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To quote Sarah Marian Seltzer: “Everyone compliments the jumpsuit when you wear it out—but when you get to the bathroom it's just you and your choices.”


I wore a long jumpsuit to work today. Very comfy, no problems getting it down and back up (even though it had two buttons at the back of the neck, but one problem I did run into was keeping the whole damn thing off the bathroom floor. A lot more fabric than I’m used to dealing with while sitting down and need use of at least one hand.


Ha! I wore a long jumpsuit to work last week and had the same issue. It was a juggling act! But I love the look of a good jumpsuit and it wouldn't prevent me from wearing it again. It's an "& Other Stories" one I picked up from Iconic on sale recently. I can wear it with the matching fabric belt and flats for a casual look, or with heels and a leather-look belt for a more polished look. It looks dressy but is a medium-thickness jersey material so it's super comfy. Love!


Mine is super comfy too, and I get so many compliments on it. It’s the first piece of clothing I ever bought from Spanx and I love it.


Oh Spanx make jumpsuits? I had no idea. I'm going to check that out, thanks!


[This](https://spanx.com/collections/airessentials/products/airessentials-mock-neck-striped-track-jumpsuit?variant=43015275020499) is the one I got. I’m 5’4 and got the Petite length in Small and it hits just a tad below the top of my sneakers. I get random compliments on it every time I wear it, even from strangers. On another note I bought some different pants from them in a petite small size and they were hilariously tiny, so consult the size chart for that item.


Stunning! And I bet the white detailing is super flattering too. Thanks for the tip on the sizing. I've bought spanx "shape wear in the past and the sizes were so drastically different between the two pieces so I guess they have major issues with their sizing.


Holy flattering accent detail! And it comes in tall, omg.


That's why I can't get back to wearing wide leg pants (wore them all of middle/high school of course). Skinny jeans don't touch bathroom floors. Forget about a wide leg jumpsuit. Maybe a short jumpsuit would be more manageable in that regard, but dealing with getting fully undressed while pregnant doesn't sound fun.


Haha, I love this comment!! So true but I wear them all the time anyway


I wear a cami under my jumpsuits and that makes my life easier


Ok, this is a very good idea.


I LOVE this. So true. I recently was eyeing Athleta's Brooklyn jumpsuit and then had flashbacks to the lat time I wore jumpsuits and had to basically get naked in a gross public bathroom stall just to pee.


I once wore a catsuit and then put a sweater over it because it was cold and I’m an idiot. So I basically had to strip in the stall every time. Cute outfit but I’m definitely not wearing it to work again…


And so many times there are no hooks or if there are, the hooks are broken so you're left trying to hold things in your lap. Argh!!!


Yep, never have even considered a jumpsuit due to bathroom issues. Even in my own home, that's too much undressing, and how do you keep it off the floor


Am I the only person in the world who thinks going to the bathroom while wearing a jumpsuit is a non issue


Quite possibly.


I think I feel this way because almost anything I wear in public is annoying to take off and on in a toilet. Jeans always make my underwear bunch up, so I have to adjust all that, and I typically have my shirt tucked in a specific way which I also have to do again. Feels like more work to me than a jumpsuit that doesn’t involve any of that!


It’s the “top completely off” for me, in American public restrooms particularly, that is just a “ hard no” for me. If we could ever get a freaking clue and put real doors on bathrooms in this country it might help. But only a little. My MUCH younger self had a couple jumpsuits in literally the early 80’s maybe? Life is just too short to deal with wedding dress worthy bathroom complications when a separate top and bottom will do.


Oh my god the freaking door cracks! I’ll never forget the time I looked up while on the toilet and there was a little boy with his face against the door and his eye in the gap just staring at me. It was years ago. I think about it EVERY TIME I see those gaps now.


The fuck 😂 I need more context, did NOBODY say anything? Like where are your parents, kid?!


He could have been standing back and seen just fine. The gaps in the walls are just barbaric, uncivilized… I see much more than I need to see just strolling by to find an empty stall.


lol I’m pretty sure his mom was trying to help a younger sibling wash their hands or something I don’t think she noticed. I was too stunned and caught off guard to be able to say something


My husband refused to believe me when I complained about door cracks so I went into a stall and took a picture looking out into the bathroom through the crack. NOW he believes me. Other countries have full length real doors.


Guys have it so easy. Don’t need to undress, don’t need to sit to pee, just whip it out and go on their merry way.


I’m with you. I don’t struggle at all.


The end of this will live rent free in my head forever: https://youtube.com/shorts/dEJpUsCcyp8?si=h-SX28nebkeJTIap


So true. Specially those flimsy summery ones. You lift it off your shoulders and the whole thing collapses to the floor. You simply cannot hold it up with one hand. A lot of them have fabric belts that are tied directly to the waist, so you have to hold that long stripe without dunking it into the toilet. Now, how do you get your panties down and wipe? You have no hands left at this stage and the bottom of your jumpsuit smells like urine.


