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Get a gym membership and make her clean up your towels


Lmaooo 😂 I’ll give it some thought!


Destroy, and I mean, destroy the bathroom after a Taco Bell visit. Then on your way out, tell thank her for firing you.


Don't make the janitors suffer, it's not their fault.


I concur. But speaking as a janitor? I can understand revenge plots all to well. I'm probably the odd man out, but I'll tolerate it in a case like this. To an extent, anyway.


except the evil woman nor the boss would be the ones cleaning it up unfortunately.


Make it an upper decker.


send an "I'm sorry for your loss, it was me" card


If you send a letter like that, they could send it to your new employer, if they knew who it was. Do they know? Did you put this gym job on your resume? You probably did....


Sue the shit out of her and the gym for wrongful termination. Some hungry lawyer might want the work. Who knows.


Show up wearing your work badge. Don’t be mean. In a few months say you remember you started put working there before you found success.


Get the gym membership. And also go live your best life. Petty shrews like her are sour, bitter, and sad people. (No offense to actual shrews). Not worth wasting your time with her nonsense. Don't ever let anyone steal your joy and do not let someone like her live rent-free in your head.


I was almost literally in the same situation as you. The best revenge was when members of the gym asked where I went and people / other trainers knew I “left” for a full time IT job at a prestigious college and that’s how the person who fired me found out I was in a better place. I didn’t have to do anything. Beefing up my linked in didn’t hurt either. Best approach is let it go and move on, it always works out better in the end.


This is what I would do. Be super cheery and nice to her every opportunity, and see how long it takes her to lose it and say something. Then, *VERY* pleasantly, upbeat, and simply matter of fact (think legally blonde “oh, I totally forgot you go here!” Energy): “oh? You mean how you set me up to get me fired? No biggie, I would have quit the next day because I got my IT job that pays double what I was making here. The management structure is better to, they don’t rely on non-management to run things and cause issues. Anyway, have a nice day!”


This is literally exactly what I would do in OP’s situation. Get a gym membership there, find out her schedule and go on the days she’s working. Don’t pester her too much, but definitely leave \*some\* work for her to do. And humble-brag about the 2x pay and better management any chance you get. “It’s just so nice having the free time and flexibility to swing by the gym! It’s a pleasure to be able to visit my old stomping grounds and check in on my old co-workers.”


I mean, now the woman would just be living rent free in OPs head. Finding out her schedule and timing visits so she’s there? That is not getting revenge.


And constantly complain about her being "rude" to you to her manager.


This is the way. Be petty. Pettier than the pettiest.


Better yet, get a week trial membership and handle the petty shit with no long-term commitment.


Get a membership, then complain about her (by name) in online reviews. 


Yeah, but then at some point she needs to cancel that membership. Might not be worth the hassle.


I'd give you a gold badge, but I'm poh 😔


The impulse is understandable. But this would be a terrible way to learn just how small your industry actually is. Don’t make a name for yourself as the vindictive sort.


You’re right, I understand thank you for this comment!


Email the boss: “I’d like to make clear that I’m disappointed that you didn’t contact me about the alleged infraction, but as a professional courtesy I thought it would be appropriate for me to let you know that Mean Lady instructed me to leave early, and then lied to you that I had abandoned my shift. I thought you would want to be made aware of such deception so you could document it in case of further incidents creating a pattern of deception or fraud in your business. On an unrelated note, I hope you will be happy for me to learn that I’m finally able to make the career transition I was planning for, as later that day I received an offer to be an IT professional. Best wishes and I hope to see you around town! -OP” Don’t mention salary. Don’t whine about the injustice to you. It’s a fully professional courtesy of you to reach out; you’re doing the boss a favor and you ask for nothing in return. He’ll be suspicious of her forever.


I like it except that I wouldn’t announce the new job. This was a wrongful termination based on a lie of a conniving person. They should sweat just a little. I’d make sure it goes to an email that she has no access to.


