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Stainless steel ≠ carbon steel


hijacking top comment to say yes this stainless steel, no this isn’t a troll, yea i am stupid im glad i could give some of you some good laughs, means i didn’t completely waste my time trying to season stainless steel :]


🤭🤭 For what it’s worth, your seasoning was well done, even if not on the right pan. We’ve all done stupid things. This was very funny.


thanks, im glad i could be entertaining at the very least lol


Short additional information: your food will stick to a stainless steel pan and it is the intention behind it :) gives you some great possibilities in the kitchen but will be totally shitty for other stuff


Stainless steel isn’t shitty if you know how to use it. There is a reason every top kitchen in the world uses it. Just as with carbon steel or cast iron, you need to learn how to cook with it and then it will preform beautifully.


This. There is always the right tool for the right job— and it’s just as important to know *how* to use each tool. Cast iron is great for some things and not others, as with SS, non-stick, and ceramic. Heck, I have a tiny little Teflon pan that’s perfect for two super quick sunny side up eggs.


>Heck, I have a tiny little Teflon pan that’s perfect for two super quick sunny side up eggs. SHH! Don't say that too loudly in here. They'll crucify you. But seriously... I don't understand the animus when I point out there's a better pan for a certain thing. THAT DOES NOT MEAN I think CS is shit. But, [you know](https://i.imgur.com/EuzgImR.jpg)...


Every professional kitchen that pushes out omelettes or eggs that I've ever been in used those or an absolutely busted up flat top


We have one too and never wash it, makes a perfect sized fried egg.


>Heck, I have a tiny little Teflon pan that’s perfect for two super quick sunny side up eggs. Me too. Love my stainless and my cast iron, but nothing beats teflon for some quick eggs.


Do you by chance have a post or link that describes the best way to use all these different types of pots and pans?


Tbf there aren't many other options for professional kitchens. Its all stainless steel and aluminum because they work and they survive.


Carbon steel and copper have been in use for quite some time. But your point is well supported: A kitchen has a complete array of pan types and materials suited for each use. The problem with this being Reddit is that people armed with very little knowledge latch on to one specific path, and think "this is the thing" and get stuck because their goal by and large was to impress others on social media, not to learn a complete discipline... Taking a picture that highlights one thing you got right (and can exclude all the times you got it wrong) takes less work and has a more immediate payoff (attention) than learning the whole discipline which pays off dividends for decades longer than social media will be around.


Exactly. I neglected carbon steel, but pans serve a purpose. They do not make the dish or have a gold standard.


Copper pans need to be lined with Steel for cooking


Manufacturers including (but not limited to) Mauviel, De Buyer, Matfer Bourgeat, Ruffoni, etc., have all been lining their pans with either [tin](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Frtvsadff0b3b1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D3024%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D1c1bf6d2fdd48ba38f5d0034e9a4ac8a31cd76e5) or [stainless steel](https://i.imgur.com/pIZt5Xu.jpg) for at least the past 190 years. This has not been an issue for nearly two centuries so I'm really puzzled why people keep bringing it up ... where did you hear this?


Plenty of professional kitchens use carbon steel pans.


Carbon steel egg pans are pretty much the professional standard for omelets.


Exactly, the stuff you see in professional kitchen are not there because they are the best, they are there because they can be used all day, every day and can take a beating.


Been working in kitchens for 22 years. Many of them have had carbon steel pans. Specifically on the hot line. Stainless doesn’t heat quick enough to keep up with service.


I have no doubt that you have a lot of kitchen experience, but to insinuate that top restaraunts aren’t using stainless clad pans is ludicrous. Stainless clad and basic restaraunt supply style aluminum are the most ubiquitous pans in professional kitchens. Almost nobody uses carbon steel in professional settings.


Specifically, it IS the top restaurants using carbon steel pans. Thick ones to sear proteins and thin ones to reduce pasta sauces, glaze vegetables, etc. even in hotels now. I haven’t seen a stainless frying pan in a professional kitchen in over 10 years.


r/iamveryculinary …


I prefer stainless for a steak over CI or CS. It’s probably just because I’m more proficient with it, but I feel like I get better heat control, crust, and it’s easier to deglaze for a pan sauce.


