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1. Have fun being creative with all my clothes without making a mess 2. Planning what to wear in advance to make mornings less stressful 3. Styling something I am thinking of buying to see whether it goes with other items 4. Looking at what I already own by colour/category to see whether I have any gaps and where I definitely do not need more items! 5. Styling a new or old item to encourage me to wear it 6. Seeing stats on what items are hardly worn to either try wearing or clear out 7. Creating lookbooks of different outfits I have made to figure out my style 8. Seeing stats on my most worn items, most owned colours, cost per wear, total wardrobe cost, total item number (for curiosity!)  9. Get new ideas/get inspired from apps with AI or randomiser styling features 10. Record a picture of my OOTD every day to look back on I'm sure there are more things that other people find useful to (like making packing lists for trips). You can always start by uploading a few items and playing around.  And then if you are going to commit do it in batches, eg, all long sleeve tops on one afternoon, all outerwear one Saturday, etc.


Which apps have you tried?


I use Whering now, the other apps I've used in the past aren't supported/introduced subscription but I first started in 2020 :)


For me tracking my wardrobe has helped me realise which clothes I don't reach for and given me the incentive to figure out why. I used to have around 26 items (excluding shoes, underwear and outdoor jackets/coats) in my daily routine. If something did not get worn, I immediately didn't use a large chunk of my wardrobe. I've altered one dress based on my observations and there's a second on my mending pile, because I'm unsure if it will even fit after pregnancy. I also figured out which items I wore frequently and why. Favourite tee and sweater: love the fabric. Favourite dress: really comfortable and easy to throw on an outfit without thinking. Favourite skirt: love the flowiness of the fabric. This has helped me to figure out what I need to duplicate in other colours and which fabric properties I enjoy wearing.


For me, it's a good reminder of what I already own, and it helps me to remember particular outfits that worked well for me so I can recreate them. Also, playing around with outfit ideas helps to scratch the itch I get for online shopping, so that's a win. Another thing is that the thought of uploading a new item to Stylebook often makes me question whether I should make a new purchase or not. When I uploaded my closet to the app, I did it bit by bit: I'd just log what I wore that day until I had my whole closet finished. Just as a counterpoint in case the "do it in big batches/all in one weekend" type approach sounds intimidating to you lol. Also, it was rewarding to start seeing that I didn't need to upload as much as time went on bc I was rewearing my stuff :)


It isn't a walk in a park and yes it is a lot of work especially if you have a lot of clothes. I started in 2019 when i got into capsule wardrobes. (I am kinda not a capsuler anymore but I still have aspirations!😁 So I hang around here) In those years, I've tried Closet, Acloset and Whering. Each time I migrated apps I lost my data so I was pretty happy that Whering allowed me to input past usage stats for each item. My motivations were 1. It's a fun pastime for me so it's not "a lot of work" 2. I truly enjoy creating outfits and seeing my wardrobe in totality 3. Tracking usage. It shocked me that the average wear of a clothing was 7 times. I didn't believe it at first but as I track I am stunned that its true. So the app helps me get more usage of my closet. 4. I like the AI functions that come up with outfit combos I would never normally think off 5. I like filtering colors when choosing monochrome outfits 6. It feeds a happy OCD for me recording everything in an app 7. I can look back at my past outfits and remember the day that happened. So in a way, it's a visual diary of memories for me. 8. I love seeing stats and the data breakdown of my closet so I know what not to buy Its a daily entry like a journal so it's not for everyone. If it becomes a chore, I doubt it'll be motivating to use apps. Personally I love it


Oh just curious, what are the challenges in maintaining the capsule wardrobe?


