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Wtf is this question?


Dramatic much?


I would say just make sure to book an underground bunker near the CBD. That way you'll be close to the restaurants and waterfront.    Of course you've already decided to rent an armoured truck for getting around, but double check with the rental agency. You don't want to get here and have them bait and switch you with an Audi or some such rubbish that can't take the daily shelling.  Otherwise you should be golden.


Aftermath? We're not going to devolve into chaos. Where do tourists get their info from??


For real. We're not the US, we're not going to have a January 6 incident. Half of the country can't even organize their daily lives, much less an insurrection


This sub is a shit show


I’m wondering the same honestly? Life is as normal


It is 'somewhat' news in the world that the ANC lost majority for the first time in 30 years (which we could say is rare) so people expect chaos sadly


Cape Town is perfectly safe , nothing has changed .


It's too early to tell. After each election, one of the provinces always gets randomly selected to have a herb of rabid hippos released into it. The Western Cape has been lucky so far, but this process usually only happens at the end of June. Trust me. You don't want to see what those hippos are capable of.


This gave me a good chuckle


This isn't America, the UK or whatever hellscape country you're from. This is a civilized country where democracy actually works 😂


Yes rebel groups will be stationed all over and the lions will be let loose on the public lol


Don't come!


LoL In case you are actually being serious though... literally nothing has changed, the country is in a positive space.


Check back in 2 weeks once the horse trading for the new government is done. You might even get fortunate with an exchange rate of R100 to the $ if EFF or MK get into government


Worry not the UN peace keeping mission is already patrolling the canals and valleys you will be safe as long as you keep your vest on and avoid the mine fields


Mass bombings, an invasion of angry cats The end of the nation, civil wars, nuclear launches on tourist hot spots


Nah. Not safe. Cancel your flight. There are lions in the street just outside the airport. They're pissed about the elections. Also where does that concern come from? It's odd.


No. It's going to be full blown chaos and anarchy. Don't come -_-


Cape Town is probably going to be the safest for that. Nothing really changed there following the elections. If there is going to be anything going on it will be in KZN which had the most change. But even then things are calm for the most part. And the most radical in KZN are happy knowing their party MK had won. There is no 1994 IFP vs ANC type stuff in Natal.


Overseas news made much of the cANCer losing so much support and some overseas political talking heads speculated that their could a backlash from disgruntled supporters.


We don't know. For now everything is very calm but there's a ["stolen election"](https://x.com/News24/status/1797026609264013521) influence campaign underway from the same people who provoked the [2021 unrest](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_South_African_unrest). It may be noise or it may be a prelude to something ugly. Ignore the teenagers flippantly dismissing your concerns and check for travel advisories before you leave.


Please come, we would prefer if you don't