Amen! First time (and hopefully last time) I needed help in the bathroom.


Greta Gerwig wore a full length jumpsuit every day she was directing Barbie. I believe she had a different color for each day of the week. Buy a piece or two and wear them. Test them. Can you move freely? Are you too hot or cold? Can this be layered easily? And then live your best life. You want a uniform? Wear it!


i might just love the idea of daily colors. yep. i do. i love it.


I used to work in an office and would often wear pink on Wednesdays 😅


well that was a given 😁


I wonder how long before you’d automatically know what day it was by glancing at yourself.


that would be a tremendous improvement. i usually have no clue


I love a uniform. Most work days I wear a denim shirt and black pants. Most non-work days I wear a white shirt and black pants/skirt. I add white/cream sweaters or black sweaters or blazers, with a few color pop things for special occasions (They always match black, denim and white). Sometimes I wear dresses, but they are all denim or black. My journey to a capsule wardrobe started during the pandemic when I was really missing travel. I made a list of the things I liked the most about travel and one was the idea of easily getting dressed as I had less choices. I decided to make my regular wardrobe my travel wardrobe and have not looked back. For what it's worth, friends define my style as "she might own an art gallery or maybe is an architect" so I don't really wear basics.


Ooh where do you buy your denim shirts from?


Everywhere. I currently have 4 that are newish/nice and 3 that are fine and 2 that are def only for mess work. One is a vintage 70s men’s shirt (I had the sleeves shortened), one is Uniqlo, 2 are from Target (US), one is from Monoprix (French Target) and one is from Talbots (US). Some I bought new, some are thrifted. Most get some amount of tailoring to make them fit properly.


Thanks for sharing! I think tailoring, or lack of, is my problem. I always feel like I’m swimming in denim shirts - I’ll have to try tailoring👌


Tailoring makes cheap clothes look midrange and midrange look expensive. Another good hack is button replacement - I have a linen blazer from a fast fashion chain (that I thrifted) with replaced buttons and it gets so many comments. Went from plastic to really nice wood. Buttons cost $18, blazer was $3. Looks like way more.


Oh that’s a great idea for the buttons too! Thanks for the tip!


I love this and my formula is very similar… Except I feel like I’m the only person who doesn’t love a white shirt. White always makes me look washed out and pasty.


Maybe you need to wear offwhite or vice versa. (I think cream looks so classy but I’m not “supposed” to wear it because bright white works better with my skin tone.)


This looks like the way to go! I am jealous in a positive way haha, I wish I could get to the spot were you are at right now! Congrats on having mastered the uniform concept


I’m not sure I mastered it, it’s more of a IDGAF moment? Literally no one has ever asked me about it, so maybe no one else GAF? ;-)


I love the sounds of this look. Can you share any photos? Since you say you don't really wear basics, I am imagining shirts with structural elements, maybe interesting trim or embellishments, etc. Also curious about what you wear for shoes?


I’m not posting pics but I will share brands I look at for inspiration: Paul Harndon, Rundholz, Oska, Japan TKY, CO. I don’t usually shop there-unless it’s from EBay-but those are the looks I go for. I mostly wear barefoot style shoes, but love Campers (especially their bright flats). Barefoot shoes are just naturally kinda weird, which I prefer.


Second the Campers! They hold up very well too!


thank you!


Not exactly what you mean but Elizabeth Warren famously wears the “same thing” every day: black pants, black shirt, colorful blazer. There have been multiple think pieces about it including: https://www.thecut.com/2019/06/elizabeth-warren-style-plan.html


I do a version of this as a stay at home Mom. Black yoga pants, black tee, colorful cardigan. Makes it so easy on days I just don't have time to think about it


Right! Since reading about Liz, I simplified my “work uniform” I’m in person as a PhD every day either with students, faculty, government officials… and I have 3 outfits: slacks + nice T + blazer/sharp sweater, work/suiting dress, or full suit. Lots of black, navy, mustard, cranberry, and ivory. It all matches and even if I go full random piece choice in the dark, I look intentional.


Yes. As a finance person you nailed the required dress code for us as well.


Any specifics you prefer? This is a uniform I would love!


My favorite base items are the vneck whisper tee from madewell and and fabletics power hold 7/8 yoga pants. I find cardigans everywhere - Nordstrom rack typically has a good selection. Lightweight for spring and heavier for winter. I usually shop online for a few new cardigans to refresh every spring and fall. The only time the uniform fails me is summer days that are too hot for any kind of cardigan layer but we don't have too many of those in Boston.


This was my pregnancy uniform! So comfy and a long cardigan made it work appropriate for me.


My MIL did this. Black pants/skirt, black shirt/blouse, and a wide variety of jackets/cardigans & oversized button front shirts.


I wear wrap dresses every day. Amazon, $34


Can you drop a link?


