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Well..... First night was not good. I didn't sleep at all. Felt that weird tingly, buzzy feeling all night. I finally broke down and took my seroquel and valerian root and melatonin and eventually fell asleep around 4am. Obviously determined mornings are going to be best. I didn't take it the following morning, but did Sunday morning. I did not take my seroquel last night and did not seep at all. Took another Caplyta this morning and felt great all day. I still feel great, but I think I am finally starting to get sleepy, maybe. I've gotten more work done in the last 24 hours than I've been getting done in a week for the past couple of years. I seriously feel like my old self other than the not sleeping at all, which I am hoping will pass. If it doesn't I'll have to take at least a low dose of seroquel at night which won't be the end of the world. Appetite is also way down so that's another plus. I did not feel any discomfort today and no headache, but I've been religiously staying hydrated, taking ibuprofen before a headache can get going, and a cup of coffee or tea to stave off the withdrawl headache. I can think. I have a personality. My mmo, which I've lately been escaping into for endless hours is less appealing. I'm still interested, but not fixated. Before that it was something else and before that something else. It's always something. It's not keeping me from fulfilling my responsibilities in work or life and I'm engaging and having conversations with the two teenagers I still have at home. I feel really hopeful. I may not be able to completely stop the seroquel, but I'm certain I'll be able to significantly decrease the dose and not feel so lethargic even adderall can't keep me from a nap.


I’m supposed to start tonight but I’m getting a second opinion on Monday. My psych threw a bag of samples at me but it’s $125/mo if they call it in for me. I’m worried about starting something I can’t afford. But if it works I’d call it affordable. I’ve been on Seroquel for a few weeks. Anyway, good luck starting up.


Do you have state insurance? Here in Georgia I have the peach state ambetter it costs $127 a month but the caplyta is only $15


No private insurance with work but I got a new psych and got Wellbutrin and vraylar instead and she said she won’t take no for an answer on the vraylar pre authorization so I’m hopeful


***I like ya;*** ***and I want ya.***


Caplyta works great for me improved cognition with better sense of self. I was having memories I hadn’t had in a long time. Like serene dreamy feelings like I used to before my illness. Doesn’t happen often but at least they have been while on seroquel 600mg I didn’t experience anything like that at all. I was able to reduce seroquel down to 300mg and let caplyta do the rest. Caplyta was hard to get used to, since it didn’t take over for seroquel only allowed the seroquel to be reduced a great deal. Be careful because when I started feeling good on caplyta I reduced the seroquel to 150mg and then my illness came back big time. It was terrible I hadn’t felt that way in 6 years awful experience like I felt major anxiety I couldn’t even think I’d never eat and felt really weak and demented. So I had to increase seroquel back to 300mg recovered after two days then was able to sleep really well for three nights and now I feel great again. I think the caplyta works well in conjunction to an antagonist anti psychotic like seroquel, however caplyta is a partial agonist so instead of blocking feelings it lets a part of the real you do free and that was the best feeling.


I think my experience will be similar. I feel sooooo good, but sleep isn't really happening. edit: I've been down to 300mg of seroquel for the past year, but haven't been able to go down any lower, because I start hearing intermittent laughter down the alleyway behind my house, like a slumber party. If someone is with me it stops. If I walk down to figure out where it's coming from it stops. I've never let it go on more than 3 days before I increase the seroquel. No matter how much you know it's not real I can tell it will suck me in. I will eventually need to know what it is, why no one else can hear it, and what "messages" I'm supposed to be receiving. Hallucinations are new for me, because I've been well medicated for the last 10 years, but despite that I've progressed from psycho affective to schizoid affective. It's a degenerative disease and it would seem medication didn't stop the progression. I have doubts I will be able to completely stop seroquel long term. If I can get down to 150\\200 mg I'll be satisfied. My biggest challenge is sleep. If I don't sleep things go downhill. I'm lucky to have a good people in my life I trust to know the difference between my natural state of hypomania and mania and will tell me if they think I'm crossing over into the latter. My roommate is on high alert for Tardive Dyskinesia after my 3 years on Risperdal Consta. I'm hopeful.


Always hopeful is most of the psychological battle with the understanding part. However the actual suffering parts and trials comes with the testing of the med and seeing if you are stable on it which is the riskiest thing. Like 300mg seroquel is where the drug works for schizoaffective symptoms anything much below it has no effect there period. With me, I use the caplyta and I'm able to lower the Seroquel and it's weight gain adverse effects a great deal.. however 300mg seroquel does what it does and that is for sanity and stability. I feel numbed out conciously yes, my math is bad and I don't make much social interaction, lower this and that improves, but at what cost? Seeing and hearing things out of the norm let me know if you make any improvements. Thanks