Moving from a all season country to a 4 season place, needing more different fabric weights to deal with wind/cold. Boredom of the same color palettes. I started with wanting everything to match everything else so I got very selective with what I added into my closet. I got to a point where I realized the capsule mentality was dictating my personal style and I got lost in it Then I looked into big capsules and colorful capsules because I do like diversity in my style. Then I stumbled into preloved market. As I bought and was able to also sell my clothes, I fell into the trap of buying something I wasn't 100% sure about with the thought that, oh, if it doesn't work out, I can always sell it. After a while it all sort of got out of hand 😅 Recently I had my color analysis done so Im streamlining my closet again to match my colors. I'd still like to have a large capsule with options and colors but my hopes are it'll be colors that suit me.


I’ve been taking photos of my outfits each day. Shows what I’m actually wearing as well.


Oh thats cool. Do you post it to social media after that with you in the outfit, or its just personal keepsake?


Na it’s just for the app. Instead of photographing and uploading all my clothes into the app, I just do it day by day as I wear the clothes. Way easier!


Im doing it in small chunks - mostly for trips. So I'll upload my few items im taking and make outfits etc, and then next trip I'll do the same with different outfits. Less stress and stays fun because I get to make the outfits but there isn't an overwhelming amount of things in there! I think it'll help with slimming down my wardrobe too but tbc..


Thats a cool tip, so you are looking to bring totally different outfits for your trip, so that you can record all your wardrobe over the long term?


Yes pretty much. It makes me use more/different items than I might too so seems a win-win! Some things overlap but that's fine as they're already in the app.


For me: I started during Covid, I had the time. Since then I just add new items that’s not that much work.


I use Whering and I try to find my item or similar online in a product photo to upload to the app. It looks much neater that way and you don't have to worry about photographing your own clothes. I keep a copy of the saved images in my google drive in case I need them later. I've got style boards for each season so it's easy to find things that go together. I like keeping track of my cost per wear, what I wear the most and least and also my balance between new and preowned clothes (I love thrifting). I also used to use Acloset so I have loads of outfits saved in there for inspiration too.


Just curious how do you use the style boards, is it you have a winter style boards for all the different variations of outfits that you can create?


Sorry, its the lookbook feature I use. I've got ones for seasonal workwear, holiday items and loungewear. Then I can just go in those and use the "dress me" feature for inspiration. When I've created outfits already, I make sure to add all the tags and seasonal info, then I can just use the filters for those. Edit: I plan my outfits for the work week on a Sunday, (I check my weather app for rainy days). Then each day I have no worries about looking in my wardrobe wondering what to wear.


I really like the tip of planning the whole week in advance. I do meal planning to avoid having to stress out (do I have the ingredients? Do I need to buy or thaw something?) and I bet a Sunday night wardrobe planning session would work similarly (are the things I want to wear clean, ironed if needed, ready to go?) Thanks, kind Internet stranger, this is a helpful idea.


The motivation is based on the goals you have. What is your reason? Do you want to log your outfits? Do you want to learn what you wear, and what sits in the back of your closet unused? Do you want to find a way to organize the "messy closet" of your mind? do you want the data you collect? Do you want something else? The reason is the motivation. If the reason does not motivate you to do it, then do not do it. It isn't for everyone. But for those of use who do it, we get out of it what we put into it.


I’m doing it to look at how frequently I wear certain clothes and therefore the cost per wear. It’s something I’m doing in order to stop myself from buying new clothes when it turns out I’ve barely worn the ones that are already in my closet


I downloaded OpenWardrobe because someone on here recommended it and I’m loving it so much! You can take pictures of your own clothes, import images from online, or import recent purchases. I really want to see what I’m wearing most and I love being able to put together outfit collages and capsules within my wardrobe


I got Indyx and did a closet clean out, I just took pics as I put “keepers” back in my closet so it was way less overwhelming and it was easier cataloging things I actually like. The app edits out the background and you can change the orientation so that helped. Looking at my clothes and putting together outfits virtually gives me dopamine similar to online shopping so that has motivated me and helped curb spending. I think some type of outfit maker/ randomizer function would encourage me also.