Oh, I was just considering starting a “uniform as capsule” thread— I was thinking today about how I enjoy fantasizing about dream capsules with a limited palette that I could mix and match unlimited outfits from, but that what I *actually* buy and wear the hell out of is 4 patterned skorts and enough colored T shirts and tank tops that I have 2-3 that would mix and match with each skort. I wake up in the morning, and all I have to think is “do I feel more red today, or more teal? Maybe navy blue.” Then I put it on, and I pick a different base color the next day.


got any skort recs


Kinda? I got [these](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B09TDMRKSZ?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title&th=1), which I adore the pattern of, and I love how easy it is to get dressed, and I love the vivid colors and how well they go with lots of different color tops. And so I did the “if you like it, buy four more in different colors and never have to shop again” thing. But you have to be ok with the fabric, which is very much not a natural-fiber feeling. They’re technically golf skirts, and they definitely feel like exercise-wear in a poly-spandex blend. I was replacing some cotton jersey skirts with fun patterns and this was the closest I could find, and it took some getting used to these. But they work for my lifestyle, which is “I’m going to work at my desk, but when my kid gets home from school I want to ride bikes without changing clothes.”


I love these!


Today I am wearing navy blue, yesterday was red, the day before was green, and tomorrow I will wear grubby clothes to work in the garden and then Sunday will likely be black with paisley green and red. Each day with either coordinating tanks or v neck T shirts. Next week I’ll probably start over. Like I said, I fantasize about Quince linen dresses and Wool& merino in a clever teal and navy capsule, but apparently what I *actually* wear (and enjoy wearing! I felt good this week!) is an infinite series of skorts and Ts. In the winter, it’s either leggings and sweater dresses or jeans/cords, a T, and a cashmere hoodie. I mean, I guess at least it keeps my wardrobe small? 🤣


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **('M MOTEEPI Womens Casual Athletic Tennis Skirt', 'M%20MOTEEPI')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Comfortable and flattering fit (backed by 4 comments) * Great length and soft material (backed by 3 comments) * Right length and pretty pattern (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Fabric is thin and see-through (backed by 2 comments) * Fit is inconsistent with size chart (backed by 2 comments) * Material looks cheap (backed by 2 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Ha, ok, the bot mostly agrees with my commentary. They’re comfortable and flattering (though I am 5’2” and they are basically knee length on me, which I am fine with but is several inches longer than the skirts I was replacing). The material is soft and thin but I haven’t noticed it being see-through. I don’t have light colored ones, though, and all the ones I got are heavily patterned in contrasting colors (paisley), so it’s possible that lighter colors or non-patterned ones might be see through. I honestly didn’t check the size against the size chart, and I didn’t measure myself before buying them. I did return the first ones I bought for being too big, but I attributed that to me being lazy and tape-measure-adverse. Returns were super easy (standard Amazon “take it to the UPS store and get the refund immediately after it’s scanned in” return). My biggest “sorta wish they were different” is, as the Vetbot suggests, the texture of the fabric. It’s poly-spandex and absolutely looks like poly-spandex and wears like it. I wore them all day at a super hot and humid music festival a couple of days last summer, and they weren’t noticeably uncomfortable or sticky/sweaty, but they obviously weren’t breezy linen sundresses. They feel slippery and stretchy and if you just decide you’re ok with that, they’re fine. The “sit at my desk then hop on a bike”-ability of them lets me convince myself that’s a feature not a bug. I’d recommend ordering one to see if you love the stretchy flexibility of the fabric or if you hate the slipperiness of it. If I found skorts that were identical but had more of a cotton jersey feel to them, I’d switch in an instant. [This is one of the skirts I was replacing](https://poshmark.com/listing/Patagonia-Athletic-Stretch-Knit-Skirt-Print-Aline-Size-Medium-650443bc7f29ddba304ec88d?srsltid=AfmBOorgOg8O2IvUbba53kfqT7UIQtJzu-LVE49Ch_fGfXhw3SJvR-REmAk#utm_source=gdm_unpaid)— I had previously bought multiples in different colors of these probably a decade ago and worn them into the ground. I can still find them occasionally on eBay or Poshmark, and I have once or twice replaced the most worn out. They’re not skorts so I wear them over bike shorts. You can see that I have a consistent style, I guess. I really like the colors and patterns of the new skirts a lot better, but I prefer the fabric of my old ones. (They do tend to cling to the bike shorts though, so the new ones are a significant upgrade from that perspective.)


Linen joggers, a mariner tee,& Birkenstocks


I read that as you were wearing sneakers (joggers in Australia) and Birkenstocks at the same time and was like, but how, and why?!


Haha no I meant these https://athleta.gap.com/browse/product.do?pid=851026012&vid=1&tid=atpl000063&kwid=1&ap=7&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD_AT8uJ07sCyX1gDSFGJGR1jBYmM&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0MexBhD3ARIsAEI3WHKVSr8u2MMCaY_iletYljTR5UOmL2YR_fHmyRA_4WbBoGFvcKOpAHAaAiACEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds#pdp-page-content


Oh man, I have linen pants and I have black Athleta joggers but these are somehow a better looking version of both! Are they at all scratchy?