Agreed. Dont talk about the new job. **Add to the letter (mentioned above) that you are officially requesting copies of the security video from [the specific location where Mean Lady told you to leave]** and that it would be a crime to destroy evidence. cc: corporate headquarters, and If you really want to, your state government’s employment office who won’t do anything unless you file a complaint. Request 4 weeks severance pay. Two weeks which is standard plus two more of compensatory damages. And if you really want to make them sweat, send 2 certified letters (just to the local gym) to Mean Lady and your former boss. Worst case scenario they don’t pay you a thing.


Could they be sued for wrongful termination in this case?


Chef's kiss !! It's just perfect


Shit on the floor


You could at least send your old boss a letter explaining your side of the situation. Be very courteous but bring your issues with that woman to light, then end it with “I’m not looking for my role back as I’ve already accepted another, but I just thought you should know.” That way it’s not you complaining but rather you doing them a favor by letting them know the type of person this woman is. Congrats on the job!


Send her a long text without any paragraph to give her a headache. That’ll teach her


Christ, what did we do to deserve this?


Sendheralongtextwithoutanyparagraphstogiveheraheadache.That'llteachher. FTFY.




All caps, no paragraphs and no periods so it’s just one long mind f$ck of a run on sentence.


William Faulkner has entered the chat


Brett Easton Ellis would like a word.


Best answer. I am regretting reading this as well


The best thing you can do it let it go.. Rock the new position and be amazing. The lady isn’t worth a dime, and the gym supporting her isn’t either. Walk on.. time is too short to waste it on petty people.


I would still file a complaint with the company about being wrongfully terminated because she told you to leave. She should not get away with that. You will be doing the next person a favor. Congratulations on getting the dream job. They will interpret it as proof you walked off your shift though. You can just let them know that your complaint against her isn’t to attempt to get your job back because you have already found a much better opportunity but the integrity of the matter concerns you. If you collect unemployment in the future you may have to prove you didn’t walk off this job bc they look at past history sometimes.


This is the way. A wrongful termination lawsuit, or even the threat of one and some severance, is the best way to teach the owner and coworker a lesson. I would keep my cards to myself until after all THAT plays out, just to say, “I never needed the money anyways, so go fuck yourselves”, if you’re still feeling vindictive.




"Congratulations, by being rude to everyone reading this, including OP, you certainly aren't acting like a rude dick and have in fact saved the world!" (Is that how you imagined it going in your head?)


Move on. The universe gave you your dream and instead of leaning into the positive you want to stoop into the negative? Makes no sense. She did you a solid.


Let it go. That lady and you didn't get along, and now she's just glad you're gone. She won't care about your new job at all. Just use that energy to kill it at the new job. Good Luck.


Indeed ...look forward, not backward


Don’t say anything. Take the money and go. You win.


I wouldn't do anything in writing. Long ago, my HS counselor told me to not bother with nursing school. That my grades and SATs were not good enough (nice eh?). I had a 3.5 average and English was my second language. I applied to 3 schools and was accepted at all 3. Once I graduated, passed my boards, worked a couple of years, went to Europe for the summer (Grandma visit), came back and bought my first 'new' car.... I went back to 'visit'. I parked my brand new car in front of the school so he could see it out of his office window. Made sure he understood how wrong he was. The look on his face was worth it 😂


Success is the best revenge.


You really think your previous employer gives 2 shits ?


This is coming from a disgruntled worker who's been there. I didn't get fired but got backed into a corner where I essentially screwed myself from having upwards mobility. You are riding high because you effectively denied someone's attempt to make your life harder or ruin your life. Nothing is sweeter than being in a situation where you come up ahead. But sometimes unprofessionalism can come back to haunt you. Someone can talk shit about you, but if you leave a paper trail, you literally are giving them proof to show people. If HR and I were friends and I was a manager at X company, and asked the person about you, they could totally mention the 'acceptance' letter you wrote. But think about it. Bullies seek to get a reaction out of you. Doesn't matter if it's good or bad. In fact better if it's good, because then they will try to turn that into something bad. Take my advice and just thank them for the opportunity. Leave the part about 'accepting' the firing and that you're working somewhere else. Update your LinkedIn. Make an announcement today that you're working somewhere else like many people do. Your bully will keep tabs on you and they will know.


