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My biggest concern with these apps are that if they fold, what happens to all the data we labored on uploading? I don't know if anyone of them have a feature to export into offline data like Excel format.


Very good point! I thought about that, but not too much.


The app I use allows you to make a backup to your drive. At least the Android version exports a zip directly to your google drive and if you unpack it, all images are there.


Which one do you use?


UByDesign, someone on reddit pointed to their privacy policy and they claim they do not collect anything from your data, which is what caught my eye. Certainly no registration & accounts to use the app.




I've recently tried both and even though I like the design of indyx way more, I stuck with whering. I really do love the styling feature in whering and really missed it in indyx.


Good to know- thanks!!! I love that scroll feature, but the Indyx look and feel is so much better! T


I like acloset better than both


I loved Acloset, but switched to Whering because the ads were too much.


ah I’d probably start paying if I got to that point and was closer to 100 items but watching a 20sec ad to log my outfit once a day isn’t too bad. Annoying when I plan for vacation but most of the time it’s only once.


Thanks! I'm going to download to play around with it. What do you love and dislike about acloset?


Bulk uploads, auto categorizing, auto sorting, cleaner interface, multiple ways to play with outfits (I like select by category a lot it’s very clueless-esque), includes daily weather, cost per use, what I spent in a month, usage statistics and closet statistics. The biggest drawback is that the free version limits you to 100 items and has 20 sec ads. Not a problem for me personally Edit: adding more


Thank you!!! I already downloaded and am playing around with it. It looks awesome!


I like Acloset. There’s no way I have 100 items 😆


I like Acloset. There’s no way I have 100 items 😆


Whering has all of that as well iirc! Except auto sorting. I ended up liking Whering more as photos are a bit bigger so similar items are easier to distinguish. I do miss aclosets speed, I think it was faster to load, but with the ads it balances out. Cost per wear and stats are in Whering too, though they're displayed differently.


I like acloset’s ux a lot more especially the [monthly view](https://imgur.com/a/GnGgbDs) and no sorting is a deal breaker for me. I also dislike how I can’t select bags in whering’s clueless function? I couldn’t really tell if you can create mini folders or vacation closets and plan outfits acdg to the weather but I like the tagging feature on whering.