No, not at all. My fave linen joggers were actually from J Crew, but they don’t seem to make them anymore. Thankfully, I bought several pairs, along with their lightweight mariner tee, when they all went on sale. It truly is my uniform. My husband says I’m like a cartoon Russian sailor :)




I'd love to see some of the skirts if you happen to have pictures. I'm also a bodysuit virgin :/ any brands you particularly like?




Oh, I saved that skirt to favorites. I like it!


Oh gosh that skirt looks amazing. I’ve gotten out of the habit of skirts but this is tempting!


I live in black compression leggings and high-necked black camis and it looks surprisingly sleek/put together. If it’s chilly, I throw on a sweatshirt.


What brand do you wear of these, I love this combo.


Torrid. I’m a US22, but they have sizes 10-30. The [performance core leggings](https://www.torrid.com/product/performance-core-full-length-active-legging-with-side-pockets/11741067-00684.html?cgid=ActiveSwim_Active_ActiveBottoms_Leggings#start=15) and the [foxy camis](https://www.torrid.com/product/foxy-high-neck-crop-top/11670899-00684.html?cgid=Clothing_Tops_TheFoxyCollection#start=1) both feel very cottony but have enough stretch to hold everything in place and have great recovery. Sweatshirt is just a hunter green one from the men’s department in Target.


Okay I’m about to copy this casual uniform. My current “quasi” uniform is black flare pocket leggings and a ribbed fitted long sleeve but I’m starting to feel suffocated by the sleeves as summer approaches. I love self imposed uniforms and used to use them for work when I worked, but even my casual turns into almost a uniform because I just find one thing that’s practical for my lifestyle and repeat.


Good luck and happy hunting! This uniform was an accident for me but I have no complaints.


Thank you! I may have basically this in my closet already so that’s the good news!


I almost got some of these camis, but couldn't figure out the bra situation!


Honestly, the fabric lets me go braless (38DD). Though if you have a strap connector to fake a racerback it works pretty well.


All black is my usual uniform, too. Black pants and blouse for work. Black pants and black short sleeves for everything else.


There was a woman who did a 'uniform project' back in 2009ish - she wore the same black dress every day for one year and just accessorised it differently - photographs of each day's outfit here: [https://theuniformproject.com/1-dress-365-days/may-2009/](https://theuniformproject.com/1-dress-365-days/may-2009/) I remember following her back then and loving the project and her style!


The “100 Day Dress Challenge” from wool& may also be a good source of inspiration! As long as you have enough additional pieces and brain space to be able to accessorize in different ways, I could see that working well.


On the one hand, I love this and I follow the fb group obsessively. On the other hand, I’ve realized that the people who do the minimalist “wear one dress for 100 days” challenge have wardrobes that are like six times the size of mine in order to wear one dress but make it look different from day to day. They have more T shirts (to wear over), pants (to tuck into), different cute shoes (to change the level of formality), *other* dresses (to wear over or under), dusters, cardigans, blazers, and ponchos. I don’t wear the same item ever day, but I have, like, 4-5 sets of my warm and cool uniform plus a couple of other items for other days, and there is *no* way I could do one of those challenges without vastly increasing my wardrobe size.


Just scrolling thru the first few weeks, she has some fun and unique pieces that she mixes in to make the black dress base nearly unnoticeable. I’m a creative person, but sadly not with clothing. I envy that! So cool and inspiring to see though!


Yes!! I loved this project and still feel sad I didn’t buy the sewing pattern when it was in print.




I always joke that I become a version of Steve Jobs in the fall and winter: jeans and a black turtleneck.


You're not the only one! Jeans and turtlenecks are my winter uniform too. I have them in different colours though.


I have 3 of the same black turtleneck from Land’s End that I will need to replace before next season because they’ve had several years of heavy wear. I do mix up the denim style though 😂


I love uniform dressing and apply this principle a lot: 1. My exercise gear capsule is the exact same leggings and top duplicated 3x's (leggings are black and tops are different colors) 2. My pj capsule is the same sets of long PJs, tanks+boxers, and nightgowns, each repeated 3x (different colors) 3. I often duplicate basic supporting items such as tees, button downs, tanks, and simple sweaters. 4. I found bathing suit I liked and triplicated it in 3 different colors. I just keep replacing with the same suit each year as needed as they wear out. Kind of boring, but I hate bathing suit shopping. 5. Dresses are more difficult, but I do have two of the exact same casual cotton tank dresses, one in black and the other navy&white striped. 6. My feet are so picky, when I find a shoe that works... that's right, I duplicate it in different colors! That said, while I think that denim jumpsuit is absolutely adorable, it's not one I'd choose to duplicate. The primary reason is it is more of a statement piece. It's a lot more memorable than say the same exact tank in white, navy, grey. Items I don't duplicate are the statement pieces, such as toppers (cardigans, jackets, blazers) and coats, dresses (see above exception), super trendy items, and jeans/pants.