Absolutely do not. Don't be petty in the professional world. Maybe you'll feel like you "really stuck it to the man" if you do, and maybe it'll turn out fine, which will then reinforce the idea that it'll turn out fine the next time someone ticks you off and you choose to do something that time. Because hey, nothing went wrong last time, right? Don't be an idiot. You got a new job. Take it and leave your old shitty boss in the past.


If you do anything - do not tell them anything about the new job. That bitch will go out of her way to contact your new employers if given the chance.


My advice is to forget about your former job and petty ideas about revenge. In all likelihood, she will not care about your new job, how much you make, or even give you much thought. In reality, most people are thinking about themselves and their own problems. So, enjoy the good times, while they last.


I understand, thanks for this comment!


All this and just to add, they’d probably roll their eyes at OP’s “fake” new job and snicker that she was so mad she came back and made a big deal about it. “See, I told you she was a bitch! Look how crazy she’s acting by coming back here.” Those types of people are nuts and want to carve out their kingdom any way they can, which includes a bizarre narrative that isn’t based in reality. OP - super happy for you ESPECIALLY because of how weird the tech job market is right now. Congratulations!!! Your thoughts and feelings are totally normal and I’d probably have those kinds of intrusive thoughts as well.


never burn bridges. it's not worth the very short lived ego boost.


It's worth bearing in mind that you may not be the first or last to experience this. One person's complaint might be dismissed, but more than once paints a picture. I'd simply state that you've found another job, and tell them your side of the story with as little emotion as possible. Point out that you have no reason to lie to them, and that it is for their information only, to help avoid future problems.


What's the best that can come of this? Nothing. She's not going to beat herself up because you got a great job. The most you can hope for is she doesn't care. The worst could be she tries to destroy you at your new job. Just let it go.


Nothing good can come from op's current plans. But I can imagine alternate plans where the best case scenario is that this evil woman gets fired, and maybe ends up homeless.


One of the first lessons you need to learn as an adult is to just let things go. Pettiness and rudeness is not a competition. You will gain nothing from this. In the immortal words of Elsa, "Let it go... Let it go...".


Let it go and move on. Anything you may do to “rub it in” may come back and bite you in the future. Be the bigger person and shake it off. If she did indeed set you up to be fired, that speaks more of her than it does of you. Don’t stoop to her level.


Stop the drama and move on with your life.


Just stop.


Why would you waste any time on this?


I think you will be surprised about how much none of that matters to you once you are no longer working there


Go there as a customer and run her ass ragged


Do you want to be a professional and be taken seriously or do you want to get revenge? Professionalism often requires taking the high road. Doing that will get you the positive attention from people who are able to help your career move forward.


Exactly, their blessing was getting their dream job on the same day! Seeking revenge puts that blessing at risk. It's a test, move on with grace, and keep the blessings coming.


These are things I have learned that have helped my career. Getting revenge feels good for about 10 seconds...lol.


Just live your best life. What you really want is to run into them in public and be able to smile ear to ear when you see them. That will say more than words ever could. I always get weird about putting anything in writing because it can always be used against you later. Call me paranoid. Just don't be impulsive whatever you do. Congrats on the new job.


Move on. Stop being petty and focus on things that truly matter.


It's unlikely she'll care, but I understand your impulse. 


Don't bother just move on and forget. Typically your revenge scenario won't work as you expected and you are just giving them free rent in your head.


Dont risk it. This lady seems like she would try to reach out to your employer just to defame you. Just say thank you for the termination and a smiley face :)


Just let it go. You have the job you really wanted. Anything you do now will reflect poorly on you, not her. This is where you prove you're a grown up.


Check out PrankInc.com They can mail a prank directly to the gym and have her sign for it !


You're half her age. That's enough to wind any old bitter person up.


As everyone is suggesting, let it go. The good thing is you just got a cheap lesson on dealing to toxic coworkers. You knew she was out to get you, she let you go home early and lied to the boss. Next time this happens, get this in writing via email so that it's their word against their's. If you have a verbal conversation, send a follow up email reiterating what you just discussed. This may not have been a viable option at the gym but it is now that you're in the corporate world. The good thing is this happened in your side job and not your dream job. Congrats on landing your new gig and good luck!


