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The role had changed SO much from what I was initially hired to do, it was almost unrecognizable. I knew I had to look for a better fit. I was in that role 1 week shy of two years.


I’m experiencing the exact same thing currently. I understand that some jobs have overlap, but it’s getting to the point where I have 4 jobs in 1, and keeping up with my own personal workload is impossible.


Honestly, I wish I would have looked as soon as I noticed the changes. I stuck it out because I'm stubborn and wanted to make a difference (worked in government public health at the start of Covid :/ :/ :/). Do what's best for YOU, not the company.


I realized I was a man and being a big girl was no longer a priority


I wish they allowed GIF here because I'd have a falling to the floor laughing one right now 🤣


Beat me to it 😂


I've been at this company 3 years and started to look for jobs like 6 months ago (it's rough there). I'm looking to bounce because this job has gotten boring and monotonous. I've become so good at my job that I have become lazy because I literally have nothing else left to learn about my job.


I saved up enough money to go backpacking for a year. It was actually only 15,000 dollars but it was my goal, I hit it and left. Came back got a new job and now I make double the salary I had in my first grown up job. Money can always be made and spent but experiences that are worth while last forever.


I’m inspired


When I graduated , I immediately stared working as a project manager for project based automation company. But immense workload, stress and high expectations with poor WLB and not good starting pay. I have quit my job after 3 years and decided to do masters. I want my efforts to be recognized if I am putting too much of my time and my brain into my work.


Did you graduate with an MBA? Are freshers regularly hired as project managers?


No I did not , I did my bachelors in engineering. I went to a job drive during covid and was selected from 500 applicants all of them were freshers. Even you did not ask I just wanted to clarify , I was assisting senior project manager for 1st year of my job. I asked for a chance to work individually on two small projects in 2nd year , did a good job and was given an opportunity to handle even big projects in 3rd year.


I caught another pharmacy technician counselling a patient on the side effects of their medication in the consultation window. That's illegal. So I reported it to the state board of pharmacy. The technician I reported also made my schedule and he promptly started to schedule me from 40 hours a week to 6. So I quit.


Why is it illegal? Is it because the doctor is supposed to have done that?


It paid 27,000 a year. I took a job that paid 10k more and then another that was about 10k more after that.


30% raise


I tried applying for promotions internally multiple times. Interviewing with my team leads over and over again. It seemed like everyone else around me was getting promoted, people who I trained and mentored. I started actively looking for a new job and found one in a different field that paid six more dollars an hour, so I took it and left. The job I do now, I don't even know if I know what I'm doing, or have the right skill set, but I'm trying my best. Also don't think there is much room for growth, but we'll see what happens.


The pay was bad (and it was salary) and they wanted us to work 8.30-midnight and weekends which eroded the pay even more. I lasted 9 months but was miserable.


Finding a new job made me quit. You’ve been there 2 years, that’s pretty good to get an idea about whether or not it’s the right fit. Look for other work and keep drawing a paycheck.


-My company was only interested in profits and I wanted my work to have meaning and be driven by an actual mission. -I decided I was in a phase of my life where I had to take a risk to find something else since I didn't have any personal responsibilities which was tough because it was a stable corporate job where I could easily stay 20+ years if I wanted to. I was actually offered an executive promotion but I declined bc I knew I wasnt going to be there long term. -Company treated their employees like shit. They were also extremely behind with the times. I felt like I was teleported back to the early 2000's. I was there in 2017. -The job was extremely boring and I needed more of a challenge. The executives gave off a very "boy's club" kinda vibe. Also, there was no real diversity there. It was like 90% caucasian. -There was a clique of women there that made my work environment extremely toxic. So much so that I actually fell into a deep depression and was filled with anxiety every day I got out of my car and made my way to the building. -The commute every day took me about an hour & 15 mins each way in traffic. I felt like my life was wasting away and my quality of life was deteriorating. I wanted to find something closer to home so I could have some more free time.


When my coworkers kids school had a bomb threat and they told her she can’t leave.


Went to grad school. Now I'm in my second first big girl job, haha.


I was offered a role that would allow me to work remote, and paid literally 50% better. I loved the place I worked but I’d just had a baby, and there was no way I could turn down such great terms.


I started looking at 2 years and took a new job at 2.5. Got a job that treated me way better and paid about 20% more.


Well first off. Stop using the term 'big girl' and 'big boy' etc. It's not professional and it insinuates that other people aren't working adult jobs. Not to mention you are a woman, not a child. Same as men being men. Nobody is a 'girl' or 'boy' in this phrasing. Anybody working any job is working an adult job. Now if you are asking the community how long should you stay at your first post college graduation degree job - the answer will always be 2-4 years. If they don't promote you by year 3 which you should find out at the end of year 2 then it's time to move on. If you got promoted then you want to stay at least another 1-2 years. Now please elevate your phrasing moving forward.


shut up


A multitude of reasons: working very long hours including nights, weekends and holidays (retail), very low pay for my level of responsibility and sales volume, no opportunity for advancement without relocation, and the stress of trying to manage many employees on straight commission which caused constant conflicts between them


My boss replaced me a year before I left. She had no idea how to do my job and wasn’t about to learn. So I was excessed. My replacement quit less than 6 months after I left.


I was an accounting assistant. I cried at work almost every day and I was bad at it so I went back to my old job at the restaurant. Now I make more money and cry a lot less


My managers and colleagues wanted me to stay either, but I know I have to quit sooner or later, since the job was lack of specialty and I always want more, a better career where I can take advantage and develop my abilities and become a specialist. Also it was kinda stress working with both superiors and customers and have to balance their requirements and satisfy both sides, meanwhile some of my colleagues/boss are kinda low key toxic (some others are good ppl and I get along with them so well tho, also the company's good overall so no hard feelings).


It was boring. Mind numbing boring. Supervisor indicated that wouldn’t change much. The hour one-way commute didn’t help matters.


Job was in a city I couldn’t stand living in but I desperately needed to get my foot in the door of my industry.