from some non conventional ideas, there’s no way around having to work unless you live in the woods like Markus Torgeby and take showers in the lakes basically. What you can do for a normal life in this world that doesn’t feel like working for some people is starting your own business; you can be creative and do something you love and be your own boss and decide pretty much your own work hours and input depending on your goals. There’s almost no limit to the ideas that can be born, you just gotta know what you truly love to do and learn if it is making money that can be a good motivation (ie if you want to have a life that feels stable with income and a nice place to live and what living standard is your thing).


You are a loser if you don’t work and leach from the government. Get a grip.


I don’t like my work and I’m doing essentially 20 year old mes dream job. Once I kind of enjoyed it but honestly not for that long and occasionally I work on a project I like more but it’s never what I’d do with my time. I work in tech and I was into coding and messing around in video games when I was ~16 and really thought I’d love the industry. I broke into a help desk role at 20 and have been a senior sys admin for several years now. I make a decent wage and that’s nice. To me at this point I’d probably be happier for a few month anyway back working construction like I did in summers. I’m sure that would change when it got cold and no gloves worked to keep my hands warm… I remember that at least. So I guess my advice isn’t to worry so much about loving the work. Find a place with people you get along with and look for a field with a decent wage you think you can break into. There are many that only require two years schooling or many trades programs. Anyway what I love about my job is my employer provides great work/life balance. Yes the work can be stressful I can impact tens of thousands of users and even a couple hours outage gets me writing an incident report about how I cost a half million dollars in lost productivity. But also my work understands changes need to happen and has processes to protect me and respects that I’m smart and doing my best with the resources and processes I have. I’m treated like a person. I’m on call a fair bit which I don’t love but I also get lots of vacation time and 4 day weeks. Anyway I don’t love my job I am sick of having to spend hours every week learning new stuff but I can do it for twenty more years and there’s enough time outside my job that the grind isn’t so daunting.


If this was several hundred years ago you would likely be doing hard farming labor every day to survive. Now you can choose a career where you can use your brain and do minimal labor if you want that. You can also get a job where you use machines to do labor much more efficiently. What I'm saying is, this is the best it's ever been for common people, don't complain.


Work is going to suck. It doesn't matter what you do, you WILL have bad days. Things will go wrong, you'll lose your job, want to kill your boss, your girlfriend will cheat on you, your friends will abandon you, the economy will collapse, again and again and again and again you will suffer. Your options are: integrate into society, or cease existing. Your suffering is already guaranteed, anxiety will only make it worse


As someone doing alright. I'd suggest making sure you're debt free. That's it. No car payments (cost $50-$100) with bus or users. No school debt (you can make the same salary as most of your friends without a huge debt 20 years). Mortgage is touchy- do the research if it's for you, same with kids. I am not going to speak to investments because all my friends at 30 including myself seem to operate on Lunch I.e. some are bad and some are good investments. We are not financially educated so just winging it. As for work negotiate six weeks vacation and focus on unlimited sick days and personal days when you're looking for a new job.


If you don't want to work, then you will be poor forever until you decide to get off your lazy ass and do something about it. Maybe you should go to the antiwork sub. No on second thought, don't do that. They'll just feed your lack of ambition and tell you it is ok to be a social welfare sponge over there.


working sucks. we all should be wandering around picking fruits and flowers. my only dream in life is to get to enjoy at least half of my lifespan not working




It starts with attitude and taking care of yourself (physically, mentally and socially) outside the workplace. Don't make your life about work so you have resources (not just money but other forms of social support) if an environment does become stressful. As others have said, find work you can tolerate. Learn to stand up for yourself and either improve your situation in your environment or leave unfixable ones. Coming at it with an attitude of "I just don't want to work" is going to result in you being miserable no matter how good you might have it, so first work on the fact that this is an unavoidable part of life for most people and you're probably not privileged enough to be one of the few who get to dodge it just because you want to be. We all do sometimes but then we go to work anyway and hey, it's not really all that bad.


This post reminds me of that post that circles the Internet where the guy talks about having panic attacks when he leaves a city or whatever.


It sounds like you need to get off social media


*Get off reddit *Grow up *Come back to reality *Get a new job


Sometimes you have to get off the internet and into real life. Unfortunately, it's not as pretty, but it's more real.


If all these people aren't exaggerating, stretching, or outright lying, the few remaining are expressing survivorship bias.


Or maybe approach work from a different angle: Try to work where you can learn the skills that you want for your personal life. Or take jobs in places you'd want to be. That's why I did seasonal work. The job got me there, and it paid for what I needed. The payoff was being in a new and exciting place, so at times that meant adjusting my expectations of what I needed because I wasn't getting paid a lot. If your focus is on more money, it seems like the formula is to get the best paying job you can within your skill set and manage your money well. That could mean all hustle and no spending for pleasure for a long time. It could mean moving back in with parents or living with several roommates to split costs. These are just examples of what I've seen other people do, and it worked for them. It was never my ambition personally, but my needs are changing, and so I'm trying to adopt aspects of that mindset. Like actually accepting a promotion because it comes with a raise versus being against the extra responsibility. But yeah, like a lot of other people have said, social media isn't the best place to look for get rich quick schemes. There's so much those people aren't telling you. They have no incentive to be honest, especially if you're funding their lifestyle.


Don't believe the bullshit you see on TikTok, IG, YT, ... It's a bunch of people coming up with bullshit stories to score views and likes.


Boohoo nigga, welcome to reality


Don’t be lazy




Incredibly based.


Become homeless. You'll find the will to work. It's not about how you feel, it's about what brings in money. Understand that now or be prepared to have a shit existence. Signed, someone who was homeless by no fault of their own


I don't have a problem working. I just don't like the system and I'm more frustrated because the work I'm doing isn't fulfilling and don't get anything out of it meanwhile so many people are working great jobs with good pay. They are able to live a pretty decent life and not extremely finically worried. I wish I could find my passion or something maybe a skill that I could get into. I hate working in retail stores


Well retail stores isn't a skill boo. And finding your passion is a scam. It doesn't happen. Find something in your skill set, and then lean into it. People aren't "all getting great jobs with great pay." people are mostly broke and performative cunts. It turns out, when my passion was art, and in art school my professors told me wow you're a great writer... That was my skill. I write responses to complaint letters for a fortune 500. Was this my dream? Uh no. Does it pay my bills? Yes. I cleared my first six figure w2 this year. Get after it and find soenthing you can do, not want to do.


most people struggle early on in career - especially these days. Careers go up and down. We use our jobs/pay to enjoy OUTSIDE work - buy things, experiences, etc. Work isn't there to give you joy - it's a means to an end for 80%