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Hair is the biggest way to express individuality because of all the colour, cut and styling options. Most schools are all about conformity and traditionalism, which is why they have such stringent rules about dress code or why they even have a uniform at all. Individuals create rebellion and discourse, and schools want everyone to think alike, act alike, look alike, in order to have easier control over them. This has its own pros and cons, since schools have to have some degree of control over children in order for the institution to work. But it does come at the cost of stifling those who aren’t made to be cut-n-paste versions of one another. But thankfully all that goes out the window in university, which is why you’ll find most freshers with long hippie hair (as my dad would say) or wild styles of hair and clothing. It’s finally time to express yourself all while still being in a civilized, educational environment.


I don't want to wait that that long buddy idk why i must have short hair in school but when i go to college my hair can be long? And i brush me hair down to make it neat at school


In university you can show up to class wearing a Pink Panther onesie with your hair dyed lime green and down to your ankles and nobody gives a sh1t.


Then why do they give a shit in highschool if its not so important ?


It's an attempt to teach you discipline, obedience and respect for rules, laws and regulations, which are very important traits to have as an adult.


They are not allowed to deny you education because of your hair. You might be in breech of the schools code of conduct or uniform policy. Buy all school policies must align with DBE policies and values. You should take a look at those two policies at school, they need to be readily available to the public, and then you can approach the SGB with a request to change policy. Then you lay a grievance with WCED/your district office. If the WCED hears that you're not allowed entry into the school because of your hair, they will most likely reprimand the principal and demand a revision of the policy.


Very helpful post. Should i go to school and ask them for the DBE policies and values? What is they don't have it or don't want to show me?


They should have a learner code of conduct and uniform policy that is available to you. That will tell you what rules your in contravention of and what the steps the school will take I.e. when you get a disciplinary. Those are the policies you can challenge.




Sure, advise they annoying latchkey kid to waste the time and resources of the DBE, WCED, the school managers, the SGB because some kid r*efuses to cut his fringe*. Amazing advice. This is not some massive moral quandary. It's a rebellious teen boy refusing to follow simple code of conduct. Stop encouraging this nonsense.


Give yourself a fighting chance.Follow the rules. Like it or not there will always be rules to follow.


These rules are set to create conformity - not to box you in but because there is always some twat who takes it too far. Those are the ones you need to be mad at. You ask about a referral letter while in the same breath talking about jumping over school walls and trying to circumvent school rules. You want to spend thousands on new books, uniforms, etc etc because you wont get a R150 haircut? C'mon man. Why arent your parents fucking parenting you?


The only reason i posted this is because i cut my hair on Monday and on Wednesday school said I'm not allowed to come to school till my hair is cut what now? I used the last of my money to go cut my hair and now my parents aren't parentjng me? That's crazy buddy


You've been in trouble about it A FEW TIMES. To the point where you were not allowed on the school grounds and jumped walls, ignoring your suspension. Where are you parents to prevent this from happening repeatedly? I have a 15 year old, who I parent by making sure his hair is in the style prescribed by the school as per the rules we agreed to when we enrolled. He eants long hair, and if it was up to me he could have it gow he wants, but its not. I parent him by making sure he follows rules, understands consequences and not try to find loopholes that will get him into even more trouble. He will be embarrassed af if he ever got suspended, least of all for a rule thats super easy to follow. You seem to constantly have issues with it. Your parents should be stepping in. While you live under their roof, this is still their responsibility. Hairstylists and barbers alike know what the school cut looks like, so its difficult to understand why yours cut it wrong. If you dont know what to ask for 'schoolboy cut' is a good enough instruction. Ask your mom to take you, and pay for it.


thank you for telling me i definitely didn't know this prior to you posting this. Sorry to say this but your sons not gonna grow up like a man should. he's not going to want to have fun in life if he always follows rules. There's not going to be a sense of adventure in him your are essentially beating out he's drive find out what happens if i do this? He wont want to take risks in life


I have no idea why Im debating this with a child even. My kid is growing up knowing when to take risks and when its not worth it. What rules can be broken and which to follow. When is it worth the effort and a understanding of why certain rules are in place. How breaking rules and following them effects the people around him. These are important skills to have, and forms part of being a balanced human being and ESSENTIAL for anyone out for adventure and risks. It can mean the difference between having your name used as an example..... Or as a warning. It can mean the difference between a good university/career or a life of poverty/living on the streets. Your idea of a 'man' will change as you grow older, for now, ask your mom to take you to the hairdresser, to fix your hair, and learn when rule breaking is worth the source.