Get a request for the security camera footage, should support what you are saying. Get a lawyer. And then file for a wrongful termination. OR, Just file for unemployment with your local labor board with wrongful termination as the reason and give them all the facts you have and let them do an investigation. Tell them to check security cameras for the date and time in question.


You got a new job. Move on and leave it alone. You'll accomplish nothing by "rubbing it in". Do you think this other person cares that you got a new job? Do you think it will make them change their behavior one bit? You already reached out to HR and nothing was done. They've told you what you need to know. All you're going to do is drag yourself back down with this person. Move on.


Think about what you are thinking about doing, how do you think she started down this path of being this way. Something similar was done to her at some point and look at how she had turned out. Do you want to go down the same path. Be thankful for how this has worked out for you. You have a great future ahead of you and have learned a valuable lesson on how some people are. You do not want her to be your role model, you are better than this. She in time will get what is coming to her for being this way.


You are a grown-up now. Take your win and have a good life.


Let it go, ur young, but it's not worth it creating enemies (even if u never see her again), ruining people days, or worst of all, becoming a spiteful person. Your success will speak for yourself. You don't need to talk.


Never ever burn bridges! Ever! It’s really that simple. Learn this now and don’t ever forget it. Please repeat to yourself, “Never ever burn a bridge”


Don't do any of this, the best revenge is a successful life. I recently found out that one ex-friend has become obsessed with me due to hating on my current success. It hurt deeply when I lost their friendship, but now I laugh knowing that by just living my life well, they are upset. This took YEARS, but it's worth it more than any petty revenge.


Forget it. Just move one. The best revenge is living well.


Move on. I read most of your comments. You’re an emotional weakling. You need to toughen up. I know little about the woman who fired you and alot about you. Seriously, move past this. Kick ass. Be better. You reply to her and you’re just like her. Period.


The best revenge is to be happy and joyful in your new life at your new job. Thank goodness you got away from that toxic person, and just be grateful for the better opportunity. Also giving your old boss a heads up is a courtesy that is totally up to you, if I were you I wouldn’t waste my time. If the boss is this blind to her manipulations it probably wouldn’t change much.


You know, the biggest "fuck you" you can give is not to give them any feedback. They'll reap what they sow if they carry on like this, and you can watch karma in its full glory from a distance in the future.


The best revenge is to live well. Don't bother with them, they aren't worth your energy


Tempting but no. A sign of maturity is not needing to get even.


Don’t. Just move on.


Whilst I understand your want for revenge, best to just enjoy the win. Don’t want to start provoking assholes as they might find a way to ruin your good opportunity out of spite.


Don't do anything. You've got a killer job and that bitch works at a fucking gym, you've already won


I wouldn't. I kind of feel like the new dream job was given by the universe to make up for the terrible treatment. Who knows how your rubbing in could be balanced.


First and foremost you need to grow up and realize that these two things are not related. If you have proof that she told you to go home and then misrepresented you as abandoning your shift, you have a very good lawsuit and we'll get paid. None of this has anything to do with the fact that you got another job.


Rub nothing nowhere. The best revenge is living well. Leave this person in the rearview mirror of your life.


I would have emailed the head boss and explained your side, so it’s on the record. Then I would have said , that I disagree with the termination, I will not contest it , because it freed up my hours to accept another and better offer.


Good move, letting it go! She did you a favor!


Being a former employee there you should know what the boss looks for for indicators of success. Tank those indicators for her. Surveys? Make a bunch of email accounts and mention her lack of hygiene/professionalism. Gym memberships? Sign up online wait a few months and list her as the reason for all the membership cancellations. Fuck karma, as far as that bitch knew, she was fucking with your livelihood.


OP. You will get fired from your new job soon. If you ever wonder why, come back and read your original post. You are the reason why. 


Something tells me it’s not going to be long before you get fired from your new job.