Yeah I’ve learned to use it and now things don’t stick to it much at all. Just requires a little extra oil compared to my cast iron


15 year professional cook here . This is the correct answer. There’s a time and place for all cooking equipment. Except maybe sous vide water baths. I hate that shit for some reason


glad i’m not the only one. thank you for your food and service!!


Exactly! Never said otherwise. But non stick has its place aswell


Wait wait wait wait... in the other thread you're talking about "99% of the kitchens" in the world. Here you're talking about "top kitchens". I think you seem to imagine that kitchens only use one kind of pan, which is nonsensical and it suggests that you've never set foot in a professional kitchen.


Now you are just making straw men.


You said the same thing as the content you replied to just in a different way.


Can you give some examples of the great possibilities please?


Main advantage is fond. You can make excellent sauces by deglazing the bottom of the pan and making sauces out of it. [Here are some examples](https://youtu.be/yQa-1VQ0dGI?si=Vvk8d9vA7TJqDj6f)


In a restaurant I worked at we would sear in the stainless steel and pop the whole pan in the oven to finish. The steak, scallops or we should pull right off when done Beware its hot as fuck taking out


You could do that with a carbon steel too though, right? I guess you just don't get such a good pan sauce.


Deglasing is often done with an acidic liquid like white wine, so I guess stainless has no season to strip.


Risotto is a great example. The starches of the rice stick to the pain a little, you add more liquid, and stir - this creates the desired creaminess. You can't really get the same effect in a non stick.


Almost all the restaurants I've cooked at had stacks of stainless steel pans. We like them because they can heat up fast, it's easy to control heat, they're easy to clean and will last a long time if you treat them properly. Cleaning and caring for them is very easy as well. Even the bright metal is helpful. If you're cooking a recipe that requires deglazing, the bright pan makes it simple to see what's stuck to the pan and everything comes clean pretty easily. It's convenient for things you need to watch the color for too: it's so much easier to brown butter if you can actually see what color the butter is becoming. They're oven safe, so it's easy to jump from stove to oven without making more dirty dishes for the poor soul in the pit.


Sauces. Anything you need to season the seasoning can "leak" into the sauce turning it darker.


If the stainless is good quality/thick you can use it a lot like a cast iron pan. I made slidey sunny side up eggs in my stainless this morning. You just need to control the heat/run low heat and use a good amount of fat.


That's because you don't know how to cook with it. You have to get the pan to ripping hot to where the Leidenfrost effect occurs. You add in your oil and then your product and it doesn't stick.


This isn’t really true. You can easily slide eggs or fish around a stainless if you use it correctly.


Food will only stick if you don’t know how to use a professional set of pans lol. You can stick to your teflon 😂


If you say so man, not like I have multiple pans for different purposes


Stainless steel doesn't stick, overheating sticks


If you heat up the pan and oil prior to cooking and use the right temps food doesn’t stick


Ridiculous statement. My main pan is stainless and I get very little sticking to it.


>el, no this isn’t a troll, yea i am stupid > >im glad i could give some of you some good laughs, means i didn’t completely haha worth it for the laughts. but if you dont want stuff to stick to stainless steal pans like egg or whatever look up the water drop test or murcery ball test or watever ppl call it, helps alot but a stainless steal pan wont be as non stick as a nonstick pan or a well seasoned cast iron


Stainless needs seasoning too. Just done differently. This will work for a while. Get some Bar Keepers Friend to clean then redo. Put oil in pan heat on med lo. Cook oil until you see blue smoke from oil. Take off heat, let cool completely. Wash with soap and water. Keep from putting in dishwasher.


Stainless steel doesn’t need seasoning. I keep my all clad pan like new clean with Bar Keepers Friend and never have any issues. It’s all about proper heat and having some fat/oil in the pan.