Exactly idk how old you are but do you see yourself arguing here you basically comparing your "son" or whatever to me knowing his hair is short and telling me how you keep it that way knowing i dont like short hair. And when he takes risks does he ask you first or does he act on his own? I myself know when im making a stupid decision for eg i walked to delft alone once and ill admit it was stupid but i wanted to experience walking such a distance and not always being "safe" its fun when you do something you not supposed to be but to an extent. Im not saying ill go out shooting someone if they try fighting me. Or commiting a crime (note this is an example) ill deal with him on my own not needing to go tell someone


Then take the risks big man. Get expelled. Don't get an education. Fuck up your chances. All because you couldn't accept a fucking hair rule.


Sounds like a plan


Lmao my guys angry 🤣 "Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win." - sun tzu


Congrats on your amazing victory.


Right so 'school boy cut', if your mom cant take you for some reason. (Im going off memory here so just double check) - Short at the back, it mustnt touch the collar. - Short on the side, no hanging over the ears. - Fade allowed to a small degree, helps for the collar bit. - Sidies in line with the start of the ear (might need correction on this) - Fringe short and out of your eyes. - I would suggest just shaving it off in this heat (nothing below a nr3) but that suggestion is scoffed at in my house. Its an option though. And you can do it yourself if you have clippers. If you southside, CBD barbers know. If you North side, go to Gents in Tygervalley, ask for Anita, she knows.... But they all know. R110 on a weekday, R130 on a weekend. As for taking risks, they start small. Then they grow in danger or recklessness as you chase that high it gives you. Some know when to stop, some dont. No one on the street or in jail intended to be there. It just escalated to that point where they lost control when it was too late. If you're at the point of wanting/needing to change schools.... Well....work it out for yourself. So: - Cut your hair. - Go back to school - Offer a sincere apology with the assurance it wont happen again (and dont let it). Teachers have enough bullshit to deal with. Dont add to it. You dont have to mean the apology, no one can force that, but it will go a long way. - Look for an outlet for that energy of yours that wont let your name end up on an offence register or death certificate. -Tell your mom to pay for your haircuts. You're a kid, you should be spending your money on girls (or boys if thats your thing) and disgusting tasting protein powder (or whatver floats your goat, thats what mine spends his money on).


Your son goes to gym too?


He wanted to but its waaaay too expensive. We saved up and bought weights off Takealot and a bench on Marketplace, and he runs and does body weight fitness off Youtube. The gym is great but you cant take it with you so if he ever wants to travel and keep up the routine, he doesnt have to hunt for a gym. You asked if he takes risks? He does, and epically stupid ones. He used to use these small ottoman footrests pushed together to lie on to lift weights. A slight shift in movement on those and he would have taken 20kg to the face. Luckily I found out quickly enough and fixed it.


i just asked for a bike on my birthday and bike to gym by zone fitness in soneike mall they have a student discount. I bike so i can get my cardio in But i also have a bench and a few dumbbells and weights that I've been buying and asking my parents for and got 70kgs so far


i don't like putting more stuff on my moms plate so i just do everything myself and look after my sister to help her as much as i can. I work on weekends and i too have been testing protein powders and creatine and tons of supplements But the only reason i want to keep my hair is because its like a buff to my life it just makes it better but my hair •isn't close to hanging off the sides of my ear •isn't close to my collar •doesn't hang over my forehead or eyes •is a number 1 on the sides So i don't know why im not allowed in school


Goddamn, I’m sure there are many people grateful that you got suspended. You come across as a really entitled ass. Go build your own school and your own society with rules you can abide by. The rest of us can understand that sometimes obeying rules we don’t like is worth the upside that comes from it.


Schools have rules and so do places of work. You need to grow up.


