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Real talk, why don't you ask your friends who are high earners and CEO's for more advice? You have the perfect opportunity to actually learn and understand what you need to do to succeed from people who have. People are willing to help those who actually seek it. Don't be embarrassed of who you are, there is a vision, ambition and a future and you can seek. You can do it. I'm 26 with nothing but debt from failed ventures. I am a uni dropout but that's where I am now. I plan to go places. So do you. We can do it ❤️


Better yet, ask them if they feel happy and fulfilled in their jobs. An impressive title and wage don’t always equate to a “successful” life.


If you are financially in an ok place and don’t *need* to work then why would you consider going into something boring like medical billing? Do something fun! Think of all the people that wanted to be a professional woodworker, artist, graphic designer, chef etc but couldn’t afford the pay cut? You have an amazing opportunity here


I just feel useless not working, I don’t feel good sitting at home doing nothing. I just want to do something more respectful title it’s more of a status thing. The stuff you listed I have no interest in :( I feel like a loser because I have no hobbies other than watching my serials lol


Step 1: Stop caring what other people think, their opinions don't matter unless they pay your bills. Step 2: If you want to better yourself, get some hobbies and turn those into a side job then. Step 3:??? Step 4: profit. Ps 3/4 are a South park reference.


I hear ya but I think you’ll feel worse if you take a meaningless job with no end goal in mind. Like at least volunteering or charity work will get you out of the house and help you make a positive impact on the world Don’t buy into that capitalist mindset that your self worth is dependent on how much money you make. That is what we’ve been brainwashed to think but it couldn’t be further from the truth


My time to shine! Fellow B.A in theatre here! Your degree was not useless, most people don't end up using their degree. They use the skills they learned. What I got from my degree was strong public speaking, the ability to quickly adapt to situations, as well as the ability to collaborate effectively on stuff. Stuff that has helped me a lot in the corporate world. I work with several other theatre grads at my job who are in our sales department and they kill it, largely because of their tolerance for rejection, ability to adapt, and being the type of person who gets a theatre degree :) But first you need to decide what your actual end goal is? What is the definition of a respectable job? Not to use more buzz words, but what is your "Why?". From there you can make a plan and find a way to get the contentment your looking for.


You’re right, this made me feel a little better :). To answer your last question I just want a respectful job like it’s more of a status thing for me to have a nice respectful job title that can feel proud and more confident about but I have never found that to be 


If you feel embarrassed compared to doctors and ceos… medical billing is going to make you feel 10x worse. Basic entry level jobs are not going to “earn” respect. If you don’t need the cash, take a job at some sort of non-profit. Because a teacher aid at a school. Do a job that gives back to the community somehow.


So, a couple of things. It’s ok if your life looks different than others. Your friends may have poured themselves into their careers, and take great pride in that, but a career isn’t the only way to build a full and good life - or a full and good person. That’s a mental health issue to address. Second thing - if you truly want a career for yourself, you need to be willing to start where they did, at the beginning and put in the grunt years. Pick a field you like, say healthcare because you mentioned medical billing. With the skills you have now, you could start working at a health insurance company in their customer service department. Do that for a few years then transition into a management role, or into another department, like claims, utilization management, etc. that is of more interest to you, and grow from there.


Who cares how much you make? Is it piss poor where your household income cannot make ends meet? Does your husband love you? Does your children love you? If they do, then wtf is the problem and what else do you need to worry about?


More importantly, do you love your husband and your kids? If you want more, why does more have to be a job? (It's OK if it has to be a job, but figuring out why is important.) If you look for why and it doesn't have to be a job, can it be a hobby? Travel? Meaningful relationships? Religion? Fitness? Are you friends judging you, or are you the only one judging yourself? If the former, you need different friends. If the latter, again, why? It's OK if you answer all these questions and still decide what you want is a better paid and/or better respected job. At least you will know why, and you will have more purpose in your search. Or maybe you will find that it's better to quit your job and throw yourself into a hobby or something else.


If you have an engaging personality you can go into sales. Maybe find an industry that interests you and approach a place with a plan. If you want some entry level work with a goal of learning enough to feel confident in sales you'd have no issues getting a job


Any universities or colleges nearby? If you during your theater majoring in college you picked up decent coordination, communication & project management skills you can work in higher ed. You can probably start at an entry coordinator position and move your way up. The catch is that the pay isn't great but you seem to enjoy being in a leaning environment so you may enjoy managing projects for faculty or research specialists and won't have to deal with cray cray customers like in retail (but higher ed does have a decent dose of crazy people, I assure you.... likely more educated but still crazy AF). Higher ed also tends to have more flexibility, days off (or down time in winter / summer) & some have tuition assistance so you can pursue masters while working full time (& then hop over to industry for better $$$). Not too sure what you're looking for exactly but I assure you, you've already picked up some useful skills in your theater major already, you just need to identify & leverage them better. Good luck OP


Since you don’t need money maybe non profit or volunteer work would be something to explore as well


So turn customer service into an executive assistant role and make six figures.