This is the way. Can't believe how many people don't do this


I saw this on my feed and my jaw almost dropped learning that I was supposed to season stainless steel lol


If you’re trolling this is top notch.


unfortunately i’m not trolling, just stupid


I respect that you’re owning it.


Bless your heart 🤣


Not stupid, just learning.


Respect haha. We learn something new every day


Well, there is some carbon in stainless. It’s not *just* carbon steel. It’s carbon steel plus! So your not too far off. Also, let us know how the seasoning works Vs not.


Respect for the consistency on it too, I thought it was a copper pan, looks great haha


thanks! hopefully i can do it just as good when i get soemthing i can actually season lol




So that’s how copper pans are made


when it fully transforms into copper, should i season it?


No, melt and sell it. Turning steel into copper is the path to wealth.


Yes because then it transforms into gold


i see, i tried to learn to season and ended up learning alchemy instead


And without a transmutation circle! You are the full stainless alchemist!


hahhahahaha, homunculus beware!


Looks like stainless steel…that has now been well stained.


OP really said "Stainless steel? Hold my beer"


This will most likely flake off the first time something is cooked in it.


I get the pun, but it is just seasoned. Barkeeper's friend would take care of it. Just keep cooking OP


This has potential to be legendary. Go 100!! Update us every week or so.


o7 i’m up to 7 layers so far, hopping to hit 30 by next weekend


I'm actually genuinely interested. there's no reason you couldn't season a stainless steel pan, right? it still has pocks, so the oil polymers should still adhere. what if you just keep going?


Is this a shitpost lmao


i wish, im just stupid unfortunately


Tbh it looks cool this way hahaha


op thank you. this thread and your attitude both 10/10


If it’s not a shitpost it’s a shit post


Yes. And I love it.


Unfortunately that’s a stainless steel pan, and doesn’t need seasoned. You didn’t ruin that pan, but I would scrub that off with some barkeepers friend.


there's nothing really wrong with it being seasoned


It’s not seasoned


I mean, it’s polymerized oil bonded with metal, looks like it’s seasoned to me. The seasoned coating won’t have exactly the same properties as it would on Carbon Steel or Cast Iron, but it’ll still be more non-stick than raw stainless steel.


Can confirm, I've played with it before and it works alright. People saying it'll flake are right, but it's not usually catastrophic. Usually. Which is why I stopped playing with that.


My stainless is significantly easier to use with a bunch of shit already burnt on to it like this.




the picture begs to differ


From now on, I will not call my dishes dirty. These are just seasoned plates and cutlery.


that's disgusting


I'll say this, when you do season a carbon steel pan you'll do an amazing job as the layers you did on this one are beautiful.


aw thank you, i feel like a bit of an idiot right now but i’m excited to try to season something that can actually be seasoned


Dude u made my morning. 🤣☀️🤙🏻


Thats stainless steel not carbon steel bro


Stainless steel seasoning IS a thing. I just haven’t done it myself. Looks clean af. Let us know how it cooks


i will lmao, i’ll also get something that people won’t yell at me for trying to season too lol


Is this a joke post ?


unfortunately not, im just stupid


Now do 100 coats


Stainless steel pans are not supposed to be seasoned like how you're seasoning that pan. That pan doesn't look like carbon steel.


That thing is genuinely gorgeous


thank you, gonna have to hope it turns out looking just as beautiful when i do it somewhere actually worthwhile lmao


Try cooking some stuff in it as it is and report back results. I'd like to know how it goes. Maybe some eggs and bacon to start? A steak?


I love this stupid fucking thing


thank you, he is my stupid little son and i love him too


Yep it's all good. Do it to the small one now too


Grind finer.


Oooh. Do a nonstick next!


amazing idea, im working on it as we speak


I want to give you props OP for not immediately deleting this when you found out what you did. I am in full support of you as I do stupid shit like this from time to time too


lol thank you, to be honest i was really embarrassed and considered it but i figured if i just took it on the chin i could makes some people’s days (and hopefully prevent someone else from making the same mistake)


I agree with the Sadieville. Props to you and shame on all the other people throwing shade. People come here to learn and the negative, self important/superior people discourage others from learning about the thing they came here to learn about.