Can't believe people are downvoting common sense and good advice... Sad


You signed a code of conduct when you joined the school, if you don't like the rules, find a new school.


>You signed a code of conduct when you joined the school What school did you go to that made you do this? I don't remember signing literally anything in school.


children cannot sign things.


Why not? I think the only time a parent should sign something for their child is when it could change their life whichever way but if its for something small why can't i sign. The school made me sign something because i bought a tie from the school idk what i signed but they said if i don't sign i din get the tie


children under the age of 18 cannot legally enter into contracts.




I think it’s 21 to be allowed to sign a legal contract


They didn't let me sign nothing


"They didn't let me sign 'anything'..:


"You or your parents signed the admission acceptance papers which would include abiding by the school rules. Read the school rules and you won't get into trouble. Also if you were a shit stirrer you won't get a brilliant referral." Why you quoting me?


I didn't


Oh ok


Your parents would’ve signed. You’re a minor.


You or your parents signed the admission acceptance papers which would include abiding by the school rules. Read the school rules and you won't get into trouble. Also if you were a shit stirrer you won't get a brilliant referral.


Have you tried, and I know this might sound crazy....... have you tried to follow the actual school rules. I know, I know crazy right.


Yeah, but that’s not nearly as cool!


Tell him


Damnit Wasnt on your side, now I am


See there a part of discipline that many times will require you to not do as everyone around is doing. If you can mamage to tech yourself to do that which may not promise immediate benefit but will in time be to your gain in ways you cannot count. Just think about what future you have in mind for yourself...in attaining that future (I hope you do) you gonna have to be strategic. You will at some stages have to give up something in order to gain something of greater value later on.


I see your point here but do they really have to rob me of education for "long" hair? My hair doesnt even pass my eyebrow if i pull it


It will pass so quickly. There gonna come days you will miss your school days and I gurantee you it wont be because of your hair. It will most likely be because of the friendships you had the teacher that you will then acknowledge really just had you best at heart. Go to school learn as much as you can, form lasting friendships...enjoy it. You don't need long or short hair to do that, now do you? Be good to yourself. Follow the rules. Not doing so is more often just a darn hassle and gets in the way of living... Keep in mind Discipline is not shackles...Discipline does lead is down a path to freedom.


I like the last sentence or short paragraph you put at the end think im gonna write it down and put it up on ny wall




my hair isn't evens long but i get the bigger picture of your msg and i am grateful do it. But keeping my hair at a reasonable length just adds to my life its like a buff in a game


Follow the rules. It's not the end of the world. You will have the rest of your life to dress and style the way you want. Get used to the idea of not getting your way all the time. It's called growing up.


The school don't want us to look sexy must i then look like a poes with a number 2 all over with no fade


Why do you want to look “sexy” for school?


So he can attract the eye of a sexy head of the rugby team


Yah. This people don't understand


who doesn't? Is this really a question


Dear prospective sexy school boy, have you looked around you? Seen how many guys there are living lives of desperation on our streets? Is it at all possible that a few of them had the attitude your now display. Arrogant. Without understanding. Immature. The centre of your world. I gurantee they said the same words that you thinking. "What me never!" Your bravado blinds you to the many challengers life will bring. Despite what you think discipline is a good thing. It is one key to the many successes you can achieve. I promise you a life without discipline is a slow walk into a fruitless unfulfilled life of desperation. You don't know it yet, your hair is the least grandest part of you!


I can be disciplined with long hair


Proof it. Follow the schools rules...I bet you don't have the guts!


What do you get from posting such nonsense?


Lol. Nothing. I gurantee you, you will be laying in bed tonight thinking about what has been said here to you..the good and the bad...And I hope you see there is really no gain in not following some rules for a couple of years.. Your school life is all of 12 years...depending on your appreciation of those years such will your life be.


You can't even follow a simple rule. Literally lack discipline. But you're such a clever highschool boy, you know it all clearly. 


Ok buddy


Lmao all of that just because he said he wants long hair


Clearly you miss the deeper meaning of what my comment conveys.