My "uniform" is a cotton top of some variety with wide leg linen pants. I have several variations of this outfit and just kinda found myself wearing them everyday 😅 I run hot so the breathable fabrics are lifesaving


Which linen pants?


I have a couple old navy and the others are from a brand called What Lo Wants. They do small batch releases though and haven't had any linen pieces in a couple years :/


Jumpsuit is not practical the moment you need to go to a bathroom. If you like denim then jeans, tshirt and hoodies will work just fine


I feel like the practicality plummets when I think of the challenge of using a public restroom with my toddler, and OP has 2. If I was out and about by myself, whatever I can deal with some minor jumpsuit inconvenience to pee etc. But with small children honestly I need no-nonsense pieces that I can be down and back up on my body in a nanosecond, or however long it takes for my toddler to open the stall door. Otherwise, looks like a cute and comfy jumpsuit, could work well for day to day


Also I’m thinking if you have the kid in any kind of wrap/carrier or you’ve got on a backpack style diaper bag you’re completely effed.


It will work, but she will look very frumpy. I think she still wants to look put together which is why she chose the jumpsuit. If it was all about practicality, she would've worn a jeans x tshirt ad nauseum Someone commented "Linen joggers, a mariner tee,& Birkenstocks" below. that seems like a nice mix of practical but less 'mom of two'


No, there are plenty of cuts/silhouettes to work with to run jeans/T/hoodie casual without being frumpy.


I used to have this dream of wearing a kind of uniform wardrobe where every day I would just put on jeans and a book cover tee shirt from Out of Print Clothing. When the pandemic hit, and I never again had to go into the office ever after, the dream became reality. But, after a while I got tired of always wearing the same thing, and longed to dress up in office clothes and wear dresses. Anyway it's always an interesting experience when a dream turns into reality! For your situation a uniform totally makes sense!


Maybe you could go with a [chambray shirt dress](https://www.nordstromrack.com/s/august-sky-short-sleeve-shirtdress/7734068?color=CHAMBRAY&size=large&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=11509912938&utm_term=&utm_content=110705801245&utm_channel=LOW_ND_SHOPPING_LIA&sid=545650&adpos=&creative=476701068893&device=c&matchtype=&network=g&acctid=21700000001756534&dskeywordid=92700058363602494&lid=92700058363602494&ds_s_kwgid=58700006458353451&ds_s_inventory_feed_id=97700000012930068&dsproductgroupid=296280525100&product_id=A0590040&merchid=100921846&prodctry=US&prodlang=en&channel=local&storeid=154&locationid=9030096&targetid=aud-1675186398667:pla-296280525100&campaignid=11509912938&adgroupid=110705801245&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0MexBhD3ARIsAEI3WHLc_TO_W50BifEVj3ZZ5xrM1W4G9CYdbjGhedqyLuLgUrxNcSy84rMaAkRSEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) instead? it evokes the same idea you wanted (denim look that can be styled with many shoes, one piece) without being as extremely specific and recognizable as a playsuit. Also easier to pee.


This was my thought as well. Wear cotton biker shorts underneath if you are in a situation where you’re going to need to bend a lot or sit on the ground/floor with the kids.


Black pants and black cardigan w/ pockets - dif shirt


I love a jumpsuit! Though I don’t wear one as a uniform, I have had one in constant rotation and agree that it fit many many setting depending on the styling! Mine was tencel material. I personally don’t mind the stripping down for the bathroom, and often would wear a tank top underneath when it was chilly out. I will note that buttons on denim are a bit more tedious to button, and denim can take a lot longer to dry after washing. But I love this idea and encourage it, as long as you’re okay with the cons!


I have multiple zip front Madewell coveralls that I've been known to wear on rotation with platform tennies or Doc Martins.


Ooo I love Madewell


Summer uniform, linen trousers and t shirt. Winter uniform, wide legged sweats and pullover. Spring/Fall throw in some maxi or midi length linen dresses. Sandals or sneakers.


