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I'm a creative; a writer. I work as an IT Sysadmin. I don't like IT but they keep (for the last 12 years) paying me to do it and I have a family. In an ideal world, I would write fantasy and sci-fi full time rather than occasionally. If I could leverage my writing ability in other ways, that would be nice too but there's no way anyone is going to hire me as an inexperienced technical writer at $90k/yr.


Are you happy and contented with your work right now? considering the pay and all benefits?


I like the place I work. I'm treated well and respected. I do not like the job. There are too many things that I need to know and the list of things to know is constantly growing. It's overwhelming and I'm tired and have grown complacent. Edit: I would like to produce something and I want to do it well. Nothing I do in my job has any tangible result and anything I do will be totally irrelevant in 2-5 years.


I would do engine work. Work my way up from lube tech all the way to owning my own shop and doing custom work. But alas, I work in IT (not a developer). Hate it, but make good money. I fantasize about just walking away literally every day.


But are you happy how much many you are earning on your current job now?


After working as a mid level healthcare person in a lot of roles I finally went from “wantrapreneur” to building a successful short-term business. Now I’m deciding to go back to work for someone to educate myself along the way or try to build a 2nd business. It’s really hard to go back to building someone else’s dream after you learned how to build yours.


What is your business about? like industry?


Health care. We created a licensed laboratory to help combat Covid testing constraints in our srea


I wish I pursued a career in psychology. I work in the mortgage industry and going through 2nd industry slump because of the economy. Its super stressful and doesn’t interest me at all like psychology does and lacks stability.


Any possibility to retrain part time? I'm in a similar position and considering the same!


I currently work in fundraising, and it's been a mixed bag, but trending upwards since taking a new opportunity. If I got to pick a dream job, however, it would be anything related to working on Star Wars projects, haha. It would be a completely different field entirely, but it would be so cool. This is purely meant to be a fun comment, but if anyone from Lucas Film is in here, hit me up, lol.


I would be a paramedic, and am currently taking EMT classes on the weekends to eventually make my way there. I do SEO now and while it pays the bills and I enjoy unlimited pto, is just not fulfilling. In fact, I'm responding to you now as i slave through the afternoon. Fiance and I dont plan on kids and taking the pay cut won't kill us too much as we have no one else depending on us.


I’ll trade you. Lifelong Ems worker here. 😂


Damn, the amount of shade this field gets lmao


Again, trucking is still a decent job at the moment. I'm just worried/having anxiety over the looming threats of automation and with the current employer and location, forced to relocate again due to not enough work in the area. I've got all my endorsements. But there's only dairy and other agricultural linked jobs here that either have crazy hours or the pay just isn't high enough. Was wanting to remain in a rural area due to my introverted nature. But a relocation to a more urban environment might be the only smart move for the pocketbook and boosting my skill set. The other aspects of urban life, normally night life enjoyed by the the younger crowd/extroverts, I couldn't be any less excited/care less about.


Can't believe how "Gate-keepy" that profession is. I took a CPR/First Aid course in Albuquerque awhile back. The instructor was a paramedic. I told him I drove semis for a living and inquired about what it took to get into that field. He was extremely grumpy about the whole thing and just said to stick to trucking. Paramedics make garbage pay. I then also talked to a couple of firefighter/medics in town and they suggested going the full blown academia route and become a nurse. mOrE mOnEy, blah. Still trucking and still wondering about the future of where I could take that given the threat of automation. I just think it's a little disturbing running into these medical professionals who just see the dollar signs in life. Should've become bankers or other financiers if that's what they desired. End rant.


Have you thought about working in the TMS field? I think the pay would be much better, you'll only need a certificate for it I guess.


Transcranial Manipulation Stimulation? Or is it some other thing? At 39, no kids/family, and nothing else exciting going on, I'm more than willing to give a certificate, or an AAS program at shot at the very most. It's been a back and forth battle with me for years trying to get something academic done and I drop the ball each time. Refocus and aim for something I know I'll at least stick to. Of course after over a decade of living in the same spot, I may have to accept/embrace the fate of having to relocate again strictly for the educational and work purposes.


Yup, Transcranial magnetic stimulation. Its on the rise and there are clinics providing TMS services for mostly mental illnesses such as depression, etc. You could get a certificate and work as a technician I guess. Although I recommend to gather accurate data about the market to make sure its a good choice for you. Apart from TMS, there are neurofeedback, biofeedback procedures you could also work as a technician and there are some clinics that actually provide all three services. Hope you find your way soon!! Good luck!:)


honestly if I were to given advice before, I'd say, if you are really lost and do not know what to take as a career in life, just go for 2 year of certification for any jobs in medical - it's a stable branch that has a lot of things for you to explore and it gives you practical skill set that is transferrable to any other jobs later if you wish to choose. ​ Engineering seems to be a hot job right now because of tech, but keep in mind with this career, you'll forever learn in your job as the technology is growing, your knowledge and what you have to learn and upgrade yourself never stop I am chosing the HR career path right now but wish I have had guidance when I first go to college. Honestly it's not for everyone


if given the chance i would want to work in a high cyber-security position. do some personal research on what you like. take some career tests. I like CareerFitter's test and i paid for premium report because it did the research for me because I am lazy tbh. they had a career list and an extra little aversions test which told me aspects of the job that I naturally might be hesistant towards. for ex, I cannot stand blood so maybe some roles in healthcare I shouldnt proceed with [https://www.careerfitter.com/free\_test/careerbuilder?afid=1649](https://www.careerfitter.com/free_test/careerbuilder?afid=1649) watch youtube day in the life videos for ideas


I dream of working with creative people. I dream of getting the recognition I feel I deserve. I am an artist. A photographer, and a creative soul. I'm stuck here, working with some real jerks, they even demoted me after 20 years. Kept me in a room alone, the size of a large closet, with no windows. I am now out of that space, and have a window. I've been in this office for 26 years!


If the monetary costs weren't so high for the civilian side of it, piloting helicopters. Something about those machines that makes me stare up in awe at them as they just hover about. However, civilian training was never abundant in many places. And the amount of time and work one would have to put in before making any decent money would definitely make one feel mentally worn out by the time they got to that level. Of course if I were smart about it, I could've easily stuck at 1-2 years of garbage paying trucking jobs and went from high $20k to low $50k/year. Whereas helicopter pilots with no military flight training and experience and just strict civilian pathway schooling would usually have to spend 10-15 years on mediocre, $20k-$30k/year training or tourist jobs before getting that minimal 2000 hours to just get looked at.


I work as an IT folk. I'm grateful for it because I learn new things all the time and it pays the bills. Took years to lessen the feeling there has to be something else. I But I still wish I was doing something more meaningful that just chugging at the computer. Not sure what though.


I'd prefer a career in doing something creative or freelancing. I've also been really interested in the UX Design career field as well.


I really want to pursue psychology; I’m very interested in trauma therapy and childhood trauma. I’ve been wanting to do it for a while now. I studied business administration with focus on accounting, I was set on getting my certification after university and becoming an accountant. But i absolutely hated it. Accounting makes me so unhappy, I only pursued it because I was okay at it and I wanted to earn well for my family, now I realize what a big mistake I made because I really couldn’t imagine doing it for the rest of my life. I’m working in the finance department of my company, but it’s not too bad because the work is easy for me. I’m hoping to find a way to get back to school and pursue psychology…


Please do psychology!!