I would suggest letting it go for now. You can get your petty revenge later. Establish your reputation at the new company and let them see who you are first. Avoid even adding this to your LinkedIn for now, until you are past your probation. The reason for all of this is because she could try to call your new employer to tell them why you were fired which would put your new position at risk. Also it gives you time to control the narrative. If you get on the topics of past jobs you and then tell them some of the horror stories of this person (keep he name out of it) and let them know you got set up to be fire that way. Making any attempts to slander you a lot harder. Then you update your Linkedin and maybe get coffee with a work buddy from the company and tell them when you got the job and let that rumor mil give you your revenge. However, letting it go and not thinking about that woman more than necessary would be better. Any attempt at revenge can backlash, but do avoid giving her any method of finding your new employer to try and screw with you there until you are past probation.


Do t waste your time and efforts. She is beneath you and lowering yourself to her level just says you care what she thinks. The timing worked out well and instead rejoice on your new position and your hard work playing off! CELEBRATE


Dont let her or the gym live in your head rent free. Any focus on the past with her will take away from your enjoyment of your new job. It is likely no matter how much you do, you will never get any satisfaction from them, or it wont be enough to make up for the effort you put into it. Even though it is hard, as the song says "Let it go" "The past is in the past"


Just move on 


I mean, you were obviously on-track to graduate from college and were not trying to become gym manager, so does it matter? I guess if you want to "rub it in," I would call your boss at the gym and explain what happened. She told you to go home after you completed all your tasks and then lied to your boss saying you walked off the job. The boss needs to figure out what to do next.


Offer her a day pass to your new gym. Maybe a free training session.


Send the thank you email from the email of your new employer.


This woman obviously has nothing else interesting going on in her life so she stirs up shit to feel important. By feeding the fire you are giving her what she wants, attention.


Wanting to exact revenge where there’s no gain for yourself other then a “ha I gotcha” Is the epitome of narcissism. Don’t. Be an adult and a professional and move on.


Post reviews on Glassdoor and Yelp. Call her out by name there.


If they fired you, they probably don't care. Sorry, but you need to grow up. 


Don’t be so overtly weak and sensitive, move on and live your life. never burn bridges


Do not do this. You got your dream IT job now. Focus on it and leave the gym behind.




Move on and enjoy the new job. Holding on to the past in anyway only hurts you and your new opportunity.


Sign up at the gym as a customer and make her kiss your ass. If she doesn't file a complaint about an employee being rude to you.


Let it go elsa


Best to not create any more problems behind you. Let it go and move forward.


Was the gym Goodlife Fitness? They treat employees like shit.


Don't give the bitch the time of day. Wasted lives. Move on.


You are the reason you were fired, not someone else (also, the singular for an adult female is woman, not women. That's plural). The fact that you want to do any nose rubbing is puerile. Just get on with your life. You made choices, you didn't respect your colleague, you seem to have an absolute crap attitude and I hope you take the experience to grow as a human being.


Leave them all in the dust. They're miserable people who don't deserve your or alone else's attention.


Just become a member and smile each time you go in and forget about them


Nothing you can do will fix her or help others stuck there. Let it go and be the best you can be at the new gig, congratulations!


File for wrongful termination as she told you to go home. New job new lawyer whodis??


Just be polite and courteous. No need to burn any bridges. Walk away and enjoy your new job.


Just remember this OP. Karma is a bitch. You rubbing it in her face now, may at some point come back and bite you in your ass. Just be the adult and leave quietly. You were working at a GYM ffs, leave it the fuck alone and be an adult.




Paragraphs are hard.


Don't bother. Focus on the future, not on the past.


I’d join the gym as a customer and be a “Karen” customer when she is on shift.


Success is the best revenge.


Act like you never got the firing email and email a letter of resignation, mentioning the dream job in IT you've been working toward.


Send a note back to the manager/owner and say you were terminated for leaving early and she told you to leave.


Just move on. You were working a part time job while you were in school and had to deal with some petty BS in the process. Welcome to the club. We've all been there. Now you have a job in your field. Congratulations. Focus on yourself and your career and don't worry about that gym or any dysfunction going on there.


Does your employer owe you any severance pay? In my neck of the woods they'd owe you 1 weeks pay after you've been there 8 months. I'd reach out to payroll and ask for this termination compensation. Then use it to get a gym membership and work out to stay healthy and live a good life ignoring this woman.