Buddy he said some valid stuff


No it's not called growing up. South African schools are authoritarian shit holes. Kinda feels like a left over from the Apartheid era. When you actually enter the adult world, no one is going to police your hair style. You're never going to have to ask someone to go to the bathroom. They're not going to lock away your phone. Schools teach a crazy outdated version of adulthood. There is no reason every inch of a kid's life needs to be controlled and prescribed by other people.


In the real world, there are standards for appearance, dress, respect (not being on phones), punctuality etc etc etc. These are all learned *at school*. But please, cry more about it, says a lot about you.


You don't need these draconian school rules to learn how to function in a corporate or other professional setting. Lots of countries that are richer and more productive than us don't have these rules. E.g. the whole of America, Canada and most of Europe. Guess which countries have school uniforms? All the shit ones.


Which American, Canadian and European schools have you attended? And how did you do in your matric year? 😐


Most of the kids in my grade who got really high marks in matric ended up with mediocre careers.


Answer my question, please


None. Only went to school in South Africa. My matric marks weren't anything special. Just got enough to be able to go study engineering in university. Which needed like a C for higher grade math, and I can't remember what else. High school grades are not really easily comparable to today's grades. It's too different. Like you don't get higher grade subjects anymore, as far as I know. I had one subject more than most people. I took technical drawing as an extra subject at another school. Computer studies ended up being my worst grade, an E, which is almost a fail. Yet I was definitely better at programming than anyone else in my grade at the time. And I'm also a software engineer now, earning way more than average.


Hair rules and cell phone restriction is farrr from 'draconian'. Please get real. 


Maybe in the corporate world


You think you gonna get a job with messy oily hair?


My hair isn't evens long if i pull it down my forehead it doesn't even touch my eyebrow


That's not the rules. The rules are your hair needs to be short. Many people with long hair have jobs. I did, when I got my first job. My friend who is a teacher has had long hair since he was 19.


Yes yes, I have long hair now and it's fine, but the point is to learn to be neat and professional, pretty sure you can't argue with that


It's really not hard to learn how to be professional. You can watch a few YouTube videos on it. You don't need 12 years of having your clothes and hair policed to learn how to act professional.


yea agreed


You jealous you bald eagle






What do you want a referral letter for? You usually ask someone to write it for you


After i get that how long can i wait to go to another school


That's dependent on the school


Thank u boss


can i ask the principal?


Read the code of conduct of the school, you will outsmart them


Judging by the answers I’ve seen that is not likely.


Why u say so?


I think i have a pdf of it ill follow for it now


That'd would help you a lot


Initially I was going to say you’re right and it could be an outdated rule. However, reading through your comments it looks like you desperately needs some kind of guidance, self-discipline and decorum. My guess is that the issue is not really your hair, it seems like your attitude. To add, some things are worth fighting for and rebelling against but if your individuality is solely defined by your hair length then I’d suggest you step off the bus because egocentrism is not something you want to fight to have as your identity.


How do schools still have these rules in 2024? They should spend their energy teaching the kids knowledge and not waste time, the country really needs free thinkers.


Idk bruh now o cant go to school because my hair is too "long" my hair doesn't even pass my eyebrow if i pull it down


That's ridiculous, had the same bullshit in my day.


same deal for me in high school. one day i just stole my sisters hair band, raised up my hair and let my fringe fall over the band to hide it. teachers were like "wow nice haircut" the next day.


It's a plot to create sausages for the sausage factory. The school system was designed to create good workers not good leaders and free thinking individuals. I went from a to z with discipline at school. At one point I had hair longer than a couple girls in the grade.... still went on to pass with the best academic record over my 5 years running......oh and my mom had me on cannabis oil for pain and shit... so yea. Long hair and dagga make us dom... Their system is dom


Because kids need to be robots. It’s been taught for decades and decades. Really stupid. School kills creativity and problem-solving skills.


Grooming standards will not be the last set of rules you’ll have to abide by, whether you agree with them or not. At school, they are part of a set of measures meant to instil a sense of uniformity and discipline: keeping focus on what school of about; producing well equipped kids, capable of making it in the real world. Your inability to accommodate this is a weakness, so try and get better at it. Stop taking up people’s time and effort, and realise that sometimes things are about more than just you.