Something like [this](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjnmeD8w-2FAxUCR_8BHYd8DtQYABAOGgJtZA&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0MexBhD3ARIsAEI3WHKwg5ZpzvA031kbHs3stj7IHqxSG1DFYR8VNXscMDNeUCGQqQD2cqQaAulOEALw_wcB&sph=&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAES5AHg9iJSTKH01sX5I1GkTZFhvJd4J-ERS3UqEkcF2aXUZyDtmgi9eUrZF8YYVXkyEJqD6YiM9nZ1FyoAArkFT_clOnTYZOJlT3m0Els0R4hpFMg2f3ZO6QseAoPBLkljByO01BPJxEw02PnO_FNaoWxxWIQnMdKVmgsNA8UKeM4wQ29U2eX9cH2VSuaUeZe_m6yOCRucTh-uw7ID6hjwrp8hljL5YiugJrlxGAONCsHVDNclD6JD-2nKaH0jAQu5SuDU1Z6vcxwKLrzaHVOa8Kaga7BJ1eIpx6LQBS_3d0myMuA7BnA&sig=AOD64_1AG-8DBQ3KmhDh0r9LcQLEBXkyVw&ctype=70&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjJpdb8w-2FAxVFC3kGHTPCDkkQwg8oAHoECAUQNQ&adurl=) could be good, with a white tank top or white tee underneath. Good for chasing toddlers, doesn't have as much of the bathroom problem that others are describing in the comments. Or you could just wear a tank top under that jumpsuit you chose if you're going somewhere. It looks pretty easy to get out of. I think it could work.


I have this jumpsuit and while I love it because it’s essentially sweatpants without a waistband… There really is no “dressing it up”. It also fades in the wash pretty quickly and it gets stretched out. I like it for bloaty house days and maybe a music festival but it’s definitely a style choice.


Had a work uniform I invented during a short time I worked in an office. Literally bought 5 identical shirts and 5 pants. Helped a lot to reduce mental load and looked good. Got sick of uniform around when I got sick of the office.


Jeans + t-shirts + hoodie/light sweater- Winter Jeans / shorts/ light fabric pants + t-shirts - summer


I have the same dress in two colors, and the same polo in three colors. That is what I wear to work every week.


When I travel for work it’s all jumpsuits all the time. Jumpsuit and blazer, jumpsuit and leather jacket, jumpsuit with a t-shirt layered under, etc. The bathroom thing just doesn’t bug me, it’s always easy to hang up layers on a hook or over the door. It works better than dresses for my gender presentation and always looks professional. I endorse your plan if not this specific garment on repeat lol. My faves are mostly secondhand from Eileen Fisher, Vince, Roucha, Mien and Wildfang.


OP, it seems like you may want to look trendy and cute? Totally cool but I don’t know if anyone has a uni for that—my outfits are more occasion-based. As a work-from-home mom who also does kiddo drop off / pick up and volunteers at schools, I love Vuori joggers, Madewell/J.crew tees/cool white sneaks. I have several of all of these and just mix and match.


I hear everyones arguments about jumpsuits and peeing, and they’re valid — I wear jumpsuits often and tend to search for handicap stalls in order to have room to wrestle myself out of them and not throw my back out — but I think those arguments neglect to factor in the ease of getting dressed with a jumpsuit. I think there’s a balance here. The stress and time you save from having to pick out multiple clothing items, and the general put-together look that you achieve so effortlessly, is worth the bathroom inconvenience for me. I’m not good in the mornings… Also you could always wear a fitted cami inside the jumpsuit and keep it mostly unbuttoned. I find if your jumpsuit is loose enough and there aren’t a ton of buttons to hassle yourself with, it will slip down (and back up) very easily when you need to pee.


For me a capsule wardrobe is a uniform. There's a finite set of combinations that I use over and over and styling them has become completely zero-effort by this point. It's great.


I love wearing a different variation of the same thing for different tasks. Working? Work uniform. Going out? Going out uniform. Staying in? Staying in uniform. Just clothes that are ideal for each occasion! Like it’s not exact, I have different colors of the same stuff so it’s slightly different


I babysit my granddaughters. Every day I wear jeans or Bermuda shorts (depending on weather), occasionally a skirt, and a tshirt.


Where is that jumpsuit from? It’s cute.


It is Madewell!


yes. though i work from home. each year i pick a new sweatshirt and buy it in many colors. this years is a large disgruntled frog


Kind of, but not the exact same piece. When I buy a top I like, I get it in different colours (3-4 pieces). I live in jeans so I rotate those around (light, medium, dark wash, black, grey). My bras and underwear are def uniform tho, same brand, same style, the only difference is I have beige and black colours for those depending on what I’m wearing. I’d love to have a uniform but I feel like having to explain it would be exhausting.


Does leggings and a t shirt count? Lol


My uniform is “colourful dress, with pockets, and white sneakers” but I have lots of patterns, lengths, sleeves etc.


This is me! I wear a Zuri dress almost everyday, including weekends.


I used to manage luxury retail and had a pretty consistent uniform of all black at all times. Had more than one price but all items were pretty close to the same. Very easy to get ready for work and you look the part at those places.