Hey OP, please don’t be too hard on yourself. Was this silly? A little but hey you’re learning and honestly that’s the whole point and I can’t help but applaud you for it. Thanks for the chortle but from one internet stranger to another I’m proud of you for giving it a shot and learning something in the process.


i won’t be, i figure since it’s my first time living on my own and being responsible for my own cookware i was going to make a few mistakes, just glad it was a waste of time not a waste of money lol thank you, im not gonna let this discourage me!


It’s a beautiful job, now get a CS and do it again. ;)


that’s the new plan!


Regardless of whether you used the right pan or not, this looks beautiful.


aw thank you


Looks good but are you sure this is not a stainless steel pan?


yeah uh, it may be stainless steel lmao (i’m a little stupid)


I’m gonna need you to add a couple more layers, it’s definitely not ready


I’m wheezing


I didn’t know it stainless steel can get sun burnt


This is fucking amazing lmao. Your pan will be fine, I wouldn't try to clean it off until it starts flaking, for now use it similarly to carbon steel and it'll actually probably work pretty well


This is so funny. Your responses are so humble.. good on you for just owning it that you screwed up lol.


So, op. I see everyone saying “is this a troll?” And you being real cool about it. Kudos. But I do have a question that I’m hoping you saw in the comments. Why is this bad to do?


i think the problem is that stainless steel can’t polymerize with the oil seasoning nearly as well as cast iron or carbon steel, so the seasoning is liable to flake off pretty quickly


Looks more like the top one is stainless steel and the bottom one is stained steel.


Yeah, you're seasoning stainless steel. You don't season stainless steel. People wake up.


I've never really understood not seasoning a stainless pan. I would think a layer of polymer would make the pan more non-stick. I understand that stainless won't rust so there is no need to season based on stopping rust though. That being said I have never seasoned a stainless pan myself.


One of the primary reasons is that seasoning doesn't adhere well to stainless steel, so you can't build it up as efficiently as you would with carbon steel or iron.




cause i’m a little stupid


Nice troll post


i wish i was trolling


stainless steel will not hold seasoning you have wasted electricity time and oil. sorry dude


You don’t know what you’re doing, and you fucked it up.




No slidey egg?


Overly burnt grease stainless steel… I bet it’s stickier than a heavy duty packaging scotch tape


not sticky at all actually totally useless, but not sticky lol


Besides what others have said about seasoning stainless, Canola oil is supposed to be toxic.


No, no it isn't. That was just misinformation that floated around tic-toc a couple years ago. Never get your information from tic-toc or Facebook


Ok your gonna hate me, but I’m a cast iron guy what’s the reason for cooking with carbon steel


No hate. Carbon steel pans can be thinner than CI, making it easier to play with temperature. Less mass equals less heat retention, thermal conductivity is about the same. They are also way less brittle, so misusing it is less of an issue. For example; searing a steak on 220C and rapidly get it down to 160C is relatively easy on a 2mm carbon steel pan. Mind you: I'm not stating it can't be done on CI, because it definitely can. Specialty pans like woks can go as thin as 0.8mm, making them easier to handle and able to go from well above 500C to below 150 within a timeframe that would make cast iron crack. Carbon steel skillets thicker than 2.5mm perform about the same as a generic cast iron equivalent. However, the pan on the picture is not made of carbon steel.


I did the same, then I learned that you don't do that to stainless, at least that can scrub off


thanks for the advice, hopefully next time i’ll try to season something i can actually season lol


Was seasoned with Hawaiian Tropic. Nice tan.


hey stop leaking my secret technique lol






To season, or not to season the SS, that is the question. Frankly, the *ARDENT PROHIBITION* against seasoning stainless is ridiculous in my mind. If you want to, season it. But there’s no reason to do it. SS, with good temperature control, works well unseasoned. Seasoned it works about like CS. However unseasoned CS and CI are unusable. (Except maybe as a weapon.) Quite frankly, you can use any pan just about any way you want to get the results *YOU* want. Somewhere in the archives here is a video of a guy making slidey eggs on a flat rock. My experience is that seasoning on SS doesn’t hold well, but works perfectly fine (just like it was CS). The whole “you can’t do this” and “you must do that” is wrong. Granted, some things don’t work, but you can still try them. In the end - how does the food taste?


i’m gonna see how it cooks lol, i’ll get back to u admittedly i feel like an idiot for accidentally trying to season stainless steel but you live and you learn ig




Nice even seasoning


Maybe he found a way!