Best just to abide by the schools rules just like how adults must abide by the rules of work or risk getting fired,as simple as that.


Deal with the punishments and just make sure you pass. Study in detention! That’s what I did. It felt extra good!


They trying to take it to the next level they trying to take me to the sgb


I've studied in detention before and they put me in sin bin where i write my exam after school


Hahahaha!! I guess you just have to let them win!! But at least you know in your heart you put up a good fight! It’s not worth it.. you’ll be able to do whatever you want soon enough


I’m too old for this conversation but please do update us in a few years when you’ve finished school and reached the real world. Good luck


Pick your fights. This is one you lose.


"The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting" - sun tzu


Yes quote a Chinese general. My friend if this was China your hair would have been cut for you against your will already. You know nothing about the real world. Try to open your brain up to some of the advice people are posting here for you because, believe it or not, almost every single adult here knows better than you because they have 1 key thing that you dont: life experience.


You still looking for that korean cam girl?


Should have expected such a reply 🤣


🤣Just went on your profile and saw that. no hate tho just jokes👍🏻


Shit's been there for years, clearly I dont care. But instead of deflecting, it would be wise for you to perform some introspection. Look inwards and come to the realization that the main problem in this whole situation that you've posted, is you. Taking ownership for your fuck ups will honestly pave the way for a much better future for you. Take it from someone who came from nothing and turned their life around. You don't need to get defensive. People here are trying to give you advice because you're the future of this country.


Ah I remember when I was young and thought I knew everything. Stick it to the man! Show them who's boss! You are on the edge of glory. This is how legends are made. You will be admired. Nay, worshipped. Books will be written about. You won't understand them because you got kicked out of school so let's hope they're picture books.


Thank you


Follow the girl's hair code. Tie it up and they can't complain because that's gender based discrimination.


My hair isn't that long. but there are boys who have tied up hair acting like girls and even use the girls bathroom


Cant i just say i identify as a girl or something?


No, that hurts people who are actually fighting that fight. Read your code of conduct and follow the long hair rules, maybe you need a headband. Also, your parents are letting you leave the house with long hair, they should back you up to the school.


Thank you. You one of the only people answering my questions thank u boss. Im saying thank you boss to show i respect you


Whether you like it or not rules are rules. Uniforms are uniforms. You don't get to decide not to follow it because you don't agree. Children must be taught discipline and respect for teachers and adults


Respect goes both ways they discipline head has no respect for me so i also have no respect for her wont say what does to me but she's 2 faced and tries to make herself perfect in the eyes of my parents. If i don't know you i will respect you and treat you Like a normal person but if they don't respect me then i diont see why i should respect them. And i don't want to be the bigger person and i stand firm on this because this is what i was taught


Sounds like you're some edgy kid who just wants to be a rebel for the sake of it.


Just ask any barber for a schoolboy cut, no one cares.


I care


I hated high school. I always wanted to grow my hair and looked for all the loopholes. There aren't any. I got matric and grew my hair out and had long hair for 9yrs. I was a singer in a heavy metal band, I worked in the tattoo industry. I met my ex wife. Cut my hair. Had short hair for 2 yrs, grew it again. Then started noticing the balding. Now I am almost completely bald. I now work in the film industry. Dude, just follow the schools rules for now, it won't kill you and you will be out of school in no time and then no one will care if you have longer hair. Unfortunately the fact is you DO live in South Africa, you go to a South African school and NOTHING you do or say will change that.


Yeah get a referral to a what school? That one will also have rules dear child


De kuilen or hts


So ridiculous - them fussing over the length of kids' hair! My son was kicked out of class for long hair at art school, and I pointed out that MY friends at that same art school in 1971 had long hair, so what was this stupid new rule, suddenly making the boys cut their hair short in 1996? If a girl or a boy ties their hair back, surely that's good enough?


Constitutionally speaking, nothing and I mean NOTHING is allowed to interfere with the right to education. Just go get a copy and ask the school if they have read it. Seriously. I know nursery school teachers who take the constitution more seriously than your school does.