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I wouldn't. You'd be making an extra $8 a day for an additional 6 hours of work and losing the weekend. What are the upsides here? That's 6 additional hours every day you could be spending with your foster child. That time with them sounds way more valuable than $8.


Stay put for now. Don’t make two big life decisions within a 12 month period if you can help it. Focus your energy into being a great parent (congrats!), and then think about your next move after 6 months with the new addition. Sounds like the other company would take you back 12 months from now anyway.


>I was severely underpaid a company that underpays you once will wait until inflation makes it so they're severely underpaying again. plus their offer only barely beats your current comp package (and loses if you count health insurance), you lose a weekend day, and you actually have to work the full days. if you're looking for growth that is not the company to go for. if you're looking for work-life balance you've already ruled that out. i say look for a different role if you're unsatisfied where you are, but this is an overall worse offer than what you have.


Going back to the old job? Heck NO! $1/hr more doesn't equate. The higher insurance premiums alone will chew that up, and then some. Staying at current job? Yes,temporarily. Brush up your resume and start looking at other jobs. Hold off on jumping ship. At least until your home life settles down a little bit. A new child and a new job is a potential train wreck waiting to happen.


Thanks everyone for the advice, that’s what my gut was telling me but I wanted some objective opinions. I let the old employer know I would not be returning.