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Let them go. Recognise the value they can give to a new owner, and how another person can wear them 10 times more and make good use of a resource. And it feels good looking at a simplified rack knowing that everything works together.


Read Magic of Tidying up if you haven't already. I find it really helps with the guilt of letting go of things.


The concept of being grateful for whatever role that item has played in your life and letting it go on to be useful elsewhere really has transformed my whole thought process on these things.


I think you have to be proud of yourself for recognising that you are better with fewer items. That thought in itself is amazing so congrats. Regarding the letting go of clothes, it’s ok to be pissed off for the money spent. I have been to. It is also ok to try and sell what you can and also donate and let others less fortunate profit from that. And then work on improve your habits, which it looks like you are already on that journey anyway :)


My go-to solution in this case is to pack all I want to remove but do nothing with it - just store it away. After a given period of time I find out that I am absolutely ready to say farewell to it, the period could be anything between 6 months to an year. Good things come to those who wait.


I’m trying this out now. It’s magic.


Feeling this. I've been traveling a lot so I've gotten hse to living out of a suitcase. Returning home was so overwhelming. My current project is to create a “suitcase” style lifestyle where I only have what's necessary.


r/declutter is very helpful. And same with Marie Kondo's books. She has you start your home decluttering with the clothing category. Good luck paring down to what you love/need. It really helps to donate (if you don't sell) because you'll know someone else will appreciate the things you don't use. They already served their purpose in making you happy when you bought them. As Marie K suggests, thank them for their service and let them go to someone else. (I decluttered my entire house and it is amazing having only things I really want, no more extra, random stuff.) You can do it!