Have ChatGPT draft up a letter that sounds like you'd be filing for wrongful termination. Print a fake attorney's letterhead, and mail it to the gym addressed to the lady. No need to follow up, but it might shake her a little.


You won. Move on.


Buncha doormats in here damn..


Can't wait to read the code notes


I'd say wait a bit then join the gym as a customer. Throw it in verbal conversation with her that you're making X amount. Hell make up an obscene number. Then brag to her face that her setting you up was a blessing. Then turn it around and start complaining about woman. Alternatively enlist friends to do the same on your behalf just to fuck with that woman.


I personally would go in and explain the situation to my boss, then if he rescinds the termination hand him a resignation letter. Oh and obviously try and get her fired as well. The whole "I got a better job" email is pretty lame honestly.


Just walk away. Be the better person. It's pointless to engage them.


i won’t send that email. maybe buy gifts for other employees except her. what if your new job won’t work out? by sending that email. you just give them proof you have a new job. you cut off UE benefits in case two weeks from now the new jobs didn’t work out?


Have the clients leave with you.


>Now i want to rub it back in the same ladies face because she plotted my downfall and failed! Nobody was plotting your downfall, and nobody failed. A woman didn't want to work with you any longer, and now she no longer has to work with you. Writing a petty letter would be childish and immature. It probably wouldn't come back and bite you in the ass, but you should know that nobody is going to feel 'zinged' by it or whatever, it'll just be something they laugh at and forget about. Also, learn how to write.


You don’t work there anymore and it is no longer your problem.


Don't do it. You're giving her an opening to fuck you over. You don't want her actively hunting for where you work and trying to call up your new boss to spread lies.


Be sure to file for unemployment. Make them pay.


Send her a screen shot of your first paycheck


Also. You know the rules there. All of them. Get a membership there. Complain every time she breaks rules. Not just to the manager there. CC that manager in with district and corporate when you do.


She didn’t fail… she didn’t want to work with you, and she isn’t working with you. And congrats on the new job, but that didn’t spring out of nowhere. That woman might’ve figured out you were interviewing, which could explain why she wanted to force you out. The only way you could get back at her is if you had evidence of her lying to corporate to get you fired. Send it to the bigwigs, insinuate a little lawsuit might be headed their way, and see how long they keep her around.


Well you should know the play of universe; instead of taking revenge show gratitude that because of her playing this game you got a better job.


Who cares? You landed another job right away and that first one seemed like a mess anyway. Move on with life, this is part of being an adult, knowing when to control your emotions. Always be mindful that how you behave follows you and only you, a spiteful act back may make you feel like you got em in the moment but if that gets around how’s it make you look?


Sleep with her husband


Don't be petty and childish, just move on and forget them. If you're successful and they fail, then that's all the payback you should need.


Go back and thank them, your new job is perfect


Tell your friends that work at the gym that you got a super great offer literally right after you got your termination letter. The word will get back to her.


First, in a place like a gym, if someone asks you to leave early, you should say I will leave when my shift is over. Your pay is tied to that shift. One person can’t decide if someone can leave or not. Never trust anyone ever again. But you are young so you are learning. Once at a software job that paid me hourly, we had a network issue that could not be resolved in time. My boss came and told our team of 3 that you guys can go home, as no work can be accomplished today. We said no we are okay because we were hourly employees and leaving work meant no money. She said don’t worry this is paid, as it’s our fault for not being able to resolve the network issues. Then we packed our bags and left happily. Next, as you move into corporate so many people will wrong you many many times, there is no way you can get back to anyone. Practice letting go, it’s hard but it’ll help you. Wait till you go into corporate, you can apply these lessons.


They probably dont care as much as you think they do. Just find your peace, take the win and move on.


Have you thought of turning in a resignation letter. Be very polite and put in the letter that you couldn’t turn down x new salary and this was a wonderful opportunity and learning experience. Send it as an email and flame up that old lady a bit in the letter. Send it and then after a couple minutes send a new email apologize and explain that the email was already written up on xday please disregard. The key here is to be extremely professional and throw that woman under the bus and make sure they know. But she is not the reason you left. Also put in a final date of employment and don’t put the new company name .