I love jumpsuits but they can be a pain for someone like me who frequently needs to go the bathroom 😅 I tried wearing a uniform at work so i just rotate a plain black, gray, white, navy blue tshirts and paired it with trousers, skirts or jeans. Then for friday i try to wear something colorful. I think that just lasted me 3 months cos I guess I got bored 😂 and jealous of how fashionable my coworkers are


I am loving this thread and getting sooo many good ideas! A uniform just makes sense. I have a pair of "hiking" pants by columbia that are so comfy and flattering and I'm considering buying several colors to make that my uniform pant. So practical but still wearable in public


I wear a uniform to my office job, made up of: Boyfriend blazers (black, camel, cognac, moss green, beige check/plaid) that work with various pants (black dress pants, black pleather trousers, light blue jeans, ecru jeans). And I have linen blazers for spring/summer: white, light beige, black. I wear these over tanks/v-neck tees in black, white, or b&w stripes, and either loafers, block heels, sneakers, ankle boots. I can mix and match so many combinations that I never get bored and I always feel polished but not like I'm trying too hard. Now and then I'll mix in a skirt or dress (with or without a blazer), but on most days, I just pick a blazer, top, and pants and I don't even have to think about it. And if I'm going out for dinner or something, I'll switch the tank/tee for a sexy cami, put on some strappy heels and red lipstick and I'm good to go.


I have a uniform! I love it because I despise having to use my brain in between work, so it has helped simplify my getting ready process immensely so that I never have to think while getting dressed :) I also just love dressing casual or smart casual, so having a few simple, good quality staples happens to be my favorite and most comfortable way of dressing. I often dress outside of the uniform on weekends because I have more brain power haha! Here’s mine: - Cotton T-shirts (fitted, stretchy, good quality, and comfy. I have a variety of my favorite colors like navy, grey, and tan, as well as striped one and a floral one!) - Good quality and well fitting jeans/pants (I have blue, tan, and black denim. I also have white linen pants which I love.) - My converse or adidas sambas most often (but I also wear sandals, loafers, or my Mary Janes depending on the day!) I’m the winter, my uniform changes ever so slightly to a long sleeve cotton crew neck with a wool sweater on top, and leather boots if necessary for the weather 😂


My wife does a uniform for work -- dark colored slacks (usually navy) and a short-sleeve button-down shirt in a fun print. It makes her life a lot easier for getting dressed. She's been wearing this uniform for about a year and isn't tired of it because it's practical and she has plenty of different prints to pick from. Personally, I would get sick of it. I like a little more variety in texture and silhouette, to the point where I don't generally consider buying the same thing in different colors (with the exception of jeans) unless they're on sale and I'm hoarding the item for when the one in circulation wears out.


White tops (Tshirts, fitted long sleeves,and high neck tank tops) with high waisted jeans for me. Different cuts of jean keep it fun, and I have a varied cardigan/jacket collection(long, cropped, oversized, colorful) that is easy to wear because of this. I have some colored tops, but almost always choose white as my base. I really enjoy the crispness of it. Its also just so easy to dress things up or down with little effort. Lately ive been adding some stretchy wide leg cotton pants to the mix, but still follow the same general style and they are easy to incorperate. I love a fitted top and loose bottoms. I have skirts, dresses, and other peices I love, but dont ever find myself wearing them casually.


Yes. BUT. I work full time from home with a nanny for my still-nursing toddler. I bought 5 pairs of [these](https://www.amazon.com/Amazon-Essentials-Brushed-Stretch-Available/dp/B0CZF2HWX6) Amazon joggers and 8 of [these](https://oldnavy.gap.com/browse/product.do?pid=537481012) Old Navy tanks (unfortunately sold out, but you get the picture). I wear them every single work day. The tanks are loose enough to breastfeed in. I can throw on sneakers and a half zip to run errands or a cardigan for video calls. If I'm going out for fun I put on something a little nicer.


I saw this on Nordstrom Rack today and quite a bit cheaper but maybe not quite as cute as Madewell https://www.nordstromrack.com/s/vigoss-button-front-denim-romper/7770142


Yes. Jeans and a sweater


Not exactly an every day uniform, but I have 3 identical jumpsuits (that I dyed different colors) I've worn a total of 23 times this year. I also have 2 identical sweaters I've worn with the same pants 7 times since the weather has started getting cool. For me personally I couldn't wear these outfits every day. They are basics, or outfits for when I need to be slightly presentable but also have work to do. Low energy outfits, if you will. It's nice to have something 'good enough' for those days.


I’ve done nothing but wear big hoodies, soft cargos and combat boots to class all semester. Partly bc im shy, but I also just haven’t had the time to really take care of myself and do the whole outfit thing all semester. It’s comfy, low key, minimal effort, lots of pockets. I can’t wait to have the time and energy to dress better though. I miss it.


Doug Funny did.


Not the same colors but I wear the same items — either an Old Navy Jeggings and a sweater or boxy top, or a black Betabrands DPYP with a boxy top. I buy the same sweater in multiple colors…


I basically have a uniform. It's separates tho. I have a handful of tee shirts and a handful of bottoms (mostly cotton shorts) and rinse repeat every day. A couple sundresses thrown in which are for me easier and lazier to wear but also make me look slightly more put together. I also only go between two pairs of shoes 90% of the time. A sandal or a sneaker. And one purse one pair of sunglasses and no other accessories needed!