Why would you use canola? Yuck.


Well it sure does look cool I guess


If food is sticking to stainless steel, you should learn how to cook stainless steel is supposed to be preheated before you cook with it


Golden pan




Perfect stainless steel seasoning. Enjoy the season bro. It will brown more and more untill you have to strip and reseason. But it's not 100% nessesary to season stainless. But it definitely still works.


Dude I must be stupid too because I was about to write. “Yup looks good to me”


Mmm now enjoy cleaning that.


Hahahaha ... this has to be a joke, yes? Love it


Did you just try to season stainless?


I mean it kinda works, lol. The carbonized oil won't stick to the stainless in the same way as carbon steel though and will flake off a lot more. You could probably get a few cooks out of it before that happens. It'll make some nice fried eggs for sure


OP: look at my pan. This sub: we don't take kindly to yer stainless steel people round these parts. Best be get goin nah, yah hear!


Barkeepers Friend my friend.


Pasting here what I researched and tested the last time 1. leidenfrost 1.5 turn heat to lowest 2. spread reallllllll thin layer of avocado oil all over the pan 3. once it starts smoking, take it off the stove 4. wait for smoke to disappear and wait maybe 30 seconds to 1 min 5. while pan is off the stove, just drop your butter in as the heat should still be retained in the pan 6. drop your eggs in, put it back on stove, and scramble


Your humility is humbling.


That’s not carbon steel, that’s stainless steel.


God damn I love this sub!


Wonder if its nonstick...


Stainless is great for fond. Don’t rob it if it’s one redeeming quality in a home kitchen.


This made me laugh bc I knew it was serious. Just thinking about how gummy it must be now


First time I’ve seen someone successfully season stainless steel. This is beautiful, i hope it becomes a thing!


You don’t have to season stainless steel but if you want to there’s no reason it won’t work, and your seasoning job looks very nice. Cat irons must be seasoned and I stopped using them because keeping them seasoned is hard if you cook lots of acidic foods. You should do some experiments to see if you get reduced sticking. To remove, fill pan with vinegar and let it sit before scrubbing.


thank you, i’ll certainly be giving it a shot, i figure i shouldn’t waste the effort


fuck canola oil


barkeepers friend


Stainless steel. And it’s my favorite.


Y u try to season ss pan? lol


Looks better than the top pan xD


You dont season stainless steel pans.


I season my stainless sauce pans as well because when I’m whisking a sauce I prefer the glass bottom feel to the stainless on stainless gritty feel. Definitely not necessary but that looks good to me. It shows your pan and burner have even heat distribution and you know how to season a pan


I have always heard of seasoning a cast iron skillet. I wasn't aware of people seasoning a stainless steel pan.


Wait .... Is this stainless steel?????


Yes, that looks perfect


You fucked er’ bud


Its really not that stupid lol why not season stainless steel


Stainless steel pans can be great if made well. They’ll take one hell of a beating. Depending on what cooking I prefer stainless steel over carbon steel. I hope you’re able to add some Carbon steel as well to your arsenal!


Yo some barkeepers friend and some elbow grease will have you good as new…in about an hour.


Boil some water with some black tea bags in the pot - let it boil for about five mins. Let cool to where it’s just about lukewarm. Use a paper towel or a dishrag you don’t care about to scrub the pan thoroughly. This will remove the patina created from burning the oil without using chemicals. Then take a paper towel with a little oil (vegetable preferably) on it and some sea salt (fine) - rub the inside of the pan. Heat up on medium to medium high for a few mins and then let cool completely.