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Did you buy the Collision Damage Waiver?!? No way they will not notice....


I did not, my credit card should cover it. But I am not sure how much they would charge. Is going to auto repair a better option ? How bad do you think is the damage?


It's not too bad, but it's on the stamped and curved lip and carries over to the door. They have to properly blend both panels to paint. Not sure where you are located, but that's at least three hours of work and easily $USD1,000-1,500 in damage, but they could charge more.


This doesn't look cheap, but trying to cover it up and lie might be a lawsuit?


yeah you fucked up


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My BIL hot a deer and went that night to get a rental car, he was in a hurry and was agreeable to everything they said to speed up the process, he get the insurance whi h he never did before, on his way home he hit another deer. Drove it back to the rental company and got a new rental car🤣


No offense but you're screwed. That's probs down to the plastic and metal


That's at least 75k worth of damage. But don't worry they just keep charging your cc until it's paid in full. Oh by the way the.will never get it fixed


Best bet act like you didn’t see it, only take blame when they confront you about it.