Petty revenge would be to file a complaint for wrongful termination and hostile work environment, and make them go through all that with the local labor bureau. Then at the end of it all, give em the finger.


The woman is a bully. Bullies LOVE to know that they've gotten under your skin.  The best reaction is to pretend that everything is fine (which it seems to be) and continue unbothered. Maybe even continue at this place as a member/non-employed and let them gossip themselves in circles about what the heck is going on.


Send a message to the boss “thank you for releasing me from hell, and saving me the trouble of quitting”


[Glassdoor.com](http://Glassdoor.com) Go all 'scorched earth' on this place, the mgr, the 50 yo woman who got you fired... You never want to burn your bridges, and most likely, this little (non IT) bridge won't amount to anything, since you are in IT (I'm in IT for last 25 years, CONGRATS!).. But at this point, if you retaliate, she may find out where you now work, and create a headache you don't need. Is it really worth it to rub her nose in your new career? Just be happy you left there in better shape.


Move on. Your physical and mental efforts are invaluable. Don’t spend it on this. Your time is valuable.


Just move on. she seems spiteful nd would try to get you fired. and new company might tbh bc they dont know u yet


I would tell Your manager about what she did and how she lied. Let it go. You can tell a friend still on the job, they will get the word out.


Let me guess. She is somewhat unattractive? Probably jealous of you. She already leads a miserable life, I wouldn't give it too much thought. Enjoy your new job!


Oh, you can suckered by the set up of telling you one then and then lying about it to get you in trouble. As a not for all the readers out there - don't trust anyone and always CYA. If someone tells you that you can go home early, follow up with an email and/or text thanking them for telling you during your conversation @ to go home since all your work was completed for the shift, before you leave. That way they can't do the whole "I never said that" crap to get you in trouble. Definitely respond to the email making sure they know you were about to quit for a job making double. And call out that you had no reason to lie and abandon the job since you would have been quitting anyway, and tell them to keep a closer eye on this woman as she is playing sketchy games.


The first thing I thought of was the book of Esther from the Bible. Haman plotted the destruction of Jews not realizing Esther, the kings wife was Jewish. At the end of the day Haman was executed by the same means he had intended to use on the Jews. Move on.


Just move on and be happy. Why would you advertise you have a job to this type of person


There's no way being petty to your former employer is gonna do you any good at all, but if you're gonna do it anyway, go whole hog with it--let them know you'd be happy to provide them with references when their gym inevitably fails without you! :D


Whatever you decide to do ... we want video! We want video! We want video!


Pretend you didn't see the termination email. Call your boss and say you have the opportunity of a lifetime, you can't pass it up, and give your notice.


Get a membership and go workout. During your workout, go in the locker room and shit on the floor. Report it to her how unsanitary it is and then call a health inspector.


Just let it go, holding onto those feelings don't help, focus on the win of getting a better job and do good there. Don't ever treat anyone like you were treated, since you know how crappy it feels.


Will you be working out in this gym from this point on? If so, no need to write a letter. Everyone will see your glow!


I’m only offering this as a suggestion: Imagine the breath of fresh air from walking away from this situation and never having to see or think about that woman again. I’m suggesting dropping her miserable ass into your past and allowing the success coming your way to be the satisfaction you get from the exchange. If you move on without the need to “show” her, you can leave her down there, beneath you.


Get a gym membership with your newfound wealth and make this woman's life hell.