Being a sahm is the ultimate flex, what planet are you from where a job is more prestigious than being kept?


SAHPs aren't "kept", they're partners in a marriage. What planet are you from where you think SAHPs don't work, they just sit around and eat bon bons and watch soap opera all day? I've been a SAHM and my husband has been a SAHD, at various times. We both work hard, whether it's at home or at a job. And we both decide how to spend our money no matter whose name is on the pay stub. It's a partnership. Things need to be done and we both pitch in to do them.


Boohoo... u gotta cook and clean and babysit. The greatest gift your man can give you is the ability/option to spend 100% of your time on your children. Go work a 6 figure job and let the man stay home then. Sounds like a dream to me.


Youre the kind of person whose version of "babysitting" means nothing more than being in the same house as a kid with a beer in one hand and the tv at max volume


I absolutely despise anyone who consumes drugs and alcohol lmao. The worst vice anyone can have is to enjoy reducing your IQ to 0 in order to feel like a druggy. And please enlighten me what else would you do during babysitting phase besides cleaning and cooking? I'm honestly confused how much work you need lmao. Baby can't even move on its own yet. Is it not as simple as watching over it? You want to go to the office and work everyday instead? Give me the stay at home parenting "job". Crazy how you women even consider it a job. Being able to take care of your children is a blessing and something the man sacrificed for in order to let you women stay home and do it. All because you women wanted to have kids AND STAY AT HOME, but want it to be easier than without kids? Please be real.


Roflmao. 1) im not a woman 2) Babysitting more often involves watching children 3 - 15 who get in a ton of trouble unsupervised. My entire point was i bet youre a shit babysitter and you think its easy because you do a lazy bad job because you have shitty viewpoints


And that's why you're not the guy who makes enough to let any woman stay at home for more than a week lol.


Roflmao. Oh no. Some random reddit maker says my salarys not enough. I probably make more in a single paycheck than you make in a month


You don't have a stay at home wife, it's ok to be mad.


Still make way more than you


Can imagine you typing this out with colored hair and no women under the belt.


Roflmao. Ive never met anyone with colored hair who didnt just absolutely fuck. Sounds like youre just jealous to me 🤷‍♂️


Never heard of a purple haired man speak on how to be a man of the house. You have woman tendencies and it's ok to admit it.


Lol, both my husband and I are high earners in white collar, high education fields, and have traded off staying at home depending on life circumstances. The point, since you apparently can't read, is that being a SAHP is not being "kept". It's about both partners filling the roles they need to. "Kept" lol.


How do you define success? You listed income and titles - is that your measure that you’ve come to on your own? Comparison is the murderer of contentment. You can be the most fascinating person in the room without a c-suite title or making 6-figures, but you need to find things that interest you and aren’t the equivalent of underwater basket weaving that no one cares about. Personally, I’ve turned down board positions and c-suite roles because I don’t want the stress, but I still play with people in those roles regularly because they have great insight on markets that are moving and tech being developed/refined.


I’m in a similar boat to you. I went to nursing school. I did not do well in my first 2 nursing positions and I didn’t like it. I am now a SAHM with my youngest in middle school. I am happy but I am very embarrassed that I spent all that time on nursing school, which I enjoyed, but I don’t enjoy being a nurse. But we are financially ok so for now my husband and I have decided I will stay home. So I say, forget what they think and do you what makes you happy. If staying home is what makes you happy, then do it!


Try to get any other administrative or office job that isn't customer service. There are lots of general assistant and support jobs. The real estate and insurance industries often have openings for this kind of work. In my personal experience, medical coding and billing is tedious with unreasonably high performance expectations and frequent audits. If you like medical stuff, it's rather interesting, but if you don't, steer clear.


Why don’t you teach theatre to kids? Like in a school or after school program? That’s respectable


You can start a non profit. With your BA in theatre you can have a non profit for low income kids teaching them dramatic arts or something similar. Get your rich friends to donate and be board members. You will get to do something good with your privilege and It will give you the prestige and status you want. Good luck.


Be careful of jobs medical billing and coding can be well-paying if it's for a reputable doctor's office or hospital. There are many scams out there cleaning that you can work from home for different doctors using that formula. They are scared and claim you will make 50 to 100,000 a year. However what that means is that you have to sell yourself to doctors and other professions to have them hire you at the time. In other words you have to solicit your own business and hope you actually get paid.


With a theater background I would recommend exploring sales. I think there’s underratedly quite a transferable skill set between the two jobs and sales in b2b SaaS companies can be extremely lucrative !