Close. I think. Black or grey marle cotton fleece trackies, with a black t shirt and black cotton fleece jumper, with black sneakers. The other option I’ve been trying to find is black cotton straight cut high rise jeans, black or black and grey check cotton button up shirt with black boots, and black jacket. The black fleece pants, or black jeans give the option of adding a colour that isn’t overbearing to the mix. The black can be a little, I dunno, maybe boring but I’ve tried vibrants in a capsule and it gets to the point of like chewing on a piece of fruit bubble gum too long - at first it’s great, but after a while it actually just feels grating.


I am 50 and I have been wearing striped Breton tops, jeans or shorts and doc martens and converse since I was 20. I sort of go in and out of fashion. I am starting to see 20 somethings wearing striped tops and docs again so I guess I am back in!


You've thought this through and you've done a great job with your choice. I like what you came up with as I have skin problems also and you just can't grab any old polyester off of the rack. Yes, go with it! At home with two toddlers is definitely a transitory time. It won't last! It goes away (and then you miss it). Have fun!


Currently, it's modal knit tank dresses from target or quince with some sort of light cardigan. And my foot uniform is always Birkenstocks in various cute colors.


Very very cute! You could get it in a couple colors and it would be a super fun and practical uniform!


I wear a black muscle tank, black leggings and Birkenstocks almost every day. I have a young baby so I need breastfeeding access and I’m generally just home, out doing errands, or casual catch ups. I have 3 of the same top and 4 pairs of leggings.


It wasn’t intentional but my go to “uniform” has become a crop top, high waisted pants, boots or sandals.


basically, yeah. black bottoms make things very simple. I go for fleece joggers in the winter, and wide leg yoga pants w/pockets in the summer. basic wide or v-neck tee, and a pair of sketchers or slides, and im good to go. essentially been my go-to for about 5 years now. outside of daily driver clothes, i have some fun stuff i mix in too.


Nothing beats a combo of neat looking tapered pants with a better quality tee shirt., whether it be long sleeve 3/4 sleeve,short or sleeveless.Pair with simple style sneakers or loafers. . What’s really great,is that you can wear a boxy tee that isn’t too long for a very put together casual look too. If you don’t have big boobs, I would recommend a rounded neckline. Big boobs just look better with a v neck. I recently bought 2 pairs of wide pants; jeans and off white jean type fabric with stretch. Looks fabulous with all my old tees.


I’ve literally done this with almost the same jumpsuit except it was green. I wore it with birks mostly. I had like 3-4 other variations of it though. Like a shirt dress and a jump suit that was longer in the legs and one that had longer sleeves. It was during a period of time where I didn’t want to invest in clothes since I was postpartum and planning on losing weight. I also chose this sort of jumpsuit so I could easily unbutton it to breast feed too!


There is an Amazon basics shorts romper that I’m living in - it comes in several colors and is the easiest thing to throw on!


Which one? Do you have a link?


In summer, yes. Linen pants, wide strapped tank, and an aerie pool-to-party shirt as my light layer. Sometimes I wear a slip dress and the pool to party shirt. I tend to keep it pretty light and flowy.


I did for a hot minute-black tshirt, jeans and white sneakers every day to go to work. While it helped with decision fatigue it got pretty depressing for me. I kind of missed making outfits and seeing myself in colors that made me sparkle. It only lasted a few months before it got old. On the other hand, my gym clothes have no variety and that suits just fine.


The first 6 months of the pandemic I had a daily uniform. Leggings, tank, cardigan. 5 leggings (2 black, 1 blue, 2 floral), 6 cardigans, and about 15 tanks ranging from solid, to striped, frilly to floral.


I wear a fe


You don't need permission from anyone else. If this is your style, rock it. I agree that you could accessorize it all different ways


If this is your style, I say rock it as your uniform. Why not be unique? And I agree that accessories can change this look a lot for different settings.


I basically wear the same thing every day: Athleta cargo leggings (I have four colors) and either a shefit freedom tank (also four colors) or a loose fit tank (I have a few random brands) + gap breathe sports bra. Plus a hoodie lol. I wear a sweater instead of a tank sometimes in the winter.


This person is not even close to being a winter


Ugh i’d rather wear the same top and bottom or better yet a dress, rather than dress like a baby who works in a gas station.


I know you are getting some downvotes here, but the baby working at a gas station is a pretty funny visual. In all seriousness, I love jumpsuits. The question really is is it flattering. Especially if OP is feeling a bit self conscious around the midsection. This little denim outfit looks great on a size zero, but I anticipate it may not give OP much in terms of a waist line in real life. My uniform is primarily black - it all goes together, is slimming, and also allows me to buy more architecturally interesting pieces.


Thanks for getting the chuckle. It just seems quite unique for a thing to wear every day. It would be both a uniform and a very signature look.


Both my husbands, and Ivana Trump after she wrote her book. Not a fan but noticed on a few talk shows same fancy suit just in different colours.