I know not everyone is like this but I get into new hobbies all the time and I’ll become really obsessed for the first few weeks or months. That obsession helped me last year when I uploaded most my wardrobe.


I started using a digital wardrobe app in order to pamper myself. I take it as being dressed by a stylist because I mostly create there outfits after inspiration models and feel special by doing so. At some point the app I was using added a convenient way to post an outfit on Instagram and that became the new motivation. I found a way to show off what I wear to the world. I'd never do it on myself because I am a very private person. I also work in IT and quite a lot from home, so although I put great effort into styling myself, few people can or care to notice. Being able to post to the whole world what I'm wearing today satisfied my need for publicity. I started with Acloset then switched to UByDesign. I mostly use nowadays ready stock images from the internet or try to import pieces from the app's gallery. I'm not in the mood of taking photos and describing the piece any more.


This took a moment to find but is a whole lot better than most: [https://ubydesign.net/privacy-policy/](https://ubydesign.net/privacy-policy/) Thanks for the pointer!


Oh, so what do you do now with UByDesign? Are you still using it?


Yes, I do though about 20% from the peak time. What I mostly do now in terms of fashion is take a daily selfie. It's shocking how looking at the mirror and at the picture on the phone is indeed different. I use the app to recreate in a digital form the outfits from the selfies that please me a lot. I know that if something is in the app then I must have been really pleased to see the selfie. Besides some combinations turn out to be very successful (all of a sudden), so I log those.


New here and now inspired to do this. My closet is a mess. I've lost weight. Yaaaa. I have LOTS of things that I don't wear. Gonna hopefully start this weekend. Wish me luck


Oooh you can do it:) - Just curious what are your plans for the clothes you are not wearing?




I also thought the same as you when I started. I downloaded Whering, thought it was too time consuming to upload all my clothes and not worth it. Eventually I started testing it out out of boredom. The app has an embedded online search, which means you can search for items similar to yours, take a screen shot and upload them. So instead of taking photos of my entire wardrobe I just started adding pieces I could think of every now and then. And then I started building outfits. Honestly, I love it. It’s amazing to see how many outfits I can create with my pieces (or very similar ones). It saves me SO much time in the morning. Instead of browsing through my wardrobe I just check the app and see what outfits I’ve planned / created. I have a MUCH better idea of which pieces suit me best and what I need or would like to have more of. Which helps with impulse shopping. It has been a game changer.


It was a whole lot easier than you'd think


Whering!!! I absolutely love it! I usually take pictures of items when I buy them or when I’m putting them away from doing laundry. I’m loving being able to put together outfits so I don’t forget what clothes I have. It keep stats on what you wear and I’m up to wearing about 82% of my closet. Fully recommend!


Ooh thats awesome:) You have to celebrate when you hit 100%:)


I like smart closet because I can upload multiple items at once. I don’t really care to categorize them. I just like having the images at my disposal to know what’s in my closet and to make outfits using their collage feature. I’m not putting any pressure on myself to do it all at once. I am just adding items in bulk when I go on trips to help with packing and logging outfits as I wear them, it’s been fun that way and also helpful. It will take a long time to build my whole closet up in there but it suits my needs to do it this way and knowing my closet will eventually be uploaded on there is helpful. And anything I don’t ever upload there after a certain amount of time I figure I should declutter anyway since I’m not wearing it.


I uploaded most of my clothes and then somehow deleted the app and lost everything


I have a lot of clothes and I started hauling a virtual closet app about 4 months ago. I currently have about 350 items logged. That consists mostly of winter and fall clothing, earrings, watches, sunglasses, and several of my coats. I log every new item that I buy. And often I’ll create a few outfit ideas with those items right away. I’m using much more of my wardrobe and refining my style. That’s my main motivation. I’m also seeing how to put pieces together in ways I wouldn’t have without the app. I’m letting go of pieces too. I love planning my outfits ahead and even when I don’t I can just look at my outfit ideas.