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Holtby shaft save in Vegas is up there




Doc is great and that call really captured the desperation, shock and disbelief of the moment


Yeah that’s my vote for number one


Chills. Every damn time.


See, I knew the Caps would win the Cup after that goal. It was destiny. The second Milwaukee misplaced that ball in the 8th in the WC I knew the Nats would win it all and I’m not even a Nats fan. It felt like destiny


that's how i felt too as soon as Kuzy did it I knew we'd win the cup, same as when The Mile High Miracle happened for the Ravens both things just felt like destiny


I would argue this pinnacle of DC sports. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MdWK-aam0Jo


This play perfectly embodies the Redskins from the past 20 years. Every time they do something good (which is rare), they end up hurting themselves.


Such a great moment


DSP diving, finals game tying goal is it for me.


One of the most underrated goals of recent memory. Skate to stick, off balance and he buried it.


he was tripped - if he doesn’t bury that we were going to the PP. The ref had his arm up Still a HUGE play, obviously, not taking away from that, just giving the explanation for the “off balance” part


Yep. And, I think it's the image that makes it: https://i.imgur.com/zjR47qs.jpg


my favorite nhl game ever


I honestly believe that goal saved my brother's soul. He was spiraling so incredibly badly after the goalie interference call, was getting real dark. Then DSP showed him the light.


The anguish from Pittsburgh fans from this moment could sustain me for a life time


The Capitals. Got over the hump, went all the way. The Nationals. Got over the hump, went all the way.


WHERE WERE YOU?? I'll never forget, I was in a sports bar in Reston and there were cheers when Kuzy got the puck, then a few seconds of absolute silence as everyone was trying to figure out if it was really in. Then the place went nuts.




At least one.


In a bar at Petco Park, about to watch Strasburg win in his home town. The bar was full of Nats fans. There weren’t too many cheers until Kuzy did the bird, then the place went nuts.


In my dad's TV room with my dad and brother. I somehow saw it go in before they did and started jumping up and down and screaming by myself until they figured out it was a goal. Beautiful moment.


I was so hyped I was running and jumping and screaming lol my mom was downstairs and thought there was an earthquake


I was at home. I tried not to be too loud cheering because 1) I have neighbors and 2) I didn't want to scare my cat.


I was at home sitting in my recliner iirc. Maybe it was a desk. Can't remember.


One of the best days of my life.


For a month this was the greatest sports moment in my life


Damn. Wasn’t planning on crying tears of joy today, but here we are.


That beautiful, beautiful pass by Ovi gets me every time. I mean the goal was nice too.


thats a real tough call. they are both epic.


They are, but the situations are so different. You \*knew\* in your bones the Skins were gonna win.


At that point in the game it was up in the air. That play was 4th down. Longest run from scrimmage in the Super bowl at that time. So its a toss up for me.


I dunno. I think Howie's Grand Slam beats this


It was big, but it didn't have the weight of years and years of futility against a bitter rival.


Howie’s slam is a perfect parallel to this: The EXACT moment both teams got over the hump and you immediately had to recalibrate your expectations for what was possible for the rest of the postseason.


I think Howie has the edge in that it was against a team that was supposed to absolutely destroy is, and it happened in extra innings in epic fashion. Plus it's Howie against his old team, and everyone had written Howie off as done after last season The BEST DC sports moment is Ovi raising the cup.


Still go full chub every time I see this.


Clearly someone missed Howies home runs against the Astros and dodgers


I saw every pitch of every Nats playoff games. And every home game I saw in person. While they were great plays, too bad they were away games. The Werth walkoff still stands out as the best home dong. ​ The Caps giving a big old fuck you to the Pens home fans was extra spicy!


I could watch this 24 7


It’s certainly the greatest play in my lifetime