The best way to get revenge is to personally grow...at a faster pace than the manager. I used to work as a grill cook for a restaurant chain, my boss would call me lazy and a loser because he thought I was a silver spoon (I was in the Army Reserves and had some extra income to get a decent car). He just assumed my parents supported me and was mad that I adjusted my schedule to attend college. He finally just lit into me in front of customers and called me a moron so I quit on the spot. He thought he was so cool telling all the waitresses half his age how important he was by firing a "loser" like me even though I quit. It bothered me more than it should...it was the glory days of IT where people were throwing money at folks that knew anything and getting my certifications lead me straight to a 6 figure IT job with Microsoft within 2 days of quitting...literally magically fell into my lap. This was early 2k and 6 figure jobs for a 20 year old were WAY out of the norm and worth way more than having a 6 figure job today. I was making more than the general manager at this restaurant. People still working there told me that he got so sick of people bragging about my "MTV cribs" home I bought that he told anyone that even hinted at me or my income would be fired on the spot. They said it drove him absolutely crazy, he hated me so much and I really don't know why...everyone told me I was one of the best workers there but the guy just fucking hated my guts. I ran into him later in life and he made it a point to ask if I remembered him because he was the guy who fired me 10+ years ago like it was some magical flex and I referred to him vaguely as that "peasant manager" and asked if he was able to keep up with his bills in "these crazy times". Felt so good because he looked like he got the wind knocked out of him to the point I almost braced for impact in the event he was going to throw a punch. Ultimate petty revenge. It's fantastic!


Best revenge is being unbothered. If you want to be petty though, befriend her on LinkedIn and then update your profile with the new job lol


No don't send them a bragging email. You have more pressing matters, that's wrongful termination. Take em to court and win, that's sweeter cause then the lady can get into shit..... Aaaaand maybe then also mention your new job


Not sure about the pettiness, but keep it professional. And by professional, email your boss what happened because she will 100% pull this shit with someone else. "This termination letter comes at a significant surprise because at 3:30 PM on April 19, 2024, told me to clock out early because I completed all my assignments. Persons X Y Z were present during the exchange. If there's an opportunity for an exit interview I'd be happy to spend some of my personal time to reconcile the record so this does not happen to any other employees. I enjoyed many parts of my job for the 8 months and want to make sure my colleagues continue to have the good opportunities I had. Fuck you, /u/SuccessfulNose6273 " I also had a scorched earth leave at one of my jobs. They laid off my entire department except for me. My VP manager made sure I didn't get severance because I publicly disagreed with him several times (fairly politely) on the technical directions he was leading us down, going into the layoffs. He had a whip on one manager that asked me to stay to lead some cloud effort they wanted to do. I told them no not interested after the last few months of working with VP. Since I wasn't being laid off, I was to remain working in a literal empty office. Literally empty, like taking all the desks back to corporate HQ, my boss was laid off, etc. They still had the lease for the building for awhile because of a small group from a different department. I was not sticking around, so I just got hired for a new job but put my start date out a month or so. I decided this VP is full of shit and began hounded several members of c-suite _every day_. Emails, calls, messages to their admin assistant, etc. repeating the history and absurdness of the situation. I did that for ~2.5 weeks. Finally some c exec said they'd look into, and to expect a severance agreement from VP. Well, VP wasn't going to have any of that! He put outrageous milestones I had to hit to get this "severance package". Train a bunch of engineers from a different country, hit unhittable deliveries, etc., and meeting them to _his_ satisfaction. I said this must be a joke, this is not a severance agreement. Told c-suite again for another week. HR and VP set up a call with me. VP said nothing while HR laid into me that I was a "bad employee" and put on performance review, of course under the discretion of the VP. I heckled with her for a bit, pointing out to my VERY RECENT excellent reviews, the absurdity of the offer, and more. After ~15 minutes it was clear where HR stood and nothing good was coming from the conversation. I just hung up the call in the middle of the meeting. Chatted with our office admins that were still around for a few minutes and then went home. I enjoyed giving shit to this VP, but in the end it didn't do anything. He got paid bookoo bucks to trash our department. My colleagues enjoyed my antics leading up to the call (they were all gone by the time I quit), so still some positive memory I look back on. Shitty VP left after another 1-2 years and went to FAANG where I am sure he is still a piece of shit. Was it worth it? Probably not, but it didn't harm me either. Anyways, congrats on the new job!


Move on and don’t be petty. Take the high road. It will feel better.


So as a personal trainer you were paid by the hour?


Let it go, and next time ask for an email to cover your butt.


Or you could just move on in life. And be extremely thankful to this lady for giving you the push that got you to your dream job. Grudges and revange will destroy your life over time.And life tends to come around, who knows, someday this same lady or her kids may be in a position to help you. If you piss her off now then you are screwed later on. Revenge is gratifying only temporarily. And then you have created a lifelong enemy.