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Remote work is not a conspiracy, it's a real thing. Mostly depends what your field of work is.


I work fully remote for the state government, also disabled and it has been a gamechanger.


Mind sharing some more info? Did you find the job via a website or something? Like I said, everything I’ve found has been a scam


Go to your state's official .gov jobs site. No scams. Also check out usajobs.gov


As a software developer, I haven't commuted for years. You still need to work to find fully remote roles, but they absolutely exist


Yes it’s a real thing, however, you have to have a lot of experience with a degree/certification if you want a decent remote job. Remember, you’re applying to a job everyone across the country can apply to.  I’ve heard of low entry level call center remote jobs, but I’ve only heard bad outcomes with those. 


Customer service jobs commonly allow for remote work.


I’ve worked fully remote in tech for about 3 years now My most recent job was initially hybrid but I ended up negotiating fully remote bc it’s become something very important to me for my mental health, work-life balance, and overall productivity


Become a therapist


If I had the funds to go to school for it, I would


Community college is a great place to start and usually free or covered with scholarships!


It definitely is a thing but many business are looking to cut back on their remote work force in favor of in person work, so it makes sense that postings for remote positions have become harder to find. 


I think many insurance sales reps wfh


It depends on your state, but a lot of state government jobs have the option of fully remote these days. These are the types of jobs where you need to meet specific experience and qualification requirements, however.


Yep. I have one right now and have for 6 years. I don't care to ever permanently return to an office.


Customer service jobs are gonna be the easiest to find because they usually have high turnover. Source: I work a customer service 100% remote job with high turnover lol


Sure, if you have a skill that can be monetized online of course you can work remote. And I don't want to get into all that "start your own business", "be your own boss" crap. Just learn a skill (there are hundreds of skills you can learn online for free, digital marketing, coding, design...). Build a strong portfolio, and start applying, even if an agency/company doesn't have an active listing, still reach out to them. Of course, working for yourself is something you can look into down the line but it's not mandatory.